Aunt thinks I’m bipolar because I feared for my life


I left my aunt’s house for fear of my life and My aunt thinks that the reason why I left is because I might bipolar

Title says all. I.. I don’t know where to start but ; this is the first she did this whenever she got upset at me for avoiding conflict/ conversation. And by this I mean whenever I go to my room to just cool myself away from her from ANY argument she had with me , it leads to this pattern: I get angry, I decide to cool off in my room so things can get peaceful again, she’s not done with me and aggressively orders me to open the door – despite me explaining why I’d rather just avoid and cool off. If I don’t open the door in time like I told her, she gets belligerent and rips the door open. I hide in the attic despite many times of me explaining why I’d rather just cool off and avoid her. This time… the argument because I was tired and grouchy today. Just didn’t like talking or doing anything today type of grouchy and tired. After we found out a certain place was closed, we just went back home. She noticed I grouchy and tired earlier and decided to ask if I was ok. Begrudgingly and exhausted I softly said that I was just tired and I don’t feel doing or eating anything. She asked if I wanted to eat. I said no. She asked twice if I was okay and if I was sure I wasn’t hungry. Exhausted , I repeated myself…. I-I dunno I guess she just decided to take it personally because of how I was “talking to her” and that’s when chaos ensued. This is second time she ripped to door open but not the last of the argument pattern. I called the cops.. I didn’t know what I just… I was just scared.. I’m scared and I’m tired… I guess I’m homeless now… I have a job at least but I’m not trying to go back to her … I’m just tired… scared and tired of it all… I don’t.. know what to do…

When I left , she believed the reasoning as to why I was acting so “immaturely” and ran away was because I might have bipolar… for running away from and … not wanting to die / or get harmed by her belligerence???? I??? She already knows that I have ADHD,CPTSD, etc.. but this was the last slice of cake the broke me…. I don’t know anymore… I’m beyond hurt …. This fucking hurts… I did everything I COULD DO for you and this how me whenever you make me fear you… I did everything you said and helped because I cared… This hurts. Im thinking of going back because I have some important things There but maybe I should just leave it behind…