What invention is grossly under appreciated?

Stairs. Some people hates it and even prefer elevators. But come to think of it, if it wasn’t invented we are climbing through a pole or a rope or maybe we are just living in a bungalow-type structures.

Categorized as ask-random

What would happen if Qatar got nuked?

Mutually assured destruction. We all signed treaties that says we will not use weapons of mass destruction unless the other guy does it first. But you can bet that once the treaty is broken, everyone will respond.

Categorized as ask-random

If you could know the date you are going to die, what things would you change or do differently about yourself?

If I knew the date I was going to die, I would change a few things about myself. For starters, I would try to be healthier and exercise more often. I would also spend more time with my family and friends, and try to make the most of every moment. Additionally, I would probably take… Continue reading If you could know the date you are going to die, what things would you change or do differently about yourself?

Categorized as ask-random

What was the first thing that shocked you when you visited the states for the first time?

As a fellow brit, mine was oddly how the cars would drive on the opposite side of the road. Being in a vehicle was fine, but crossing the road was hard, i kept looking the wring way (as if i was still in the uk), i probably risked my life crossing roads during my time… Continue reading What was the first thing that shocked you when you visited the states for the first time?

Categorized as ask-random

Apple isn’t really doing more ads respectively the end user will not see more ads!

There are a lot of rumors even on Reddit who are saying Apple will do more ads and people are going crazy about it. Let me explain you, why this isn’t a bad thing what Apple is doing here: For now, developers don’t have a lot of tools to promote their app in the App… Continue reading Apple isn’t really doing more ads respectively the end user will not see more ads!

Categorized as Apple

‘We cannot give up’ on the millions suffering in drought-stricken Horn of Africa, urges WFP official

In an interview with UN News, Mr. Dunford said: “Unfortunately, we have not yet seen the worst of this crisis. If you think 2022 is bad, beware of what is coming in 2023. What that means, is that we need to continue to engage. We cannot give up on the needs of the population in… Continue reading ‘We cannot give up’ on the millions suffering in drought-stricken Horn of Africa, urges WFP official

Categorized as Africa

Israeli-Palestinian conflict nearing ‘boiling point’, UN envoy warns

Special Coordinator Tor Wennesland called for stronger international commitment towards the two-State solution and outlined potential ways to move forward.   He reported that high levels of violence in the occupied West Bank and Israel in recent months has resulted in grave suffering.  This included attacks against civilians from both sides, increased use of arms,… Continue reading Israeli-Palestinian conflict nearing ‘boiling point’, UN envoy warns

What is the most common reason serial killers get caught?

Eventually something unanticipated occurs, like an unexpected witness, or an unseen security camera, or they drop something. In the case of the BTK killer, it was because he re-used a floppy disk and police “undeleted” files on it that led to him.

Categorized as ask-random

What popular events do you hate going to? Why?

Honestly, all of them. Town festivals (my hometown celebrated its tricentennial a few years back), family holidays, concerts, you name it. I just hate being around people, I find it overwhelming and it sometimes even causes me to shut down entirely.

Categorized as ask-random

Designers’ Brands?

I’ve seen a very ugly handbag of Chanel priced at 49, 999$USD online. Who in their right mind would pay for an accessory for this outrageous price? It has to be some filthy rich folks there for me personally at least anyways I think. What about you? Do you buy designer’s brands in your view?

Categorized as Life

Anyone loves Soccer?

I love watching it personally, but suck at playing it. But it’s a fun sport to play and watch in my opinion at least anyways. And you personally? Have you ever watched/played it yet or not personally? And if yes, do you enjoy it or not for you personally?

Categorized as Sports

Air-fried or Microwaved?

I’m personally a very lazy person, hence why I microwave food often, yes even popcorn, and I don’t even have an air-fryer. How about you? Do you prefer air-fried or microwaved in your view?

Categorized as Food

‘Critical opportunity’ to protect against biological warfare, countries hear

28 November 2022Peace and Security The international community should push ahead with stalled plans to prevent biological weapons from being developed in the wake of COVID-19, the UN’s top disarmament official insisted on Monday.  In a speech to the Biological Weapons Convention, Izumi Nakamitsu explained that the issue of verifying whether biological toxins are being… Continue reading ‘Critical opportunity’ to protect against biological warfare, countries hear

Any advice for healing scars down there ?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Any advice for healing scars down there ?

Categorized as WomenTopic

What are free websites to download books to iPhone?

If you have a Library card, overdrive, Libby, and Hoopla are all apps that let you borrow ebooks and audiobooks for free linked to your library. If you don’t have a library card, they are usually easy to get and free.

Categorized as ask-random

Statement: We must urgently defend the rights and lives of women human rights defenders

The bravery and courage of women in situations such as those in Afghanistan and Iran, asserting and calling for their human rights in the face of seemingly insurmountable adversity, continues to inspire us. In these countries and others, women in all their diversity continue to prove that the quest for the recognition of human rights… Continue reading Statement: We must urgently defend the rights and lives of women human rights defenders

Categorized as Women

What are your personal biases?

Humans. When vegans compare humans to other animals in their arguments of “you wouldn’t do that to a baby would you” no. Why? because I’m biased towards my own species. So sorry that rationale ain’t working here

Categorized as ask-random

How has the rise of the cost of living affected you?

am tapping into my family historical roots, where they had to live a frugal life during their first two world wars. They too had riches at one point, and it was simply taken away from them. keep on climbing the hill, never give up. life is always worth it.

Categorized as ask-random

In what way could A.I. pose a threat to humanity?

We give AI directives, such as, never cause any harm to humans. But we keep getting news about AI creating things itself, that we do not fully understand. What’s to say the descendant creations of AI will not be motivated to eliminate humans

Categorized as ask-random

Old people why do you have so many questions when your at teller, with associate in front of the line therefore holding up the line?

When a person who’s lived a very active social life finds themselves old and discarded by society, they often turn towards the service industry, as it’s part of their job to have small talk with the customer. Their thirst for social interaction leads to them taking whatever they can get, even if it’s just small… Continue reading Old people why do you have so many questions when your at teller, with associate in front of the line therefore holding up the line?

Categorized as ask-random

People who don’t say “hello” back to strangers, what are you thinking?

If I did not hear or recognize that I was being addressed, then it could be anything. One must always make allowances for this. As for minimal or no responses to random greetings, it is usually because: I get greeted a lot by strangers and I’m not a public figure. In certain contexts, there are… Continue reading People who don’t say “hello” back to strangers, what are you thinking?

Categorized as ask-random

What is the perfect daily driver?

Your mileage may very depending on your personal preferences. City vs rural, new vs used, what county of residency, weather conditions, individual vs carpool… Can you please clarify the question better.

Categorized as ask-random

Which professions contribute the most to society?

Trades. Can’t have a modern society without builders to build the buildings that the activities of society are done within, electricians to wire the buildings, plumbers to manage the water networks, carpenters to build the furniture, mechanics to repair the mechanical devices and vehicles, etc.

Categorized as ask-random

What do you think of a lion tattoo? Do you see it as being an alpha or do you see it as growth and leadership?

Personally, I’d say getting a tattoo of a lion or a wolf is as cliché as a woman getting a butterfly tramp stamp. It’s a bit basic. While it definitely wouldn’t be ‘alpha’, you are entirely free to tattoo whatever you like on yourself. Worrying about whether or not people will think your tattoo is… Continue reading What do you think of a lion tattoo? Do you see it as being an alpha or do you see it as growth and leadership?

Categorized as ask-random

What’s your take on the corelation between children and technology?

Kid’s brains are basically information sponges, and when we talk about “being good with technology”, all we usually mean is “Able to navigate a Apple UI designed with your grandma in mind.” or, if we’re being generous “Able to open the settings menu and tweak stuff”. It’s not surprising your kid can handle a Chromebook… Continue reading What’s your take on the corelation between children and technology?

Categorized as ask-random

HIV Prevention And Treatment Progress For Children, Adolescents, And Pregnant Women Nearly Flat Over Past Few Years – UNICEF

NEW YORK (November 28, 2022) – Around 110,000 children and adolescents (0-19 years) died from AIDs-related causes during 2021, according to the latest UNICEF global snapshot on children and HIV and AIDS. Meanwhile, another 310,000 were newly infected, bringing the total number of young people living with HIV to 2.7 million. Ahead of World AIDS Day,… Continue reading HIV Prevention And Treatment Progress For Children, Adolescents, And Pregnant Women Nearly Flat Over Past Few Years – UNICEF

Categorized as unicef

What is the ideal vacation for you?

As much as I like to travel and see new things. I would at my current point in life is to have a week stay-cation. Order in food for each day and just booze around and play some video games. I think all inclusive resorts are a waste of time. (That’s my personal opinion).

Categorized as ask-random

UNICEF Calls For The Protection Of Children Against All Forms Of Violence In Iran Amid Public Unrest

NEW YORK (November 27, 2022) – “UNICEF condemns all violence against children and calls for an end to all forms of violence and abuse that have reportedly claimed the lives of over 50 children and injured many more during the public unrest in Iran. “UNICEF also remains deeply concerned about continued raids and searches conducted in… Continue reading UNICEF Calls For The Protection Of Children Against All Forms Of Violence In Iran Amid Public Unrest

Categorized as unicef

100 Children Killed By Earthquake In West Java, Indonesia

NEW YORK (November 25, 2022) – UNICEF is supporting the Government of Indonesia to reach children and families devasted by the 5.6 magnitude earthquake in Cianjur, West Java. According to the latest official estimate as of November 24, 100 children under 15 years have lost their lives, making up 37 percent of the 272 total number… Continue reading 100 Children Killed By Earthquake In West Java, Indonesia

Categorized as unicef

Nearly 40 Million Children Are Dangerously Susceptible To Growing Measles Threat

NEW YORK (November 23, 2022) – Measles vaccination coverage has steadily declined since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021, a record high of nearly 40 million children missed a measles vaccine dose: 25 million children missed their first dose and an additional 14.7 million children missed their second dose, a joint publication by the… Continue reading Nearly 40 Million Children Are Dangerously Susceptible To Growing Measles Threat

Categorized as unicef

What is it that nobody tells you about adult life?

When I was young, I thought of aging as walking gracefully down a long staircase. As I descend I slowly grow weaker and get more aches and pains but it’s a gradual process. Nope. Sometimes you’re walking gracefully, and other times your falling ass over teakettle for a long time.

Categorized as ask-random

What harmful things are being taught to children?

in the schools In some schools, children are being taught that it is okay to be gay or transgender. They are also being taught that there is no such thing as gender, and that anyone can be anything they want to be.

Categorized as ask-random

AirPods help locate stolen car in Concord NH

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

Global Public Space Network

Launched in 2012, UN-Habitat’s Global Public Space Programme (GPSP) supports cities to take actions for safe, inclusive, and accessible public space for all. As a Programme, we promote the crucial role of green and quality public spaces in cities, acting as an enabler for social justice, prosperity, and environmental change. Streets, sidewalks and cycling lanes,… Continue reading Global Public Space Network

Categorized as Sustainable

People who were bullied in school, what happened to your bully / bullies?

One of them grew the fuck up and we became amicable in junior and senior year, I’d say buddies when we saw each other around town in the years after. He died a couple years ago while I was at sea. I never learned from what but it’s a legitimate shame, he had actually become… Continue reading People who were bullied in school, what happened to your bully / bullies?

Categorized as ask-random

What are your favorite things from Trader Joe’s?

We don’t really have one near me – closest is over an hour – but if I’m near one I try to pop in just to see what’s there. Last time I got a flat bread pizza dough that was pretty good and I’d get again. I also like their triple ginger snaps.

Categorized as ask-random

What are the problems Microsoft having buying Activision and Blizzard, if Activision and Blizzard want to sell themselves, How would anyone be able to cancel the deal, just like what Sony is doing?

The issue is monopolies. If a company becomes too large or absorbs too many ‘rivals’ in a certain space the deal can be blocked because it would create a monopoly. A monopoly is bad because it gives the company that holds it too much power to charge what they like, be uncompetitive in quality, and… Continue reading What are the problems Microsoft having buying Activision and Blizzard, if Activision and Blizzard want to sell themselves, How would anyone be able to cancel the deal, just like what Sony is doing?

Categorized as ask-random

Logistics Officer at WFP, Kigali, Rwanda

November 28, 2022 Deadline: 04 December 2022 The World Food Programme (WFP) is currently seeking applications from the eligible applicants for the post of in Logistics Officer in Kigali, Rwanda. The duration of this post is 1 year. World Food Programme is the world’s largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide. Key Job Responsibilities The Logistics… Continue reading Logistics Officer at WFP, Kigali, Rwanda

Categorized as Jobs

Which traditional gender roles do you think are problematic and which aren’t?

There are many traditional gender roles that can be seen as problematic, such as the idea that women are only meant to be homemakers, or that men must always be the breadwinners. There are also traditional gender roles that many people see as positive, such as the idea that women are nurturing and caretaking by… Continue reading Which traditional gender roles do you think are problematic and which aren’t?

Categorized as ask-random

Programme Officer (Adviser) at FAO Rome, Italy

You are here: Home / Administration / Programme Officer (Adviser) at FAO Rome, Italy November 28, 2022 Deadline: 29 November 2022 Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is currently seeking applications from the eligible applicants for the post of Programme Officer (Adviser) in Rome, Italy. The duration of this project is 2 years. Food and Agriculture… Continue reading Programme Officer (Adviser) at FAO Rome, Italy

Categorized as Jobs

Monitoring & Evaluation Adviser at United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Cairo, Egypt

You are here: Home / Health / Monitoring & Evaluation Adviser at United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Cairo, Egypt November 28, 2022 Deadline: 05 December 2022 United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is currently seeking applications from the eligible applicants for the post of Monitoring & Evaluation Adviser in Cairo, Egypt. The duration of this post… Continue reading Monitoring & Evaluation Adviser at United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Cairo, Egypt

Categorized as Jobs

International Operation Manager at United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Cairo, Egypt

You are here: Home / Accounts and Finance / International Operation Manager at United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Cairo, Egypt November 28, 2022 Deadline: 05 December 2022 United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is currently seeking applications from the eligible applicants for the post of International Operation Manager in Cairo, Egypt. The duration of this post… Continue reading International Operation Manager at United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Cairo, Egypt

Categorized as Jobs

Donor Communications Officer at United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), New York, United States

You are here: Home / Documentation and Communication / Donor Communications Officer at United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), New York, United States November 28, 2022 Deadline: 16 December 2022 United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is currently seeking applications from the eligible applicants for the post of Donor Communications Officer in New York, United States. The… Continue reading Donor Communications Officer at United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), New York, United States

Categorized as Jobs

Regional Coordinator at ILO, Geneva, Switzerland

You are here: Home / Administration / Regional Coordinator at ILO, Geneva, Switzerland November 28, 2022 Deadline: 23 January 2023 The International Labour Organization (ILO) is currently seeking applications from the eligible applicants for the post of Regional Coordinator in Geneva, Switzerland. The duration of this post is 12 months. The mission of the ILO… Continue reading Regional Coordinator at ILO, Geneva, Switzerland

Categorized as Jobs

Programme Specialist at UNICEF, Zahle, Lebanon

You are here: Home / Social Sciences / Programme Specialist at UNICEF, Zahle, Lebanon November 28, 2022 Deadline: 16 December 2022 United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is currently seeking applications from eligible applicants for the post of Programme Specialist in Zahle, Lebanon. UNICEF works for a world in which every child has a… Continue reading Programme Specialist at UNICEF, Zahle, Lebanon

Categorized as Jobs

Question to straight women. How do you date men/guys and feel safe around them when most of them are misogynistic even a little bit?

Question to straight women. How do you date men/guys and feel safe around them when most of them are misogynistic even a little bit? My biggest problem tho is that guys don’t really understand how unsafe I feel anywhere outside my home. My cptsd makes it even worse. Every time a man harasses me i… Continue reading Question to straight women. How do you date men/guys and feel safe around them when most of them are misogynistic even a little bit?

Categorized as WomenTopic

Shocked by how poor the integration between Apple TV, HomePod, and iPhone are.

I have contacted Apple many times but still don’t grasp why they don’t fix this. First, once you connect HomePod to AppleTV you have to manually disconnect it from AppleTV or by Airstream via another device to sever the connection between HomePod and AppleTV. Say you left it connected and then told Siri on HomePod… Continue reading Shocked by how poor the integration between Apple TV, HomePod, and iPhone are.

