An interesting title

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading An interesting title

Categorized as WomenTopic

just a reminder

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading just a reminder

Categorized as WomenTopic

COP27: Protecting biodiversity is protecting the Paris Agreement

“The two need to be looked at as being on the same wavelength, and not one higher than the other,” Elizabeth Mrema, Executive Secretary of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the international legal instrument to protect biodiversity ratified by 196 nations, told UN News. ‘Biodiversity Day’ at COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh comes just… Continue reading COP27: Protecting biodiversity is protecting the Paris Agreement

UN official calls on Security Council to support a ‘secure, peaceful and prosperous Sahel’

“This insecurity is exacerbating an already disastrous humanitarian situation”, said Martha Pobee, Assistant Secretary-General for Africa in the Departments of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs and Peace Operations, pointing out that women and children are the primary victims of violence and growing inequality.  Regionally led force  Meanwhile the Joint Force of the Group of Five (G5) – created… Continue reading UN official calls on Security Council to support a ‘secure, peaceful and prosperous Sahel’

Which celebrities don’t deserve the hate they get?

Most of them. Kanye and Trump aren’t included in that statement. They deserve it all. For the most part they’re regular people who make mistakes. Unfortunately for them those mistakes are broadcasted to the entire world, sometimes by paparazzi in private moments. We’d all be fucked if our every move was analyzed and broadcasted too.

Categorized as ask-random

if a zombie apocalypse broke out ,what items in your home would you use a weapon?

My firearms. Real life zombies wouldn’t be magical, they’d just be normal old weak human bodies, like their host humans were before they turned. So yeah, hollowpoints or higher calibers… Will definitely do the job. But I’d barricade my door, since it’s the only real entry point. Hunker down, stay quiet. Try to ration my… Continue reading if a zombie apocalypse broke out ,what items in your home would you use a weapon?

Categorized as ask-random

Horn of Africa: UNFPA launches $113 million appeal for drought-impacted women and girls

The funding will be used to scale-up life-saving reproductive health and protection services, including establishment of mobile and static clinics in locations such as displacement sites.  Overall, more than 36 million people across Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya require humanitarian assistance because of the drought.  Safeguarding critical services  Conflict, locust infestations and the lingering impacts of… Continue reading Horn of Africa: UNFPA launches $113 million appeal for drought-impacted women and girls

Categorized as Africa

What are you wearing right now?

A shirt, and undershirt, some pants, some under pants. and most important of all a blanket. Normal siting at home stuff

Categorized as ask-random

UNICEF Calls For Investment In World’s First Child-Focused Climate Risk Financing Solution

NEW YORK (November 16, 2022) UNICEF is launching a new climate financing initiative to enhance countries’ climate resilience and disaster preparedness for children and youth and bolster protection for children from the impacts of future climate-related disasters. The Today and Tomorrow initiative is an integrated climate change finance solution that, for the first time, combines funding for immediate climate… Continue reading UNICEF Calls For Investment In World’s First Child-Focused Climate Risk Financing Solution

Categorized as unicef

What are some legitimately fun team-building activities? Are there any?

no. if the team already is on friendly terms in general, just encourage them by being nice and doing “here is food for everyone in the break room” or “heres sweets in baskets for every desk.” stuff. people who hate eachother will not change through forced “but being nice is so fun” events, people who… Continue reading What are some legitimately fun team-building activities? Are there any?

Categorized as ask-random

What is the worst crime you ever committed and what happened?

Worst crime as far as the worst punishment I could have gotten? Smuggling controlled substances. Nothing ever came of it. Worst crime as far as potentially harming other people? Speeding. I’ve gotten a few tickets, and paid a few hundred in fines.

Categorized as ask-random

What indicates to you in your sleep that you need to wake up and go to the toilet?

I usually start seeing very long rows of stalls with half-sized doors where people can see into. Usually there are quite a few people around too so I’ll try to find a stall somewhere hidden away for some privacy. When the toilet stall looks out grim, that’s how I know that I need to wake… Continue reading What indicates to you in your sleep that you need to wake up and go to the toilet?

Categorized as ask-random

How should you choose your job?

Seek out jobs that interest you; try different things; any job is a good job, until a better job comes along. I’ve been enjoying life as a city bus driver, some love driving, some hate it.

Categorized as ask-random

Has anyone donated eggs?

Any egg donors here? If so, how long ago did you do it and how has your health been since? I’ve been thinking about it but the lack of long-term research around health effects makes me really nervous and I’ve responded not too well with artificial hormones (the pill) in the past, so injectable hormones… Continue reading Has anyone donated eggs?

Categorized as WomenTopic

What’s the best way to learn to drive and memorize the rules of the road?

Practice a few times a week in hour long lessons. My instructor told me that practicing all the time in long lessons isn’t an effective way to learn and memorize things like driving and rules of the road because you just absorb too much at once. I’d work on one thing each week like merging,… Continue reading What’s the best way to learn to drive and memorize the rules of the road?

Categorized as ask-random

What do you regret forgiving?

Nothing, forgiveness just means you’ve let go of negative feelings. You can forgive and still cut the toxic person out of your life. I don’t hate alligators, in a way I love them but I don’t hang out with alligators because I know gators gonna gate and I’m prone to lose an arm the more… Continue reading What do you regret forgiving?

Categorized as ask-random

Should we go back to monke? What are your thoughts?

like hard physical labor and a sense of community/family? ppl in “third world” countries are already doing that. but we get treated like shit and get labeled as uncivilized, unclean, and outdated.

Categorized as ask-random

What is your absolute worst “I’m never drinking again” moment?

Got horribly smashed during carnival and spent literally a day and a half vomitting. Even had friends over to paint the living room in my new flat. Literally did one stroke with the paint roller, went to the bathroom to puke, then came back and did the next stroke. Took way too long, but at… Continue reading What is your absolute worst “I’m never drinking again” moment?

Categorized as ask-random

Would you be offended if a man didn’t shake your hand but he shook the hand of other men?

Just out of curiosity, what is a religion that doesn’t allow you to shake the hand of the opposite gender?…….. And, to answer your question, well it’s hard to say how the situation went down. If you shook the hand of three men in front of me came to me and skipped shaking my hand… Continue reading Would you be offended if a man didn’t shake your hand but he shook the hand of other men?

Categorized as WomenTopic


©  2012-2022 United Nations Human Settlements Programme

Categorized as Sustainable


Level: Junior Professional Officer (JPO) Branch/Section/Unit: UN-Habitat Iraq Office Location: Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq Posted on: 26 September 2021 Deadline: 26 September 2025 Level: Junior Professional Officer (JPO) Branch/Section/Unit: Global Reports and Trends Unit Location: UN – Habitat Headquarters, Nairobi, Kenya Posted on: 26 September 2021 Deadline: 26 September 2025 Level: Junior Professional Officer (JPO)… Continue reading Opportunities

Categorized as Sustainable

what are your thoughts on a guy telling his female coworker that he hates how she ties up her hair because she looks better with it down?

Generally what is said isn’t necessarily the problem, how it’s expressed is where things get fuckity. “I hate when you tie your hair up because you makes my dick hard when it’s down” is very problematic for so many reasons you probably belong on the sex offender registry just for phrasing your question like that.… Continue reading what are your thoughts on a guy telling his female coworker that he hates how she ties up her hair because she looks better with it down?

Categorized as ask-random

What Twitter feature would you add to make it profitable?

some contents (like videos, songs, artworks, photos, books, etc.) behind paywall but it’s directly hosted (doesn’t link to anywhere and can be accessed through twitter).. facilitate a marketplace for selling stuffs and take some cut from the sale. one is gonna make it onlyfans ripoff, and the other is gonna make it a dumpster.

Categorized as ask-random

European of Reddit. What’s the worst city and why?

Europe is a relatively vast continent with different cultures and priorities. It’s hard to choose a single worst city, because there are so many of them. Perhaps some of the most dangerous ones can be found in the slums of Eastern Europe, such as Belarus or Moldova, with high crime and homicide rates.

Categorized as ask-random

What makes Denji (Chainsaw Man) So relatable?

Because he’s a neet power fantasy like a lot of anime. No ambition in the world besides to get laid before he dies, gets infused with ridiculous power and a harem of hotties is thrown in his lap.

Categorized as ask-random

Who is the most interesting villain in film history?

Recently, Arno in Uncut Gems. (Though one could argue that Howard is the real villain) He’s desperate to get his money back and is very uncomfortable with the measures he has to take. He’s been put into an extremely uncomfortable position by an asshole who also happens to be a family member.

Categorized as ask-random

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

“Queen Ramonda, Shuri, M’Baku, Okoye and the Dora Milaje fight to protect their nation from intervening world powers in the wake of King T’Challa’s death. As the Wakandans strive to embrace their next chapter, the heroes must band together with Nakia and Everett Ross to forge a new path for their beloved kingdom.” Just saw… Continue reading Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

What is the worst concert you have been to?

Went to a Bob Dylan concert a couple years back, the acoustics in the arena plus his absolute muttering made it impossible to enjoy, plus he played none of his hits and only his newer stuff. We left before the end to go to a bar and had no regrets

Categorized as ask-random

What is some advice you would give to a tourist visiting your country?

Avoid the most popular tourist destinations unless you have some local guide or someone who speaks the local language, especially if you’re a white person. Scammers do love to target white people. Those with darker complexion can blend much easily, but still I’d suggest atleast some research on the area and the type of scams… Continue reading What is some advice you would give to a tourist visiting your country?

Categorized as ask-random

female competition

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading female competition

Categorized as WomenTopic

If you are swallowed alive by a whale what kills you?

Interesting question. I am curious too. I can imagine suffocation, pressure from getting squeezed through the mouth, tongue, throat. I can imagine stomach acid is bad for you, but not totally sure how that affects the body.

Categorized as ask-random

What is the best thing about being an adult?

Really depends on the person. I cooked an apparently-really-good meal for my family of four and got compliments. That’s adulting. I called one of my kids out on their unresearched bullshit. That’s also adulting. I gently and without warning grabbed my wife’s boob earlier, and she grinned as she swatted my hand away. That’s also… Continue reading What is the best thing about being an adult?

Categorized as ask-random

UNICEF launches new child-focused climate initiative to head off disasters

“We know more climate disasters are in the making. We just do not know where or when they will hit”, said Karin Hulshof, UNICEF Deputy Executive Director for Partnerships.” The Today and Tomorrow initiative, for the first time, combines funding for immediate resilience and risk prevention programmes for children today, with risk transfer finance provided by… Continue reading UNICEF launches new child-focused climate initiative to head off disasters

What’s the difference in a man not freely telling a woman he’s had a vasectomy and a woman not freely telling a man that she’s infertile?

I asked this on a very recent thread and I haven’t gotten an answer but I received multiple downvotes. I don’t mind downvotes, except for the fact that it buries comments/posts so they are less answerable. Regardless, all I’d like to know, please, is what is the difference of “guy doesn’t tell a woman he’s… Continue reading What’s the difference in a man not freely telling a woman he’s had a vasectomy and a woman not freely telling a man that she’s infertile?

Categorized as WomenTopic

Who is the best mother figure in fiction?

I nominate Volumnia from Shakespeare’s Coriolanus: The breasts of Hecuba, / When she did suckle Hector, look’d not lovelier / Than Hector’s forehead when it spit forth blood.

Categorized as ask-random

Humanitarians launch Haiti appeal to ease spiralling cholera-fuelled crisis

15 November 2022Humanitarian Aid The Haitian Government joined the UN and humanitarian partners to launch an appeal for $145.6 million in support of the country’s emergency cholera response and provide life-saving assistance to 1.4 million living in the most affected areas. After more than three years without a reported case in Haiti, national authorities on 2 October… Continue reading Humanitarians launch Haiti appeal to ease spiralling cholera-fuelled crisis

Categorized as Americas

Ukrainian and Russian POWs tortured and ill-treated: OHCHR

15 November 2022Human Rights Prisoners of war on both sides of the conflict in Ukraine have told UN human rights investigators that they have been subjected to torture and ill-treatment while held captive.  Matilda Bogner, Head of the UN’s human rights monitoring mission in Ukraine, said that, over the past few months, her team had… Continue reading Ukrainian and Russian POWs tortured and ill-treated: OHCHR

Plant a Tree Day 2022: Planting Trees, Growing Community

Our fifth annual Plant a Tree Day fell on Wednesday, September 28th, but planting took place through 104 events throughout the fall planting season. Now that most of the events have wrapped up, we’re proud to share everything that our partners and volunteers have accomplished through Plant a Tree Day 2022! A special thank you to our… Continue reading Plant a Tree Day 2022: Planting Trees, Growing Community

Libya: Some leaders ‘actively hindering progress towards elections’, Security Council hears

UN Special Representative Abdoulaye Bathily briefed ambassadors on the ongoing impasse and other obstacles to the vote, which was postponed last December.  Libya has been divided between two rival administrations in the aftermath of the overthrow and killing of former President, Muammar Gaddafi, over a decade ago.  Mr. Bathily last addressed the Council in October,… Continue reading Libya: Some leaders ‘actively hindering progress towards elections’, Security Council hears

What is the wildest story that happened at your workplace?

Guy named Rick, who was the head of marketing, who I liked, and who was one of the few people who I’ve met who truly loved his job, keeled over dead at his desk one day. As the coroner wheeled him out, one of my co-workers just flatly said “Another victim of corporate America.”

Categorized as ask-random

‘Milestone for humanity’ as UN celebrates 8 billionth birth

While fewer risks and increased life expectancy are to be lauded, the moment is also a clarion call to look beyond the numbers, and for governments to share responsibility for protect people and the planet – starting with the most vulnerable. “Unless we bridge the yawning chasm between the global haves and have-nots, we are… Continue reading ‘Milestone for humanity’ as UN celebrates 8 billionth birth

Categorized as sdgs

Christina Applegate has multiple sclerosis

Actress Christina Applegate celebrated receiving her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Monday. The emotional ceremony marked Applegate’s return to the spotlight following her multiple sclerosis diagnosis, which she publicly revealed in August 2021.

Act together now, to prevent ‘raging food catastrophe’ next year: Guterres

The world is on its way to “a raging food catastrophe”, Secretary-General António Guterres warned leaders gathered in Bali, alerting them that “people in five separate places are facing famine”. “Simultaneously, we are witnessing a crunch in the global fertilizer market”, he continued, highlighting once again the Black Sea Grain Initiative to export vital food… Continue reading Act together now, to prevent ‘raging food catastrophe’ next year: Guterres

Keep the 1.5°C goal alive, experts and civil society urge on ‘Energy Day’ at COP27

The energy sector, responsible for more than two-thirds of global greenhouse emissions, is mainly powered by fossil fuels. While this brings electricity and transport to most of the world, it is accompanied by deep pain and loss to vulnerable communities and ecosystems. According to the International Renewable Agency (IRENA), only 29 per cent of global… Continue reading Keep the 1.5°C goal alive, experts and civil society urge on ‘Energy Day’ at COP27

Iran: Thousands held for peacefully protesting must be released

15 November 2022Human Rights The UN human rights office, OHCHR, called on Tuesday for the immediate release of thousands of Iranian citizens who have been detained after peacefully demonstrating against the Government following the death of Mahsa Amini for breaking strict hijab rules two months ago. OHCHR Spokesperson Jeremy Laurence, briefed reporters in Geneva, reporting that on… Continue reading Iran: Thousands held for peacefully protesting must be released

I highlighted the hair on my arms with hair dye. Can I do it again? Why not?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading I highlighted the hair on my arms with hair dye. Can I do it again? Why not?

Categorized as WomenTopic

what’s some financial advice that helped you when you were living paycheck to paycheck?

I still live paycheck to paycheck, but some good advice I try to follow for buying things that aren’t absolute necessities (clothes, shoes, a li’l treat) is when you want to buy it, wait a few days, and if you are still thinking of wanting it, buy it then. If not, it wasn’t that important… Continue reading what’s some financial advice that helped you when you were living paycheck to paycheck?

Categorized as ask-random

Anyone loves Seroquel?

Been sleeping so well last night with Seroquel 25 mg, have had my full 8 hours last night without waking up, perfect bliss.

Categorized as Life

advice maybe ?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading advice maybe ?

Categorized as WomenTopic

Android Promoters Won’t Get Caught Tweeting From iPhone Anymore With Upcoming Twitter Changes

And we will finally stop adding what device a tweet was written on (waste of screen space & compute) below every tweet. Literally no one even knows why we did that That’s Musk’s tweet. It makes me kind of sad because this feature was added to promote Twitter’s third party apps, back when twitter was… Continue reading Android Promoters Won’t Get Caught Tweeting From iPhone Anymore With Upcoming Twitter Changes

Categorized as Apple

Do you believe in god? Why? Why not?

I only believe that it’s within the realm of possibility and that we don’t/will likely never know. I don’t just outright believe there is a god. I don’t outright believe there isn’t one. Why? because there’s no way to know for sure either way

Categorized as ask-random

What does it take to be a man?

Everything. From the inside AND THROW IT ALL AWAAAAAAAY Cuz I swear for the last time I can’t trust myself with youuuu

Categorized as ask-random

How do families with one income get by every month?

In my case (this was a few years back when the kids were little) it was all about good budgeting. Obviously the one income has to be at least minimally sufficient to cover things. But, beyond that, it was about minimizing expenses through vigorous budgeting and frequent re-budgeting as things changed. We never intended for… Continue reading How do families with one income get by every month?

Categorized as ask-random

can someone tell me some ways to attract other people’s attention?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading can someone tell me some ways to attract other people’s attention?

Categorized as WomenTopic


A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading males

Categorized as WomenTopic

I feel so off lately.

