why do people defend women with plastic surgery so much?


I feel like there is a veil of hypocrisy when it comes to this topic. I know a girl that at first was like “If she is happy with her surgery let her be” “oh if you had the money you would also change yourself” and then the same person calling out that same woman a fake b**ch just because she was posting a bikini pic. I dont know if that was clear to understand. My point is, yes people tend to defend because is the right normal behaviour to have in case someone is getting attacked( ofc they are not seen as disabled, just random people getting the hate), just because nobody needs to be judged as you also said, but then those same people criticised surgery because cmon, natural beauty, self acceptation, love yourself the way you are and so on. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️