Categorized as Apple

Economist/ Senior Economist at ADB, Manila, Philippines

You are here: Home / Economics / Economist/ Senior Economist at ADB, Manila, Philippines November 28, 2022 Deadline: 9 January 2023 Asian Development Bank (ADB) is currently seeking applications from eligible applicants for the post of Senior Economist/ Senior Economist in Manila, Philippines. The duration of this post is 3 years. The ADB aims for… Continue reading Economist/ Senior Economist at ADB, Manila, Philippines

Categorized as Jobs

Executive Assistant at WHO, Yangon, Myanmar

November 28, 2022 Deadline: 19 December 2022 World Health Organization (WHO) is currently seeking applications from the eligible applicants for the post of Executive Assistant in Yangon, Myanmar. The duration of this post is 12 months. The primary role of WHO is to direct and coordinate international health within the United Nations system. Key Job… Continue reading Executive Assistant at WHO, Yangon, Myanmar

Categorized as Jobs

Child protection (case management officer) at DRC, Kibondo/Kasulu, Tanzania

You are here: Home / Law / Child protection (case management officer) at DRC, Kibondo/Kasulu, Tanzania November 28, 2022 Deadline: 12 December 2022 Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is currently seeking applications from eligible applicants for the post of Child protection (case management officer) in Kibondo/Kasulu, Tanzania. DRC fulfills its mandate by providing direct assistance to… Continue reading Child protection (case management officer) at DRC, Kibondo/Kasulu, Tanzania

Categorized as Jobs


A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Threading

Categorized as WomenTopic

Yo. What is time?

An abstraction, in reality it doesn’t exist, we just keep moving around but we needed to invent something to measure the events that happened before now

Categorized as ask-random

Statement: Defending migrants’ human rights must not cost women their lives

On the occasion of this year’s International Women Human Rights Defenders Day, we recognize and commemorate the tireless efforts of women human rights defenders around the world, especially those at risk in migration contexts. Statement: Defending migrants’ human rights must not cost women their lives Today, UN Women is launching a groundbreaking set of recommendations… Continue reading Statement: Defending migrants’ human rights must not cost women their lives

Categorized as Women

What is one thing that you just found out, and you now see it everywhere?

Read an lecture about how the world’s problems can be neatly split up into two types of problems: clock problems and cloud problems. Clock problems are generally technical and scientific problems, linear and “simple”. Cloud problems tend to be complex, social, political and messy problems. The issue? We tend to treat cloud problems like lots… Continue reading What is one thing that you just found out, and you now see it everywhere?

Categorized as ask-random

What mental scars do you still carry as a result from bad internet experiences?

All the cartel videos and executions/torture. I just don’t understand why people have the drive to hurt each other rather than bring each other up. I know that sounded cliche but it is hard to fathom all the different cultures and experiences that can drive someone to be so hateful and sadist to where recording… Continue reading What mental scars do you still carry as a result from bad internet experiences?

Categorized as ask-random

If cable dies, do Fox news and other news networks die? What do you think the future of information will be?

They will have other means of communication. Some demand apps will share the news such as the ABC app (or whatever company will get control over it). They can also communicate via websites, and there could be websites dedicated to providing us news. I know that YouTube also provides live viewings of the news, so… Continue reading If cable dies, do Fox news and other news networks die? What do you think the future of information will be?

Categorized as ask-random

How are veterans treated in your country?

We’re treated like fucking shit. All I get it virtue signals of “thanks for your service” and that’s it. I HAVE FUCKING PTSD AND BRAIN DAMAGE! GIMME SOMETHING MORE THAN YOUR PITHY LITTLE PRAISE!

Categorized as ask-random

I try to minimize the amount of time I’m wearing a bra. Besides wearing tight tank tops underneath the tshirts and wearing shirts with big busy high contrast prints over the breast area, what are some of your favorite ways to hide poky nipples and discretely go braless in public?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading I try to minimize the amount of time I’m wearing a bra. Besides wearing tight tank tops underneath the tshirts and wearing shirts with big busy high contrast prints over the breast area, what are some of your favorite ways to hide poky nipples and discretely go braless in public?

Categorized as WomenTopic

What jobs do you expect to be automated away in your lifetime?

I think a lot of jobs can be automated now but they won’t do it because there needs to be jobs for more people. It’s going to be scary reality when everything is automated and there’s no jobs for anyone. There’s a lack of jobs already, the growing population and automation will only make this… Continue reading What jobs do you expect to be automated away in your lifetime?

Categorized as ask-random

Who had a nice thanksgiving this year?

I curled up in a ball Thursday and Friday, slept, ate, watched TV. Climbed out of my cocoon yesterday and was refreshed, hit the gym did errands – feel good. So thanksgiving was restorative

Categorized as ask-random

The one freaking time I don’t wear black underwear

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading The one freaking time I don’t wear black underwear

Categorized as WomenTopic

What facts would you show some one that didn’t believe in climate change, that a war isnt happening in Ukraine, that Trump is a hero and that the world is flat?

Those beliefs are fairly specific, so you have a pretty hardcore conspiracy theorist on hand. It’s very hard to argue about the truthfullenss of conspiracy theories as it’s by definition impossible to disprove them completely, so I wouldn’t be bothered enough to speak to such a person really.

Categorized as ask-random

What’s the most exciting sport to watch?

Hockey, but like, in person. Go to your local hockey game. The atmosphere is indescribable. Hot dogs, beer, fights, and blazing fast players smashing each other. It’s the Canadian Coliseum.

Categorized as ask-random

This commercial is still one of the best.

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

Who is the “best” billionaire?

Bruce Wayne, Tony Stark, Reed Richards, Charles Xavier Notice how all these guys are fictional? Cause there’s no such thing as a good billionaire

Categorized as ask-random

What do I avoid in makeup if i have uneven eye( mild ptosis) , cuz i realized when i put concealer on my eyes my friends will tell me i look tired or my eyes is sleepy

Personally, I would get a consultation from a makeup artist or two. This service is free at makeup counters since they want you to buy products, if they work for you. Everyone‘s face is different and you have endless options with makeup, some of which will work for you and some of which won‘t.

Categorized as WomenTopic

Fresh Fruit Salads?

I myself love a fresh fruit salad as a snack in the afternoon or sometimes for breakfast in the morning, as something most refreshing in the hot Summer days. And you personally? Have you ever tried it yet or not personally? And if yes, do you enjoy them or not in your opinion?

Categorized as Food

What event made you start questioning reality?

The Trump Presidency. Everything in that man’s life doesn’t make a damn bit of sense. For the number of crimes he’s committed it’s a wonder he’s still alive, let alone not in prison, let alone not convicted. And everything that happened during his Presidency was super surreal, like “No, this can’t really be happening.” From… Continue reading What event made you start questioning reality?

Categorized as ask-random

What is your favorite strain of cannabis ?

Honestly, i have only smoked it a handful of times and it all tasted/felt the same to me, i guess i don’t have very sophisticated tastes because all red wine tastes the same to me too lol

Categorized as ask-random

Why college is not as important as it was in the past?

I think it’s still just as important for personal experiences of those who go, but degree inflation impacts a lot. Used to be a license to print money. Now a bachelor’s degree is essentially a hunting license.

Categorized as ask-random


A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading IUDs

Categorized as WomenTopic

Those of you who have an iPhone + iPad + Mac, how do you use all three?

I typically have used a laptop and a phone together, though am contemplating an iPad. I am curious to learn how those of you with all three devices use them – what does each device do for you and do you find there is significant overlap, or is there enough specialization of each that having… Continue reading Those of you who have an iPhone + iPad + Mac, how do you use all three?

Categorized as Apple

What are your thoughts on hedonism?

Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. It doesn’t appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one.

Categorized as ask-random

Apple is becoming an ad company despite privacy claims

It’s honestly pretty pathetic. Yesterday afternoon I was trying to email someone in Ukraine and wasn’t sure what time it was over there. I said “Hey Siri, what time is it in Kyiv, Ukraine?”, to which it responded “I don’t have any information about Kyiv, Ukraine.” (or something similar). Ok, maybe I was too specific…… Continue reading Apple is becoming an ad company despite privacy claims

Categorized as Apple

How to raise libido

There are MANY ways to explore sex. And many do not require penetration. Try games, romantic hang outs, intimacy play, toys for him, toys for her, roleplay, exchangism, blindfolding, ect. Organize nights out (or in) where you put a focus on exploring intimacy. Make it clear that the goal is pleasure, but not penetration. Do… Continue reading How to raise libido

Categorized as WomenTopic

What happened to Christmas spirit as we got older?

Some people say that Christmas spirit is something that you have to work at, and it doesn’t come as easily as it did when you were younger. Others say that Christmas spirit is something that fades over time, and that’s just a natural part of growing up.

Categorized as ask-random

Which is the best European country?

Depends on which topic. If we’re talking tourism/vacation/ to visit, I would say France and Italy, for the beautiful and very diverse natural landscapes, the food and the art/museums. The people, more Italy than France (though people are wayyyyy nicer in the south of France than Paris).

Categorized as ask-random

Christmas is coming soon. What’s the best gifts to give a person, no matter if they’re female or male?

Good place to start is thinking of something they want, something they need, something to do or something to read. Depending what they’re into you can usually find something under one of these categories. Easy ones could be alcohol if they’re a drinker, restaurant voucher if they’re a foodie, something practical they could use at… Continue reading Christmas is coming soon. What’s the best gifts to give a person, no matter if they’re female or male?

Categorized as ask-random

What’s your favorite movie?

Alien is still, after all these years, my favorite movie. That simple yet nuanced worldbuilding with relatable, realistic characters that segues into suspense, then quickly transforms into horror was, and still is, a masterpiece.

Categorized as ask-random

Lil Artist: Kid Stories, Games

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple


People say that bravery is being scared of doing something and doing it anyway. Do you agree? Do you consider yourself to be a brave person? What have you done in your life that was brave?

Categorized as Life

Sponsors and endorsements

Some companies spend a lot of money sponsoring sports. Is this an effective way of advertising? When an athlete endorses a product, are you more likely to want that product?

Categorized as Sports

Superhero movies?

Do you watch superhero movies? Why or why not? What is your favorite superhero movie of all time?

What is the female version of the “bro code”?

A former best friend of mine did just this and lied to me about it 😔 I wasn’t even upset they did it. Maybe I should’ve been, but I was way more upset she lied to my face for a month+ and I had to hear about it from three other mutual friends. Shit stings.

Categorized as ask-random

What is your favorite time of the year?

Fall/Winter I love the colder weather and getting to wear coats and jackets. I’m not a fan of hot weather. I also love the holidays. I love decorating for holidays, and what’s great about Oct. – Dec. is that there is three holidays to decorate for. So I get decorations for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas

Categorized as ask-random

What are your thoughts on the new COD MWII?

Why in the fuck is my home grizzle not in this game Dominique “Domino” Tam? I demand her. The game is good, I wish there were more urban areas like the original MWII, not these derelict sand castles, and shit race tracks.

Categorized as ask-random

What bothers you today? What can you do about it?

Knowing that they’re children and women being abused as I type this message, war crimes are being committed, crimes against humanity. Nothing can be done about it, just me alone, but all I can do is not perpetuate such evils.

Categorized as ask-random

What’s a depressing Christmas song?

“Have yourself a merry little Christmas”. I always thought that was sad. Also the “seeing is believing” theme from the Polar Express, at least the intro, the last part of it is more upbeat.

Categorized as ask-random

Healing Haiti in the face of an increase in sexual violence

Claudine* looks across a sweeping valley high above the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince. The lushness of the tropical vegetation, the cool fresh air and the low-hanging clouds are in stark contrast to the dusty, hot and suffocating backstreets of Petionville, lower down the valley, where four years ago she was the victim of sexual abuse which… Continue reading Healing Haiti in the face of an increase in sexual violence

Categorized as Americas

What is the nicest thing a total stranger has done for you?

One day at the bar I worked at, a group of guys got too drunk and were bothering me. I ended up crying and having to run outside. Somebody else at the bar came outside to sit with me and distracted me by teaching me to play solitaire on his phone

Categorized as ask-random

How to let go of guilt

My boyfriend and I had a rough start to our relationship. We met abroad. It was messy. I then moved far away for him and we moved in together right away, and it was very difficult. I had a lot of trust issues because of the way he treated me when we first started seeing… Continue reading How to let go of guilt

Categorized as WomenTopic

whats the best way to end life without anybody knowing?

You don’t. Dm me any time for anything I’d you ever need to talk. I’ve been there I’m at my worst point right now, I’ve attempted twice. Talk to someone please. I sound ridiculous I know but I genuinely care about your future and well-being. And ignore these assholes they just like the drama

Categorized as ask-random

What is your explanation for why everyone is “over”life right now?

Things look grim. Lots of countries are ruled by conservative totalitarianism, and those people live in slavery and oppression. That’s fucked up. Environment is collapsing. That is fucked up. Billionaires won’t do squat to help with the problems that billions of humans are facing. That is fucked up. Getting your basic needs met can feel… Continue reading What is your explanation for why everyone is “over”life right now?

Categorized as ask-random

If you could delete one person who would it be?

I wouldn’t delete anyone, if I consider myself entitled to take someone else’s existence away from them, then I’m as bad as a murderer or genocidist. So I’d be destroying myself just to delete one person, that’s not an equal trade, because one good person is worth a million murderers.

Categorized as ask-random

Where do you shop for makeup?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Where do you shop for makeup?

Categorized as WomenTopic

What’s the best cartoon show of all time?

I think Tom and Jerry and Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner are fantastic. Partly because they’re incredibly funny, but mainly because it’s universally funny. You can put people from all over the world, all different ages and cultures in a room and everyone would be able to get enjoyment out of it.

Categorized as ask-random

What is good hammock for camping?

There are many good hammocks for camping. Some of the best include the ENO DoubleNest Hammock, the Kammok Roo Hammock, and the REI Co-op Sahara Hammock.

Categorized as ask-random

Opinion: Apple should make Safari for Windows/Android

like others have said, they tried this before and they couldn’t compete with the other browsers and gave up. i don’t think things would be any different this time around. and the only reason Safari is so dominant on iOS is because of apple’s anti-competitive behavior on that platform. apple should focus on making competent… Continue reading Opinion: Apple should make Safari for Windows/Android

Categorized as Apple

Can anyone tell me the reasoning for Apple shipping “Universal Binaries” of core system utilities like stuff that’s in `/bin` on macOS?

This may be a bit too technical for here, but I’m genuinely curious. I’ve noticed that when I run lipo -info on common system binaries/applications like /bin/zsh and just general utilities that all of them are fat/universal binaries. Only one half of the binary is used, so I’m wondering why Apple just doesn’t ship just… Continue reading Can anyone tell me the reasoning for Apple shipping “Universal Binaries” of core system utilities like stuff that’s in `/bin` on macOS?

Categorized as Apple

Central African Republic: UN chief strongly condemns airfield attack which left one peacekeeper dead

In a statement, the UN integrated stabilization mission in CAR, MINUSCA, said the attack at the Obo airfield near the border with the Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan, had taken place on Thursday morning, and that the mission had “immediately opened an investigation into the exact circumstances” surrounding the incident. Likely war… Continue reading Central African Republic: UN chief strongly condemns airfield attack which left one peacekeeper dead

What are your non-negotiable sexual boundaries(or non-boundaries)?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading What are your non-negotiable sexual boundaries(or non-boundaries)?

Categorized as WomenTopic

Don’t let him free to harm another female. Women unite!

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Don’t let him free to harm another female. Women unite!

Categorized as WomenTopic

What Are Some simple ways to make money not many people know about?

Things like Uber and Lyft are good, but only if you just need short term money like in college or a kid getting married or whatever cause of the wear on your car Participating in studies can make decent money. Look at your nearest university or online Donating blood and plasma and such can make… Continue reading What Are Some simple ways to make money not many people know about?

Categorized as ask-random

How is terminal cancer diagnosed?

A doctor may suspect that a person has terminal cancer based on the person’s symptoms. To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor will order one or more tests, such as a biopsy, CT scan, or PET scan.

Categorized as ask-random

How do you make new friends?

I tend to find that after-work activities are a great way. Go to a “meetup” site and find things you like to do (board games, sports, etc.). Common interests are a great foundation for friendships.

Categorized as ask-random

Favourite Beauty Products?

I only use a cleanser and a face cream personally, as I hate putting on make-up, it becomes greasy after awhile so yeah. What about you? What are your favourite beauty products in your book?

Categorized as Life

Lunch Time at School

Aside from eating lunch… What did you and your classmates do during your lunch period? Did you play games? Sneak off and smoke weed? Just hang out and talk? Did you ever see any fights break out during lunch time?

Categorized as Life

Selfies on Social Media

Do you have a lot of selfies on your social media page? How often do you post one? How do you feel about people who are constantly posting them?

Categorized as Photos Art

most dangerous sport?

Which is the most dangerous sport? What kind of injuries occur when people play it?

Categorized as Sports

Looking up lyrics?

Do you ever look up the lyrics of your favorite songs? What sites do you use? Just google? Have you ever discovered that you were singing along to a song with the wrong words after checking the lyrics?

Categorized as Music

Soy Milk, anyone?

For me personally at least anyways, I love it too for breakfast, lunch or dinner. What about you? Do you enjoy it or not in your book?

Categorized as Food

organic or fair trade coffee

Are you willing to pay a little more for organic or fair trade coffee? Why or why not?

Categorized as Food

Last movie or TV serie you watched and why??

Cabinet of Curiosities I’m a Del Toro fan and it’s good but it’s not quiet what I’d hoped it would be. It feels like “meh” stories with lots of unsettling imagery/narrative. Still I’ll keep watching, its not bad, just not quite what I expected so far.

Categorized as ask-random

What is it going to take to fix the US’s automatic weapon problem?