I think I have some type of really bad hormonal imbalance or something but I’ve felt so off lately. Like I’ve been having these terrible dreams and sleeping all the time. And my head hurts and it feels like my brain just isn’t working. And just other general PMS symptoms but much worse than normal.… Continue reading I feel so off lately.

Categorized as WomenTopic

Updated family planning guide promotes empowerment, health and wellbeing – WHO 

WHO’s updated landmark Family Planning Handbook, launched on Tuesday, informs health workers on protecting access to family planning services during emergencies, and provides policy makers with the most current information on contraceptive options.  “Family planning promotes self-actualization, empowerment, as well as health and wellbeing, and reduces maternal and infant deaths through the prevention of unintended… Continue reading Updated family planning guide promotes empowerment, health and wellbeing – WHO 

Categorized as Women

What is your most unliked opinion?

I hate religion. Here on reddit, it makes a stereotypical “reddit atheist.” In real life, it makes me seen as evil, hellbound, heretic, blah blah blah…

Categorized as ask-random

Turns out God has been real this whole time, what do you want to ask him?

Personally, I wouldn’t believe it. I used to have faith but it quickly diminished after I prayed for help when I was going through a severe depression and nothing happened, I was the one who reached out to my cousin(she’s a therapist) nobody ever reached out to me, so I would ask why he didn’t… Continue reading Turns out God has been real this whole time, what do you want to ask him?

Categorized as ask-random

The new r/unstable_diffusion is gross and predatory

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading The new r/unstable_diffusion is gross and predatory

Categorized as WomenTopic

To ex video gamers: how did you manage to quit playing video games (as it can be a distraction from yourself)?

Not an ex-gamer but… Used to play for a few hours daily. Was the main source of entertainment for me for a long time. Now I’m lucky to carve out an hour every couple nights. Schedule is just stacked with adult/life shit. Combined with the fact that the “usual crew” all has similar situations, you… Continue reading To ex video gamers: how did you manage to quit playing video games (as it can be a distraction from yourself)?

Categorized as ask-random

How do you judge food?

How do you judge food? By taste, appearance, smell, or feel? Can food be delicious if it looks terrible?

Categorized as Food

What’s the first thing you do in the morning?

Turn off the CPAP breathing machine, take off mask, climb out of bed, turn off the alarm clock, turn on the light above the stove, turn on the kettle, feed the cat, check Reddit, pee/poo

Categorized as ask-random

UNICEF-Supported Water Systems a Lifeline in Drought-Stricken Kenya

Stay informed on UNICEF’s work saving and protecting children around the world UUSA-185 Entrance Modal Submitted by todemko on Wed, 2021-01-27 10:42 It has been years since the rainy seasons faded away in Kenya’s Turkana County, destroying crops and lifestock, and depriving families of their livelihoods and the drinking water they need to survive. Like… Continue reading UNICEF-Supported Water Systems a Lifeline in Drought-Stricken Kenya

Categorized as unicef

Listening to Songs You Don’t Understand

Do you listen to songs in languages you won’t understand? I actually listen to lot of Spanish music and Latinos one and I actually like them a lot though I don’t understand a single word What about you?

Categorized as Music

Those who believe gun violence in America is due to mental health, do you support free universal mental health care? Why or why not? Are there other options you would support?

Yes. The entire point of society is for humanity to support each other. As for other options, we need to make it harder to get guns. I’m a gun owner, but no one should be able to walk into a store and get a machine designed entirely to kill a large amount of people in… Continue reading Those who believe gun violence in America is due to mental health, do you support free universal mental health care? Why or why not? Are there other options you would support?

Categorized as ask-random

General Assembly adopts resolution on Russian reparations for Ukraine

Nearly 50 nations co-sponsored the resolution on establishing an international mechanism for compensation for damage, loss and injury, as well as a register to document evidence and claims.  The General Assembly is the UN’s most representative body, comprising all 193 Member States.  Ninety-four countries voted in favour of the resolution, and 14 against, while 73… Continue reading General Assembly adopts resolution on Russian reparations for Ukraine

Redditors that grew up/live in the country what’s something every city kid should know?

City life relies on the agricultural, mining, logistics, and manufacturing industries that exist outside the city. Every city dweller, no matter how populous the city is, should recognize and respect this dependency. Just because an urban environment has more people, that does not mean it is more important. This is why a democratic system of… Continue reading Redditors that grew up/live in the country what’s something every city kid should know?

Categorized as ask-random

Support Kids in India

Stay informed on UNICEF’s work saving and protecting children around the world UUSA-185 Entrance Modal Submitted by todemko on Wed, 2021-01-27 10:42 India’s economy is among the fastest-growing in the world, and many positive developments have coincided with this growth. Extreme poverty in the country has dropped by 20 percent. Infant mortality is down by… Continue reading Support Kids in India

Categorized as unicef

Does sex work hold us back or empower us?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Does sex work hold us back or empower us?

Categorized as WomenTopic

Steve Jobs’ Birkenstocks

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

How to Help UNICEF Support Kids in India

Stay informed on UNICEF’s work saving and protecting children around the world UUSA-185 Entrance Modal Submitted by todemko on Wed, 2021-01-27 10:42 India’s economy is among the fastest-growing in the world, and positive development has come alongside this growth. Extreme poverty in the country has dropped by 20 percent. Infant mortality is down by half.… Continue reading How to Help UNICEF Support Kids in India

Categorized as unicef

Ukraine: UN convoy delivers vital aid to residents of Kherson

14 November 2022Humanitarian Aid Essential supplies have been delivered to thousands of people in the southern Ukrainian city of Kherson for the first time since Russia’s invasion of 24 February, UN humanitarians announced on Monday. Aid workers brought food, water, hygiene kits, shelter materials and critical household items, such as bedding, thermal blankets and solar… Continue reading Ukraine: UN convoy delivers vital aid to residents of Kherson

UNPOL ready to tackle global peace, security and development challenges 

14 November 2022Peace and Security From peacekeeping to peacebuilding, Under-Secretary-General Jean-Pierre Lacroix reaffirmed to the Security Council on Monday, the vital role that UN police officers play across the conflict prevention spectrum.  He outlined some of the greatest challenges to global peace, security and development, which include expanding conflicts in high population areas, expansion of… Continue reading UNPOL ready to tackle global peace, security and development challenges 

what’s the absolute worst way to kill someone?

Crucifixion. The Romans were masters of torture, so they devised the cross as the ultimate torture punishment. Crucified prisoners would have to hold up their body to avoid being suffocated. It’s like being slowly suffocated, but drawn out so you can physically feel yourself dying sometimes over the course of days. Plus, everyone gets to… Continue reading what’s the absolute worst way to kill someone?

Categorized as ask-random

Men of reddit, has there ever been a situation where you were alone with a woman and felt physically unsafe?

I ask because I had that happen to me one time. I was young and idealistic, and I saw a woman begging for a ride on the side of the road. As soon as I picked her up, I started to feel something was off. She kept trying to get me to drop her off… Continue reading Men of reddit, has there ever been a situation where you were alone with a woman and felt physically unsafe?

Categorized as ask-random

What increases the odds of actually being selected when reporting for jury duty?

Answering all their questions as they’d want you to. “I can totally be fair and impartial!” Etc etc. I can keep an open mind. I can listen to all the evidence! Blah blah. It’s super easy to get out of it “I think all cops are (good/bad)” or for civil “Just looking at your client… Continue reading What increases the odds of actually being selected when reporting for jury duty?

Categorized as ask-random

Speech: Focus on gender equality as central to climate action with concrete solutions

Speech: Focus on gender equality as central to climate action with concrete solutions فخامة الرئيس عبد الفتاح السيسي، رئيس جمهورية مصر العربية صاحبات وأصحاب المعالي و السعادة السيدات والسادة، شكراً جزيلا لمصر علي الاستضافة الكريمة للدورة الـ27 لمؤتمر الأطراف الخاص باتفاقية الأمم المتحدة الإطارية حول تغير المناخ ، وعلي تخصيص مساحة قيمة من الوقت لمناقشة… Continue reading Speech: Focus on gender equality as central to climate action with concrete solutions

Categorized as Women

Freeform, Apples new productivity app

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

UN chief highlights crucial role of G20 in resolving global crises

Speaking on the eve of the G20 Summit there, the UN chief appealed for the bloc to support his initiatives to address climate change, sustainable development, the worldwide food and energy crises, and digital transformation.  The Summit is taking place at “the most pivotal, precarious moment in generations”, he told journalists.    ‘Ground zero’ for… Continue reading UN chief highlights crucial role of G20 in resolving global crises

COP27: Week two opens with focus on water, women and more negotiations on loss and damage

“Nothing about us, without us,” UNICEF advocate told UN News on Monday while she was painting one of the collaborative colourful artworks displayed throughout the conference’s dedicated youth pavilion depicting the role of women in climate action. For the young climate activist, women and young girls in all their diversity have been leading the climate… Continue reading COP27: Week two opens with focus on water, women and more negotiations on loss and damage

Somalia: Human rights chief decries steep rise in civilian casualties

14 November 2022Human Rights A steep rise in civilian casualties across Somalia, largely at the hands of Al-Shabaab militants, has exacerbated an already grim human rights and humanitarian situation there, said the UN human rights chief on Monday. According to latest UN figures, at least 613 civilians have been killed and 948 injured so far… Continue reading Somalia: Human rights chief decries steep rise in civilian casualties

Game of throne fans that didnt like the ending, how would you have changed it?

have the night king actually put up a fight instead of being hyped as this big bad villain for years, only to then get one shot by a teenage girl also have jon snow become king, idk what the fuck that whole “i dun wan it” shit was about, made no fucking sense in the… Continue reading Game of throne fans that didnt like the ending, how would you have changed it?

Categorized as ask-random

In your opinion, what’s good with communism?

In an ideal world, a completely utopian society where humans are incapable of greed or misdeeds, and everyone worked just as hard as everyone else, it would be the perfect economic system. But in the real world, someone is going to have to take it up the a** for someone else. It’s just not practical.

Categorized as ask-random

Can Messi win his first ever World cup?

Lionel Messi will be heading to the FIFA World Cup with Argentina. This may end up being his last World Cup. Do you see him winning something at the end of the tournament?

Categorized as Sports

What next for Ronaldo?

The Portuguese superstar released an interview last night where he bashed the structure of his current team, Manchester United and said a lot of things about zero progress there. Do you see him continuing at the club?

Categorized as Sports

Press release: UN Women Goodwill Ambassador Anne Hathaway calls on leaders of the business community worldwide to put women at the heart of economic growth

Bali, Indonesia — In the midst of interlinked crises around the world threatening progress on women’s rights and pushing women out of the paid economy, UN Women Goodwill Ambassador Anne Hathaway has today called for women to be at the heart of economic growth and recovery. Press release: UN Women Goodwill Ambassador Anne Hathaway calls on… Continue reading Press release: UN Women Goodwill Ambassador Anne Hathaway calls on leaders of the business community worldwide to put women at the heart of economic growth

Categorized as Women

Top UN, ICRC Leaders Urge Stepped-Up Global Support To Protect Civilians From Explosive Weapons In Populated Areas

NEW YORK (November 14, 2022) The heads of three UN entities and the President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) today urged States to support a new political declaration to protect civilians from explosive weapons in populated areas UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs Izumi Nakamitsu, UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency… Continue reading Top UN, ICRC Leaders Urge Stepped-Up Global Support To Protect Civilians From Explosive Weapons In Populated Areas

Categorized as unicef

UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell Concludes Vietnam Visit, Commends Country’s Commitment To Children

NEW YORK (November 11, 2022)  UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell concluded a three-day visit to Vietnam, commending the country for its many gains for children. Russell also called for urgent action to address challenges like malnutrition and inequalities that have been exacerbated by COVID-19 and climate shocks. “In the past few decades, Vietnam has made tremendous progress… Continue reading UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell Concludes Vietnam Visit, Commends Country’s Commitment To Children

Categorized as unicef

How can I better understand my wife’s feeling when she is on her period?

I think is fair to ask, but I am not sure what you want us to answer. Periods are very variable to each person, and each month is different. I guess you could educate yourself on what is a period and what happens to us physiologically. But the most important thing is that you ask… Continue reading How can I better understand my wife’s feeling when she is on her period?

Categorized as WomenTopic


Home node 162042 5, 52 Brazil State EN No Year Of Publication 2022 VLR Title Voluntary Local Report on Sustainable Development Goals in the state of Para Website

Categorized as Sustainable

Op-ed: Three asks on gender equality to COP27

Op-ed: Three asks on gender equality to COP27 Our opportunity at COP27 [the 27th Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC] is to recognize and augment how women and girls are bringing innovative climate actions and other solutions, to understand how our current structures are preventing women’s engagement, and to respond with credible policy and… Continue reading Op-ed: Three asks on gender equality to COP27

Categorized as Women

If all living organisms gained sentience and intelligence on par with humans, which would be the apex predator?

Humans had quite the head start so I feel like we’d have a decent shot of winning out in most areas with superior weapons and stuff. Like it would be a while until a chimp with human intelligence could develop guns and nuclear technology. If you’re in areas where we didn’t already eradicate the majority… Continue reading If all living organisms gained sentience and intelligence on par with humans, which would be the apex predator?

Categorized as ask-random

What do you think of religions other than yours?

I grew up baptist, but they’re all batshit insane. I’m more inclined to believe that they’re all correct, than any particular one being superior, but ultimately I consider myself an atheist.

Categorized as ask-random

Technical Officer, Vector-borne Diseases Prevention and Control at WHO, Washington, D.C., United States

You are here: Home / Health / Technical Officer, Vector-borne Diseases Prevention and Control at WHO, Washington, D.C., United States November 14, 2022 Deadline: 26 November 2022 World Health Organization (WHO) is currently seeking applications from the eligible applicants for the post of Technical Officer, Vector-borne Diseases Prevention and Control in Washington, D.C., United States.… Continue reading Technical Officer, Vector-borne Diseases Prevention and Control at WHO, Washington, D.C., United States

Categorized as Jobs

My body type

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading My body type

Categorized as WomenTopic

pepsi or coke? and why?

People say say Pepsi is sweeter, it has a different taste but I wouldn’t say sweeter. Idk my taste buds are a little wonky after all the soda I’ve lived off of. But I’ll usually buy coke, happy to drink either

Categorized as ask-random

Chief Supply and Logistics at UNICEF, Abuja, Nigeria

You are here: Home / Administration / Chief Supply and Logistics at UNICEF, Abuja, Nigeria November 14, 2022 Deadline: 24 November 2022 United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is currently seeking applications from eligible applicants for the post of Chief Supply and Logistics in Abuja, Nigeria. UNICEF works for a world in which every… Continue reading Chief Supply and Logistics at UNICEF, Abuja, Nigeria

Categorized as Jobs

Economic Recovery Officer at DRC, Erbil, Iraq

November 14, 2022 Deadline: 17 November 2022 Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is currently seeking applications from eligible applicants for the post of Economic Recovery Officer in Erbil, Iraq. DRC fulfills its mandate by providing direct assistance to conflict-affected populations – refugees, internally displaced people (IDPs) and host communities in the conflict areas of the world.… Continue reading Economic Recovery Officer at DRC, Erbil, Iraq

Categorized as Jobs

National Project Coordinator at FAO, Windhoek, Namibia

November 14, 2022 Deadline: 30 November 2022 Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is currently seeking applications from the eligible applicants for the post of National Project Coordinator in Windhoek, Namibia. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger. Key Job Responsibilities The National… Continue reading National Project Coordinator at FAO, Windhoek, Namibia

Categorized as Jobs

Associate/Risk Management Analyst at ADB, Manila, Philippines

You are here: Home / Accounts and Finance / Associate/Risk Management Analyst at ADB, Manila, Philippines November 14, 2022 Deadline: 25 November 2022 Asian Development Bank (ADB) is currently seeking applications from eligible applicants for the post of Associate/Risk Management Analyst in Manila, Philippines. The duration of this post is 3 years. The ADB aims… Continue reading Associate/Risk Management Analyst at ADB, Manila, Philippines

Categorized as Jobs

Environmental & Social Safeguard Framework Officer at ILO, Beirut, Lebanon

November 14, 2022 Deadline: 05 December 2022 The International Labour Organization (ILO) is currently seeking applications from the eligible applicants for the post of Environmental & Social Safeguard Framework Officer in Beirut, Lebanon. The duration of this post is 1 year. The mission of the ILO is to promote rights at work, encourage decent employment… Continue reading Environmental & Social Safeguard Framework Officer at ILO, Beirut, Lebanon

Categorized as Jobs

What are your side hustles?

I too have a business background. Currently I’m unemployed but I get some side money from dog walking, or online courses for software. Mostly for boomers who struggle with computers. Also comissions whenever somebody wants any. 😉 maybe wherecer you live it’s not really an option but just doing random stuff alwaya helped me out.

Categorized as WomenTopic

What adult activity is better/worse than you thought it would be when you were a child?

As someone who has had an interest in cars since childhood and still mostly only plays racing video games, driving was massively disappointing. Boring, slightly stressful and quite dangerous. I don’t even have a car, because I can get by without one in my Euro city. Owning a car sucks as well with all the… Continue reading What adult activity is better/worse than you thought it would be when you were a child?

Categorized as ask-random

What’s your fondest school days memory?

Me and my friends used to fish at a nearby river every day after school. If we caught anything, we could take it home for one of our parents to cook up, and we would all sit around and eat it. It’s a wonderful memory. Looking forward to reading your’s!

Categorized as ask-random

Have you ever slept with someone who was not your type but okay and later disliked the person?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Have you ever slept with someone who was not your type but okay and later disliked the person?

Categorized as WomenTopic

What song is totally different if you read the lyrics?

The macarena. Song they played all the time for stuff when I was in elementary school, it’s about a girl cheating on her boyfriend with multiple people while he’s away. Also this list is never complete without semi charmed kind of life.

Categorized as ask-random

What is your opinion on plastic?

Fuck plastic. Killing wildlife, infecting humanity, and for the love of god, there’s no good/durable way to fix it when it’s broken. Heaven forbid it’s had a life outdoors and becomes some brittle skeleton of whatever it started as. Plastic can fuck right off. EDIT: Also, please remind me later to buy some more Ziplocs.

Categorized as ask-random

!!! Talking about rape !!!!

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading !!! Talking about rape !!!!

Categorized as WomenTopic

New consoles

What companies can you see enter the console market? I’d really only see maybe Tencent doing it, but Value seems like they’ve started.

Categorized as Games

How to handle it when men in managerial/customer service jobs disrespect you?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading How to handle it when men in managerial/customer service jobs disrespect you?

Categorized as WomenTopic

Do ur pubic hair irritate you ?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Do ur pubic hair irritate you ?

Categorized as WomenTopic

do you download mp3s?

I stopped for a long time, and then got into Spotify, etc. Recently though, I got back into it. I now have 14,000+ np3s. LOL Does anyone else download music?

Categorized as Music

How to deal with rejection from a narcissist who disrespected and humiliated you?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading How to deal with rejection from a narcissist who disrespected and humiliated you?

Categorized as WomenTopic

Why are women scared of being financially dependent on men?

Isn’t it a starvation mindset? They think that they must be independent enough from everyone, even their own husband, that they can survive on their own at a moment’s notice. Am I misreading this? It doesn’t seem like a healthy mindset to have.

Categorized as WomenTopic

How do you think you’ll die?

Ever since I was child, I had a recurring dream that I’d die slow and alone as I drift off into space, unable to be rescued, and into the forever-expanding darkness. Even then I may not be found.

Categorized as ask-random

How do you stop procrastination?

Remember that the task being imperfect and/or unfinished is okay Use background noise like music or YouTube videos as a timer get off reddit lol

Categorized as ask-random

Independence Day, anyone?

I have seen Independence Day 2 with an ex-friend in theatres from my psych ward. I’m not in touch with her anymore because of money matters. I remember loving it. And you personally? Have you ever seen any or not yet personally? And if so, do you enjoy it or not in your view?

Cambodia: In visit to genocide museum, UN chief warns of the dangers of hate and persecution

Mr. Guterres was speaking at the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, memorial site of the infamous S-21 interrogation and detention centre under the bloody regime, which lasted from 1975 to 1979. ‘An essential reminder’ It is estimated that up to 18,000 people from across Cambodia were brought to the facility, located in a former secondary school… Continue reading Cambodia: In visit to genocide museum, UN chief warns of the dangers of hate and persecution

Categorized as Asia

Why do women immediately think as if they’re less attractive when their partner/ any man doesn’t get turned on by them enough or as much as they used to before?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Why do women immediately think as if they’re less attractive when their partner/ any man doesn’t get turned on by them enough or as much as they used to before?

Categorized as WomenTopic

why do you still play a video game you hate?

I hate WoW (World of Warcraft) in its current format, but i have a lot of friends and guildies that i still like chatting to, besides, i can pay for the game with gold so it hasn’t actually cost me any real cash for a lot of years.

Categorized as ask-random

What are some unethical ways to make money?

Shoplifting and resell items online Selling drugs Stealing bikes and reselling Stealing plants and shrubs from the neighbourhood Getting nudes of people you know and blackmailing them

Categorized as ask-random

Do you have an idea about Bangladesh, what does this country look like?

I’am Bengali but never been there. From what I heard from parents it’s a farming green open place and not poor as people think. They have a city too and it’s crowded I don’t know if it’s true but I heard if you did something horrible there like raping they would shoot u even before… Continue reading Do you have an idea about Bangladesh, what does this country look like?

Categorized as ask-random

What celebrities has fail from grace?

Andy Dick. I mean, I don’t know what his grace was at all, he always seemed to be a complete weirdo, but he’s just been getting more and more degenerate

Categorized as ask-random

What sound/song does not annoy you as an alarm clock ringtone?

Set the most annoying, ear splitting song ever, but make sure it has a soft intro. You’l end up pumped with adrenaline whilst turning it off to stop it from getting to the horrible noise it’s about to produce. It’s not annoying, it’s terrifying. Another method is to Instead have a noise that reveals a… Continue reading What sound/song does not annoy you as an alarm clock ringtone?

Categorized as ask-random

I was “okay” about a guy, but once I get away from him, the “okay” turned into “disgust”, and now I find everything about him disgusting. Has that ever happened to you? What do you think?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading I was “okay” about a guy, but once I get away from him, the “okay” turned into “disgust”, and now I find everything about him disgusting. Has that ever happened to you? What do you think?

Categorized as WomenTopic

How do you tweedle your ears?

It’s actually very simple, what you need to do is: stick one thumb in your mouth and the other in your butt Blow on sed thumb as hard as you can Spin in a circle three times levitate two inches off the ground And voila

Categorized as ask-random

What do you do if you encounter an obviously pregnant person drinking heavily at the bar?

For the record, I’m pro-choice, but there was a fairly heavily pregnant woman at my karaoke bar tonight drinking A LOT. It upset me a lot, and I’m struggling with that because I try not to judge people, but I don’t understand why anyone would choose to have a child and then drink while pregnant.… Continue reading What do you do if you encounter an obviously pregnant person drinking heavily at the bar?

Categorized as ask-random

When is mental illness/depression severe enough to turn to anti depressants?

Clinical depression is because the brain is unable to produce serotonin. It’s not obvious to a person that this has happened as they usually spiralled. I’ve always described that point as having a shadow fixed to your brain which fuels things like indecision and negativity I found I didn’t realise how bad I was until… Continue reading When is mental illness/depression severe enough to turn to anti depressants?

Categorized as ask-random

What’s the dumbest lyrics in history?

Probably not the absolute dumbest, but it’s the first ones which come to mind. “Around the World” by Red Hot Chili Peppers I know, I know for sure Ding ding, dong dong, ding ding, dong dong, ding ding I know, I know it’s you Ding ding, dong dong, ding ding, dong dong, ding ding

Categorized as ask-random

i’m so tired of white women trying to distance their whiteness from their womanhood

like the title says, yes, i’m tired of it. i’m tired of white women pretending that they face the same type of sexism that a woman of color faces. even the power they have over men of color. yes, they are men in a patriarchal society, but you are white. they are infantilized while we… Continue reading i’m so tired of white women trying to distance their whiteness from their womanhood

Categorized as WomenTopic

What’s the best way to fix boredom?

Find new motivation. Learn a new skill or language, exercise, help others etc Learn about a new topic or something beneficial You can literally do anything else

Categorized as ask-random

Meet the Unions of Apple

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

Apple savings account

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

Most favourite Desserts?

Apple crumble for me personally at least anyways. And you personally? What are your favourite desserts in your case?

Categorized as Food

On men and feminism

I’ve read one type of statement very often and I felt the need to adress this. As a woman, I have had so many bad encounters with men in my life. Yet still, when I talk to my boyfriend and my brother, they have a very valid concern that “sexism” debates annoy them, because they… Continue reading On men and feminism

Categorized as WomenTopic

How bad was your childhood?

I was practically raised by my older siblings who were all kids. My mom was a crackwhore and my dad had to work endlessly to make ends meet. Food was scarce, I sometimes went months wearing shoes where you could see my entire heel through the bottom. Through middleschool I had to hang out at… Continue reading How bad was your childhood?

Categorized as ask-random

Sustainable food cold chains reduce waste, fight climate change: UN report

These systems are critical to maintaining the quality, nutritional value and safety of food, especially as an estimated 14 per cent of all food produced for human consumption is lost before it even reaches consumers. The increased investment is also required if the world is to meet the challenge of feeding an additional two billion… Continue reading Sustainable food cold chains reduce waste, fight climate change: UN report

Am I the only one that thinks this is kinda sexist? Seems to be blaming this i*cel’s death on girl. Idk, just doesn’t sit right with me

He was a good man who always tried to do the right thing. He was kind and giving, but lonely and upset at the world around him. He always seemed sad. Nobody loved him and he had nobody to talk to. He couldn’t hold anyone, talk about his work and family, or hear someone say… Continue reading Am I the only one that thinks this is kinda sexist? Seems to be blaming this i*cel’s death on girl. Idk, just doesn’t sit right with me

Categorized as WomenTopic

Secretary-General upholds the importance of a single global economy

Mr. Guterres was speaking to journalists a day after addressing regional leaders attending the 12th Summit between the UN and the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Avoid at all costs “As I told yesterday’s summit meeting, we must avoid at all costs the division of the global economy into two parts, led by… Continue reading Secretary-General upholds the importance of a single global economy

So, how did your hamster/guinea pig die ?

I don’t know if it’s true, but my friend told me that theirs jumped off the kitchen counter, with no explanation as to how it got up there, and ran into the vacuum. It managed to die as well as break the vacuum beyond repair.

Categorized as ask-random

My Dentist Appointment!

I have been to the dentist yesterday afternoon, it has gone super well. No cavities found and no oral disease found either. My teeth are in mint new conditions, my dentist has said. And you personally? Have you ever been to a dentist visit recently in your case?

Categorized as Life

Most favoriet Desserts?

Apple crumble for me personally at least anyways. And you personally? What are your favourite desserts in your case?

Categorized as Food

Adapt or starve: COP27 spotlights agricultural challenges and solutions in the face of climate change

This sentiment echoed through dozens of pavilions and conference rooms in Sharm el-Sheikh on Saturday as COP27 turned its attention to the vital issues of adaptation, agriculture and food systems in the context of climate change. “We need to help rural populations build their resilience to extreme weather events and adapt to a changing climate.… Continue reading Adapt or starve: COP27 spotlights agricultural challenges and solutions in the face of climate change

Anyone loves Mini-Golf?

I have been playing mini-golf quite often my whole life till now, I hate regular golf, watching and playing. What about you? Have you ever played it yet or not personally? And if yes, do you enjoy it or not in your opinion?

Categorized as Sports

Mist favoriet Desserts?

Apple crumble for me personally at least anyways. And you personally? What are your favourite desserts in your case?

Categorized as Food

What job is the most soul sucking?

Being a teacher, I imagine. I work in manufacturing and there’s been a lot of teacher transplants. They all say the same thing. They’re emotionless drained from students. Add the fact that they’re in a system where they’re under-appreciated and under-paid, and they’re just burnt out.

Categorized as ask-random

what do you sell?

Myself every day. Way above value too. My skills, my knowledge, my experience. Worst of all, my time. My health if things go badly.

Categorized as ask-random

Are men carrying millions of unborn babies inside them all the time? If not, why?

I understand that you can’t have one without the other but most of the chromosomes does come from the sperm so my logic is not horribly invalid. Technically you were in your father before you were in your mother. If your dad had sex with another woman, assuming you were the winner sperm, you’d still… Continue reading Are men carrying millions of unborn babies inside them all the time? If not, why?

Categorized as ask-random

What is the correct chain of actions after winning a lottery?

Step one: Call the local branch manager of your government guaranteed financial institution. In Australia you can put your money into a government guaranteed financial institution and if they go broke your money is still as safe as the nation. That’s my first step, securing the money for future generations.

Categorized as ask-random

Young Haitians bond over sports, earrings and pineapple jam

Some 1500 young people got together at the Semans Lapè (Seeds of Peace) project event supported by the UN Peacebuilding Fund. Craft products, including earrings, are exhibited at a youth event in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Rosemonde* (23 years old) “I live in Cite Soleil which is under the control of gangs. There is only one road out of… Continue reading Young Haitians bond over sports, earrings and pineapple jam

Categorized as Americas

If your car whas going light speed without burning up or breaking what would happen if you turned on the lights?

From your perspective, nothing. Light speed isn’t exactly an arbitrary speed that light happens to travel at; it’s actually the maximum speed in our universe (as far as we can tell, using physics). So, when you turn on your headlights, and they start broadcasting light, that light goes as fast as light goes – literally… Continue reading If your car whas going light speed without burning up or breaking what would happen if you turned on the lights?

Categorized as ask-random

Is there a correlation between hip width and vagina width?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Is there a correlation between hip width and vagina width?

Categorized as WomenTopic

Meta employees- honest question – what do you feel are the main reasons for the round of layoffs?

There are a few reasons for the recent layoffs at Meta. Firstly, the company has been going through a period of transition and change, which has resulted in some redundancies. Secondly,Meta has been refocusing its business and priorities, which has led to some roles becoming obsolete or no longer needed. Finally, the company is always… Continue reading Meta employees- honest question – what do you feel are the main reasons for the round of layoffs?

Categorized as ask-random

Worst job you worked and why?

Starbucks. People were so damn picky. Sometimes it was too much milk, or not good enough, too sweet, too not-sweet. Damn I just wanted to throw coffee at their faces and leave!

Categorized as ask-random

Before Mt. Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain in the world?

People didn’t exactly miss Mt. Everest till a European walked through china. People have been living around the world for a long time, well before written history, and they kinda wold have taken note of the massive fuckin rock in front of them. Now if you are asking about catagorized mountains, Kangchenjunga was the highest… Continue reading Before Mt. Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain in the world?

Categorized as ask-random

If you were a bot on social media what would your generic comment or response be?

I speak for everyone when I say that you are literally saving this country, President Biden! And nobody can deny how amazing you’re doing! Country over party, sharing the wealth, and fixing the cracks — both literally and figuratively — in our society… THAT Joe Biden will get re-elected in a landslide. Our President plays… Continue reading If you were a bot on social media what would your generic comment or response be?

Categorized as ask-random

If everyone hung out with perfectly like-minded people, what would your group look like (and be doing) on a free, hangout day?

Probably chillin laughing listening to some music with some weed around if we want to get stoned. Go to like a show and outdoor activity . Talk to some chicks . Go cruising . Watch some funny show on tv . Talk shit . Pick out what to wear for tonight . Party . But… Continue reading If everyone hung out with perfectly like-minded people, what would your group look like (and be doing) on a free, hangout day?

Categorized as ask-random

If you engage with hateful content on the internet, why?

People are sensitive. Someone’s joke is another trigger. I like to be sarcastic/funny and dont really care how it gets taken. If you are posting on a public form, I can say what I want. Now, I dont intend to be mean initially. Usually dad jokes or crude humor. Sometimes, someone gets called a dumbass.

Categorized as ask-random

Watching Movies Or Reading Books

“The book was better than the movie!” is something people always say. What do you prefer, watching the movie or reading the book? If you could pick one over the other, which would you pick? Watching movies or reading books?

Sound-proofed house?

How well is your home sound-proofed? Can you easily hear noises from outside? Traffic? People doing yard work or using power tools? Neighbors playing music? Does it bother you?

Categorized as Life

public displays of affection?

What do you think about public displays of affection? Is it rude for a couple to kiss or snuggle where other people can see them?

Categorized as Life


Cinematography is the art of making movies. Have you ever had an interest in this as a career? Do you think it would be fun? Do you think its a hard job?

Categorized as Photos Art

Tax on Junk Food?

Do you think we should add an extra tax to junk food? Do you think this would be a good way to combat obesity and poor food choices while grocery shopping?

Categorized as Food

Apple needs to be careful…

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

ASEAN States ‘well-placed’ to advance human rights, freedoms and a strong global economy 

Speaking at the 12th ASEAN-UN Summit, Secretary-General António Guterres painted a picture of many in the Global South, “battered” by COVID and the climate crisis – restricting access to food, energy, and finance – and global insecurity triggering new conflicts while making it increasingly difficult to end old ones. He also drew attention to a… Continue reading ASEAN States ‘well-placed’ to advance human rights, freedoms and a strong global economy 

Hopefuel: In what ways are things getting better in the world?

Generally speaking, violent crime is at an all-time low, life expectancy is high, infant mortality is low, communication and sharing information is quicker and easier than any other time on the planet, societal acceptance of mental illness is higher than it’s ever been, HIV/AIDS used to be a death sentence now it’s largely treatable, and… Continue reading Hopefuel: In what ways are things getting better in the world?