A HUGE, and I mean absolutely HUGE step would be for people to educate themselves about firearms. So many people want to just ban things without even knowing, and in most cases caring, about what it is they are banning. The next step would be for firearm owners to acknowledge that there is a serious… Continue reading What is it going to take to fix the US’s automatic weapon problem?

Categorized as ask-random

What quote motivated you the most?

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore before you decide to be happy.” – Jane “Nightbirde” Marczewski This has helped me so much when I was at my lowest. It still does and it will always move me. Go check her out. She is a strong, courageous and beautiful woman.

Categorized as ask-random

What did you do to end up in the psych ward?

You can check yourself in to a psych ward. Just take some days off, get evaluated, take a break from the rest of the world. I did it when I was younger because I was a danger to myself.

Categorized as ask-random

“the feeling after you take your bra off” blablabla, what about the feeling of changing from leggings to sweatpants before bed?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading “the feeling after you take your bra off” blablabla, what about the feeling of changing from leggings to sweatpants before bed?

Categorized as WomenTopic

What makes freedom of speech important?

It’s the only way to expose critical, systemic problems. It’s way easier to stifle speech than to address lingering issues, especially when powerful people have something to lose.

Categorized as ask-random

What’s the worst date, You’ve been on?

Not sure if this is the worst one or not but it’s the one that comes to mind. It’s nothing crazy, but I couldn’t get the guy to engage in conversation the majority of the date. At some points he was just staring at the Tv at the restaurant

Categorized as ask-random

What do people like about Logan Paul?

That he’s not Jake Paul. Still, it’s pretty amazing how his career just sprung back after publishing a video of him and his crew laughing at the body of a suicide victim to his largely young fanbase. I guess everyone just moved on from that.

Categorized as ask-random

First Person: The Liberian police inspector working to end sexual and gender-based violence

26 November 2022Women Inspector Muna Meah is a Commander in the Liberia National Police Force, and the county coordinator for the Women and Children’s Social Protection Centre in Sanniquille, north-central Liberia. For the past seven years, she has investigated cases of violence against women and children and supported survivors to access the help they need.… Continue reading First Person: The Liberian police inspector working to end sexual and gender-based violence

Categorized as Africa

What is the coolest superpower?

Controlling lightning. There are times when I wish I could hold my hands out like Palpatine and have lightning actually come out or throw thunderbolts like Zeus. I think teleportation is the most useful superpower however.

Categorized as ask-random

What’s something that reminds you of when you were genuinely happy and how do you deal with it if you know you won’t ever be that happy again?

This isn’t a direct answer to the question, but this seems like you’re asking for advice. Learning coping mechanisms and therapy can help with feelings such as this because you’ll always come across moments where you’ll be happy. Even as someone with depression I have my happy moments. It may seem bleak and difficult after… Continue reading What’s something that reminds you of when you were genuinely happy and how do you deal with it if you know you won’t ever be that happy again?

Categorized as ask-random

Strange World (2022)

There’s a family of adventurers, a dire mission to save the planet from a mysterious ecological crisis, an absent father, three generations of insecure men, and a bunch of under-developed female supporting characters whose placeholder personalities range from strong to loving. Thoughts?

What is a movie you love, no matter the hate it receives?

The first Transformers movie by Michael Bay. It isn’t perfect, but it is a very solid blockbuster full of action, excitement and a tinge of nostalgia. I was a teenager when the film came out in theaters: the perfect age to consume giant robots that transformed into neat vehicles.

Categorized as ask-random

I feel absolutely embarrassed that I left my used sanitary pad in a shared bathroom

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading I feel absolutely embarrassed that I left my used sanitary pad in a shared bathroom

Categorized as WomenTopic

What is the biggest fit you have ever seen someone throw over a lost game?

This guy I know broke his phone because he was waiting for an inactive player to respawn after three days of them not logging in. The “inactive” logged on just at the nightly reset, and the guy was so mad he smashed his phone on the ground. This game is a text-based precursor to MMOs,… Continue reading What is the biggest fit you have ever seen someone throw over a lost game?

Categorized as ask-random

Ukraine: Missile strikes, summary executions highlight importance of international law

“Millions are being plunged into extreme hardship and appalling conditions of life by these strikes”, he said. “Taken as a whole, this raises serious problems under international humanitarian law, which requires a concrete and direct military advantage for each object attacked”. Racking up casualties According to the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine (HRMMU),… Continue reading Ukraine: Missile strikes, summary executions highlight importance of international law

Categorized as Europe

What is “International Orange”?

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

strawberry skin remedies ?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading strawberry skin remedies ?

Categorized as WomenTopic

Taliban’s draconian violations against women may amount to crimes against humanity

“In recent months, violations of women and girls’ fundamental rights and freedoms in Afghanistan, already the most severe and unacceptable in the world, have sharply increased”, they said. In a statement pushing back on the Taliban’s violations, the Special Rapporteurs argued that gender persecution is a crime against humanity, which can be prosecuted under international… Continue reading Taliban’s draconian violations against women may amount to crimes against humanity

Categorized as Women

What do you want from Santa?

As a grown up, my needs are too much. I would love some funky socks, a stuffed stocking, and maybe a new set of pajamas from him though.

Categorized as ask-random

Eliminate violence against women, most widespread, pervasive human rights violation

In a statement kicking off the “UNiTE! Activism to End Violence against Women and Girls campaign”, they reminded that an estimated one in three women experience gender-based violence during her lifetime. Moreover, that last year, nearly one in five 20- to 24-year-old women had been married before turning 18 and less than 40 per cent… Continue reading Eliminate violence against women, most widespread, pervasive human rights violation

Categorized as Women

What are the benefits and incentives of free speech to you? What do you hate most about banning and censorship on free speech platforms?

Benefits: See what happens in hellholes like Russia and pretty much all Islamic nations when you criticize the government or religion. Being put in jail for expressing your opinion is wrong and this is why freedom of speech is a good thing. What do you hate most about banning and censorship on free speech platforms?… Continue reading What are the benefits and incentives of free speech to you? What do you hate most about banning and censorship on free speech platforms?

Categorized as ask-random

Five essential facts to know about femicide

Gender related killings (femicide/feminicide) are the most brutal and extreme manifestation of a continuum of violence against women and girls that takes many interconnected and overlapping forms. Defined as an intentional killing with a gender-related motivation, femicide may be driven by stereotyped gender roles, discrimination towards women and girls, unequal power relations between women and… Continue reading Five essential facts to know about femicide

Categorized as Women

What is the point of the climate control people ruining pieces of art by dumping things on them?

It creates conversation and makes a statement about how society doesn’t take climate change seriously – the insinuation being we waste money on our vanity but can’t find the money to combat climate change. I think it’s dumb, there’s many legitimate targets if you want to make a statement about climate change, art shouldn’t be… Continue reading What is the point of the climate control people ruining pieces of art by dumping things on them?

Categorized as ask-random

How have you created community with your neighbors or how have they included you in community?

This is the first time as an adult living in a detached house vs an apartment building. I make a point to always wave and say hi to the neighbours as we walk down the street. The simple act of acknowledgement can turn someone’s day around, and in turn I’ve loved the times where they’ve… Continue reading How have you created community with your neighbors or how have they included you in community?

Categorized as ask-random

To those who have had an addiction to discord, how did you stop?

Do you require discord? If that’s the case (for whatever reason), I’d put some constraints on it. If you have an iPhone, you can use the screen time setting. If you have a Windows computer, you can download the cold turkey app. Delete it if you don’t need it. Instead of chatting with people on… Continue reading To those who have had an addiction to discord, how did you stop?

Categorized as ask-random

Best Hockey Player Ever?

In my opinion, you can’t argue with a guy whose nickname was literally, “The Great One,” so we absolutely believe it’s Wayne Gretzky. Who do you think the best hockey player was?

Categorized as Sports

following a career plan?

Are you following a career plan? What is the next step in your career path?

Categorized as Life

Fav music video of all time?

What’s your favorite music video of all time? (post it) Do videos help you enjoy the music more?

Categorized as Music

protein powder?

Have you tried protein powder? Did it help you build muscle? How was the taste?

Categorized as Food

What excites you like nothing else can?

Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. It doesn’t appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one.

Categorized as ask-random

Recommended reading on matrescence/motherhood

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Recommended reading on matrescence/motherhood

Categorized as WomenTopic

What makes you the perfect partner that you believe is incomparable to anyone else?

Nothing. I’m not so arrogant or foolish to think I’m somehow perfect or even the imperfect best possible partner. And frankly, anyone who does think they are the perfect partner fundamentally isn’t, because everyone can always improve, so if you aren’t working to improve yourself, you aren’t perfect, but if you think you’re perfect, why… Continue reading What makes you the perfect partner that you believe is incomparable to anyone else?

Categorized as ask-random

What holiday can fuck off entirely?

Trying to flip Columbus day into national indigenous people’s day is stupid, it’s a shitty middle ground that gives everyone something to bitch about and nobody anything to be happy about. Either have both or end Columbus and give NIPD a real date.

Categorized as ask-random

Favourite Clothing Brands?

I don’t personally buy them for the brand. I buy them for their comfort, hence why my brands are : Wal-Mart, Costco, Zara and Simons. How about you? What are your favourite clothing brands in your case?

Categorized as Life

Anyone loves Transformers?

I’m talking about the movies and the cartoon series. I love them personally. And you personally? Have you seen them yet or not personally? NAd if yes, do you enjoy them or not in your opinion?

Anyone loves Ketchup?

I love it too myself. How about you? Do you enjoy it or not in your case?

Categorized as Food

What did you imagine as “The monster under your bed”?

It was always “The monster in the closet” for me. Possibly because I had a solid bed foundation – no “underneath” to speak of. But since they seem basically the same idea, I always just had this abstract vision of a large, vaguely humanoid shadow. No real features just darker darkness from within the darkness.

Categorized as ask-random

in a lot of pain after getting gel nail extensions taken off

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading in a lot of pain after getting gel nail extensions taken off

Categorized as WomenTopic

What’s Your Favorite Show On Netflix?

personally mine is Cobra Kai, it inspired me to really take karate irl, and i really enjoyed the story of the show. Lemme know yall’s favorite shows on Netflix so i can get some more recommendations of what shows to watch!

Categorized as ask-random

whats your favorite thanksgiving side?

Cranberry sauce. To be honest I eat that stuff year round, not every meal or even every week but every month certainly. Goes just as well with spaghetti and meatballs as it does with a fancy thanksgiving dinner and it’s a great palate breaker.

Categorized as ask-random

For people who euthanize animals/dogs for their job, is it something you get used to or you still get really sad or cry?

I volunteered for a no-kill shelter back in college. Maybe not quite who you’re asking about, but at least close. The animals we did put down were incredibly sick or injured, and usually in a lot of pain. Yes, it was sad that their previous owners let them get that bad, but there was a… Continue reading For people who euthanize animals/dogs for their job, is it something you get used to or you still get really sad or cry?

Categorized as ask-random

What vacation did you think was gonna be cool but actually wasn’t?

Naples – I got a cold that made me have headaches while flying since, the hotel was terrible, I witnessed a migrant round up, the traffic was… terrible. Pompeii was worth it but I have never been so glad to be going home 🤣🤣🤣 Who knew I would miss trees this much (hardly any trees… Continue reading What vacation did you think was gonna be cool but actually wasn’t?

Categorized as ask-random

Why should prostitution be legalized folks?

Because there is a demand and people should be able to do what they want. It should be legal and regulated like it is in Nevada. I would not be going to a brothel, myself.

Categorized as ask-random

Apple Store down

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

Destigmatizing Periods

I just saw a commercial for maxi pads (Always I think) where the liquid they poured on to demonstrate how much it absorbs was actually red! For decades they have been showing period blood the color of windshield washer fluid. Nice to see a small step towards making periods a normal thing. We bleed, get… Continue reading Destigmatizing Periods

Categorized as WomenTopic

Who would win in a fight? Carrie from Carrie (Steven King) or Eleven from Stranger Things?

Carrie. Being locked in a closet for hours at a time while listening to a psycho mother 🧑 pray and sing hymns will destroy you psychologically. She’ll have to resistance in killing anyone, also, she’ll be so controlled by rage. Eleven, a sweetheart, has friends around who can relate to her (somewhat sans the powers).… Continue reading Who would win in a fight? Carrie from Carrie (Steven King) or Eleven from Stranger Things?

Categorized as ask-random

What’s a reason to not end it all?

You commit suicide you get stuck in limbo. You will be on earth forever, with no one to talk to and nothing to do except watch the world around you go on forever. You will pray for death and death won’t come and you won’t even realize you’re already dead

Categorized as ask-random

How do you enjoy life?

Seek out jobs you enjoy; explore hobbies, socialize with fun people; some volunteer, some run for local office, some mentor others; some take vacations, or go camping… Work towards fitness and financial goals

Categorized as ask-random

What sounds racist but really isn’t?

An unbiased analysis of human evolution leads one to conclude that different human groups evolved differently due to different selection pressures, and any serious account of the world needs to take that into consideration.

Categorized as ask-random

what is the weirdest thing that stopped you from passing through a metal detector?

I had an LVAD for a year (Google it), and metal detectors could kill me. I had to stay away from magnets even, so conversations were weird when I had to visit a courthouse and had to bypass the security measures. I had to go through a totally different entrance after explaining that if they… Continue reading what is the weirdest thing that stopped you from passing through a metal detector?

Categorized as ask-random

Am I wrong??

This might not directly relate, but I never share my body count with guys or potential partners. There are definitely double standards when it comes to amount of sexual partners. I hate how many guys have asked me too. I hate that a lot guys want a woman who is attractive and good in bed,… Continue reading Am I wrong??

Categorized as WomenTopic

Do you find sick/dying family members repulsive? Why or why not?

For context, I was visiting my family on a long weekend (college classes were canceled for a wellness day). My grandfather is battling late stage liver cancer and is ending near of life. I’ve made peace with his passing because id much rather he have peace as opposed to staying here suffering. When I visited… Continue reading Do you find sick/dying family members repulsive? Why or why not?

Categorized as ask-random

Out of any video game you’ve ever played what is or was your favorite boss fight ever?

Assassins Creed Unity Arno vs Bellec. Fantastic set pieces, fun fight, and idk if it was a bug or not but it turned off the indicator for a counter or parry so you has to stay alert and time it right yourself. Fun fight and cinematic in the right ways. And more recently Thor from… Continue reading Out of any video game you’ve ever played what is or was your favorite boss fight ever?

Categorized as ask-random

UN rights body launches Iran human rights investigation

The Council, meeting in special session in response to the crisis that was sparked by the death in September in police custody of 22-year-old Jina Mahsa Amini, heard Mr. Türk criticize “the fortress mentality of those who wield power” in Iran. The “unnecessary and disproportionate use of force” must end, he insisted.  Harrowing images “It… Continue reading UN rights body launches Iran human rights investigation

Categorized as mieast

What product/service is clearly not made with women in mind and what are you shocked doesn’t exist?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading What product/service is clearly not made with women in mind and what are you shocked doesn’t exist?

Categorized as WomenTopic

What brings you real happiness?

It’s going to sound cheesy, but: quiet moments. It doesn’t matter if I’m pooping at work in the middle of a busy day (seriously, what a joy) or just reading a book in my bed. Just a quiet moment.

Categorized as ask-random

EU equivalent of MacRumors?

While it is normal for Americans to bunch all European nations together, it is not for people who live in any country in Europe. Every country has its own specific Mac-oriented websites, so the best thing to do is look it up in Google, in your own language.

Categorized as Apple

Who’s the most annoying influencer?

Simon Whistler. Dude is a great. One of my favorite hosts/presenters but he’s got so many damn shows and channels that it’s annoying AF trying to keep up with them all. 😆

Categorized as ask-random

New subreddit!!!

Hello! I’m a woman (ex Fundie) looking to become a woman pastor. I’m looking for other women from all backgrounds looking to take part in the ministry of any and all religions. Let’s get together and share experiences and wisdom!! Please note this is a safe and affirming space for everyone and anyone. The only… Continue reading New subreddit!!!

Categorized as WomenTopic

I need a gf

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading I need a gf

Categorized as WomenTopic

Favourite Sleep Position?

I don’t have a favourite one because I toss and turn around in bed a lot at night. And you personally? Do you have a favourite sleep position according to you?

Categorized as Life

Favourite Movie Genres?

I myself love : psychological thrillers and true crime and historical documentaries. What about you? What are your favourite movie genres in your book?

Chicken Wings, anyone?

I personally love a : garlic honey BBQ flavoured chicken wings. And you personally? Do you enjoy them or not? And if yes, what are your favourite flavours personally according to you?

Categorized as Food

wHaT iS tHe MeAnInG oF lIfE?

That is only the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything. The meaning of life was almost done with calculations at one point but we had to restart.

Categorized as ask-random

What OGs remember yahoo answers?

Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. It doesn’t appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one.