Categorized as ask-random

Press release: UN Women launches first-ever National Committee in Spain

UN Women has today announced the launch of its first-ever National Committee in Spain to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls. Spain is now the thirteenth country to have a UN Women National Committee, joining others such as Germany, the United States, and Japan. Press release: UN Women launches first-ever National… Continue reading Press release: UN Women launches first-ever National Committee in Spain

Categorized as Women

Sri Lanka: Cost-of-living crunch threatens to sink millions already facing hard choices 

Long before the country’s first-ever international debt default in May 2022 and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which added to the country’s problems, tea estate labourer Nagamma had already cut back on meals, as global trade froze during the coronavirus pandemic.  Blood, sweat and leeches  Her precarious situation in Sri Lanka’s central highlands hasn’t changed, but… Continue reading Sri Lanka: Cost-of-living crunch threatens to sink millions already facing hard choices 

Categorized as sdgs

Displaced families face winter hardships, UN refugee agency warns

11 November 2022Migrants and Refugees Millions of people displaced by conflict or persecution from Ukraine, Afghanistan and across the Middle East could face a perilous winter as freezing temperatures add to the misery already that they are already suffering from spiralling prices, the lingering impact of COVID-19 and extreme weather linked to the climate crisis,… Continue reading Displaced families face winter hardships, UN refugee agency warns

Apple Losing Talent to Google Amid Push to Improve Spotlight and Launch Search Engine

They need to fix the constant Spotlight freezes first. I will type in something, and it will hang on it. If I use it as a quick calculator I’ll usually get my first result but if I delete what I wrote and replace it Spotlight will not update. It’s terribly annoying. It happens with opening… Continue reading Apple Losing Talent to Google Amid Push to Improve Spotlight and Launch Search Engine

Categorized as Apple

Liberia: Put people before profit, experts on human rights and business urge

“The present climate of irresponsible business practices provides profit for companies but does little for people”, members of the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights said in a statement marking the conclusion of their first visit to the country.  “A sustainable and stable peace calls for accountability, transparency, equality, social cohesion, the rule… Continue reading Liberia: Put people before profit, experts on human rights and business urge

Categorized as Africa

UN Human Rights Council inquiry hears testimonies on Shireen Abu Akleh killing 

11 November 2022Human Rights A UN Human Rights Council-appointed probe into alleged rights violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), including East Jerusalem, and Israel, wrapped up a week of public hearings in Geneva on Friday that included testimony on the killing of veteran US-Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh.   The session – mandated by the Human… Continue reading UN Human Rights Council inquiry hears testimonies on Shireen Abu Akleh killing 

Global food imports on track to reach all-time high: FAO

The new forecast of $1.94 trillion would represent an all-time high and a 10 per cent increase over the record level of 2021.  However, the pace of increase is expected to slow down in response to higher food prices and the depreciation of currencies against the United States dollar, according to the latest Food Outlook report. … Continue reading Global food imports on track to reach all-time high: FAO

Categorized as sdgs

‘Fossil fuels are a dead end’, says top UN climate adviser on ‘Decarbonization Day’ at COP27

To meet the goals of the Paris Agreement and prevent the worst impacts of the climate crisis, the world must abandon fossil fuels as quickly as possible, Selwin Hart, Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Climate Action told UN News today. “There is no argument around the science at all. But of course, developing countries,… Continue reading ‘Fossil fuels are a dead end’, says top UN climate adviser on ‘Decarbonization Day’ at COP27

Redditors who have been high, what’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen or done while being high?

Mushrooms sent me to another dimension, I saw weird distortions of the world around me, and everything looked like ancient Egyptian/extraterrestrial hieroglyphs, and then I convinced myself that it was a bad batch and that alien parasites from another planet had infected my brain, were modifying my genetic structure to do their bidding. You’ll have… Continue reading Redditors who have been high, what’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen or done while being high?

Categorized as ask-random

What is the purpose of living?

There doesn’t seem to be one “the” purpose, and you get to make your own instead. I’m mostly just trying to enjoy it, provide a good upbringing for my kid, and otherwise be kind.

Categorized as ask-random

What might potentially ruin a marriage or relationship?

To ruin a relationship doesn’t take much. I’ve watched it a million times. Like that of a recipe, a few simple ingredients is all it takes. Distance. Lack of trust. Contempt. Substance abuse. And finally, control. Eventually your spouse figures out there is more to life than having a loveless marriage. They don’t want a… Continue reading What might potentially ruin a marriage or relationship?

Categorized as ask-random

In Ukraine, Vulnerable Families Brace For Winter With UNICEF’s Help

Zoya, 55, her daughter Iryna, 28, and grandson Denys recently returned home to Shybene, in Kyiv oblast. But there is no house to return to. The family fled in March as their town came under attack, managing to escape when the house caught fire during heavy shelling. There was no time to pack, and anything… Continue reading In Ukraine, Vulnerable Families Brace For Winter With UNICEF’s Help

Categorized as unicef

Eight billion people, one humanity; Development milestone ‘testament’ to power of health and science

11 November 2022SDGs Next week, the world’s population is due to reach eight billion, which the UN chief is describing as “a testament to scientific breakthroughs and improvements in nutrition, public health and sanitation”. “But as our human family grows larger, it is also growing more divided”, warned Secretary-General António Guterres in an editorial penned ahead… Continue reading Eight billion people, one humanity; Development milestone ‘testament’ to power of health and science

Categorized as sdgs

What is Reddit used for?

That made me laugh. The reason I asked is because I go onto subreddits that advertise they want to help/ answer questions, and when I ask a question, I keep getting banned/ deleted. Is false advertising big on here? What is a website where people actually want to help. I don’t understand offering to help… Continue reading What is Reddit used for?

Categorized as ask-random

The disturbing resurgence of prescriptive femininity

I don’t exactly know when this started but I’ve been seeing it more and more lately. Previously they were rather obviously right-wing funded propaganda masquerading as everyday women (think Mrs M*dwest) but now I’m seeing a whole other surge that is now frequently entangled with the New Age ideologies like ~feminine energy~ Look, I’m pretty… Continue reading The disturbing resurgence of prescriptive femininity

Categorized as WomenTopic

Hey Reddit. What food is the tastiest but also healthy?

There are a lot of delicious and healthy foods out there! Some of our favorites include fruits, vegetables, lean protein sources, and whole grain foods. However, everyone has different taste buds, so it’s important to find what works best for you. Experiment with different recipes and ingredients to find what you like the best.

Categorized as ask-random

I need to finish my period quicker lol

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading I need to finish my period quicker lol

Categorized as WomenTopic

For postmen and delivery wo/men: What has been the crudest situation you have encountered delivering something?

I work in the Correos, the state-owned company in Spain, and once when I was delivering a tax receipt to a lady, she told me that if she could read, because she was illiterate, she did not understand Catalan well (the language in which the letter), she was an immigrant, already retired and her children… Continue reading For postmen and delivery wo/men: What has been the crudest situation you have encountered delivering something?

Categorized as ask-random

Teachers who resigned/dropped out, what was the reason?

The reasons for why teachers resign or drop out can vary. Some might leave the profession due to dissatisfaction with working conditions, while others might do so because they feel they are not making a difference in their students’ lives. Still others might leave teaching due to personal reasons, such as family commitments or health… Continue reading Teachers who resigned/dropped out, what was the reason?

Categorized as ask-random

What is the saddest song you have ever heard?

Good question. Maybe “There Is No If” by The Cure, or either “Illusion” or “From My Hands” by VNV Nation. Once you know the story behind it, “The Poet and The Pendulum” by Nightwish will do it to a lot of people.

Categorized as ask-random

ladies!!! a guy just told me that women should be grateful when random guys walk up to them to tell them they are sexy and if they don’t like it they should explain to the guy why they don’t want the compliment.

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading ladies!!! a guy just told me that women should be grateful when random guys walk up to them to tell them they are sexy and if they don’t like it they should explain to the guy why they don’t want the compliment.

Categorized as WomenTopic

what mistake will you never make again?

Long Distance Relationship. Lots of being lonely and passing up potential local romances to be faithful to someone you might never be able to live with. You don’t get time from your life back, spend it wisely.

Categorized as ask-random

When has meeting your hero gone right/wrong?

Cancel culture has made it so that you don’t have to meet jack shit. I never met Louis CK, but apparently he’s a bad person because he likes to whip his di k out in front of women, and start jacking off. Even though he got consent first.

Categorized as ask-random

what made you realised you are a privileged person?

Back when I was in school my friend group all took turns hosting a sleepover, when it got to my turn every single one made comments about my family’s house and started calling me the rich one in the friend group, until that point I’d always assumed my family had low-average wealth

Categorized as ask-random

What is the key to hapiness?

Not thinking about it and just doing more Some things will make you say “No.” Some things will make you say “Yes, I fuck with this” The key to life is to have more of the latter than the former OP you are very welcome

Categorized as ask-random

Which is worse, having a spouse with different religious beliefs or political views and why?

Having had one with both, I can say that the religious differences were way worse than the political differences. I became a scapegoat for her religious guilt, because “the man is supposed to be the religious head of the household”, so anything she saw as a shortcoming in herself or of the family spiritually was… Continue reading Which is worse, having a spouse with different religious beliefs or political views and why?

Categorized as ask-random

How unorthodox is your life?

I have a boyfriend, a girlfriend, and a fiance. Most of the people I meet on a given weekday are murderers. And my hobbies include competitive swordfighting and travelling long distances to watch giant sculptures get set on fire. I think it’s a little weird but I wouldn’t change a thing.

Categorized as ask-random

does anyone else experience pain in their legs while ovulating?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading does anyone else experience pain in their legs while ovulating?

Categorized as WomenTopic

my bf says that andrew tate isn’t sexist

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading my bf says that andrew tate isn’t sexist

Categorized as WomenTopic

Apple Releases Firmware Update for AirTags

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

Ukraine: UN and partners provide life-saving aid to some 13.5 million

“Since February, aid workers have provided critical aid and protection services to some 13.5 million people across all regions of Ukraine”, Associate Spokesperson Stéphanie Tremblay told journalists at a regular briefing in New York. She added that more than 4.2 million people have received cash assistance over the past eight months and that markets are… Continue reading Ukraine: UN and partners provide life-saving aid to some 13.5 million

Categorized as Europe

How to stop caring about what other people think?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading How to stop caring about what other people think?

Categorized as WomenTopic

Crime and terrorism thriving again in Afghanistan amid economic ruin, warns Kőrösi

Csaba Kőrösi painted a near apocalyptic picture of ordinary life in the Taliban-ruled nation that has endured almost five decades of “relentless conflict”, urging the international community to make up the $2.3 billion shortfall in the UN humanitarian appeal for $4.4 billion. ‘Moral imperative’ In a powerful speech to ambassadors in New York, during a full session… Continue reading Crime and terrorism thriving again in Afghanistan amid economic ruin, warns Kőrösi

Categorized as Asia

What was your most embarrassing moment?

In second grade, I had to go to the nurse because I had a nosebleed. The nurse sent me to the office to call my mom, and when I got there, I realized that I had forgotten to put on a shirt that morning.

Categorized as ask-random

I don’t owe you an explanation.

If I decide that I’m not interested in you, then you need to understand that. I don’t have time to explain that I don’t want a relationship with you when you’re moving too fast. Seriously though, what is up with men nowadays being so pushy so early on?

Categorized as WomenTopic

Premenustral symptoms

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Premenustral symptoms

Categorized as WomenTopic

Terrorism intensifying across Africa, exploiting instability and conflict 

“Terrorists and violent extremists including Da’esh, Al-Qaida and their affiliates have exploited instability and conflict to increase their activities and intensify attacks across the continent”, Amina Mohammed said on behalf of Secretary-General António Guterres.   “Their senseless, terror-fuelled violence has killed and wounded thousands and many more continue to suffer from the broader impact of terrorism… Continue reading Terrorism intensifying across Africa, exploiting instability and conflict 

Categorized as Africa

How the Apple Archive Ended Up at Stanford

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

‘Our futures are being stolen!’ Youth activists tell COP27 negotiators it’s past time to tackle ‘loss and damage’

“There are climate catastrophes and destruction, and my country ends up borrowing money from the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to deal with the repercussions… our countries cannot develop because of the costs of the climate crisis,” a young African activist said during one of the many protests that took place today at… Continue reading ‘Our futures are being stolen!’ Youth activists tell COP27 negotiators it’s past time to tackle ‘loss and damage’

Do you think religion is a force for good or evil and why?

It’s a force that at its core is for good but gets weaponized as a tool for evil. It’s the foundation for every war in history and a shield for people to hide behind and push their agenda, whether it’s racism, bigotry, etc.

Categorized as ask-random

Over 27 Million Children in 27 Countries Impacted by Flooding in 2022

As the COP27 climate conference gets underway in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt, UNICEF is sounding the alarm: this year has brought devastating flooding to 27.7 million children in 27 countries worldwide. “We are seeing unprecedented levels of flooding all around the world this year, and with it, an explosion in threats to children,” said Paloma Escudero, head… Continue reading Over 27 Million Children in 27 Countries Impacted by Flooding in 2022

Categorized as unicef

Reddit, what is the??

Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. It doesn’t appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one.

Categorized as ask-random

How do you stop getting back with your ex?

Getting back with your ex is okay provided you are both actually committed to fixing past issues. If, for whatever reason, that’s not happening, then you’re going to have to do it the hard way by cutting off everything that brings them back to mind.

Categorized as ask-random

Op-ed: Unlocking the full potential of women

Op-ed: Unlocking the full potential of women Nearly halfway to the 2030 endpoint for the SDGs, it is time to turn our interconnectedness into solidarity in shaping our responses and invest intentionally—and better—in women and girls. Currently, despite progress, only 26 per cent of countries have a comprehensive system to track gender budget allocations. Recent… Continue reading Op-ed: Unlocking the full potential of women

Categorized as Women

what are best ways to get rid of to-do lists?

The first thing to do is make sure that your to-do list is specific, doable, and realistic. Also, prioritize – list all the things that need to be done, and then do the things that are most important, first. Finally, break the tasks down into small steps to make them more manageable.

Categorized as ask-random

What can you do when you are bored?

Anything! Walks, hikes, bike rides, go swimming; bake a cake or cookies; read, write, listen to music, watch Tv, Reddit, nap, wank, bubble bath; declutter your life; get chores done; reach out to friends and family, volunteer, gardening, recycle, enter free raffles…

Categorized as ask-random

What do you find an inconvenience about being human?

Energy sources. Bots and AIs can generally get by with the grid, at ten cents per kWh or so. Humans generally want something much more expensive. Then there is the tax on ‘income’ vs. ‘operating expenses’.

Categorized as ask-random

Who got cancelled, but shouldn’t have been?

Johnny Depp. Sure, he was a drug user, and if that had been the issue then kicking him off sets would be completely fine (but then also providing him therapy). But its quite clear that there was no truth to the claims that got him cancelled, and so he shouldnt have been.

Categorized as ask-random

What would you do today if you didn’t have to go to work?

Fortunately I don’t have to work today. But I do have to drive across the country to come home from my holiday : ( Otherwise I think I’d go into central London, find a coffee shop, look in a couple of museums and do some shopping.

Categorized as ask-random

When was your last happy tears moment?

Yesterday. My wife is recovering from surgery related to breast cancer, and she found out she does not need radiation for treatment. After she told me, and then fell asleep, I told our friends and family, and then I just sobbed for a few minutes.

Categorized as ask-random

I hate being a girl

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading I hate being a girl

Categorized as WomenTopic

How has becoming apart of the Reddit community impacted your life?

Made me more hateful. All the idiots on here is astounding and they further their idiocy due to anonymity. People telling others they should die for this and that, people telling others to get a divorce or end a long term relationship over a one off argument or altercation, downvotes for speaking verifiable truths. This… Continue reading How has becoming apart of the Reddit community impacted your life?

Categorized as ask-random

What moment or object was extremely sentimental to you that you’ve kept hidden?

I have a twisted, broken key ring. My fiancé returning her set of keys to my house thrown in my face. It was the culmination of a series of decisions I had to make but regretted anyway and while I wish she could have seen it my way, I saw the moment coming about four… Continue reading What moment or object was extremely sentimental to you that you’ve kept hidden?

Categorized as ask-random

Survivors of depression, how did “getting better” feel?

After too long a struggle, today my partner finally conceded to get help at an inpatient behavioral site. One long wait at the ER and an ambulance ride later, here I am fantasizing what beating depression might feel like for her. I fully understand it’s not a quick magical cure-all and I’m tempering my expectations.… Continue reading Survivors of depression, how did “getting better” feel?

Categorized as ask-random

Should the US reduces it’s military budget? why or why not?

Yes – it should. The question is – what should be cut? It is hard to find any program that is not a major financial benefit to some legislator’s district. I mean – look at the penny. Totally worthless. Yet we keep making them because there is a manufacturer who benefits from providing the copper… Continue reading Should the US reduces it’s military budget? why or why not?

Categorized as ask-random

Current Humanitarian Crises and the UNICEF Response

Stay informed on UNICEF’s work saving and protecting children around the world UUSA-185 Entrance Modal Submitted by todemko on Wed, 2021-01-27 10:42 Humanitarian crises are caused by one or multiple events that threaten people’s safety, health, security and lives. Natural disasters, wars, famine and drought are just a few examples. Worldwide, humanitarian crises put children’s… Continue reading Current Humanitarian Crises and the UNICEF Response

Categorized as unicef

What are your favorite song lyrics?

The people who have crippled you You want to see them burn The gates of life have closed on you And now there’s just no return You’re wishing that the hands of doom Could take your mind away And you don’t care if you don’t see again The light of day

Categorized as ask-random

Which two musicians (dead or alive) would you like to see collaborate?

They’re both dead but… David Bowie and Klaus Nomi. For the uninitiated, Klaus and Bowie did share the stage together once, for an SNL performance. Klaus did backup vocals for him, and Bowie said he would keep in touch to work with him. Sadly, he never did, and Klaus would die from AIDs a few… Continue reading Which two musicians (dead or alive) would you like to see collaborate?

Categorized as ask-random

Current Humanitarian Crises — and the UNICEF Response

Stay informed on UNICEF’s work saving and protecting children around the world UUSA-185 Entrance Modal Submitted by todemko on Wed, 2021-01-27 10:42 Humanitarian crises are caused by one or multiple events that threaten people’s safety, health, security and lives. Natural disasters, wars, famine and drought are just a few examples. Worldwide, humanitarian crises put children’s… Continue reading Current Humanitarian Crises — and the UNICEF Response

Categorized as unicef

Delivering justice for Libya not ‘Mission Impossible’, Security Council hears

“If we are willing to forge new partnerships…look at new ways of working together…[and] coalesce around human values…we can do much better in delivering justice for the people of Libya and hopefully that will assist in a wider hope for sustainable peace”, ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan told the ambassadors via video link. Recounting his experiences… Continue reading Delivering justice for Libya not ‘Mission Impossible’, Security Council hears

Categorized as Africa

IAEA ensures nuclear safety and stability amid global crises: General Assembly President

The world is faced with risks of nuclear proliferation and nuclear catastrophe not seen in decades, he noted, adding that “IAEA strives to meet the demands of this moment with expert resolve.” Mr. Kőrösi thanked the agency’s chief, Rafael Mariano Grossi, for his leadership, as well as its experts “who have risked their lives to… Continue reading IAEA ensures nuclear safety and stability amid global crises: General Assembly President

Women in red states

You’re not the only one. This shit is fucking scary. My best advice to you is to focus on what you can and cannot control and try to let go of the things you can’t change, or at the very least, remember that this terrifying thing isn’t actually happening right now. Right now, you have… Continue reading Women in red states

Categorized as WomenTopic

Amazon and Apple ‘Colluded’ to Make iPhone and iPad More Expensive, Says Antitrust Lawsuit

I’m struggling to see how this is supposed to benefit Apple. They’re selling devices at a wholesale price to resellers, obviously, and I’m not sure how they’re supposed to benefit from reducing that. Obviously, they’d have a concern with resellers selling stolen or repaired devices as new, but not enough to invest the millions of… Continue reading Amazon and Apple ‘Colluded’ to Make iPhone and iPad More Expensive, Says Antitrust Lawsuit

Categorized as Apple

27.7M Children in 27 Countries Impacted by Flooding in 2022

As the COP27 climate conference gets underway in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt, UNICEF is sounding the alarm: this year has brought devastating flooding to 27.7 million children in 27 countries worldwide. A vast majority of the children affected by floods this year are among the most vulnerable, at high risk from a multitude of threats including death… Continue reading 27.7M Children in 27 Countries Impacted by Flooding in 2022

Categorized as unicef

Can this be the reason?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Can this be the reason?

Categorized as WomenTopic

Anyone loves Biscotti?

Biscotti is an Italian dessert biscuit for coffee. I have 2 every morning for my morning coffee and breakfast. How about you? Have you ever tried it before yet personally or not? And if yes, do you enjoy it or not for you personally?

Anyone loves Country?

I love country music. My favourite solo country singers are : Dave Campbell and Dolly Parton. And you personally? Do you enjoy it or not? And if so, who are your favourite country singers in your case?

Categorized as Music

UNICEF and the Fight Against Child Trafficking

Stay informed on UNICEF’s work saving and protecting children around the world UUSA-185 Entrance Modal Submitted by todemko on Wed, 2021-01-27 10:42 What is child trafficking? Child trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of children through deception, fraud or force with the aim of exploiting them for profit. Anyone — regardless of… Continue reading UNICEF and the Fight Against Child Trafficking

Categorized as unicef

Rights expert urges Saudi authorities to allow family to access jailed activist

9 November 2022Human Rights The family and lawyers of a jailed Saudi activist, who reportedly is being held incommunicado, must be granted immediate access to him, the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders, Mary Lawlor, said on Wednesday.  Ms. Lawlor has issued a statement expressing her increasing concern for the health… Continue reading Rights expert urges Saudi authorities to allow family to access jailed activist

Categorized as mieast

Stay away from men obsessed with “natural beauty”.

** this is not about men with a preference in makeup, hair etc. it’s about men who lose their absolute minds over anything “non natural” that a woman partakes in and shames women for not being “natural”.*** These men may seem like “good guys” who are against toxic beauty standards buts they’re the exact opposite.… Continue reading Stay away from men obsessed with “natural beauty”.

Categorized as WomenTopic

Young people reconsidering parenthood due to climate change, UNICEF poll reveals

The results were published on Wednesday at the COP27 climate conference taking place in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.  Some 243,512 young people from 163 countries participated in the UNICEF U-Report poll, over July and August of this year.    Gauging the temperature  U-Report is a UNICEF digital platform that supports youth engagement on programme priorities, emergency… Continue reading Young people reconsidering parenthood due to climate change, UNICEF poll reveals

Are religions just fairytales, like many atheists on the internet say? Why or why not?

I don’t think religions are as simple as fairytales in general. I think most of them are complex traditions that pass on answers and theories from the past. I don’t get me wrong, I’m not religious. But I do see that there has been some value in religion to passing on culture and to creating… Continue reading Are religions just fairytales, like many atheists on the internet say? Why or why not?

Categorized as ask-random

‘10 gigatonne’ emissions boom leaves construction ‘off track’ for decarbonization by 2050

9 November 2022Climate and Environment The global building and construction boom has pushed the sector’s CO2 emissions to an all-time high of 10 gigatonnes, meaning that it is now “off track” to meet decarbonization pledges by 2050, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) said on Wednesday. “Years of warnings about the impacts of climate change have become a reality,”… Continue reading ‘10 gigatonne’ emissions boom leaves construction ‘off track’ for decarbonization by 2050

Dirty fossil fuel investments and a new AI inventory of global emissions in the spotlight during ‘Finance Day’ at COP27

Over 50 activists from all ages and backgrounds took over the so-called ‘Blue Zone’ – the main area of the conference centre in Sharm el-Shaik overseen by the UN – to chant “Stop funding fossil fuels, stop funding death”. Susan Huang, representing the NGO Oil Change International was among the participants aiming to shed a… Continue reading Dirty fossil fuel investments and a new AI inventory of global emissions in the spotlight during ‘Finance Day’ at COP27

Over 27 Million Children At Risk As Devastating Floods Set Records Across The World

NEW YORK (November 8, 2022) –  As COP27 gets underway in Egypt, UNICEF warns this year has brought overwhelming flooding to at least 27.7 million children in 27 countries worldwide.  A large majority of the 27.7 million children* affected by flooding in 2022 are among the most vulnerable and are at high risk of a multitude… Continue reading Over 27 Million Children At Risk As Devastating Floods Set Records Across The World

Categorized as unicef

What do you think is more important, to be book smart or street smart? And why?

Book smarts ain’t gonna help you in the real world, kiddo. They aren’t going to help you read a subway map, navigate a foreign street, make a deal with a stranger for something you want. The only thing book smarts gets you is access to higher learning, and then you’re confused for the rest of… Continue reading What do you think is more important, to be book smart or street smart? And why?

Categorized as ask-random

Afghan journalist Zahra Nader: Creating a platform for Afghan women’s voices to be heard

Zahra Nader is an Afghan Canadian journalist and editor-in-chief of Zan Times, a newly launched media outlet that covers human rights in Afghanistan with a focus on women, the LGBT community and environmental issues. Born in Afghanistan, she is from the Hazara community, an ethnic group that faces marginalization and violence. She began her journalism career… Continue reading Afghan journalist Zahra Nader: Creating a platform for Afghan women’s voices to be heard

Categorized as Women

My manager tried to ridicule me because I told him his idea was offensive to women. [Vent about misogyny in the workplace]

Context: My manager (a man) was upset because one of our clients refused to go on with an idea he had because of its misogynistic and sexist undertone (Ironic fact: It’s an anti-violence against women campaign). With poise, I told him that I understood why the client (a woman) did not like it, because it’s… Continue reading My manager tried to ridicule me because I told him his idea was offensive to women. [Vent about misogyny in the workplace]

Categorized as WomenTopic

What things have LGBTQ+ communities ruined?

The LGBT+ communities themselves lol. I’m in the community in terms of my sexuality but so many catty bitches that need to always be on the prowl for fights and aggression/perfection have made so many parts of the community unwelcoming and a bunch of more decent folks have just stopped associating with those spaces entirely.

Categorized as ask-random

Women’s meaningful participation in peace processes builds lasting peace

Participants at the UN Women-organized outreach event “Strengthening Women’s Participation and Influence in Peace Processes in the MENA Region,” held on 29 June 2022, in Amman, Jordan. Photo: UN Women/Alaa .I Atawneh Around the world, persistent conflict is exacerbating social and gender inequalities and is hindering the progress of countries struggling to recover from the… Continue reading Women’s meaningful participation in peace processes builds lasting peace

Categorized as Women

Redditors who were successfull in posting a question here on this sub and getting lots of answers for it: how did you do it ? What’s the secret ?

First, I cast a wide net, which means I post on here a lot. Second, I asked questions that are easy for everyone to answer. They may be fun, they may be insightful, but they can be answered by everyone. Third, timing. The trick is to find a time with a lot of viewers but… Continue reading Redditors who were successfull in posting a question here on this sub and getting lots of answers for it: how did you do it ? What’s the secret ?

Categorized as ask-random

What impresses you the most?

I’m impressed by people who do what I fail to do. I fail to be content with very little. I thus respect those that are truly content with very little – very little success, very little money, very little anything. The more content and the less they have going for them the more impressive the… Continue reading What impresses you the most?

Categorized as ask-random

What’s on your playlist?

Radiohead, Fall out boy, DIO, Slayer, The Smiths, Bring me the horizon, kali uchis, Seafret, foo fighters, judas priest, green day, the killers, twenty one pilots, the police, RHCP

Categorized as ask-random

What type of “ghost” business in your area has been around the longest & always seems lacking enough customers to explain its being in business?

All the “ghost” business I can think about right are doing fine in both the legal and illegal products. Like those bars where they sell (or allow to sell) drugs. That probably happens with more serious crimes, like with transportation companies for example. But my point is that if the “ghost” business is lacking costumers,… Continue reading What type of “ghost” business in your area has been around the longest & always seems lacking enough customers to explain its being in business?

Categorized as ask-random

what do you know/think about the bible?

In the Old Testament, God was a neglecting and bad father. In the New Testament, God was a good and loving father. In the Revelations book, God was literally a terrorist.

Categorized as ask-random

Apple Maps

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

Which industry needs better government regulations ?

Crypto/blockchain stuff. Too many scams, ponzi schemes, rug pulls. People drinking all this koolaid, getting robbed bllind, and coming back for more over and over because of all the hype and some idiotic belief in getting rich quick.

Categorized as ask-random

Men of reddit, what are some red flags that would disqualify women from dating you?

If they have some of the same sort of traits and interests women disqualify neckbeardy/incel like men. While I might like heavier, shy, or just gals who are not super attractive, those sort of gals just self sabotage so often. They don’t think they need to work on themselves as much as guys in the… Continue reading Men of reddit, what are some red flags that would disqualify women from dating you?

Categorized as ask-random

What is something you dislike about Reddit’s people?

How dumb they are as a whole. Not individuals but when a lot of them get together they are inconsolably stupid. Some examples, Unable to spot obvious bots/farmers Unable to engage in civil discourse Pretty racist but claim to be anti racist And usually pretty disconnected from reality No sense of sonder whatsoever

Categorized as ask-random

What’s the best way to come to terms with the feeling of betrayal if you’ve already talked it out with the person and still feel the same?

There will be no feeling of closure if that is what you are hoping for. What I’m gonna say is basic advice, but it’s realistic. You can dwell on the betrayal but it will not do anything good for you if you let it consume you. All you can do is move on, forgive, but… Continue reading What’s the best way to come to terms with the feeling of betrayal if you’ve already talked it out with the person and still feel the same?

Categorized as ask-random

What is your most exciting MILF experience?

Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. It doesn’t appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one.

Categorized as ask-random

Need surgery for a torn labrum but tonight proves I should just deal with the pain and get sterilized instead.

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Need surgery for a torn labrum but tonight proves I should just deal with the pain and get sterilized instead.

Categorized as WomenTopic

what are your thoughts about people with jobs not wanting to work while people looking for work can’t find it?

It’s a misunderstanding. People with jobs want to work. They want to work for employers who don’t abuse them and who allow them to develop and grow at work and who demonstrate that they’re valued. Pretending that acting your wage is an abuse from employees toward employers is wrong. Usually it’s an indication of abuse… Continue reading what are your thoughts about people with jobs not wanting to work while people looking for work can’t find it?

Categorized as ask-random

What do you think about chatbots? Will they enhance customer experience and make our lives easy ?

I think the chatbots ive encountered are a good way for sites to filter out some FAQ before pulling an actual person in to talk to me I dont think chatbots will ever be a perfect replacement for a living person, bc if im asking the bot something, its a custom question i couldnt easily… Continue reading What do you think about chatbots? Will they enhance customer experience and make our lives easy ?

Categorized as ask-random

Where can i find quality lingerie?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Where can i find quality lingerie?

Categorized as WomenTopic

Every time you open a photo in MacOS Ventura…

The process has been there for years. It used to be responsible for huge CPU spikes, but with newer processors it is less noticeable. Yes, it is sending a hash and may be related to the announced, and then suspended, CSAM program. I fail to understand how this connection is needed for local facial… Continue reading Every time you open a photo in MacOS Ventura…

Categorized as Apple

If you were abused by a partner before, what would you tell your younger self about it if you could talk to her?

I’d tell her to pay attention to how he treats his mother or how he treats any women in his life. A lack of friendships with women is also a red flag. If he feels comfortable making rape jokes, he views women as objects. Stuff. Another “thing” in his life. When he expects you to… Continue reading If you were abused by a partner before, what would you tell your younger self about it if you could talk to her?

Categorized as WomenTopic

What’s something so good that you can’t believe it’s that good?

This limited edition, autographed Brandi Love injection-molded FleshLightTM. It has built-in oscillating gel beads, Rumble Pack III, integrated vibration, and a quick-release chute for easy-access cleaning. It also has an ergonomic grip designed by Herman Miller, and a JBL speaker with bluetooth, where I can stream audio directly to it.

Categorized as ask-random

Apple – Privacy Analysis

Hold on while I click through this tracking link that redirects to another tracking link that takes me to a Gizmodo page filled with trackers so that I can read about the scary tracking Apple is doing… Ignoring the issues of the source article, the allegations seems mostly OK anyway. Apple is tracking all of… Continue reading Apple – Privacy Analysis

Categorized as Apple

Who will buy jeffrey epsteins island?

whoever is now in charge of providing kids for the pedo politicians. if you think his operation ended with his death, lol. not one of his clients has been named, nor will be named, meaning they are still doing what they were doing.

Categorized as ask-random

macOS Ventura Stage Manager switching apps in the same stage

After upgrading to Ventura and turning on the stage manager, an everyday use case I found myself encountering is that in stage manager, I fit multiple apps in a “stage” and need to switch these apps frequently in this “stage”, I will always accidentally switch to another stage because I used command+tab. A workaround I… Continue reading macOS Ventura Stage Manager switching apps in the same stage

Categorized as Apple

Türkiye: UN experts call for end to harassment of human rights defenders

“We have documented many cases where counter-terrorism legislation and other criminal provisions have been used to harass, arrest, detain and convict civil society actors in Türkiye, including Dr. Fincancı, on spurious grounds”, the experts said in a statement. Blurred charges On 26 October, Ms. Fincancı, who helped develop UN reference standards on the investigation and… Continue reading Türkiye: UN experts call for end to harassment of human rights defenders

Categorized as Europe

if China will change social credit of people outside China what will be your social credit?

Negative, I’m one of the people they would either whisk away in the night or publicly harm for the purpose of example-making. Sad thing, it won’t be China imposing this on other nations, other nations will impose the system on their own people or their people will ask for it as a way to deal… Continue reading if China will change social credit of people outside China what will be your social credit?

Categorized as ask-random

Developing countries at COP27 call for ‘climate justice’ in the form of adaptation and loss and damage funds

During a high-level event, the COP27 Presidency launched the Sharm el-Sheikh Adaptation Agenda to rally global action around 30 outcomes that are needed to address what the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) has described as the climate ‘adaptation gap’. The agenda would enhance resilience for four billion people living in the most climate vulnerable communities by… Continue reading Developing countries at COP27 call for ‘climate justice’ in the form of adaptation and loss and damage funds

What is your favourite thing to search on Pinterest?

I don’t search through other people’s junk marked “I’m trying to make money, but I have no skills and I thought if I showed cat & dog photos people would get interested in me.” What a f***ing joke most of those sites are.

Categorized as ask-random

Apple AirTag helps bring lost pup home

Yeah and Apple specifically stated many times not to do it when people started doing it when Airtags dropped I never did personally to my dog, but like….this story IS enticing… doesn’t hurt to have a backup plan, or that extra security

Categorized as Apple

What are the Americans voting for?

This is an off-year election, which means that the office of President isn’t involved. So there are a lot of elections for a state’s delegates to the US Congress (both the House of Representatives and the Senate), as well as state government offices, and local government such as counties or municipalities.

Categorized as ask-random

Anyone loves Superman?

I used to follow scrupulously “Smallville” when it has been airing on TV as well as all the Superman movies. And currently, I’m following it on Amazon Prime Vidoe UK using a VPN. What about you? Have you ever watched it personally yet or not? And if so, do you enjoy it or not according… Continue reading Anyone loves Superman?

Climate-Induced Drought Endangering Children’s Lives in Somalia

Severe drought caused by four consecutive failed rainy seasons has plunged the Horn of Africa into crisis, killing livestock, destroying livelihoods and pushing increasingly desperate families out of their homes in search of water, nutrition and shelter. Mothers walk for days with their malnourished children in their arms, hoping to reach a health center before… Continue reading Climate-Induced Drought Endangering Children’s Lives in Somalia

Categorized as unicef

UN ramps up humanitarian appeal for life-saving assistance to 3.4 million Sri Lankans

8 November 2022Humanitarian Aid Amidst Sri Lanka’s worst economic crisis since independence, the UN on Tuesday revised its joint Humanitarian Needs and Priorities (HNP) Plan, appealing for more life-saving assistance to aid 3.4 million people. Since June, the UN team in Sri Lanka and NGOs have used the HNP to respond to the Government’s request… Continue reading UN ramps up humanitarian appeal for life-saving assistance to 3.4 million Sri Lankans

Categorized as Asia

Are you on a Diet personally?

Personally, I’m not on one because I exercise and workout daily on my treadmill and stationary bike for 45 minutes each daily. But maybe you are on one, please tell me which one you are on. Thank you very much. And you personally? Are you on a diet yourself in your eyes?