Categorized as ask-random

Music, passion, and powerful women: Launch of amplifyHER, an exciting new UN podcast

24 November 2022Women On Thursday, the UN launched amplifyHER; a vibrant, music-filled podcast, celebrating exciting women artists from around the world. Many women produce art in the face of, and sometimes inspired by, the challenges they face in society, whether related to insecurity, human rights, climate change, inequality, or simply because of their gender. In… Continue reading Music, passion, and powerful women: Launch of amplifyHER, an exciting new UN podcast

Categorized as Women

Could the Movie “Blazing Saddles” be remade today with little to no alterations to the script? Why or why not ?

For all the talk of “people are too sensitive these days” there’s way too many people who just WANT to offend. It’s so cringe. You wanna offend? Why? What is wrong with you? Why do you wanna just be a village nuisance? Do not be afraid to offend, but stop trying to offend. Anyways, sure.… Continue reading Could the Movie “Blazing Saddles” be remade today with little to no alterations to the script? Why or why not ?

Categorized as ask-random

What do you believe will be the ultimate fate of humanity?

We’re resilient and adaptable, so I think the species will probably persist in some way for quite a bit longer. We may have partial resets every now and then, but I see us eventually expanding our civilization to other celestial bodies within the solar system before we finally kick the bucket.

Categorized as ask-random

Which movie genre do you like?

Horror for sure, got a subscription to Shudder and everything, which is basically netflix for purely horror for anyone not familiar with it who also loves all kinds of spooky things

Categorized as ask-random

iMessage business chat

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple


I need to know if any other gals has this issue!! (Im hoping this isn’t tmi, but i am terrified of doctors and by far this is the group I feel safest in). Is it normal for your urethra (pee hole lmao) to be uncomfortable? Like randomly, it’ll become super uncomfy. Kinda throb like feeling?… Continue reading Help?

Categorized as WomenTopic

Prochoice or Prolife, why?

I’m Prolife in a scientific and moral stand point, i don’t think it’s right to end the life of another human, regardless of what developed stage the baby is in. I’m Prochoice as in, it’s not my choice to make for another woman. I think abortion is wrong, i don’t respect abortion, but i respect… Continue reading Prochoice or Prolife, why?

Categorized as ask-random

What is a good reason to live in the United States?

It’s gorgeous. Seriously, the geographic diversity in the US is insane and few countries have as much from this standpoint within their borders as the US. From plains to mountains to forests to deserts…from oceans to rivers to lakes, get out and see the country. There’s plenty to criticize and dislike about the US, but… Continue reading What is a good reason to live in the United States?

Categorized as ask-random

‘Catastophic’ winter in store for Ukraine, warns UN peacebuilding chief, following Russian strikes on critical infrastructure

Ms. DiCarlo referred to the latest wave of Russian missile and drone strikes in Ukraine which, she said, terrorized the citizens of several cities (Kyiv, Odesa, Lviv, Mykolaiv, Kharkiv, and Zaporizhzhia). With winter approaching, the attacks, she said, “renew fears that this winter will be catastrophic for millions of Ukrainians, who face the prospect of… Continue reading ‘Catastophic’ winter in store for Ukraine, warns UN peacebuilding chief, following Russian strikes on critical infrastructure

Fez Forum concludes with spotlight on Morrocco’s model of tolerance and co-existence

Speaking at a joint press conference, Miguel Angel Moratinos, the High Representative of the UNAOC, and Nasser Bourita, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, spoke about the Forum and its results. They also hailed the large, high-level participation that enriched the dialogue that took place during the two-day gathering.  ‘People are… Continue reading Fez Forum concludes with spotlight on Morrocco’s model of tolerance and co-existence

What lyrics would best describe your life/feelings right now?

Wie oft wurdest du schon geschlagen, verdammt und feig verraten? Wie oft schon einst belehrt, dein Glaube sei verkehrt? Die Freundin ließ dich sitzen, im Knast da wirst du schwitzen. Doch ist das Leid auch groß, die Welt wird uns nicht los. Knüppel und Steine brechen vielleicht unsere Gebeine. Aber nichts auf dieser Welt das… Continue reading What lyrics would best describe your life/feelings right now?

Categorized as ask-random

More than 50,000 migrants ‘die in search of a better life’

The tragic milestone was confirmed in a new report from the International Organization for Migration’s Missing Migrants Project, which also maintains that little action had been taken by any country of origin, transit or arrival.  “While thousands of deaths have been documented across migration routes each year, very little has been done to address the… Continue reading More than 50,000 migrants ‘die in search of a better life’

What is a funny SFW Christmas Tinder bio you have seen or can come up with?

I don’t think it’s funny, but I matched with a gal a few years ago who just needed a date for Christmas dinner with her family. She ended up being a terrible person (she only wanted a date to show up her sister, who had just gotten engaged and would be receiving additional attention, I… Continue reading What is a funny SFW Christmas Tinder bio you have seen or can come up with?

Categorized as ask-random

When is Apple Music Classical launching?

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

Do you listen to the radio?

How often do you listen to the radio? Do you have a Favorite radio station? Do you listen to any radio station when you drive? Do you think that radio stations will die eventually?

Categorized as Music

Tips on getting rid of stretch marks?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Tips on getting rid of stretch marks?

Categorized as WomenTopic

Social pressure to drink?

Is there social pressure to drink in your culture? How do you feel about this pressure? Do you drink alcohol?

Categorized as Food

Pushing forward: Protesting women’s rights abuses in Iran

Mana Shooshtari is an Iranian American feminist activist and organizer whose work—spanning issues like immigration reform, gun violence prevention and sexual and reproductive health and rights—focuses on the protection and promotion of human rights. In the midst of widespread protests across Iran, she’s working to amplify the voices of Iranian feminists and to bring their… Continue reading Pushing forward: Protesting women’s rights abuses in Iran

Categorized as Women

Consign violence against women and girls, ‘to the history books’: UN chief 

From the COVID-19 pandemic to economic turmoil, a range of stresses intensify physical and verbal abuse.   Meanwhile, misogynistic hate speech and sexual harassment trigger rampant online exploitation against women and girls.   “This discrimination, violence and abuse targeting half of humanity comes at a steep cost”, Secretary-General António Guterres underscored in his message for the day.  … Continue reading Consign violence against women and girls, ‘to the history books’: UN chief 

Categorized as Women

UNICEF seeks $27.5 million to step up cholera response in Haiti

The outbreak began two months ago and is unfolding amid economic crisis and rising insecurity due to gang violence.  Ninety per cent of confirmed cases have been in areas with a high burden of severe acute malnutrition. A ‘triple threat’ Children suffering from the condition, which is also known as severe wasting, are more vulnerable… Continue reading UNICEF seeks $27.5 million to step up cholera response in Haiti

Categorized as Americas

Netflix biodrama draws attention to real-life refugee-turned-Olympian 

Communications chief Melissa Fleming also called the Netflix film The Swimmers, “a wakeup call” and a “hugely welcome step” for everyone to stand in solidarity with refugees.  Although Yusra and Sara Mardini were forced to flee Syria’s civil war in 2015, the biographical drama, which Netflix dropped on Wednesday, makes clear that they took their… Continue reading Netflix biodrama draws attention to real-life refugee-turned-Olympian 

Bloody discharge, not pregnant, period ended over a week ago.

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Bloody discharge, not pregnant, period ended over a week ago.

Categorized as WomenTopic

Home is a deadly place for many women and girls, UN report reveals

The study by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and UN Women was issued ahead of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, observed annually on 25 November.  Of the 81,000 women and girls intentionally killed last year, 45,000 – around 56 per cent – died at the hands of… Continue reading Home is a deadly place for many women and girls, UN report reveals

Categorized as Women

What really is brown privilege?

Practically there is no brown privilege, the same way you can’t be racist toward a white person. It’s about power dynamics. Colorism is unfortunately still prevalent worldwide and thus anyone with darker skin is discriminated against as long as their skin is darker than average. It sucks but until we all accept it this can’t… Continue reading What really is brown privilege?

Categorized as ask-random

Statement: Push forward — act now to end violence against women and girls

Statement: Push forward — act now to end violence against women and girls This wake-up call, alongside other invaluable initiatives around the world, continues to resonate.   Grassroots activists, women’s human rights defenders and survivor advocates remind us every day, everywhere.  They are revealing the extent of that violence, they collect and shape statistics, document attacks… Continue reading Statement: Push forward — act now to end violence against women and girls

Categorized as Women

Press release: Women and girls are more at risk to be killed at home, new UNODC and UN Women report on femicide shows

[Available in: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish] New York — A new study by UNODC and UN Women shows that, on average, more than five women or girls were killed every hour by someone in their own family in 2021. The report comes ahead of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence… Continue reading Press release: Women and girls are more at risk to be killed at home, new UNODC and UN Women report on femicide shows

Categorized as Women

Official UN Commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

The Official UN Commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women will take place on Wednesday, 23 November 2022 from 10 am – 11.30 am (EST) at the ECOSOC Chamber, at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.  The event will bring together feminists from all over the world who will be reminding us how gender-based violence… Continue reading Official UN Commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

Categorized as Women

Haiti: Children Account For Two In Five Cholera Cases – UNICEF

NEW YORK (November 23, 2022) – Nearly two months into the cholera outbreak in Haiti, UNICEF is warning that approximately 40 percent of the growing number of confirmed cases are among children. Since the onset of the cholera outbreak, 9 in 10 confirmed cholera cases in Haiti have been reported in areas most affected by the… Continue reading Haiti: Children Account For Two In Five Cholera Cases – UNICEF

Categorized as unicef

As Cholera Cases Surge Worldwide, UNICEF Helps Countries Fight Back

Stay informed on UNICEF’s work saving and protecting children around the world UUSA-185 Entrance Modal Submitted by todemko on Wed, 2021-01-27 10:42 Since January of this year, 29 countries have had outbreaks of cholera — the most at any one time on record, some of them places that have not seen a single case of… Continue reading As Cholera Cases Surge Worldwide, UNICEF Helps Countries Fight Back

Categorized as unicef

What made you realize that you can’t please everyone?

Working customer service / RMA department of a big store here in Denmark. Either you please the company, the customer, rarely both, but you yourself are never really pleased. Best coworkers to have though, we all knew the shit we had to go through, so we could laugh it all off together.

Categorized as ask-random

Fans of the macabre. What are the most embarrassing ways one might die?

I read a story where a man was found dead face down on the couch. They couldn’t figure out how he died. When they did a postmortem they found he was electrocuted. Upon further investigation they had found two orbital disc sanders in the couch cushions. He was using them as a sex device. Once… Continue reading Fans of the macabre. What are the most embarrassing ways one might die?

Categorized as ask-random

Why can’t gunshot victims sue the State for Weak Gun Laws?

The US Supreme Court has ruled that the State has no responsibility to protect individuals, which is also why police, firefighters, etc can’t be sued for failing to save you. Ultimately your safety is your responsibility. As the Dalai Lama says, if someone attacks you with a gun, it would be prudent to shoot back… Continue reading Why can’t gunshot victims sue the State for Weak Gun Laws?

Categorized as ask-random

What did you think of Sonic Frontiers?

Really good. Granted, the story could have been better and the bar for a good Sonic game is set pretty low thanks to Forcee, but Frontiers was great.

Categorized as ask-random

What does money genuinely mean to you?

It used to mean security, but this push to digitize money means that I could not control it, so that would take my personal decisions out of the mix.

Categorized as ask-random

Blue Ridge Mountain Beauty

…and people wonder why I love living in Western North Carolina… *points above* …there’s one reason why!

Categorized as Photos Art

What freaks you out more, alien invasion or world wide nuclear war?

I feel like aliens with ability to invade in our lifetime, would have already if they cared to. If it does get to that point, there’s not much ideological difference between them doing so and one nation invading another. Humans are scarier because we are wired to have emotional responses to each other, and already… Continue reading What freaks you out more, alien invasion or world wide nuclear war?

Categorized as ask-random

What’s a good side gig you can do while at another job?

I currently have a pretty laid back job working overnights. We’re allowed to do homework, read, etc as long as we still get the job done. What’s a good side gig that I can do from a laptop? Nothing that requires video or voice since I still need to be present at my current job.

Categorized as ask-random

What’s your nonnegotiable in a relationship?

I want kids. Adopt, natural, idc I know I’m meant to be a mother so if they don’t want kids that’s gonna be my deal breaker. (But like I’m not gonna be the “how many kids do you want?” on the first date that be really weird)

Categorized as ask-random

Starting at YMCA with swimming lessons; how the heck do I shop for a one piece swim suit?

Hi everyone, hope your Thanksgiving week is off to a good start! So, I have had long Covid since last March aunt it got to the point where I lost mobility and the ability to walk. After some serious intense physical therapy I am mobile again, although I am still wobbly and having circulation issues.… Continue reading Starting at YMCA with swimming lessons; how the heck do I shop for a one piece swim suit?

Categorized as WomenTopic

What’s the time you realized people are scared of you?

I’m big and tall. Anytime I raise my voice or get excited about anything, I get that classic “what’s he going to do” look or people bracing for something. I am not an angry person at all, but I take special care not to raise my voice regardless of whether it’s completely innocent or positive/encouraging.

Categorized as ask-random

period twice in the same month?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading period twice in the same month?

Categorized as WomenTopic

What is a real life cheat code?

At Chinese buffets, there’s a flat fee for takeout. It’s by weight. So, instead of grabbing that entree container, grab the largest soup container they have. They’ll charge you for soup, which is significantly cheaper than the entree. But, use it to fill with the food instead of soup.

Categorized as ask-random


https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13443470/ The new Wednesday show (Spin off from Addams Family) hits Netflix in the next few hours. Has anyone heard about it? I am hoping it will be good. Christina Ricci is in it whom played Wednesday in the movies they did for The Addams Family.

Tim Curry

One of the most amazing actors! But it is quite sad these days seeing him in interviews and seeing how old and frail he is.

At Fez forum, UN chief calls for global ‘alliance of peace’ recognizing inclusion and richness of diversity

Mr. Guterres was speaking at the opening of the 9th Global Forum of the UN Alliance of Civilizations (AOC) which is taking place in Fez, Morocco.  “The forces of division and hate are finding fertile ground in a landscape marred by injustice and conflicts,” said Mr. Guterres calling for the creation of an alliance of… Continue reading At Fez forum, UN chief calls for global ‘alliance of peace’ recognizing inclusion and richness of diversity

Women, would you sleep with a married man?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Women, would you sleep with a married man?

Categorized as WomenTopic

How do you get past cheating?

If you have to ask, you dont. You will either trust the person again and their actions alone will dictate this, or you wont. Odds are they will cheat again. Just the odds. So, its your choice. Ive cheated, theres nothing the other person could have done. And id have cheated again on that person.… Continue reading How do you get past cheating?

Categorized as ask-random

As Cholera Risks Surge Worldwide, UNICEF Helps Countries Fight Back

Stay informed on UNICEF’s work saving and protecting children around the world UUSA-185 Entrance Modal Submitted by todemko on Wed, 2021-01-27 10:42 Since January of this year, 29 countries have had outbreaks of cholera — the most at any one time on record, and including places that have not seen a single case of the… Continue reading As Cholera Risks Surge Worldwide, UNICEF Helps Countries Fight Back

Categorized as unicef

Yemen: Humanitarian and economic issues must be addressed, Security Council hears 

In providing an overview of the situation after the 2 October truce expiration, Hans Grundberg said that in recent weeks, Houthi forces, known as Ansar Allah, attacked oil terminals and ports in Hadramawt and Shabwa governorates, depriving the Government of its main source of revenue from exporting oil.   “These attacks…have significant economic repercussions”, he said.… Continue reading Yemen: Humanitarian and economic issues must be addressed, Security Council hears 

As Cholera Risks Surge, UNICEF Helps Countries Fight Back

Stay informed on UNICEF’s work saving and protecting children around the world UUSA-185 Entrance Modal Submitted by todemko on Wed, 2021-01-27 10:42 Since January of this year, 29 countries have had outbreaks of cholera — the most at any one time on record, and including places that have not seen a single case of the… Continue reading As Cholera Risks Surge, UNICEF Helps Countries Fight Back

Categorized as unicef

What are some of the deepest shower thoughts?

I am standing in my own personal heated waterfall, my horse runs on exploding dinosaurs, and in my home I can control the weather and banish the night. The shitty versions of these things are what only kings used to have.

Categorized as ask-random

UNEP honours five protectors of Mother Earth

A conservationist, a sustainable waste management enterprise, an economist, a women’s rights activist, and a wildlife biologist were selected from nearly 2,200 nominations – a new submission record.  UNEP’s annual Champions of the Earth award is the UN’s highest environmental honour, which recognizes individuals and organizations from a number of fields, including civil society, academia and the… Continue reading UNEP honours five protectors of Mother Earth

Stronger action required to address changing dynamics of piracy in the Gulf of Guinea

Presenting the Secretary-General’s latest report on the issue, Martha Pobee, an Assistant Secretary-General in the Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA), warned of a shifting situation that will require greater response. The decline in incidents is the result of concerted efforts by national authorities, supported by regional and international partners, both on land and… Continue reading Stronger action required to address changing dynamics of piracy in the Gulf of Guinea

Categorized as Africa

Tips for fast hair growth?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Tips for fast hair growth?

Categorized as WomenTopic

What’s that death that actually hit?

astrid in spiritfarer. i’d had her on the boat for so long, she’d felt like a serious fixture. the game does such a good job of making each goodbye feel meaningful, even when getting them to the point of saying goodbye is your job.

Categorized as ask-random

What is there a real lack of in your country?

Socialists. People will be all, “OMG this politician is a socialist!” and then it turns out they just mean he thinks maybe everyone should have health care, not that he wants the means of production to be owned by the community as a whole. Don’t get my hopes up, you jerks.

Categorized as ask-random

Tattoos and Piercings?

I hate them myself. I personally only have my ears pierced and no tattoos at all. Why? Because I TBH here think in any other places, they are very ugly in my opinion at least anyways. What about you? Do you enjoy them or not? And if yes, which are your favourite tattoos piercings for… Continue reading Tattoos and Piercings?

Categorized as Life

VR Headset

The rumor is they’re putting a screen in the outside that in effect makes the goggles look transparent, like ski goggles almost, by displaying the users eyes on the outside screen. If you are doing AR and interacting with people who are physically in the room with you, but your eyes are blocked entirely by… Continue reading VR Headset

Categorized as Apple

Anyone loves Tennis?

I can play it very well myself and enjoy it too. Used to play it personally daily with my dad indoors and outdoors. How about you? Do you enjoy it or not in your case?

Categorized as Sports

Your favourite Nuts?

I personally really am fond of : roasted honey, smoked BBQ or lightly salted peanuts, almonds, cashews and pistachios or a mix of nuts. What about you? Do you enjoy them or not? And if so, what are your favourite nuts TBH for you personally and how do you like them too?

Categorized as Food

Iran: 40 people killed in protests over past week – OHCHR

22 November 2022Human Rights More than 40 people have been killed in Iran during the past week, including two teenagers, the UN human rights office, OHCHR, said on Tuesday.  The development came amid ongoing nationwide protests sparked by the death in custody of Jina Mahsa Amini.  The 22-year-old from Iran’s Kurdistan region was arrested by… Continue reading Iran: 40 people killed in protests over past week – OHCHR

In the words of Salma*: “We, as women and girls, deserve better.”

Trigger warning: The following includes descriptions of gender-based violence. Salma*, 26, a Lebanese mother of 3 girls, was 13 years old when she eloped with her 16-year-old next door neighbor. Looking to escape her abusive stepmother, she thought marriage would offer her liberty. Instead, it opened a door to further abuse and violence. In the… Continue reading In the words of Salma*: “We, as women and girls, deserve better.”

Categorized as Women

Saudi Arabia: Resumption of executions for drug offences ‘deeply regrettable’, UN rights office says

22 November 2022Human Rights Saudi Arabia must adopt a moratorium on executions for drug-related offenses, the UN human rights office, OHCHR, said on Tuesday, responding to the recent resumption of capital punishment for these crimes.  Spokesperson Liz Throssell said executions have been taking place almost daily over the past two weeks, following the end of… Continue reading Saudi Arabia: Resumption of executions for drug offences ‘deeply regrettable’, UN rights office says

Categorized as mieast

No period cramps this period? But they’re usually terrible?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading No period cramps this period? But they’re usually terrible?

Categorized as WomenTopic

What fictional characters best describes both of your parents?

My mom is definitely Linda from Bob’s Burgers down to the accent. Except instead of running a restaurant she ran a commercial cleaning company. Even weirder is I had an aunt that was nearly comparable to Gail, except instead of having a bunch of fake rich boyfriends she had a bunch of real rich husbands.… Continue reading What fictional characters best describes both of your parents?

Categorized as ask-random

How did you escapee the Friend Zone?

I never got there in the first place and surpise, surprise I got the girl. Be direct from the beginning guys, don’t be a fucken pussy. Women respect guys who go after what they want.

Categorized as ask-random

What dead Game, Movie, Book, or TV series deserves a revival?

None. God. Can we please be done with these remakes and reboots, and just create something original instead? Every time a movie or series tries to “remake” an old version, the fans of the old one are outraged at the inconsistencies and changes. Their voices get drowned out by accusations of racism or sexism or… Continue reading What dead Game, Movie, Book, or TV series deserves a revival?

Categorized as ask-random

How often do you sanitize your phone?

I never do it actively as an activity, I just keep on top of it passively, so I suppose the answer to this question is “whenever I need to”

Categorized as ask-random

What is something small you can do every day to greatly improve your relationship?

I dunno about “GREATLY” improve, but: If it’s true, tell your partner “I love you”, quietly and a bit randomly, and mix up the ways in which you tell them. Cut a sandwich in the shape of a heart. As part of a silly note in a lunchbox. Just wandering up to them and hugging… Continue reading What is something small you can do every day to greatly improve your relationship?

Categorized as ask-random

Move a lot as a kid?

As a child, did your family mainly stay in one place or did you move around a lot? Either way, how did that affect you?

Categorized as Life

What Are Megapixels?

A megapixel is one million pixels, the more pixels in a picture the more detailed it should be. So theoretically the more megapixels in a camera, the better it should be. It is well known that most new photographers always set out to look for the highest number of megapixels for their money. Click to… Continue reading What Are Megapixels?

Categorized as Photos Art

Christmas songs?

Do you enjoy Christmas songs? Which is your favorite?

Categorized as Music

Bad games you love?

Is there a game that is considered to be really bad but is your secret guilty pleasure?

Categorized as Games

Christmas meal?

What kind of meal does your family eat at Christmas time?

Categorized as Food

Anxiety from catching feelings

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Anxiety from catching feelings

Categorized as WomenTopic

How will you keep warm this winter?

As the saying goes, light a fire for a man and he’ll be warm for a night, light a man on fire and he’ll be warm for the rest of his life. TLTR: I turned on the heater.

Categorized as ask-random

How important is planting trees in the world?

Trees are the foundation to our life. No trees mean little oxygen, and little oxygen means little life. Trees are essential to keeping us alive, and planting them helps us have them in the furue.

Categorized as ask-random

What do you think of French people?

They’re pretentious and arrogant, they think the sun shines out of their arseholes, and honestly I can’t stand them. Having said that, we have a millennia long history, and at this point we’re like siblings, and I love them.

Categorized as ask-random

What is true freedom to you?

For me, true freedom means being entirely happy to be alone and not to depend on other people to make you feel good, because at that point you start to not care about what other people think about you and you can concentrate fully on working on being a better version of yourself. P.S. English… Continue reading What is true freedom to you?

Categorized as ask-random

Biological Responsibilities

I feel so stupid for asking, but I do have a question. Do men have a responsibility anywhere close to the female responsibility of periods? As women, we are responsible for the pain and clean up of periods. They fucking suck. And they are horribly painful. It’s awful. So I guess my question is, is… Continue reading Biological Responsibilities

Categorized as WomenTopic

Who is aging like fine milk?

No I just saw a post about fine wine and I thought I would make this Fine wine = Better with Age Fine Milk = Worse with Age Edit: formatting

Categorized as ask-random

Full Bladder after sex?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Full Bladder after sex?

Categorized as WomenTopic

Poor people with no friends or family, how do you enjoy life?

I don’t like being around others either. I just prefaced the question like that because whenever you ask generally “what is there to live for”, they all answer “friends” or “family” Trying to determine what there is to live for beyond other people.

Categorized as ask-random

What is something we can all do to protect children from exploitation?

People not fully legally responsible for themselves should not have any social media account, uncontrolled electronic communication devices or services, or Internet access. At all. These are for adults: they are the wild west of information sharing and communication. If children wouldn’t be allowed to go into a bar at midnight and go have an… Continue reading What is something we can all do to protect children from exploitation?

Categorized as ask-random

Where or when does it feel better to be sober?

When you are the only sober person around and everyone has to depend on you to get them home safely. Because now as far as they are concerned, you have the power to forever change the trajectory of their lives.

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Track your package

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

What are we doing right now that future generations will find weird and abhorrent?

Taking reproductive rights away from women If you are referring to abortion, I disagree. There was a time when owning another human as property was considered a right. Nowadays, we scoff at such an idea. I think abortion is going to be the same way. Arguing against gender-affirming care for trans people I unfortunately do… Continue reading What are we doing right now that future generations will find weird and abhorrent?

Categorized as ask-random

Elon Musk-Apple War Heats Up

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

How are so many Fentanyl overdoses happening and how exactly are people being exposed to it?

People buy drugs from drug dealers who get the drugs from drug suppliers who get the drug from drug producers, then those drugs kill people when they take too much. In the case of fentanyl specifically, simply making contact with your skin is enough to cause an overdose. This is all common sense, and common… Continue reading How are so many Fentanyl overdoses happening and how exactly are people being exposed to it?

Categorized as ask-random

How fat is yo mama?

When she sits around the house she sits around the house. She don’t wear a Mumu she wears the circus tent. Buffets take out insurance against her. She bleeds gravy. She has her own ZIP code. When she goes swimming the Sea Shepherd’s defend her from Whalers. She has been mistaken for a manatee. Blobfish… Continue reading How fat is yo mama?

Categorized as ask-random

Anyone else notice that men, who say “women talk too much,” always talk too much?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Anyone else notice that men, who say “women talk too much,” always talk too much?

Categorized as WomenTopic

Who has blood on their hands in the mass shooting in the LGBTQ bar in Colorado Springs?

I should think that the person who committed the murders has blood on their hands. Used to live in Colorado Springs for years. It is a fairly conservative area, especially for a reasonable sized city, but it was also pretty diverse. Not exactly an area where I would expect a hate crime. The city does… Continue reading Who has blood on their hands in the mass shooting in the LGBTQ bar in Colorado Springs?

Categorized as ask-random

Peaceful coexistence is not ‘utopia’ but reality, says UN official fostering intercultural dialogue

Miguel Ángel Moratinos, High Representative for the UN Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), was speaking ahead of the start of its 9th Global Forum, which opens in Fez, Morocco, on Tuesday.  The theme this time around is Towards An Alliance of Peace: Living Together as One Humanity.  The Global Forum is the UNAOC’s highest-profile event, and this… Continue reading Peaceful coexistence is not ‘utopia’ but reality, says UN official fostering intercultural dialogue

Is this tooo forward of a thing to say to someone you see everyday or the matured person would understand

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Is this tooo forward of a thing to say to someone you see everyday or the matured person would understand

Categorized as WomenTopic

My period looked like it was over after six days. Very dark discharge and then it restarted crimson red bleeding after intercourse?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading My period looked like it was over after six days. Very dark discharge and then it restarted crimson red bleeding after intercourse?

Categorized as WomenTopic

iCloud for Windows Users Complain of Corrupted Videos, Photos From Strangers

This problem may only exist on the windows client, but it highlights a huge problem in iCloud architecture that it can happen at all. You could theoretically be one developers fat finger away from your photos being available to the world. That’s a problem. I bet you that most of those photos leaking are from… Continue reading iCloud for Windows Users Complain of Corrupted Videos, Photos From Strangers

Categorized as Apple


A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading SavagexFenty

Categorized as WomenTopic

Statement: Call to Action – “UNiTE! Activism to End Violence against Women and Girls!”

[PDF version] Gender-based violence against women and girls (VAWG) is one of the worst manifestations of discrimination against women and remains the most widespread and pervasive human rights violation worldwide affecting more than an estimated 1 in 3 women, a figure that has remained largely unchanged over the last decade. According to the latest estimates,… Continue reading Statement: Call to Action – “UNiTE! Activism to End Violence against Women and Girls!”

Categorized as Women

Global intellectual property filings reached new records in 2021: WIPO

21 November 2022Culture and Education Patents, trademarks and designs reached record levels in 2021, with Asia driving growth in intellectual property, the UN agency dedicated to those types of assets said on Monday. According to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), despite the disruption of the coronavirus pandemic, this bucked previous economic downturn trends. Latest… Continue reading Global intellectual property filings reached new records in 2021: WIPO

DPRK missile launch ‘latest in a series of alarming activities’ – UN political chief  

Citing the DPRK’s official news agency and various government sources, Rosemary DiCarlo told ambassadors that at around 10:15 am local time, the so-called Hwasong-17 missile flew a distance of 1,000 km at an altitude of approximately 6,100 km.    “It is reportedly the first successful test of the DPRK’s largest and most powerful missile, capable of… Continue reading DPRK missile launch ‘latest in a series of alarming activities’ – UN political chief  

Help Acting more Feminine

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Help Acting more Feminine

Categorized as WomenTopic

What your favorite sauce for chicken wings?

I use a home made honey garlic and dill sauce. It’s by far my favorite. But some other good ones, Honey Mustard, BBQ Thai, and simple salt and pepper are my go to’s.

Categorized as ask-random

Myanmar crisis: Rights expert urges Korea to play ‘enhanced leadership role’ 

21 November 2022Human Rights Concluding a six-day official visit to the Republic of Korea (ROK), a UN-appointed independent human rights expert urged the country to help reverse the international community’s failure to address the crisis in Myanmar by taking the regional lead in ending violence against civilians there. “The Republic of Korea can play a vital… Continue reading Myanmar crisis: Rights expert urges Korea to play ‘enhanced leadership role’ 

Ladies of Reddit, what do you love most about men?

What I love about men♡ Their ability to look on the bright side♡ Their willingness to fix problems they have nothing to do with♡ Their proactive approach to comforting someone when they witness suffering♡ Their resilience in the face of despair and massive pressure♡ Their creativity in physical space and problem solving♡ The total commitment… Continue reading Ladies of Reddit, what do you love most about men?

Categorized as ask-random

Apple’s App Store analytics may be able to identify users

From the article: Apple is allegedly able to identify a user in analytics it collects, according to security researchers, via a unique identifier that can be associated with a user’s iCloud account. As a privacy-focused company, Apple’s introduction of App Tracking Transparency, as well as assurances it would not collect identifiable data on a user’s… Continue reading Apple’s App Store analytics may be able to identify users

Categorized as Apple

Bullying at your school?

Was there bullying at your school? Did you have to deal with any bullies? Tell us about it.

Categorized as Life

Digital or film?

Do you prefer digital photography or film photography? What are the pros and cons of each?

Categorized as Photos Art

‘Football’ or ‘soccer’

‘Football’ or ‘soccer’ – Which word is best? Should America change the name of their sport called football?

Categorized as Sports

Since when you were a kid?

How have your musical tastes changed since when you were a kid? Do you like the same types of music? Or is it different now?

Categorized as Music

made you cry?

Has a game’s storyline ever made you cry? Which game was it?

Categorized as Games

Non-breakfast foods for breakfast?

Can you eat “lunch-style food” or “dinner-style food” for breakfast? Whats the weirdest thing you ever had for breakfast?

Categorized as Food

Why do you use Reddit?

I have a freelance contract this year for a task that is boring as hell. I spend about as much time waiting to do something as I spend doing something. I can’t always do serious focused work in the waiting times, but I can goof off on reddit, because if I walk away in the… Continue reading Why do you use Reddit?

Categorized as ask-random

National Project Coordinator at ILO, Bangkok, Thailand

November 21, 2022 Deadline: 04 December 2022 The International Labour Organization (ILO) is currently seeking applications from the eligible applicants for the post of National Project Coordinator in Bangkok, Thailand. The duration of this post is 1 year. The mission of the ILO is to promote rights at work, encourage decent employment opportunities, enhance social… Continue reading National Project Coordinator at ILO, Bangkok, Thailand

Categorized as Jobs

Programme Policy Officer/Livelihood and Climate Change at WFP, Cairo, Egypt

You are here: Home / International Development / Programme Policy Officer/Livelihood and Climate Change at WFP, Cairo, Egypt November 21, 2022 Deadline: 28 November 2022 The World Food Programme (WFP) is currently seeking applications from the eligible applicants for the post of in Programme Policy Officer/Livelihood and Climate Change in Cairo, Egypt. World Food Programme… Continue reading Programme Policy Officer/Livelihood and Climate Change at WFP, Cairo, Egypt

Categorized as Jobs

HR Associate (HR Systems & Analytics) at WFP, Cairo, Egypt

You are here: Home / Egypt / HR Associate (HR Systems & Analytics) at WFP, Cairo, Egypt November 21, 2022 Deadline: 29 November 2022 The World Food Programme (WFP) is currently seeking applications from the eligible applicants for the post of in HR Associate (HR Systems & Analytics) in Cairo, Egypt. World Food Programme is… Continue reading HR Associate (HR Systems & Analytics) at WFP, Cairo, Egypt

Categorized as Jobs

What really grinds your gears?

When people choose not to comprehend something. What I mean is people who have something explained to them (verbally, written, however) and they actively choose not to comprehend it or just choose to ignore it. Example would be where I work in an ER and we have certain policies that people are expected to follow.… Continue reading What really grinds your gears?

Categorized as ask-random

I am building a Safari Web extension (not an app extension) to switch between tabs. Something I really wanted to exist!

I like the tab-switching behaviour in Chrome/Firefox and wanted Safari to have something similar. Another wish of mine was for it to be a web extension that feels native to the browser vs an app extension that looks out of place. After waiting long enough, I decided to build one myself. A little preview of… Continue reading I am building a Safari Web extension (not an app extension) to switch between tabs. Something I really wanted to exist!