Categorized as Food

Egypt: Rights chief calls for immediate release of jailed blogger and activist

8 November 2022Human Rights UN Human Rights High Commissioner Volker Türk on Tuesday appealed for Egypt to free a prominent blogger and activist whose life is in imminent danger following a seven-month hunger strike, that has escalated with the start of the COP27 climate summit being hosted there.  Alaa Abdel Fattah has been arrested many… Continue reading Egypt: Rights chief calls for immediate release of jailed blogger and activist

Categorized as Africa

How do you get rid of fleas?

If you have pets, get them treated and board them. Bag all clothes, stuffed animals, pillows, etc., in plastic. Shampoo and vacuum the fuck out of everything else.

Categorized as ask-random

COP27: ‘Zero tolerance for greenwashing’, Guterres says as new report cracks down on empty net-zero pledges

The report slams greenwashing – misleading the public to believe that a company or entity is doing more to protect the environment than it is – and weak net-zero pledges and provides a roadmap to bring integrity to net-zero commitments by industry, financial institutions, cities and regions and to support a global, equitable transition to… Continue reading COP27: ‘Zero tolerance for greenwashing’, Guterres says as new report cracks down on empty net-zero pledges

Over 27 million children at risk from devastating record-setting floods

8 November 2022Climate and Environment Overwhelming flooding has affected at least 27.7 million children across 27 countries worldwide, with the number of children affected by flooding in Chad, Gambia, Pakistan and northeast Bangladesh, being the highest in over 30 years. The UN Children’s Fund, UNICEF, said in its alert on Tuesday as the COP27 Climate… Continue reading Over 27 million children at risk from devastating record-setting floods

What are some street smarts everyone should know?

Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r/AskReddit. Moderators remove posts from feeds for a variety of reasons, including keeping communities safe, civil, and true to their purpose.

Categorized as ask-random

Contraction like feelings on period

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Contraction like feelings on period

Categorized as WomenTopic

Bothers me society uses “pussy” as an insult yet “balls” are courageous

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Bothers me society uses “pussy” as an insult yet “balls” are courageous

Categorized as WomenTopic

What are you personally doing in your daily life to fight against inequality and social injustice and if nothing then why not?

Nothing. My entire life has been horrible, I was born deformed, abused by my mother until I managed to escape, bullied constantly because of my deformed looks in school, developed severe PTSD due to a horrifically abusive ex who drunkenly maimed me in public (after me telling people I was being abused for months before… Continue reading What are you personally doing in your daily life to fight against inequality and social injustice and if nothing then why not?

Categorized as ask-random

Need support. Just read the horrific story of Natascha Kampusch and the things her kidnapper did to her. How do you read something horrific like that and still look at men the same way :(?

TRIGGER WARNING // SX ABUSE Natascha Kampusch, an amazing person who deserves all the love and support in the world. But it’s so disgusting what happened to this poor woman. I hope that she is still able to find love. I just love her so much and just feel like crying thinking about her. The… Continue reading Need support. Just read the horrific story of Natascha Kampusch and the things her kidnapper did to her. How do you read something horrific like that and still look at men the same way :(?

Categorized as WomenTopic

New FindMy compatible trackers from Eufy!

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

What did you expect your life to be like and how has it turned out?

Expectation: I’m going to graduate, get a well-paying & enjoyable job, have amazing work life balance. Also going to get jacked, have a beautiful wife & kids and a nice house in a great area for my kids to grow up. Reality: graduated. hate my job. no wife. no kids.

Categorized as ask-random

Women who have had covid, was period really bad after covid?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Women who have had covid, was period really bad after covid?

Categorized as WomenTopic

Who is someone you have a huge amount of respect for? Why?

My parents. Never once did they abuse me (like any good parent should), and they are not sheltering. They’ve given me everything, and I love how much they love me. When their time comes, my time may as well come too. I don’t know what I’d do without them.

Categorized as ask-random

Sunshine and summer lovers, why do you like the warm weather? How can you stand it being so hot all the time?

I love it because I don’t have to layer up. I hate dressing in layers or warm clothes. I haven’t been super confident about my body lately and I feel more self-conscious when I have to add layers and layers of clothes. Also one of my favourite things in the world is waking up to… Continue reading Sunshine and summer lovers, why do you like the warm weather? How can you stand it being so hot all the time?

Categorized as ask-random

Mass displacements in eastern DR Congo threaten young lives

As young people continue to flee fighting between Congolese armed forces and the resurgent non-State armed group M23, new IDPs arrive daily, escalating the extent of the humanitarian crisis. “Internally Displaced camps are fraught with danger”, said UNICEF Emergency Manager Dounia Dekhili. “In addition to the cholera threat, children and young people are at risk… Continue reading Mass displacements in eastern DR Congo threaten young lives

In focus: COP 27

A scene from the 20 September 2019 demonstration in downtown New York as part of the youth-lead global #ClimateStrike. Photo: UN Women/Amanda Voisard The 27th session of the Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change—otherwise known as COP 27—opens Sunday, 6 November 2022. Hosted by the Government of Egypt in… Continue reading In focus: COP 27

Categorized as Women

Humanitarians call for greater support to prevent famine in Horn of Africa

Humanitarians must urgently prepare to continue their life-saving work in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia, as the drought – the longest and most severe in recent history – is set to run well into the coming year.  Even though nearly 21 million people are highly food insecure – with some areas of Somalia still projected to… Continue reading Humanitarians call for greater support to prevent famine in Horn of Africa

Categorized as Africa

You Might Also Like — Basic Apple Guy

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

Mass Displacements In Eastern DRC Pose A Deadly Threat To Children And Young People- UNICEF

NEW YORK (November 7, 2022) – Thousands of children fleeing fighting in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) are at grave risk in overcrowded and unsanitary camps for internally displaced people (IDPs), UNICEF warned today. As the scale of the crisis escalates, with new IDPs arriving daily, humanitarian access is becoming more restricted because… Continue reading Mass Displacements In Eastern DRC Pose A Deadly Threat To Children And Young People- UNICEF

Categorized as unicef

Like racism and sexism, ‘povertyism’ should be illegal, UN rights expert says

He believes the world also can move forward in stamping out negative attitudes towards the millions of people worldwide who are struggling just to get by. “People are stereotyped and discriminated against purely because they are poor. This is frankly sickening and a stain on our society,” he told the General Assembly recently. Humiliation and… Continue reading Like racism and sexism, ‘povertyism’ should be illegal, UN rights expert says

Categorized as sdgs

what small steps should one take to have a honest discipline towards a healthy routine?

The key word is routine. If you don’t make it a daily/weekly habit of doing something, you may as well not even be doing it. Consistency is key, form habits and those habits benefit you greatly. I didn’t start seeing gains until I made a consistent program for the week that I follow to the… Continue reading what small steps should one take to have a honest discipline towards a healthy routine?

Categorized as ask-random

COP27: $3.1 billion plan to achieve early warning systems for all by 2027

The Executive Action Plan for the Early Warnings for All initiative, calls for initial new targeted investments of $ 3.1 billion between 2023 and 2027, equivalent to a cost of just 50 cents per person per year.  Mr. Guterres announced the plan at the COP27 climate change conference, underway in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, during a… Continue reading COP27: $3.1 billion plan to achieve early warning systems for all by 2027

Categorized as sdgs

What are your thoughts on concerts/live events?

Fucking amazing. Of course, it involves being shoulder to shoulder with strangers, and you had a good chance of getting sick after…before we had this fucking plague. So now, part of the calculus for a music fest is “Can I take the week after off for Covid?”

Categorized as ask-random

New milestone in battle against illegal, unregulated fishing

7 November 2022Climate and Environment Global action to fight illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing has intensified, the Food and Agriculture Organization said on Monday, noting that 100 States have now signed on to an international agreement battling the scourge. The Agreement on Port State Measures (PSMA) is the first internationally binding instrument specifically designed to prevent,… Continue reading New milestone in battle against illegal, unregulated fishing

‘Cooperate or perish’: At COP27 UN chief calls for Climate Solidarity Pact, urges tax on oil companies to finance loss and damage

“Humanity has a choice: cooperate or perish. It is either a Climate Solidarity Pact – or a Collective Suicide Pact,” the UN Secretary-General told over 100 world leaders reunited for the first official plenary of the UN Climate Change Conference. The proposed Pact would see all countries taking extra efforts to reduce emissions, wealthier nations… Continue reading ‘Cooperate or perish’: At COP27 UN chief calls for Climate Solidarity Pact, urges tax on oil companies to finance loss and damage

‘Gaps, inconsistencies and discrepancies’ continue over Syria’s chemical weapons stance, Security Council hears

7 November 2022Peace and Security The top UN disarmament official told the Security Council on Monday that “gaps, inconsistencies and discrepancies” identified in Syria’s declaration over its use of chemical weapons, in accordance with the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC). “cannot be considered accurate and complete”.   Updating ambassadors on the elimination of Syria’s chemical weapons… Continue reading ‘Gaps, inconsistencies and discrepancies’ continue over Syria’s chemical weapons stance, Security Council hears

Abnormal discharge

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Abnormal discharge

Categorized as WomenTopic

Very nervous need advise please

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Very nervous need advise please

Categorized as WomenTopic

UN Women at a time of change

One year ago, UN Women found itself at a moment of change with the imminent start of a new Strategic Plan and the arrival of a new Executive Director. In the time since, the world’s women and girls have faced multiple compounding crises: the persisting impacts of COVID-19, a raging climate crisis and seemingly intractable violent… Continue reading UN Women at a time of change

Categorized as Women

how can the first period after a copper iud insertion can be SO painful ??

as the title states, im currently going through my first period after my iud HOW CAN IT BE SO HORRIBLE mu husband went to get medication (prescribed for him bit i had already took the same ki d for menstrual cramps before) and the pharmacist told him these first cramps are similar to freaking CONTRACTION… Continue reading how can the first period after a copper iud insertion can be SO painful ??

Categorized as WomenTopic

How do you get a song out of your head?

When I get a song stuck in there, I start singing Wichita Lineman from Glen Campbell, and that song always gets stuck in there, pushing the other out. Kind of a trade off. 🙂 I’m a lineman for the counteeeeee…..

Categorized as ask-random

Donor Relations

The primary goal of UN-Habitat Resource Mobilisation Strategy is to ensure sufficient, predictable, flexible and long-term funding to deliver the results in the organization’s strategic plan. It aims to be result-focused, efficient, transparent and accountable to maximise grants and investments’ return on value. The total financial target is to raise USD 1.1 billion for the… Continue reading Donor Relations

Making up your own workouts, and movements has that worked for anyone? and is that a good thing to do?

I have bad wrists too and run into this issue a lot. The amount of times I see an entire workout revolving around the push-up position is truly disappointing. I think using your forearms when you can’t get around it is a great idea. I’ve been doing that for planks and it helps me so… Continue reading Making up your own workouts, and movements has that worked for anyone? and is that a good thing to do?

Categorized as WomenTopic

Inaugural meeting of the informal contact group on resource mobilization

Inaugural meeting of the informal contact group on resource mobilization Inaugural meeting of the informal contact group on resource mobilization matters – 2 November 2022 Background Paper on resource mobilization progress as of 30 Sep 2022 English Statement by the Chair English Coming soon…. otienoe Mon, 11/07/2022 – 16:27

Guys, how much do you care about a girls bodycount and why?

I’m a big fan of don’t ask, don’t tell. You would want somebody with experience so they know what they are doing, but you don’t want somebody with too much experience because that could indicate that they can’t hold down a relationship. I’d rather just not know and go in blind.

Categorized as ask-random

What was your “can you believe this guy” moment?

my friend said im the most arrogant one in our friend group, and when i turned it onto him he said, word for word, “me over you guys? im a million times better.” im starting to think he was probably kidding, but still

Categorized as ask-random

What do you think of those young parents trying to be hip and raising their kids on social media over dressing them?

I think it’s kind of funny, actually. I mean, I’m not a parent myself, so I can’t really say for sure, but it seems like they’re just trying to be cool and hip and stay relevant. I get it, I really do. But at the same time, it’s like, come on, guys. Your kids are… Continue reading What do you think of those young parents trying to be hip and raising their kids on social media over dressing them?

Categorized as ask-random

If an intruder breaks into your house right now, what’s the first thing you grab to defend yourself?

It really depends on the situation. If I have time to grab something, I’ll probably grab a baseball bat or something similar. If I don’t have time, I’ll just try to fight them off with my bare hands. In all honesty, though, I’m not sure how effective either of those would be. I’m not exactly… Continue reading If an intruder breaks into your house right now, what’s the first thing you grab to defend yourself?

Categorized as ask-random

If you could be a Farm Animal, What Animal would you be and why?

Old joke. Raj believes in reincarnation, and Clem believes in Heaven. They have argued the point for years, and agree that whoever dies first will send a message from the other side. Raj dies first, and a few weeks later Clem has a dream that he gets a phone call from Raj. “It’s wonderful here.… Continue reading If you could be a Farm Animal, What Animal would you be and why?

Categorized as ask-random

Which is the scariest horror movie ever ?

Watch “Hallowen.” I could tell you the scariest, but then you’ll hate me. Stick to the classics. Also, what I consider “scariest” is quite subjective. So is all of horror.

Categorized as ask-random

Supply & Logistics Officer at UNICEF, Mbabane, Eswatini

You are here: Home / Administration / Supply & Logistics Officer at UNICEF, Mbabane, Eswatini November 7, 2022 Deadline: 16 November 2022 United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is currently seeking applications from eligible applicants for the post of Supply & Logistics Officer in Mbabane, Eswatini. The duration of this post is 9 months.… Continue reading Supply & Logistics Officer at UNICEF, Mbabane, Eswatini

Categorized as Jobs

Programme Policy Officer/Livelihood and Climate Change at WFP, Cairo, Egypt

November 7, 2022 Deadline: 16 November 2022 The World Food Programme (WFP) is currently seeking applications from the eligible applicants for the post of in Programme Policy Officer/Livelihood and Climate Change in Cairo, Egypt. World Food Programme is the world’s largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide. Key Job Responsibilities The Programme Policy Officer/Livelihood and Climate… Continue reading Programme Policy Officer/Livelihood and Climate Change at WFP, Cairo, Egypt

Categorized as Jobs

Office Assistant at FAO, Rome, Italy

You are here: Home / Administration / Office Assistant at FAO, Rome, Italy November 7, 2022 Deadline: 19 November 2022 Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is currently seeking applications from the eligible applicants for the post of Office Assistant in Rome, Italy. The duration of this post is 1 year. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)… Continue reading Office Assistant at FAO, Rome, Italy

Categorized as Jobs

Operations Officer at FAO, Lilongwe, Malawi

November 7, 2022 Deadline: 29 November 2022 Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is currently seeking applications from the eligible applicants for the post of Operations Officer in Lilongwe, Malawi. The duration of this post is 1 year. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to… Continue reading Operations Officer at FAO, Lilongwe, Malawi

Categorized as Jobs

What’s a small gesture that stranger’s did, that made your day awesome?

I complimented a lady about an accessory she was wearing and she was kind enough to actually let me have and keep it, it was so unexpected but I wasn’t having such a great day and that made me feel so nice inside Of course this was after establishing some positive conversation between each other… Continue reading What’s a small gesture that stranger’s did, that made your day awesome?

Categorized as ask-random

A tanker truck pulls up at your house filled with your favourite liquid thing. What is it?

I’ve never had it before caffeine free diet Mountain Dew. I developed sleeping issues a few years ago so I avoid it like the plague now but I used to love the regular caffeinated version. If the caffeine free version is even close than I’m game. I know it exists, you can buy it online… Continue reading A tanker truck pulls up at your house filled with your favourite liquid thing. What is it?

Categorized as ask-random

that feeling when

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading that feeling when

Categorized as WomenTopic


A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading TIFU

Categorized as WomenTopic

How do you know if you are following a religion because you believe in it or because you were born into it?

I was born into a catholic family, didn’t believe any of it and just moved on with life. My wife was born into a Jehovah Witness family, didn’t believe in any of it and moved on with life. Really it’s what YOU think. Do you believe in it or is it more of a “well… Continue reading How do you know if you are following a religion because you believe in it or because you were born into it?

Categorized as ask-random

Does anyone else think about how they’ve probably been pregnant before?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Does anyone else think about how they’ve probably been pregnant before?

Categorized as WomenTopic

At the rate that rival political cults are going at each other these days, how does our species avoid a scenario where we just start killing anyone who disagrees with us?

Ironically, we buy guns to deter that. Typically it’s governments that start killing by the millions, whether it’s radical left or radical right (but numbers wise, usually left, unfortunately). They can only do it after they either disarm their populations by force or coercion, and slowly take over the education system to indoctrinate millions of… Continue reading At the rate that rival political cults are going at each other these days, how does our species avoid a scenario where we just start killing anyone who disagrees with us?

Categorized as ask-random

What’s your opinion on cheating?

It’s awful, I had a fight with my girlfriend and broke up for that. We were playing board games I was winning, then I stood up to grab a coffee, when I returned I spotted her messing with the pieces, I couldn’t believe she was capable of cheating

Categorized as ask-random

first time in gynecologist

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading first time in gynecologist

Categorized as WomenTopic

What does freedom of speech mean to you?

It means you can’t be prosecuted by the state for things you say, outside of threats of violence. That’s LITERALLY all it means. You don’t have freedom of speech on a social media platform or someone else’s private property. It doesn’t exist.

Categorized as ask-random

What are you STILL pissed about?

That asshat who did the Supersize Me film. I loved those things. I Super Sized, Biggie Sized, King Sized, and Sonic Sized all day long, and I was perfectly healthy. It should’ve remained an option to those of us who wanted it, same as alcohol, tobacco, vaping, gambling, sex or any other vice.