Categorized as Apple

Favourite Adult Beverages?

Grand Marnier, Mimosa, Strawberry Mojito, Strawberry Daiquiri, Pina Colada, Margarita, Virgin Cesar, Long Island iced tea, Martini Dry, rose, red and Champagne for me personally.How about you? What are your favourite adult beverages in your book?

Categorized as Food

Technical Officer (Biodiversity and Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture) at FAO, Rome, Italy

You are here: Home / Agriculture, Food and Nutrition / Technical Officer (Biodiversity and Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture) at FAO, Rome, Italy November 21, 2022 Deadline: 29 November 2022 Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is currently seeking applications from the eligible applicants for the post of Technical Officer (Biodiversity and Genetic Resources for… Continue reading Technical Officer (Biodiversity and Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture) at FAO, Rome, Italy

Categorized as Jobs

Policy Officer at FAO, Accra, Ghana

November 21, 2022 Deadline: 06 December 2022 Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is currently seeking applications from the eligible applicants for the post of Policy Officer in Accra, Ghana. The duration of this project is 2 years. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to… Continue reading Policy Officer at FAO, Accra, Ghana

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Senior Operations Officer (Resource Planning) at ADB, Manila, Philippines

You are here: Home / Administration / Senior Operations Officer (Resource Planning) at ADB, Manila, Philippines November 21, 2022 Deadline: 29 November 2022 Asian Development Bank (ADB) is currently seeking applications from eligible applicants for the post of Senior Operations Officer (Resource Planning) in Manila, Philippines. The duration of this post is 3 years. The… Continue reading Senior Operations Officer (Resource Planning) at ADB, Manila, Philippines

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Senior Investment Officer at ADB, Manila, Philippines

You are here: Home / Accounts and Finance / Senior Investment Officer at ADB, Manila, Philippines November 21, 2022 Deadline: 2 December 2022 Asian Development Bank (ADB) is currently seeking applications from eligible applicants for the post of Senior Investment Officer in Manila, Philippines. The duration of this post is 3 years. The ADB aims… Continue reading Senior Investment Officer at ADB, Manila, Philippines

Categorized as Jobs

Women who have gone through IVF – what’s your “after” experience?

I’m thinking about donating eggs, which is a bit different than IVF to get pregnant but similar with the injected hormones. My only concern is health effects from the injected hormones – I’m very sensitive to hormonal birth control and worry about potential ovarian hyperstimulation, or effects to fertility/other health issues in the future. Women… Continue reading Women who have gone through IVF – what’s your “after” experience?

Categorized as WomenTopic

What’s your family’s big bad secret ?

That’s not a family secret lmao, I meant something your family is generations have kept to yourselves. Maybe murderers, did you family keep slaves in the past, money laundering, maybe mafia related shit. Something really bad

Categorized as ask-random

Republicans aren’t stopping at ROE

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Republicans aren’t stopping at ROE

Categorized as WomenTopic

Men, what’s something that women do that creep you out?

not trying to say that all and only women do it but ive seen em make crazy plots in order to get another girl on trouble or infamy, doesnt matter the gender, bad is bad ok? but ive seen chicks do that mastermind stuff and thats just creepyy

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How important is musical compatibility in a romantic relationship?

It’s not about the music itself. It’s about both partner’s ability to recognize a simple fact: You like things that I don’t and that’s OK. Seriously, the amount of people that take offense to opinions on personal tastes is silly. Don’t yuck someone else’s yum.

Categorized as ask-random

Who is one public figure everybody hates?

They’re public figures, not because they are good or powerful, because they have followers. So technically no public figure is hated by everyone, even if they are objectively foul.

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How do you get over someone ?

Work on yourself. Whether it’s eating better, working out, find a new hobby..etc. just keep busy and don’t have any contact with that person temporarily (or permanently if it didn’t end well)

Categorized as ask-random

What’s the biggest issue people have with “woke” culture?

The fact that you can’t disagree with anything at all without being labeled as the enemy (there are many specific terms, but “enemy” is the overall theme). Eventually, I just agree that we are enemies and leave it at that. If you want an example, I’ll never agree with the blanket phrase ACAB. And that… Continue reading What’s the biggest issue people have with “woke” culture?

Categorized as ask-random

What Did Reddit Massively Overhype?

For me, it was Alita: Battle Angel. From the way that everyone one Reddit gushed about it, I figured that it was going to be at least good if not great. Nope. Bad acting with passible VFX. Just a very mediocre experience.

Categorized as ask-random

How did you land your first job?

Walked into a place, i don’t remember what the manager asked me, but my reply was : ” i dare you to hire me”. He did. It was the job that changed my personality to the strong and awesome person I am today.

Categorized as ask-random

People with unusual names, what is it and why do you like or dislike it?

The thing about it is that the name itself is not a problem, but socially, if I give my name, I always have to say it three times: the first time, the second time to clarify they didn’t mishear an expected name, and a third time for confirmation of pronunciation once they realize it is… Continue reading People with unusual names, what is it and why do you like or dislike it?

Categorized as ask-random

Is this normal?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Is this normal?

Categorized as WomenTopic

You know what’s coming when your shopping list starts to look like this…

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading You know what’s coming when your shopping list starts to look like this…

Categorized as WomenTopic

Did i mess up my skin permanently?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Did i mess up my skin permanently?

Categorized as WomenTopic

What was your worst fast food experience?

Burger King giving me cold food that sat on the back counter because the workers were busy talking and fucking around. Sonic because that is the worst food poisoning I ever had in my life and the one near me hires tweakers who never know the menu.

Categorized as ask-random

When did Reddit go from worshipping Elon Musk to hating him?

Is this really your takeaway? Serious question. Is your takeaway from a silver-spoon fed billionaire taking over the Town Crier of our time and then whining like a cunt when it doesn’t go his way, and trying to destroy our economy as a consequence really your takeaway?

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Adults what youtube channels do you watch?

LGR, Adrian’s Digital Basement, Caddicarus, Arcus, Ashens, Daz Games, IAmBrandonFarris, Karl Jobst, Penguinz0, Videogamedunkey, PewDiePie, Gab Smolders, Jacksepticeye, First We Feast, VICE.. Mostly gaming/retro tech content, but I also watch let’s plays, especially survival horror stuff. I keep my subscriptions to a minimum. Quality over quantity.

Categorized as ask-random

What is the absolute dumbest thing anyone has ever said to you, and what was your reaction?

Was once having sex with a girl who had a bimbo fetish, so she was pretending to be dumb af. When I announced that I was gonna cum, she looked at me all confused and said the legendary words “huh, you’re gonna cum inside of me? Aint I way too stupid for that?” That was… Continue reading What is the absolute dumbest thing anyone has ever said to you, and what was your reaction?

Categorized as ask-random


So they have this on Disney Plus. It’s the sequel to Enchanted. I thought it was better than the first and definitely worth the years it took for them to make this movie.

What’s the pettiest reason you hate someone?

Friends of a friend gave their son a grandiose and old-fashioned name (think Bartholomew, Augustus, Reginald – it was along those lines). Their reasoning, “If he chooses to go into business it’ll serve him well to have a distinctive name.”

Categorized as ask-random

What’s one thing you didn’t know was sad until it happened to you?

I’m not a well-liked person. I’m loud and arguably annoying. I try to be kind, and make up for my flaws, and while it’s gotten better as I’ve gotten older, people have always made it obvious they didn’t like me. But being told in a room full of my classmates to “just shut up” when… Continue reading What’s one thing you didn’t know was sad until it happened to you?

Categorized as ask-random

What is a food that is hard to cook in your opinion?

Any food if perfection is your goal. Always looking for ways to improve technique and recipe. I really enjoyed sourdough and smoking meat. So many variables that require you to be adaptable. Temperature, humidity, elevation, where the ingredients were grown, etc.

Categorized as ask-random

Can Apple Books handle very large libraries?

I have a library of PDF and ePub files of over tens of thousands of items. Up to now I’ve organized this collection with Zotero. I want to try Apple Books. Does anyone have experience storing and organizing large collections of items in Apple Books?

Categorized as Apple

Women who have nexplanon, what are your side effects?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Women who have nexplanon, what are your side effects?

Categorized as WomenTopic

Confirmed: Apple Music is Coming to Tesla Vehicles [PICS]

Never going to happen. Always-connected cars like Teslas aren’t going to cede control of the entire in-car experience to Apple or Google. That in-car experience will be monetized with things like app stores, advertising, etc. It will be especially important once self driving becomes more of a thing and the people in the car are… Continue reading Confirmed: Apple Music is Coming to Tesla Vehicles [PICS]

Categorized as Apple

What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?

Spontaneously got on a flight to a foreign country to go meet up with a vague online acquaintance. Had never met the person before and there wasn’t much planning. The person just said I was welcome to come so I said, okay might as well and took the flight two days later.

Categorized as ask-random

Apple Executive Phil Schiller Deactivates Twitter Account

Twitter is a festering cesspool of transphobes, homophobes, racists, misogynists, and insurrectionists posting whatever the hell they want without any content moderation. Which one of those is Phil Schiller? Can’t wait until Twitter goes bankrupt because every last advertiser pulled out of that shithole. I hope that doesn’t happen. It is the absolute best way… Continue reading Apple Executive Phil Schiller Deactivates Twitter Account

Categorized as Apple

Overnight blasts near Ukraine nuclear plant are ‘playing with fire!’ – UN nuclear chief

20 November 2022Peace and Security Powerful explosions shook the area of Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP), “abruptly ending a period of relative calm” at the facility, the head of the UN nuclear watchdog agency said on Sunday. In a statement issued by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi said… Continue reading Overnight blasts near Ukraine nuclear plant are ‘playing with fire!’ – UN nuclear chief

Trans women are women.

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Trans women are women.

Categorized as WomenTopic

‘Join forces’ for peaceful, prosperous continent, urges UN chief on Africa Industrialization Day

In his message commemorating the Day, Secretary-General António Guterres warned that countries across Africa are facing “a perfect storm”.  He cited armed conflicts; rising food and energy insecurity; “skyrocketing” inflation and debt; shrinking fiscal space; and mounting climate catastrophes. Yet despite these challenges, the top UN official reminded that Africa includes some of the world’s fastest growing… Continue reading ‘Join forces’ for peaceful, prosperous continent, urges UN chief on Africa Industrialization Day

What’s the best line from a movie?

Not THE BEST, but one that I watched recently and caught me: “The heart dies a slow death, shedding each hope like leaves until one day there are none. No hopes. Nothing remains.” ― Memoirs of a Geisha

Categorized as ask-random

What physical trait do you find the most unattractive?

Personally, I seem to be very unattracted to an overweight figure. I can be attracted to almost anything, thin or thick hair, short or tall, old or young, but the only thing I’ve never been attracted to is an overweight figure.

Categorized as ask-random

What is the most horror or eerie thing that has happened to your (asking in horror context)?

When I was young, me and my friends, we went into some spooky uninhabited house in the city just for fun. It was a sunny day and suddenly when we went inside, strong thunder came out of nowhere and we all got so scared by it 😀 We were kids so that’s why we got… Continue reading What is the most horror or eerie thing that has happened to your (asking in horror context)?

Categorized as ask-random

Facebook Ad Blocker That Actually Works

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

Favourite Jewelry Pieces?

Mine would be my 100% real Chinese jade rabbit necklace, which I’m wearing currently. It’s also my Chinese zodiac sign, which is why I love is so much. How about you? What are your favourite jewelry pieces in your eyes?

Categorized as Life

Anyone loves Curry?

I’ve personally had Indian, Japanese and Thai curry, my favourite is Indian. How about you? Have you ever tried it yet or not personally? And if yes, do you enjoy it or not? And what are your favourite curries in your eyes?

Categorized as Food

What do you think of extremely edgy individuals with face tattoos?

I don’t, because I don’t encounter people with said stuff. ‘Edgy’ really means that somebody looks like a drug dealer or that they were in prison or they’re trashy. So, they’re pretty much hidden away in the back of McDonald’s doing fries and not in professional environments.

Categorized as ask-random

First Person: Saving lives and preventing the spread of cholera in Haiti

20 November 2022Health A community health worker in the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince, has been describing how she is going door-to-door to raise awareness about cholera prevention. The deadly but treatable disease has been spreading across the country and according to the latest Government figures published on 16 November there have been some 8,100 people admitted… Continue reading First Person: Saving lives and preventing the spread of cholera in Haiti

Categorized as Americas

How do you Love yourself when you don’t know how Love feels?

Who says you have too. Don’t love yourself. Just look for small things everyday that you LIKE about yourself. Point them out to yourself everyday and go from there. If you go this route, eventually you will be happy, or at least content with yourself. Far more important

Categorized as ask-random

Snapchat Adds

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Snapchat Adds

Categorized as WomenTopic

What’s something the world needs to hear?

Be kind to those around you. Regardless of how it may seem, we are all lost in our own way, just trying to find our peace. No one really knows what they’re doing or what lays beyond, but that’s okay, because we have each other, so at least we aren’t lost alone.

Categorized as ask-random

COP27 closes with deal on loss and damage: ‘A step towards justice’, says UN chief

“This COP has taken an important step towards justice. I welcome the decision to establish a loss and damage fund and to operationalize it in the coming period,” UN Secretary-General António Guterres said in a video message issued from the conference venue in Egypt, underscoring that the voices of those on frontlines of the climate… Continue reading COP27 closes with deal on loss and damage: ‘A step towards justice’, says UN chief

What is the best sarcastic word?

I don’t believe there is a best sarcastic word. The best sarcasm is how you say it and the meaning behind it. I don’t often fall back on set words or phrases, instead i prefer to be as genuine and creative as possible.

Categorized as ask-random

The translator app is garbage

Apple Translate is mostly done on-system, and is still in its infancy. Think of it like typing prediction but between languages. A step up is Google Translate which calls home to get the “best” solution. Neither will provide you with a natural language equivalent though; they’re mostly effective for helping people with no knowledge understand… Continue reading The translator app is garbage

Categorized as Apple

Ancestral home?

An ancestral home is the place of origin of one’s extended family, particularly the home owned and preserved by the same family for several generations. Click to expand… Do you live in a house that fits this description? Are you going to inherit a home like this one day? One that has been passed down… Continue reading Ancestral home?

Categorized as Life

From the Field: In Ukraine, ‘I have grown used to the endless fear’

19 November 2022Humanitarian Aid Living with fear and the daily threat of death is something that all Ukrainians have had to reckon with since Russia’s invasion of 24 February, and local UN staff are no exception. Viktoriya Hrubas is a Public Information Officer with the UN humanitarian coordination office, OCHA, and she’s been giving her… Continue reading From the Field: In Ukraine, ‘I have grown used to the endless fear’

Categorized as Europe

What do you use to trim down there?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading What do you use to trim down there?

Categorized as WomenTopic

Made the decision to bu. Hurts like hell and I’m stuck on if it was the right choice.

I guess I’m trying to vent and feedback is genuinely encouraged. After a year and some months, I made the decision with my bf. Now I’m doubting. My dating history was full of men who were nice in the beginning and then horrible breakups, most had so many issues (mental, emotional, psychological). I met a… Continue reading Made the decision to bu. Hurts like hell and I’m stuck on if it was the right choice.

Categorized as WomenTopic

Happy man’s day to the gentlemen wondering this page

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Happy man’s day to the gentlemen wondering this page

Categorized as WomenTopic

Apple Watch Wireless CarPlay

What do you guys think of Apple Watch being able to run wireless CarPlay down the line? I’m starting to hate phone culture. People (including myself) just glued to their phones is honestly cancerous. My watch texts, makes phone calls and plays music which is really all I need. If it could also do CarPlay… Continue reading Apple Watch Wireless CarPlay

Categorized as Apple

What’s the worst city you have been to as a woman? (Street harassment etc.)

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading What’s the worst city you have been to as a woman? (Street harassment etc.)

Categorized as WomenTopic

Cheese and Crackers?

I do enjoy spreading a cheese dip on my saltine or Ritz or rice crackers myself. And you personally? Have you every tried them yet personally or not? And if so, do you enjoy them or not in your view?

Categorized as Food

What will happen to all the weapons being sent to Ukraine after the war?

The weapons being sent? Probably either returned or kept by their military. If you’re worried about black markets, I’d worry more about the truckloads of AKs they handed out at random when the Russians first started towards Kyiv. There’s usually some small arms black market activity after wars in Eastern Europe, but I don’t think… Continue reading What will happen to all the weapons being sent to Ukraine after the war?

Categorized as ask-random

how to start a great and solid conversation through text?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading how to start a great and solid conversation through text?

Categorized as WomenTopic

What’s you’re “Tis but a scratch.” moment?

Fell off a bolting horse full gallop, knocked the air out of my lungs, my hand was bleeding so were my knees, but not to embarrass myself infront of the trainer and other riders I just got back on, laughed it off and continued riding.

Categorized as ask-random

What little steps do you take to not be a jerk?

When I push my shopping cart (trolley) back to the corral, I always take the time out to straighten them and put the shorts together with the shorts and the long ones with the longs to make it easier for the cart pushers to grab them. Keeps me humble.

Categorized as ask-random

International men’s day

It is endlessly frustrating to me that so much of men’s “activism” comes from trying to shut down women’s activism. “You think you ladies have it bad? Wait till I tell you about the SUICIDE RATE!!” You can try to explain that the rate of attempted suicides for men and women is on par, men… Continue reading International men’s day

Categorized as WomenTopic

i YTPed an apple commercial…

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

If you accepted a cash offer to change your last name, what would you change it to?

I’d change it to anything they wanted. Iv wanted to change my last name. The only good thing to get out if my last name is that a cat clinic goes by the cat name and the humans last name. So I have a kitten (pre-named) Nugget. My last name is Neal.. pronounced like meal… Continue reading If you accepted a cash offer to change your last name, what would you change it to?

Categorized as ask-random

What are you currently boycotting? And why?

I don’t boycott shit. Depriving myself of something I need or enjoy because I disagree with a company’s politics or social stance on something is moronic, and does more to hurt the workers- who have no say in the matter at all, than the dicktweets running things.

Categorized as ask-random

Why are you a homophobe?

Because I have gay thoughts, but I’ve been told my whole life that having gay thoughts is a choice and bad, so rather than examine my beliefs, I convince myself that the gays are trying to maliciously recruit me

Categorized as ask-random

What do you use so you dont get bumps after shaving legs/arms?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading What do you use so you dont get bumps after shaving legs/arms?

Categorized as WomenTopic

What did you do while sitting on the porcelain throne before cellphones were a thing?

I don’t know when or how it started but I became convienced as a kid that some demon or satan himself lived literally underground and might come up through the toilet when I was most inconvienent so I always did my buisness right quick. As a rational adult though of course I no longer believe… Continue reading What did you do while sitting on the porcelain throne before cellphones were a thing?

Categorized as ask-random


A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading HAPPY INTERNATIONAL MENS DAY

Categorized as WomenTopic

How does a society develop language?

Specifically, how do large groups of people (eg all the Greek city states) all develop the same language. How do they teach each other new words (especially non-noun words) when they don’t have a pre existing language to teach themselves with?

Categorized as ask-random

What are the world’s least visited countries?

Probably among the least visited countries are small island nations that are difficult (and expensive) to get to. And especially because of coronavirus, these countries are closed in order to protect their small populations. It is easier to close an island country of course. I’m thinking of Nauru, Palau, Micronesia, Marshall islands, Tuvalu, Kiribati, Tonga… Continue reading What are the world’s least visited countries?

Categorized as ask-random

How did you improve your life after a breakup?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading How did you improve your life after a breakup?

Categorized as WomenTopic

Have you ever had a breakup where in the beginning after BU you felt so horrible but after some time you were thankful that it happened?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Have you ever had a breakup where in the beginning after BU you felt so horrible but after some time you were thankful that it happened?

Categorized as WomenTopic

What food do most people find gross but you love?

i’ll go first, and there are a few: I eat lemons, peel and all, vinegar in general (i can literally drink it without flinching) but specifically on popcorn the half crunchy half soggy is good to me, and i love vegetables that taste extra plant like, like kale and brussel sprouts.

Categorized as ask-random

What’s an album you love, but find difficult to listen to?

Purple Mountains, by David Berman, under the name Purple Mountains, is an incredibly emotionally raw album that can also, at times be pretty funny. It also is something of a suicide note, as Berman killed himself about a month after the album’s release.

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A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Catcalling

Categorized as WomenTopic

Rain feels like fire. How would you cover from it?

It just feels like fire while it’s falling on you, or does it actually burn things down? I’d probably just stay inside if the former. If the latter, I’d find a cave or something that can’t be burned down.

Categorized as ask-random

Providing survivor-centered police and justice services in Morocco

“I always feared the police. You hear stories of women going to the police station to report their violent husbands and they get told ‘you deserve it’. Then she must wait in a room full of men, feeling vulnerable and misjudged. On the way to the police station, I was terrified. After what I went… Continue reading Providing survivor-centered police and justice services in Morocco

Categorized as Women

In focus: 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence

The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual campaign that begins on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and runs through International Human Rights Day on 10 December. Led by civil society, the campaign is supported by the United Nations through the Secretary General’s UNiTE by… Continue reading In focus: 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence

Categorized as Women

Push forward: 10 ways to end violence against women

Violence against women and girls remains the most pervasive human rights violation in the world, affecting more than 1 in 3 women—a figure that has remained largely unchanged over the last decade. Global emergencies, crises and conflict have further intensified violence against women and girls and exacerbated the drivers and risk factors. Climate change is… Continue reading Push forward: 10 ways to end violence against women

Categorized as Women

Pushing forward: Dismantling anti-LGBTIQ+ discrimination in Argentina

Fernanda Rotondo is an Argentinian feminist, LGBTIQ+ and human rights activist, and writer and photographer. She is also the Gender and Human Rights Coordinator for the organization ANDHES (Lawyers in Human Rights and Social Studies in the Argentinean Northeast). In the face of inconsistent national policies and protections, Fernanda is fighting to advance the human… Continue reading Pushing forward: Dismantling anti-LGBTIQ+ discrimination in Argentina

Categorized as Women

Stepping up for women and girls during the flood crisis in Pakistan

To ensure that women and girls receive the support they need in times of crisis, says Fouzia Yasmin, Senior Manager at Pakistani mental health organization Rozan, “relief support programmes need to be designed to address the vulnerabilities of women and girls during disasters”.   Stepping up for women and girls during the flood crisis in… Continue reading Stepping up for women and girls during the flood crisis in Pakistan

Categorized as Women

Pushing forward: Preventing violence against women in online spaces

Marwa Azelmat is a digital rights expert and lead policy advocate for the Association for Progressive Communications. She is also an activist involved with women’s rights movements and organizations around the world. At the intersection of these issues, Marwa is facing off against a central barrier to progress on both: online violence against women and… Continue reading Pushing forward: Preventing violence against women in online spaces

Categorized as Women

Driving data-based progress on violence response and prevention in Colombia

But none of this is accidental. They are achievements directly supported by gender statistics—including disaggregated and localized data on violence against women (VAW). The rapid gender assessment on violence against women (VAW) during COVID-19, rolled out nationally by UN Women in 2021, found that 63 per cent of surveyed women said they or someone they know… Continue reading Driving data-based progress on violence response and prevention in Colombia

Categorized as Women

Changing social norms to end violence against women and girls in Kyrgyzstan

“This is our new family business. Each loaf of bread is made with lots of love because each of us contributes to making it delicious,” enthuses 38-year-old Gulnaz Almambet kyzy, a new business owner who received Spotlight Initiative-supported gender equality training implemented by UN Women in Kyrgyzstan. Changing social norms to end violence against women… Continue reading Changing social norms to end violence against women and girls in Kyrgyzstan

Categorized as Women

How male champions are helping to end gender-based violence in Uganda

“As a male champion, I strive for gender inclusiveness and making gender parity a priority,” says local government Community Development Officer, Wilfred Nyeko. “Being a male champion means reporting forms of abuse, acting as a source of change and inspiration for men, and being a role model for mindset change. It also means advocating for… Continue reading How male champions are helping to end gender-based violence in Uganda

Categorized as Women

Pushing forward: Ending conflict-related sexual violence in Ukraine

Hrystyna Kit is a Ukrainian women right’s advocate, jurist and attorney. She is also the co-founder of the Ukrainian Women Lawyers Association JurFem, which focuses on increasing gender sensitivity within the legal community and Ukrainian legislation as well as improving survivors’ access to justice. As Russia’s invasion of Ukraine continues into its ninth month, she’s… Continue reading Pushing forward: Ending conflict-related sexual violence in Ukraine

Categorized as Women

Pushing forward: Resisting systemic violence in Afghanistan

Malalay* is an Afghan lawyer and activist working to support and restore the rights of women and girls affected by family and social violence in Afghanistan. Since the Taliban’s takeover last August, her work has gotten significantly more difficult—and more dangerous. Pushing forward: Resisting systemic violence in Afghanistan Malalay* is an Afghan lawyer and activist… Continue reading Pushing forward: Resisting systemic violence in Afghanistan

Categorized as Women

Pushing forward: Countering anti-feminist backlash in Ethiopia

Hanna Lemma is a women’s rights advocate and feminist researcher from Ethiopia. She is also the founder and director of Addis Powerhouse, a young women-led feminist knowledge production platform that conducts gender research and works to ensure young women’s meaningful representation in Ethiopian politics and society. In the wake of civil war, Hanna is fighting… Continue reading Pushing forward: Countering anti-feminist backlash in Ethiopia

Categorized as Women

UNHCR calls for ban on forced returns of asylum seekers to eastern DR Congo

18 November 2022Peace and Security The UN refugee agency (UNHCR) has reiterated its call for a ban on forced returns to eastern provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), including asylum seekers who have had their claims rejected. Elizabeth Tan, UNHCR’s Director of International Protection, said on Friday at the regular Geneva press… Continue reading UNHCR calls for ban on forced returns of asylum seekers to eastern DR Congo

How to Reduce Waste: 21 Ideas for Zero Waste Living

Every day, Americans collectively generate 700,000 tons of trash. Reducing waste may seem intimidating, but it doesn’t need to be. You may not have the time or resources to do it perfectly, but don’t let that stop you!  From taking sustainable actions to purchasing eco friendly gifts, there are countless ways, big and small, to… Continue reading How to Reduce Waste: 21 Ideas for Zero Waste Living

I Made a Tiny Touch ID Button for Mac!

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

What crazy conspiracy theory did everyone forget about overnight?

Vegas concert event shooting. No motive given, brother of the shooter is suddenly whisked away on some kind of CP charges despite owning an AOL-era desktop and nothing else. Throngs of people fired upon and the public gave half a fuck for like a week and moved on, with probably one of the biggest fuck… Continue reading What crazy conspiracy theory did everyone forget about overnight?

Categorized as ask-random

Rights experts decry harassment of activists attending COP27

Climate activists and civil society have been subjected to intimidation, harassment and surveillance during the two-week gathering, held in the resort town of Sharm El-Sheikh, they reported.  End harassment, ensure safety  “We are deeply concerned by reported acts of harassment and intimidation by Egyptian officials, infringing the rights of Egyptian and non-Egyptian human rights and… Continue reading Rights experts decry harassment of activists attending COP27

What’s your morning ritual?

wake up, make coffee, feed the cats, drink some of the coffee while on youtube, clean my two cats’ litters and take out the trash, buy water and something to eat for breakfast to survive until gf wakes up, come back home, join daily call at work while drinking rest of coffee (which is cold… Continue reading What’s your morning ritual?

Categorized as ask-random

Middle East: Terrifying surge in violence affecting children ‘must stop’ – UNICEF

18 November 2022Peace and Security Children across the Middle East and North Africa Region (MENA) are again confronting a surge in violence, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said on Friday, describing the “unacceptable reality” that on average, over 10 children have been killed every week since the beginning of the year. “Children in the region… Continue reading Middle East: Terrifying surge in violence affecting children ‘must stop’ – UNICEF

What do you think about businesses that don’t accept cash?

Agreed. They need to pay fees to accept cards, and cash has no such fees. Maybe it makes accounting easier since they never have to count cash, and also they don’t need to make runs to the bank, or deal with making change and so on.

Categorized as ask-random

UNICEF’s Child Friendly Cities Initiative Catalyzes Youth Involvement

Stay informed on UNICEF’s work saving and protecting children around the world UUSA-185 Entrance Modal Submitted by todemko on Wed, 2021-01-27 10:42 Imagine … despite being the only country in the world that has not ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, the United States has cities dedicated to addressing issues… Continue reading UNICEF’s Child Friendly Cities Initiative Catalyzes Youth Involvement

Categorized as unicef

Just had a scary thought about some men potentially targeting and assaulting “pro life” women because they know they’re less likely to end the pregnancy

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Just had a scary thought about some men potentially targeting and assaulting “pro life” women because they know they’re less likely to end the pregnancy

Categorized as WomenTopic

Reddit, what is your opinion on the “just stop oil” protests?

Annoying people to “start a conversation” usually only starts a conversation about how annoying you are. That said, I feel like it’s sort of a conclusion we should expect. Aren’t we saying that climate change is some kind of an emergency that requires immediate attention and action? Take “Don’t Look Up” for example – I… Continue reading Reddit, what is your opinion on the “just stop oil” protests?

Categorized as ask-random

If vampires actually existed, what would they need to do stay under the radar, with no one noticing that they don’t age or die?

In the modern world it would be largely impossible for any significant population of them to; Be able to feed on humans Have none ever be killed, even by accident Live in any semi-developed country Avoid creating any tangible evidence of their presence …all without ever being discovered. If there was like a dozen or… Continue reading If vampires actually existed, what would they need to do stay under the radar, with no one noticing that they don’t age or die?

Categorized as ask-random

Youth Changemakers Tackle Global Issues

Stay informed on UNICEF’s work saving and protecting children around the world UUSA-185 Entrance Modal Submitted by todemko on Wed, 2021-01-27 10:42 November 20 marks both World Children’s Day and the anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, the historic international treaty affirming the world’s commitment to protecting kids’ rights… Continue reading Youth Changemakers Tackle Global Issues

Categorized as unicef

Amid looming global food insecurity crisis, ‘breakthrough’ on fertilisers hailed

The MV Brave Commander berthed in Hodeidah port in Yemen carrying Ukrainian wheat flour milled in Turkiye. (Oct 2022) 18 November 2022Peace and Security A “breakthrough” has been made on the potential distribution of hundreds of thousands of tonnes of Russian-made fertiliser blocked in European ports and which are vital to avoid a global food… Continue reading Amid looming global food insecurity crisis, ‘breakthrough’ on fertilisers hailed

As COP27 deadline slips, UN chief urges negotiators to aim for ‘maximum ambition’ on loss and damage

“I remain concerned at the number of outstanding issues, including on finance mitigation, adaptation, loss and damage and their inter linkages,” COP27 President, Sameh Shoukry, told delegates reunited at the plenary of the Sharm el-Sheik International Convention Centre. Mr. Shoukry called on parties to “urgently” work together to resolve the outstanding issues as swiftly as… Continue reading As COP27 deadline slips, UN chief urges negotiators to aim for ‘maximum ambition’ on loss and damage

What are the rules of golf concerning being on the green when your opponent’s ball goes into the water hazard, and he elects to play it from where it lies?

In golf, the term “green” refers to the area of short grass surrounding the hole. The green is where the flagstick is placed and where the cup is cut into the turf. It is also the area from which players putt. There are a few different rules that come into play when a ball goes… Continue reading What are the rules of golf concerning being on the green when your opponent’s ball goes into the water hazard, and he elects to play it from where it lies?

Categorized as ask-random

Is it okay to ‘accept’ that you’re ugly? why?

I think it’s fine to be aware that some people might treat you differently because of your physical qualities. That’s just reality. To me, that’s different than “accepting that you’re ugly”, because that would mean condoning treating people differently based on those physical qualities, which I don’t.

Categorized as ask-random

Op-ed: Ramp up investment to support Asia-Pacific women to overcome climate disasters

Women face greater demands to care for their families because of social and gender norms, and these demands increase during and after climate disasters. Women spend more time than men gathering household fuel and water and face more barriers in accessing information and resources to prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters. And they… Continue reading Op-ed: Ramp up investment to support Asia-Pacific women to overcome climate disasters

Categorized as Women

Racism And Discrimination Against Children Rife In Countries Worldwide – UNICEF

NEW YORK (November 18, 2022) – Racism and discrimination against children based on their ethnicity, language, and religion are rife in countries across the world, according to a new UNICEF report published ahead of World Children’s Day. Rights denied: The impact of discrimination on children shows the extent to which racism and discrimination impact children’s education, health,… Continue reading Racism And Discrimination Against Children Rife In Countries Worldwide – UNICEF

Categorized as unicef

Violence, Conflict And Unrest Robs Nearly 580 Children Of Their Lives In The Middle East And North Africa Since Start Of Year

NEW YORK (November 18, 2022) – November 20th marks World Children’s Day, the annual commemoration of the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), which provides a universal set of standards to be adhered to by all countries – including the principle of non-discrimination; the best interests of the child as a… Continue reading Violence, Conflict And Unrest Robs Nearly 580 Children Of Their Lives In The Middle East And North Africa Since Start Of Year

Categorized as unicef

Hi , do you care about acne/ acne scars in your SO ? Why or why not ?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Hi , do you care about acne/ acne scars in your SO ? Why or why not ?

Categorized as WomenTopic

What is the scariest school bus ride you have been on?

Mans puked out the window, and another kid behind him had his window open and it was almost like a vacuum chamber of some sorts because the wind took the kids vomit and blew it into the kid sitting behind him, it landed in the kids face. This was in eighth grade.

Categorized as ask-random

Which OTT platform is the best?

Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. It doesn’t appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one.

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What is your main disadvantage and how do you cope?