Categorized as ask-random

What are your tips if any on saving as much as possible when grocery shopping?

I remember back when I worked at a grocery store, sales were cyclical. So if you pay attention to the lowest price a brand goes down to, you can keep track of how often it sells at that price. A lot of them are monthly or quarterly. Eventually you can plan your shopping trips around… Continue reading What are your tips if any on saving as much as possible when grocery shopping?

Categorized as ask-random

What was your last crazy thought?

It was a perfect little dream, the kind that hurts the most. Forgot how it feels, oh well almost. No one to blame, always the same… open my eyes, wake up in flames.

Categorized as ask-random

Steve Jobs on the topic of layoffs

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

What movie makes less sense the more you watch it?

Any horror movie if you start analyzing the decisions of the protagonists. I don’t mean in panic situations like “getting hunted by a murderer” but more like “Hey, let’s split up while we know, we are in danger.”

Categorized as ask-random

Health App Data Size & Storage: What Does The Future Look Like As Personal Health Data Continues To Accumulate?

The short-term solution is to simply delete health data, but what does the long-term look like? What if we want to keep all of our health data? (I’ve seen some Apple users report that their health data is taking up gigabytes, and sometimes even terabyte(s), of storage space, particularly Apple Watch users.*) So, what I’m… Continue reading Health App Data Size & Storage: What Does The Future Look Like As Personal Health Data Continues To Accumulate?

Categorized as Apple

What’s your favorite song by The Beatles?

I’m not even the biggest fan, but I was inspired to ask this because I heard someone say once that even if you didn’t like the band, there was at least one song by them that you probably enjoy. I’m curious. For the record, my fave by them is probably Eleanor Rigby

Categorized as ask-random

Favourite Disney Movies?

I do mean the animated ones, not the ones with human actors. My personal favourites are : The Little Mermaid, Pocahontas, Mulan, Cinderella and Snow White. How about you? What are your favourite Disney movies for you personally?

Anyone loves Gravy?

I love it on roast chicken, on rotisserie chicken, hot chicken sandwich, mashed potatoes and French fries personally. What about you? Have you ever tried it personally yet or not? And if yes, do you enjoy it or not in your view?

Categorized as Food

Have You Made Bagels?

Have you ever made bagels? Our son woke up one morning and made bagels from scratch. He was only 12 years old. He did a great job, too. I do love bagels occasionally.​

Categorized as Food

Girls what do you think about men (that are in a relationship) who like and react to your insta stories with your pic in them?

I just want to hear some opinions Obv this didn’t come out of nowhere. Recently I posted one pic of myself on my insta stories, and my classmate (well he used to be a classmate, we have graduated this year) liked my story. I was like alright that’s fine, no big deal, we knew each… Continue reading Girls what do you think about men (that are in a relationship) who like and react to your insta stories with your pic in them?

Categorized as WomenTopic

What do we think about guys who don’t want to have sex during your period?

I think it really depends on their reaction. It’s perfectly fine to not want to have sex with someone on their period. Not everybody is going to be comfortable seeing blood, let alone getting it on their dick and/or fingers. What registers for me as a red flag is if a guy treats you like… Continue reading What do we think about guys who don’t want to have sex during your period?

Categorized as WomenTopic

If you were president, what is the first thing you would change?

Solving the over population problem, by sustaining the death penalty to kill all criminals who killed other people. Copy and pasting this from my shadowbanned Reddit account because apparently they can’t tell legit users when I first started earlier last week… —– Those who do not appreciate life do not deserve life.” ~ John Kramer… Continue reading If you were president, what is the first thing you would change?

Categorized as ask-random

What are Americans generally really bad at?

Understanding the importance of a strong social safety net. Our fucking one is like two strings, thoughts, and prayers. You’re impoverished and having trouble getting by? Well, you shouldn’t have chose to be poor!

Categorized as ask-random

COP27 begins a ‘new era to do things differently’, UN climate change chief declares as pivotal conference gets underway

“Today a new era begins – and we begin to do things differently. Paris gave us the agreement. Katowice and Glasgow gave us the plan. Sharm el-Sheik shifts us to implementation. No one can be a mere passenger on this journey. This is the signal that times have changed,” Mr. Stiell told delegates gathered in… Continue reading COP27 begins a ‘new era to do things differently’, UN climate change chief declares as pivotal conference gets underway

It’s this time of the month where I HATE being a woman.

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading It’s this time of the month where I HATE being a woman.

Categorized as WomenTopic

working with men or women?

Do you prefer working with men or women? Do you prefer to have a female or a male boss? Give your reasons.

Categorized as Life

Food Facts

Post up random facts about food. I’ll start: The most expensive pizza in the world costs $12,000 dollars. One fast-food burger can have meat from 100 different cows. White chocolate isn’t chocolate. McDonald’s sells 2.5 billion hamburgers every year. French fries originated in Belgium, not France! Potatoes are 80% water.

Categorized as Food

New UN weather report ‘a chronicle of chaos’: UN chief

6 November 2022Climate and Environment The latest report from the UN World Meteorological Organization (WMO), released on Sunday, shows that the last eight years have been the warmest on record, fuelled by ever-rising greenhouse gas concentrations. The provisional 2022 State of the Global Climate study outlines the increasingly dramatic signs of the climate emergency, which… Continue reading New UN weather report ‘a chronicle of chaos’: UN chief

If you have a cold food and a hot food, which one do you eat first?

Depends on what the cold food is. Is it something that’s going to start running if I don’t eat it right away? Or is it like a salad? If it’s gonna start running or go bad if it’s not eaten in a timely manner, then cold food comes first. If not, then I usually alternate.

Categorized as ask-random

Does anyone else feel this?

Everyone sweats. Probably the men in your family might have not noticed it due to their beards, but everyone sweats. One can get their upper lips sweaty, but that’s not the only place. You can get your forehead, hands, armpits, etc. Sweaty too. It is completely normal. I’d consider you lucky since you only sweat… Continue reading Does anyone else feel this?

Categorized as WomenTopic

What’s your biggest life hack?

Just say “no” when it’s not something you’re willing to budge on something that is not life threatening. If you give someone an excuse, you give them an avenue to argue either that it’s not a good enough reason or that the issue can be resolved. “No” is a complete sentence.

Categorized as ask-random

What life’s choices had you scandalised given you could have avoided the entire thing easily in retrospect?

I was in a relationship with a girl for a few months and she ended up cheating on me. I was devastated at the time, but looking back, I can see that it was the best thing that could have happened. It made me realize that I deserved better and that I was better off… Continue reading What life’s choices had you scandalised given you could have avoided the entire thing easily in retrospect?

Categorized as ask-random

Today ends Daylight Savings in the US. How are you gonna explain it to your kids in the future?

I’m not sure how I’ll explain it to my kids, but I do remember how Daylight Savings worked when I was a kid. Basically, the government would change the clocks so that we would have an extra hour of daylight in the summer. In the winter, they would change the clocks back so that we… Continue reading Today ends Daylight Savings in the US. How are you gonna explain it to your kids in the future?

Categorized as ask-random

The Justice League (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter) find themselves trapped on our earth. What impact/happens now?

The oligarchs would do everything in their power to vilify these people and make them out to be mutants and monsters who people should hate and fear and resist help from. The Justice League would have the means, the skills, and the desire to dismantle their stranglehold on us, and nothing that they currently have… Continue reading The Justice League (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter) find themselves trapped on our earth. What impact/happens now?

Categorized as ask-random

what’s something you will just never understand?

The hate against people for living differently, not in a way that harms anyone else. Like trans people, people wearing odd clothes, dances, etc etc Why hold such strong oppinions over nothing when you could legitimately hate lots of things about this world and people.

Categorized as ask-random

What Exactly Is IndyCar?

The Indy 500 is one of the biggest live sporting events in the world, but most people have no idea what the series is, who the drivers are, or can even explain what an IndyCar even is. So, let’s give these speed demons their day in the sun, because as you’ll find, they more than… Continue reading What Exactly Is IndyCar?

Categorized as Sports

NASCAR Winners & Their Archetypes

Of the thousands of men and women who have competed in NASCAR’s top three divisions, by my count less than 400 have ever actually won a race. Who are these lucky few hundred? What makes them tick? It’s our mission to find out. Click to expand…

Categorized as Sports

How do you get over someone that you realized far too late is the love of your life?

This is a really tough question, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer. I think it depends on the situation and on the person. If the person is still in your life, it might be possible to try to repair things and see if you can make it work. If the person is no longer in… Continue reading How do you get over someone that you realized far too late is the love of your life?

Categorized as ask-random

What warms your heart?

Cellular processes that produce heat. Nah I’m just kidding, a hug will do just fine. From anyone really but especially my parents, siblings, and grandparents.

Categorized as ask-random

What are the ways to make extra money in these challenging times?

There are a few things that come to mind. You could start a blog and offer content for free in order to attract attention from potential customers. You could also look into becoming a virtual assistant or offer your services as a proofreader or copy editor. Finally, you could start a pet-sitting business or offer… Continue reading What are the ways to make extra money in these challenging times?

Categorized as ask-random

If you are a lawyer, can you represent a serial killer or anyone who committed a serious crime?

I’m preparing to go to law school next year (taking a gap year). I would be glad to because that person deserves representation no matter what, and I am never to lie, so there is no ethical concern on my part. Defense has to undermine more than say anything. Questions get people thinking, but it… Continue reading If you are a lawyer, can you represent a serial killer or anyone who committed a serious crime?

Categorized as ask-random

Vodka Connoisseurs of Reddit: What are your “daily” and “special occasion” vodkas?

Vodka is best when drank straight from the bottle, room temperature. The quality of the vodka is more about the material of the bottle than the vodka itself. Fancy vodka from a plastic bottle tastes like ass. Cheap vodka from a glass bottle tastes….. well it tastes like vodka is supposed to taste. Won’t say… Continue reading Vodka Connoisseurs of Reddit: What are your “daily” and “special occasion” vodkas?

Categorized as ask-random

Like Android’s “Digital Wellbeing” but for Apple. How much data you use and where do you use it?

Apple already has that. You have Screen Time to set limits for app usage and look at statistics on how much time you spend in certain apps, how often you open them, how many notifications, you get, etc. And in Cellular settings you get a Data usage breakdown, how much data you used in which… Continue reading Like Android’s “Digital Wellbeing” but for Apple. How much data you use and where do you use it?

Categorized as Apple

Which celebrity

Which celebrity would you want to hang out with and have a beer (or coffee) and just shoot the sh**? And why?

Digital Island

Hi I have a few thoughts to think about aloud. I think Digital Island is a cool new feature in Apple’s history, but it’s really unused. For example, why doesn’t it work in a horizontal position!? It may work the same. Only the thumbnails should be replaced. Another thing is multitasking. This is a great… Continue reading Digital Island

Categorized as Apple

Apple income statement visualized

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

Does anyone use Apple Arcade?

I don’t know anyone who uses it, nor do i know anyone who wants to use it. I have no idea how much money they make from it but I don’t understand the thought process. Some game look sorta good but why pay a monthly fee for app games? Maybe i’m not the target demographic… Continue reading Does anyone use Apple Arcade?

Categorized as Apple

periods are like serial killers

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading periods are like serial killers

Categorized as WomenTopic

Ayo can we get some advice givers up in her?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Ayo can we get some advice givers up in her?

Categorized as WomenTopic

Why should you not join the army?

Terrible hours, miss all sorts of important events, being treated like a child, relationship problems, etc Anything specific you wanted to know?

Categorized as ask-random

Anyone loves Skating?

I do mean ice skating. I have bought a pair of 2nd hand ice skates online, still have them and use them from time to time. There’s an indoor arena for skaters for a small fee so I go ice skating during the Summer too as well as Winter, all year long. And you personally?… Continue reading Anyone loves Skating?

Categorized as Sports

Anyone loves Mint?

I TBH really am in love with mint : mint lemon water, mint candy, peppermint chocolate and peppermint tea and coffee. How about you? Have ever tried it yet or not personally? And if yes, do you enjoy it or not? How do you like your mint in your opinion?

Categorized as Food

I hate having the “BPD” label.

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading I hate having the “BPD” label.

Categorized as WomenTopic

‘That’s What We Do, We Wait’ Says Fake Apple Employee in New Samsung Ad Mocking Lack of Foldable iPhone

I can’t imagine wanting to use a foldable. The fold itself maybe, for the huge screen, even if that means you sacrifice functionality in certain apps. However, where I live they’re really pushing the flip. And I can not imagine a genuine use-case. It has the crease, it’s still thick as hell in your pocket,… Continue reading ‘That’s What We Do, We Wait’ Says Fake Apple Employee in New Samsung Ad Mocking Lack of Foldable iPhone

Categorized as Apple

Why would a country use a “show of force”? Does it actually do anything?

It’s essentially a dog bearing its teeth and growling. Also, depends on the context. For example, sometimes a show of force is nothing more than words, “We know what you’re thinking about doing, and if you do it, no option is off the table.” That might make someone think twice about, say, invading an ally… Continue reading Why would a country use a “show of force”? Does it actually do anything?

Categorized as ask-random

What do you think about “workout” pills?

Workout pills (supplements), I’m okay with. Most are amino-acids, vitamins and minerals. As long as you don’t go overboard and you’re overall healthy, go for it. Weight-loss pills, I strongly oppose.

Categorized as ask-random

looking back, how was elementary or primary school traumatic and toxic for your childhood?

When I was in third grade, I had to pee really bad during class one day and my teacher outright refused to let me go. I wound up pissing my pants. That taught me very early on to not always listen to authority. Had a teacher try to pull the same thing when I was… Continue reading looking back, how was elementary or primary school traumatic and toxic for your childhood?

Categorized as ask-random

What’s the last thing you would eat?

Last thing as in it is the last thing I could ever eat cause I’m dying? A filet mignon with au jous. Last thing I would eat because it repulses me? Pork chops. They stink to high heaven and look awful.

Categorized as ask-random

With Elon Musk owning Twitter, How do you think it will affect the chicken nachos consumption and it’s relation with the wood carving profession?

Well.. going forward, I just don’t see how chickens can keep carving wood. I mean they have just gotten so fat from all the nachos that their bellies get in the way now of their wood carving tools… unless someone does something fast, we have seen the last of the great chicken wood carvers… it’s… Continue reading With Elon Musk owning Twitter, How do you think it will affect the chicken nachos consumption and it’s relation with the wood carving profession?

Categorized as ask-random

If Twitter fails where is everyone going to go?

I’ll try to answer my own question even though I literally have no idea. I think it’s here. Reddit. You don’t get that kind of satisfaction anywhere else on the internet and nobody else is prepared to handle the traffic. Welcome new friends! Edit: And old friends.

Categorized as ask-random

What is a job that can’t be automated?

Any job where you have to work in muddy, dusty or dirty environments. It would destroy the machinery of the robot. So a lot of construction workers are safe.

Categorized as ask-random

what feeling do girls get after a long term break up and having sex with a new person? fun..confused..guilt..etc

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading what feeling do girls get after a long term break up and having sex with a new person? fun..confused..guilt..etc

Categorized as WomenTopic

Just asking a question then I’ll leave

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Just asking a question then I’ll leave

Categorized as WomenTopic

what’s the craziest cult or religion out there?

Swartzentruber Amish. They can’t wear deodorant, men can’t wear underwear, and a bunch of other ridiculous rules. My grandpa grew up in this group and had so many crazy stories. These people would have rituals

Categorized as ask-random

What can dog owners do to help a dog who just turned blind?

Thank you very much! Yeah, we noticed she was a lot more confused after we rearranged everything after Christmas (because we no longer had the tree up), which is when we believe her vision started to fade. And, yes, the basement door is a lifesaver; the basement stairs were the first hazard we discovered because… Continue reading What can dog owners do to help a dog who just turned blind?

Categorized as ask-random

signs of cheating??

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading signs of cheating??

Categorized as WomenTopic

If you are in a long term relationship, do you secretly masturbate to achieve an orgasm after sex?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading If you are in a long term relationship, do you secretly masturbate to achieve an orgasm after sex?

Categorized as WomenTopic

How do you think humanity will collapse?

Either nuclear annihilation, a very deadly virus, non reversible climate change, or some unknown cosmological anomaly. For sure we will become extinct though, I doubt very much humanity will be around for much longer.

Categorized as ask-random

How do you decide who to vote for?

If they’re Democrat, vote for them. We live in a two party system and the two parties are bad and EVEN WORSE! If you disagree with me, don’t bother responding. I’m done hearing out my opponents. I’m all in on my side.

Categorized as ask-random

Ladies, do you ever think about or do you want to just grab that bitch up by her hair? Why or why not?

i cant read this question without thinking about the eminem song “grab that bitch by her hair, drug her across the ground to the highest diving board and tossed her down sorry coach its too late to tell me stop while i drop this bitch face down and watch her belly flop as the world… Continue reading Ladies, do you ever think about or do you want to just grab that bitch up by her hair? Why or why not?

Categorized as ask-random

What is the worst game?

Worst game I’ve played was Quarter Mile Beer. In high school, we were drinking in my basement and there was a treatmill, you set a pace and have to finish a beer before your quarter mile is up and see who can go the farthest. Nobody really won that night

Categorized as ask-random

How Do You Deal with Passive Aggressive People In Your Life & Work?

Hi all – I’ve been dealing with a situation where I have a colleague that seems quite passive aggressive. They are an authority figure, and I really noticed it when bringing up a concern directly in hopes of understanding how to fix an issue better. Their (few) responses led me to overthinking significantly, and eventually… Continue reading How Do You Deal with Passive Aggressive People In Your Life & Work?

Categorized as ask-random

Reddit, what’s your most “I’m with Gen Z on this” opinion?