My height has always felt like a detriment. It feels like it’s harder for people to take me seriously, and it sucks having to climb the counter to reach anything. If I could have an extra foot of height, that’d be nice.

Categorized as ask-random

What makes a person fall out of love with their spouse after many years in love?

So many things. As we grow older we change our way of thinking, learn new things, and sometimes realize that you aren’t getting what you need out of your relationship anymore. My husband’s work took precedence over everything; even when he didn’t have to work. I was left alone most of the time. Even though… Continue reading What makes a person fall out of love with their spouse after many years in love?

Categorized as ask-random

How did you ruen you relationship?

Ruen (Bulgarian: Руен, pronounced [ˈruɛn]; Turkish: Ulanlı) is a village in southeastern Bulgaria, part of Burgas Province. It is the administrative centre of Ruen municipality, which lies in the northern part of Burgas Province.

Categorized as ask-random

what’s like to go to school in your country?

When I was growing up, it was a great time. I did feel there was a lack of the social aspect though, as there were no extracurricular activities or clubs or anything of that sort.

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What’s the most hated country in the world?

Right now, Russia. Pre the recent conflict, quite probably China and the United States. There’s also North Korea, though the lack of information and direct relevance to Western society means a lot of Westerners view North Korea as wacky or absurd, worthy of ridicule more than hatred.

Categorized as ask-random

If the multiverse theory is correct, what are some moments in history that you think would only exist in our universe/timeline?

https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/history-is-weird “Fun” little comic about this idea, basically in any sensible timeline humans have already nuked ourselves into exctinction and it’s only absurd coincidences and luck that allowed us to make it this far. But as a silver lining it also means humans cannot possibly go extinct because there will always be some timeline where… Continue reading If the multiverse theory is correct, what are some moments in history that you think would only exist in our universe/timeline?

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Where do y’all like to shop online? USA

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Where do y’all like to shop online? USA

Categorized as WomenTopic

What do women love most,I’ve been wondering.Because I really want to make my wife feel more loved.

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading What do women love most,I’ve been wondering.Because I really want to make my wife feel more loved.

Categorized as WomenTopic

Photography Themes?

What themes in photography do you like the most? Examples: Architectural photography. Monochrome photography. Urban life photography. Sunset photography. Waterfall photography. Food photography. Vintage photography. Travel photography.

Categorized as Photos Art

Current / new music?

Are you into the latest music that comes out? Can you name a hit song from the past year?

Categorized as Music

warrior, mage, or rogue

What’s your favorite fighting class: warrior, mage, or rogue, and why?

Categorized as Games

what music genre can you not stand?

as a general rule, i stay far, far away from love songs. i’m aro-ace, and i just don’t get it. also i think songs with other topics lend themselves better to funny lyrics.

Categorized as ask-random

How do you get over gifted kid syndrome in high school/study tips?

Take harder and harder classes so you don’t get bored and just coast on your natural ability. Take more APs/IB classes. Start self-studying for AP courses that aren’t taught at your high school. You can teach a few of them to yourself. If those are easy, start taking community college classes after normal school in… Continue reading How do you get over gifted kid syndrome in high school/study tips?

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How UNICEF Plans to Help Kids Stay Warm This Winter

Stay informed on UNICEF’s work saving and protecting children around the world UUSA-185 Entrance Modal Submitted by todemko on Wed, 2021-01-27 10:42 In many countries, children are about to experience one of their darkest winters. Many communities continue to suffer the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. War and displacement, rising food and fuel prices and… Continue reading How UNICEF Plans to Help Kids Stay Warm This Winter

Categorized as unicef

‘Credibility and relevance’ of UN on the line over Security Council reform, warns Assembly President

17 November 2022UN Affairs The entire credibility and relevance of the United Nations will be called into question unless the General Assembly finally takes a lead on reforming the Organisation’s most powerful body responsible for peace and security issues, the Security Council. That’s according to the President of the General Assembly Csaba Kőrösi, who told a… Continue reading ‘Credibility and relevance’ of UN on the line over Security Council reform, warns Assembly President

Why can’t humanity just get along?

Well, some people are just dickheads. And I don’t mean dickhead like myself, but proper dickhead. I’m actually an asshole, not really a dickhead.

Categorized as ask-random

UN’s game plan for sanitation for all

17 November 2022SDGs Ahead of World Toilet Day on 19 November, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) is launching a new game plan to help governments achieve safely managed sanitation for their populations and meet the sanitation target laid out in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). “SDG 6.2 is about ending open defecation and providing access to safe sanitation and hygiene,… Continue reading UN’s game plan for sanitation for all

Categorized as sdgs

What’s the greatest relief you’ve ever felt?

Most recently, it was watching my son in a swimming lesson swim from the middle of the pool to the edge and climb out. Not a huge distance but it just alleviated some of the anxiety I have about him drowning somehow.

Categorized as ask-random

Siri made me pullover and text because she couldn’t text for me. This isn’t okay.

Asking Siri to text my wife (and others too) is something I’ve done countless times and she’s never had a problem until yesterday. I had my toddler in the car and she had spilled water all over her so I wanted to text my wife to let her know to have a fresh set of… Continue reading Siri made me pullover and text because she couldn’t text for me. This isn’t okay.

Categorized as Apple

Real vs. Fake Christmas Trees: Which is Better For the Environment?

We spend a lot of time talking about the benefits of trees and why you shouldn’t cut down trees, but you may be wondering, what about about Christmas trees? Are Christmas trees eco-friendly? Are real Christmas trees better for the environment? Or is it better to purchase a fake Christmas tree to save the real… Continue reading Real vs. Fake Christmas Trees: Which is Better For the Environment?

How responsible should celebrities/influencers be for the products that they endorse?

I wouldn’t endorse anything. Nothing, absolutely nothing. Not even “Don’t kick puppies”-charity. So I think they should be responsible for everything they endorse because they got lazy if they didn’t check the product before they started to endorse the product. And let’s be honest here, we only hear about it when it all goes badly…

Categorized as ask-random

Fit people of Reddit, What’s your best diet/weight loss tip?

Make meal plans and actually put enough thought into/do enough research on what a healthy diet should actually look like. When it comes to exercise, strength exercises are generally better than aerobic exercises for weight loss, but all exercise is good exercise and doesn’t need to be for the sake of a few less numbers… Continue reading Fit people of Reddit, What’s your best diet/weight loss tip?

Categorized as ask-random

Media advisory: International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Media advisory: International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women In recent years, the COVID-19 pandemic and the increasing conflicts, crises, and emergencies have intensified all forms of violence against women and girls. Furthermore, the pushback on women’s rights has resulted in a shrinking space for civil society and a rise in attacks against women… Continue reading Media advisory: International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Categorized as Women

UNICEF USA Statement on Ruling to Vacate Title 42 Public Health Order

NEW YORK (November 17, 2022) – UNICEF USA welcomes the federal ruling from the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia vacating the use of Title 42 at the U.S.–Mexico border. The consequences of Title 42, which was initially enacted as a public health order to stop the spread of COVID-19, are far-reaching and… Continue reading UNICEF USA Statement on Ruling to Vacate Title 42 Public Health Order

Categorized as unicef

Peru’s food crisis grows amid soaring prices and poverty: FAO

Some 16.6 million people – more than half the population — now find themselves without regular access to enough safe and nutritious food. It’s a shocking reversal for Peru, an upper middle-income country according to the World Bank, that can grow all the food it needs. According to a 2021 FAO study, 51 per cent… Continue reading Peru’s food crisis grows amid soaring prices and poverty: FAO

Categorized as sdgs

‘Stand and deliver’, UN chief urges COP27 negotiators as deadline nears to finalize outcome text

“There is clearly a breakdown in trust between North and South, and between developed and emerging economies. This is no time for finger-pointing. The blame game is a recipe for mutually assured destruction,” António Guterres told journalists at the Sharm El Sheikh International Conference Centre. The UN chief urged countries to deliver the kind of… Continue reading ‘Stand and deliver’, UN chief urges COP27 negotiators as deadline nears to finalize outcome text

UN chief welcomes renewal of Black Sea Grain Initiative

17 November 2022Peace and Security UN Secretary-General António Guterres on Thursday welcomed the renewal of the Black Sea Grain Initiative, which had been due to expire on Saturday. More than 11.1 million tonnes of essential foodstuffs have been shipped as part of the agreement involving Türkiye, Ukraine, Russia and the United Nations, since it was… Continue reading UN chief welcomes renewal of Black Sea Grain Initiative

what’s your daily expenses?

Who the fuck knows? I have a wife, kids, pets, own a home. My daily expenses are basically me standing there “making it rain” all the time. Where it goes, I have no idea.

Categorized as ask-random

There are “red flags” to watch out for, but what are the “green flags” one shouldn’t take for granted?

Someone who is layered and can see stuff from other people’s perspectives. Someone who has empathy and uses phrases like “on the other hand”, “… but you can’t fully blame them”, “I kind of get where they are coming from…”, even when they disagree It’s also a good indicator the person is very capable of… Continue reading There are “red flags” to watch out for, but what are the “green flags” one shouldn’t take for granted?

Categorized as ask-random

What do you think vegans do when inviting meat eaters to dinner?

They usually prepare their usual vegan food. Which amuses me greatly, as if I invited vegans to dinner, they’d expect me to prepare special vegan food just for them – which, of course, I’d happily do, and some of the more overzealous types would even expect me to prepare special vegan food just for myself… Continue reading What do you think vegans do when inviting meat eaters to dinner?

Categorized as ask-random

What is something from the Marvel Universe that is really kind of dark, but gets ignored?

As for the cinematic universe, it’s this the birth of a Celestial brought to a standstill. chronologically, there are three movies set after The Eternals: Spider-man: No Way Home Docter Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Thor: Love and Thunder Yet no one seems to be even batting an eye at this giant sticking out… Continue reading What is something from the Marvel Universe that is really kind of dark, but gets ignored?

Categorized as ask-random

What is a dating preference that you think is absolutely ridiculous?

Money I understand especially for financial stability, but if some women are into “ traditional men“ then yes I find that to be a problem, don’t get me wrong with the height though, I would rather a tall a boyfriend/girlfriend, but that’s not really a preference more of a type but I would date absolutely… Continue reading What is a dating preference that you think is absolutely ridiculous?

Categorized as ask-random

I am Boy

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading I am Boy

Categorized as WomenTopic

DAE feel totally numbed if anyone shows/ expresses intense feeling towards you?

Even if they’re just words or the person saying them might not mean them totally but they end up affecting you in a way that you just feel numb and dumb and kinda scared? Especially if the said narration/ confession happens to be about romantic feelings? I am not someone to carry PTSD or trauma… Continue reading DAE feel totally numbed if anyone shows/ expresses intense feeling towards you?

Categorized as WomenTopic

where did you meet your significant other?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading where did you meet your significant other?

Categorized as WomenTopic

trouble breathing on plan b

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading trouble breathing on plan b

Categorized as WomenTopic

Make over help?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Make over help?

Categorized as WomenTopic

What made you fall in love with your favorite sport?

I grew up playing soccer and it has always been my favorite sport. I love the feeling of scoring a goal, the excitement of a close game, and the camaraderie of being on a team. I also love that soccer is a sport for everyone – regardless of size, gender, or ability.

Categorized as ask-random

What belief do you have in an afterlife?

Either an afterlife is real or it isn’t. Meaning there is either evidence supporting the claim it is real or there isn’t. There is absolutely zero proof an afterlife is real. None. At all. So that means believing in one is completely ridiculous. People that do should grow the fuck up.

Categorized as ask-random

What is the best way to tell your wife that you cheated on her?

Just be honest and upfront about it. Especially why you cheated. Because that’s also important. Because if the reasons leading up to the act don’t get addressed there’s a good chance it’ll happen again. I say this as someone who’s been unfaithful to their spouse in the past.

Categorized as ask-random

What’s your go-to fall asleep show?

Normally Reddit or random YouTube videos are my “I’m doing this until I get tired” thing. If I’m watching a show… probably Family Guy. I don’t particularly love Family Guy, but it is episodic and the humor lands no matter how close to unconscious I am.

Categorized as ask-random

What’re some low cost ways to harness solar energy?

Solar ovens to cook food; just needs some reflective metal really and a place where the sun is awake. You can also buy em professionally made if you don’t want to imitate a survival show, they’re called reflector ovens and cost about the same as a grill.

Categorized as ask-random

Can money buy sadness? Why?

This is a good question. This is the way I see. Some can use money for materialistic purposes which evokes superficial happiness. As time goes on, these individuals will come to realize that these items really hold no significant value (I’m not saying this is the case for everyone cause some items can hold significant… Continue reading Can money buy sadness? Why?

Categorized as ask-random

Famous Left-Handed People

Famous lefties In honor of World Left-Handers Day, we highlight some of the most notable people to have ever embarked down the dexterous road less taken www.cbsnews.com Around 10%-12% of the population is left-handed. That includes celebrities, of course: actors, musicians, sports stars, tech experts, and more. And while the world may be designed for… Continue reading Famous Left-Handed People

Categorized as Life

#TransAwarenessWeek #peaktrans #WomenWontWheesht if you can behave like that in public without consequences then you are neither marginalized nor oppressed

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading #TransAwarenessWeek #peaktrans #WomenWontWheesht if you can behave like that in public without consequences then you are neither marginalized nor oppressed

Categorized as WomenTopic

I need woman friends

I heard once from a wise woman: “Hope is like oxygen, you cannot live without either.” So, just hope that things change for the better, because nothing lasts forever, not even pain and suffering. And even if you do not care about anything anymore right now, you could still care about something in the future.… Continue reading I need woman friends

Categorized as WomenTopic

What’s the most ridiculous/hilarious way you ended up in the Emergency Room?

Believe it or not, I ran through a ranch slider at my mate’s place because he got pissed off at me because I accidentally shot him in the testicles with a BB gun. Surgery on my left knee and now the scar is permanent. Not funny for me, but my parents were joking about it… Continue reading What’s the most ridiculous/hilarious way you ended up in the Emergency Room?

Categorized as ask-random

a “what would you do” scenario

WWYD if your friend started hanging out with people that are smokers and alcoholics and do different drugs and your friend is such an easy influencer that they started drinking too… Would you guys keep your distance from them ? or still be by their side.

Categorized as WomenTopic

Health Question

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Health Question

Categorized as WomenTopic

Taylor Swift

Hi all? Is anyone a fan of her music? I just got tickets for her tour this summer! DD wants to go so we are gonna have a girls’ trip and have fun. I had to suffer thru Ticketmaster Presale hell of being online for hours while it crashed over and over but came up… Continue reading Taylor Swift

Categorized as Music

What is something you’d be willing to talk about to strangers?

If it’s something kinda vulnerable that I’d still be willing to talk about I’d say my experience with having multiple surgeries in a pretty quick amount of time and that whole process. If it’s general stuff then my interests, passions, what I like to read, blah blah blah

Categorized as ask-random

what is the best way to seek medical attention if you are afraid of doctors and hospitals?

Obviously – at some point you have to get over, or at least control your fears. There are no good substitutes to professional medical care. You might seek medical advice on reddit – r/askdocs – r/askdoctors – r/medical – etc. Those are some of the subreddits that offer advice to medical questions – but ultimately… Continue reading what is the best way to seek medical attention if you are afraid of doctors and hospitals?

Categorized as ask-random

Ukraine war: Risks of spillover ‘remain all too real’, Security Council hears 

Russian missiles and drones have rained down on several cities, including the capital, Kyiv, she reported, destroying or damaging homes and severely disrupting critical services.  “I must say it again: attacks targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure are prohibited under international humanitarian law,” she stressed.  ‘No end in sight’  Meanwhile, military dynamics on the ground continue… Continue reading Ukraine war: Risks of spillover ‘remain all too real’, Security Council hears 

Sudan: Human rights must ‘be at the core’ of democratic transition, urges Türk   

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk told journalists at a press conference in Khartoum that the military takeover of October 2021, which put an end to civilian power-sharing following the ouster of former dictator Omar Al-Bashir, had left Sudan “at a decisive fork in the road”.   “As political negotiations continue towards a framework… Continue reading Sudan: Human rights must ‘be at the core’ of democratic transition, urges Türk   

Invest more in Africa’s Sahel, or risk decades of armed conflict and displacement

16 November 2022Climate and Environment Without urgent investment in climate mitigation and adaptation, countries in the Sahel risk decades of armed conflict and displacement, exacerbated by rising temperatures, scarcity of resources and food insecurity, the UN has warned in a report published on Wednesday. Moving from Reaction to Action: Anticipating Vulnerability Hotspots in the Sahel, says that,… Continue reading Invest more in Africa’s Sahel, or risk decades of armed conflict and displacement

‘Bridges across digital divides’ needed to boost development, Guterres tells G20 

16 November 2022SDGs With the right national policies, digital technology can give “an unprecedented boost to sustainable development”, particularly for the poorest countries, the UN chief told the G20 Summit in Bali, Indonesia, on Wednesday.  “This calls for more connectivity; and less digital fragmentation. More bridges across digital divides; and fewer barriers. Greater autonomy for… Continue reading ‘Bridges across digital divides’ needed to boost development, Guterres tells G20