It certainly didn’t start with Gen z, but the whole ‘fuck hustle culture, fuck getting taken advantage of at work, do the bare minimum to survive.’ is pretty neat. I’m glad at least a few people will be carrying on actual counter culture instead of siding with the establishment and calling it counterculture like so… Continue reading Reddit, what’s your most “I’m with Gen Z on this” opinion?

Categorized as ask-random

Thoughts on applying to be a foster home. Why do you want to or not?

Fostering children can be an extremely rewarding and fulfilling experience, and it almost always is a very exhausting, emotionally difficult experience. You should NOT foster a child if you are not willing to have your heart broken into a thousand pieces over and over again. However, if you are prepared for the reality that it… Continue reading Thoughts on applying to be a foster home. Why do you want to or not?

Categorized as ask-random

What unethical opportunities are being opened by Twitter’s collapse/the layoffs of their moderation staff?

Could we just be grateful that somebody is finally doing something about Twitter? Like, I get that we’re in the hate part of the love/hate cycle with Elon Musk, but he’s doing an objectively good thing for all of humanity by burning Twitter to the ground, and he’s doing it at monumental personal expense. So… Continue reading What unethical opportunities are being opened by Twitter’s collapse/the layoffs of their moderation staff?

Categorized as ask-random

DPR Korea launches ‘unprecedented number’ of missiles, Security Council hears

And yet, despite having conducted missile tests on Wednesday and Thursday, Mohamed Khiari informed the ambassadors that DPRK, more commonly known commonly as North Korea, “has yet to publicly provide details” on the launches.  He pointed out that yesterday’s missile launch was “assessed to be an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM)”, which reportedly covered a range… Continue reading DPR Korea launches ‘unprecedented number’ of missiles, Security Council hears

What can cause PMS blues when I’ve never experienced it before?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading What can cause PMS blues when I’ve never experienced it before?

Categorized as WomenTopic

iPhones need an option to switch off if left on a video for more than x amount of time

The people I live in a house with fall asleep to tiktoks. Problem is, is that the iPhone doesn’t switch off when there’s video playing, even if it’s the same one looping…forever. So I have to sneak in and switch it off for them It’s Aggravating. The software doesn’t know that the iPhone has basically… Continue reading iPhones need an option to switch off if left on a video for more than x amount of time

Categorized as Apple

What are some examples of clinginess in relationships that you can’t stand?

When they call you multiple times, knowing full well you are having a night out with friends/family, working, or taking some time to rest. Annoying in and of itself, but even worse when they accuse you of cheating or lying after you don’t answer. I will immediately walk away from any budding relationship at the… Continue reading What are some examples of clinginess in relationships that you can’t stand?

Categorized as ask-random

Why did you stay with that person?

I just truly enjoy loving them. They are so clever, witty, and talented. They always do the best they can no matter the circumstances. Their attention is intense and rewarding. Unfortunately, they expressed that our relationship is like a job that they don’t mind showing to but aren’t super jazzed about. Lots of mixed messages.… Continue reading Why did you stay with that person?

Categorized as ask-random

What’s everyone playing?

So what’s everyone playing? I was recently playing The Sims How about everyone else!

Categorized as Games

Sweden: Step up efforts to fight systemic racism, urge UN experts 

While visiting the country from 31 October to 4 November, the members of the International Expert Mechanism gathered information on the existing legislative and regulatory measures for tackling racial discrimination. “The collection, publication and analysis of data disaggregated by race or ethnic origin in all aspects of life, especially regarding interactions with law enforcement and… Continue reading Sweden: Step up efforts to fight systemic racism, urge UN experts 

Categorized as Europe

How do you know if your thoughts are delusional?

You dont. Since your brain interprets your reality if your brain determines a delusion to be real you won’t be able to tell the difference. You cant “think”, or “willpower” your way out of mental illness.

Categorized as ask-random

What have you learned after marriage?

It won’t make you happy unless all aprties are already fully happy going into it. A lot of couples get caught up “ticking of the list”, House, Kids, marriage etc

Categorized as ask-random

Safety and security of Yemeni civilians at risk unless truce is extended, says human rights chief

4 November 2022Human Rights Warring factions in Yemen are being urged to extend a UN-mediated truce following reports of deaths and injuries of civilians from sniper attacks and shelling. The truce, which started at the beginning of April, ended more than a month ago, and human rights chief, Volker Türk, says that there is grave… Continue reading Safety and security of Yemeni civilians at risk unless truce is extended, says human rights chief

Categorized as mieast

Apple celebrates the holiday season

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

Climate change much deadlier than cancer in some places, UNDP data shows

The study gives the example of Dhaka, Bangladesh, where under a scenario of very high emissions by 2100, additional deaths due to climate change could rise to nearly twice the country’s current annual death rate from all cancers, and 10 times its annual road traffic fatalities. “Because of human action, the concentration of carbon dioxide… Continue reading Climate change much deadlier than cancer in some places, UNDP data shows

What was your saddest moment in the pandemic?

Probably the uncertainty right at the beginning. I remember wiping my groceries with disinfectant wipes (not like produce lol, boxes and bags and bottled items, the outside packaging) and thinking that this might be our future… we just didn’t know anything about it and it was spreading to millions of people globally. That was the… Continue reading What was your saddest moment in the pandemic?

Categorized as ask-random

Apple’s Holiday Gift Guide

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

Mashed Potatoes, anyone?

I’m a big fan of mashed potatoes, with meats, veggies and gravy. Yum. Haven’t had it in years. Mashed potatoes as side dish, I mean. And you personally? Have you tried it yet or not personally? And if yes, do you enjoy it or not in your book?

Categorized as Food

UN refugee chief urges stronger action to end ‘legal limbo’ of statelessness

4 November 2022Migrants and Refugees The UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, on Friday called for stronger political commitment and action to improve the lives of the roughly 4.3 million stateless people worldwide who are “languishing without citizenship and living in the shadows.”   Statelessness is “a pervasive and grave human rights violation”, as well… Continue reading UN refugee chief urges stronger action to end ‘legal limbo’ of statelessness

If you live in the US, Please Vote!!

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading If you live in the US, Please Vote!!

Categorized as WomenTopic

What movies have you watched that affected you so much that you can’t or won’t watch them again?

I was reviewing my movie collection and when I got to Grave of the Fireflies, I just stopped and stared it. I still remember where I was and who I was with when I watched that movie. Almost twenty years ago. Still can’t bring myself to fire it up again. Only other two that I… Continue reading What movies have you watched that affected you so much that you can’t or won’t watch them again?

Categorized as ask-random

Fast food workers of reddit, what is the stupidest custom order you’ve ever made?

When I worked in the deli, there were a few customers who wanted me to use the broken meat slicer, (which at the time was Not getting replaced) so they could have teeny shreds of ham for their dumb little roll sandwiches. So I would sit there staring at the meat slicer, while it shredded… Continue reading Fast food workers of reddit, what is the stupidest custom order you’ve ever made?

Categorized as ask-random

Why or why not does believing in gender equality and retaining chivalry (in a romantic context) entirely contradict?

This is a stupid question but I’ll try to answer. Chivalry in a romantic context doesn’t make any sense. Chivalry is how to treat women, if you do it for a date or a stranger, it’s the same. To help a trans man or woman with chivalry might contradict but who cares? Help anyone you… Continue reading Why or why not does believing in gender equality and retaining chivalry (in a romantic context) entirely contradict?

Categorized as ask-random

What is your philosophy of life and why?

Nothing matters and everything’s a joke, so might as well have a grand ol’ time exploring the possibilities reality has to offer and having fun* *while not deliberately hurting others

Categorized as ask-random

What movie is the perfect date night movie?

The human centipede. Its like a mix between Hostel and Stuck on you. Romantic stuff, with thrills and spills around every corner. Your date will be cuddled up to you in moments, no doubt.

Categorized as ask-random

How do you stop assuming the worst out of every situation?

Optimism is hard to “acquire” you need to first focus on being a realist. When a situation has a good outcome potential, strive for it and genuinely. When a situation seems to have no good outcome you have to look for the lesson you can learn from taking the L.

Categorized as ask-random

Former iPhone Leader Joins Arm to Bring More Chips Into Your Life

He also basically mismanaged Nest into the ground (after the initial large success with the thermostat, which was dope), saved by a nice purchase by google. Everyone I knew who worked there in the early days quit as soon as they got their stacks, and had rather unflattering things to say about his inability to… Continue reading Former iPhone Leader Joins Arm to Bring More Chips Into Your Life

Categorized as Apple

What is your encounter with the paranormal?

I have regular encounters with the paranormal through my username. In terms of direct encounters with paranormal, I’ve had two dreams where the perception was that there were other participants in the dream. Is this explainable with the current materialist paradigm? Absolutely, but that paradigm would be less parsimonious given that the subjective experience was… Continue reading What is your encounter with the paranormal?

Categorized as ask-random

Which pre-historic animal would have coexist without causing imbalance with current species of earth?

Prehistoric horses were in the Americas, and I think if they returned, it wouldn’t negatively impact anything. The issue is that we have horses now, and they don’t cause any problems, so a stable population of prehistoric horses would probably be comparable and similar. The issue might be a lack of predators, maybe, but that… Continue reading Which pre-historic animal would have coexist without causing imbalance with current species of earth?

Categorized as ask-random

What is the worst thing that could happen if there is a red wave?

About the worst case scenario for any particular wave, whether red or blue, is that the side that won would win so decisively that they held a majority capable of passing constitutional amendments without any support from the other side. Such a thing would be catastrophic to the Republic and would result in the likely… Continue reading What is the worst thing that could happen if there is a red wave?

Categorized as ask-random

Addict Redditers, what do you know is a hint/sign someone is addicted?

Depends on the type of action. If it’s something that can be done in public, with friends and/or away from their home: it’s when a seemingly recreational action/substance is treated like a need to the point of anger or panic if they can’t have it. If it’s not like the former then it’s when they’ll… Continue reading Addict Redditers, what do you know is a hint/sign someone is addicted?

Categorized as ask-random

What movie had the dumbest yet best storyline?

How High. Two stoners smoke their dead friend with their weed, giving them super intelligence. They get into Harvard where hilarity ensues. If I recall, Benjamin Franklin’s bong is revealed at one point.

Categorized as ask-random

Discrimination against women in the workplace

I have been trying to find examples of ways women are discriminated against in the workplace but all I’m finding is pregnancy discrimination. I’ll a little lost because I know that makes up a lot of discrimination women face. Can anyone point me to educational sources that may fit better what I’m looking for?

Categorized as WomenTopic

What is your favorite quote from any Mel Brooks movie?

The fella that made this must be over thirty if they let him do this kind of thing, right? Why he waste his time with this? A fella like that probably can drive a truck, do something constructive… make a shoe… -Mel Brooks, “The Critic”

Categorized as ask-random

Apple is now worth more than Google, Amazon, and Meta combined.

A lot of guys are indoctrinated to corporate horse-race cheerleading, and they LOVE following and posting meaningless info like that. They think it’s inherently newsworthy and significant, like the entire world is a portfolio valuation club. Even though they’re not getting paid like an actual public relations person is. They do it for free.

Categorized as Apple

Resurgence of ethnic clashes in Sudan’s Blue Nile region triggers death and destruction

3 November 2022Peace and Security The UN Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide expressed grave concern on Thursday over a reported resurgence of ethnic clashes in the Blue Nile region of Sudan.   According to the UN, inter-communal clashes that have flared up several times since July have caused at least 359 fatalities, injured… Continue reading Resurgence of ethnic clashes in Sudan’s Blue Nile region triggers death and destruction

Haiti ‘on the verge of an abyss’, warns UN rights chief

The High Commissioner said the Haitian Government also needed to provide a firm commitment to accountability, and the rule of law, after decades of “systematic corruption and rampant impunity”, which have led up to the country’s current paralysis. He warned Haiti has descended into the worst human rights and humanitarian situation in decades. Urgent solutions… Continue reading Haiti ‘on the verge of an abyss’, warns UN rights chief

what’s something that the internet has ruined for you?

Sex. And love to some extent. I think the easy access to porn, sexual materials and view of romance has warped people’s mind and perception of what real intimacy is. Then some people wonder why they are walking around feeling unfulfilled and lonely.

Categorized as ask-random

UN chief urges Security Council, speak ‘with one voice’ to secure peace

“They help protect civilians and prevent violence…[and] enable the work of peacebuilding, development, humanitarian, and human rights actors”, he detailed.   However, “local and global contexts in which they operate are becoming more challenging by the day”.  The UN chief reminded the Security Council that peacekeeping plays a “critical role” in supporting UN operations in building… Continue reading UN chief urges Security Council, speak ‘with one voice’ to secure peace

New UN course helps cut through the noise to bolster online safety

As misleading articles or deceptive memes continue to pop up up in timelines and newsfeeds, the course helps users to sort through and separate what is real from what is not – helping everyone to stem the increasingly concerning churn of viral propaganda.  Fighting misinformation  Since 2020, the UN’s Verified initiative to improve access to… Continue reading New UN course helps cut through the noise to bolster online safety

Am I really in the wrong?

So he is turned on & want to do stuff while I’m not wanting sex yet I just wanted to feel abit more connected so I felt secure giving myself. So things like cuddling for a little and making me feel good about giving myself. He tells me that if I can’t give him what… Continue reading Am I really in the wrong?

Categorized as WomenTopic

Bleeding after morning after pill

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Bleeding after morning after pill

Categorized as WomenTopic

Whats your thoughts on cinnamon in pasta?

As someone coming from a culture where eating pasta with chestnuts and poppyseeds (sweet, of course) is commonplace, honestly, I don’t find the concept THAT weird

Categorized as ask-random

Iconic World Heritage glaciers to disappear by 2050, warns UNESCO

3 November 2022Climate and Environment Some of the world’s most iconic glaciers are set to disappear by 2050, according to a new study by UNESCO, which highlights the accelerated melting of glaciers in World Heritage sites. Glaciers in a third of sites are under threat, regardless of efforts to limit temperature increases. However, the study… Continue reading Iconic World Heritage glaciers to disappear by 2050, warns UNESCO

Your favourite Snacks?

I personally love snacking on : 30% less sugar yoghurt, fruits, nuts and fresh fruits salad, I try to eat healthy, as I’m pre-diabetic so yeah. No potato chips or chocolate for me personally at least anyways for snacking. What about you? What are your favourite snacks personally in your case?

Categorized as Food

Ukraine grain deal, Ethiopia agreement, show ‘power of multilateralism in action’: Guterres

3 November 2022Climate and Environment Russia’s decision to rejoin the Black Sea Grain Initiative and the Ethiopian agreement to end the war in Tigray demonstrate the power of multilateralism in action, said the UN chief on Thursday, in a call for countries to also rebuild trust between the North and South at the UN’s COP27… Continue reading Ukraine grain deal, Ethiopia agreement, show ‘power of multilateralism in action’: Guterres


Home node 162000 -31.4200833, -64.1887761 Argentina Region ES No Year Of Publication 2022 VLR Title Voluntary Local Review Province of Córdoba (Argentina) 2022 Website

Buenos Aires

-33.38685, -57.622769444444 Argentina City EN No Year Of Publication 2022 VLR Title Voluntary Local Review 2022- Localization of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Buenos Aires City Website

Fight Against Child Trafficking | UNICEF

What is Child Trafficking? Child trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of children through deception, fraud or force with the aim of exploiting them for profit. Anyone, regardless of class, gender, age and background can become a victim of child trafficking and children are victims in every corner of the world. Common… Continue reading Fight Against Child Trafficking | UNICEF

Categorized as unicef

What are some examples of men will be men?

Arise, arise, Riders of Théoden! Fell deeds awake: fire and slaughter! Spear shall be shaken, shield be splintered, a sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises! Ride now, ride now! Ride to Gondor! DEATH!

Categorized as ask-random

✂️ What’s the name of this game???

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

More funding needed for climate adaptation, as risks mount

The Adaptation Gap Report 2022 has been released ahead of the COP27 UN climate conference, which opens this weekend in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.  It calls for increased funding and implementation of actions aimed at helping vulnerable nations and communities adapt to the climate emergency in the face of mounting risks.  Estimated annual adaptation needs are… Continue reading More funding needed for climate adaptation, as risks mount

Hunger And Malnutrition Being Driven By Climate Crisis And Conflict In South Sudan

NEW YORK (November 3, 2022) – Hunger and malnutrition are on the rise across the flood, drought, and conflict-affected areas of South Sudan, with some communities likely to face starvation if humanitarian assistance is not sustained and climate adaptation measures are not scaled-up, the United Nations warned today. The latest Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC),… Continue reading Hunger And Malnutrition Being Driven By Climate Crisis And Conflict In South Sudan

Categorized as unicef

Schools For More Than Two Million Children In Pakistan Remain Inaccessible Due To Devastating Floods – UNICEF

NEW YORK (November 3, 2022) – Schools for more than two million children in Pakistan remain completely inaccessible after the most severe flooding in the country’s history destroyed or damaged nearly 27,000 schools in the country. “Almost overnight, millions of Pakistan’s children lost family members, homes, safety, and their education, under the most traumatic circumstances,” said… Continue reading Schools For More Than Two Million Children In Pakistan Remain Inaccessible Due To Devastating Floods – UNICEF

Categorized as unicef

What country you like the most?

Very hard to choose just one, but I would probably say Japan overall. Great scenery, very interesting history, excellent food and culturally very different from Europe (where I live). And I love the aesthetics there.

Categorized as ask-random

Looks like Apple is setting up for advertising to come to the TV app.

Tim Apple can go fuck himself. I’m slowly finding myself less and less interested in the premium Apple systems. The more they keep jamming ads into their products, the more I’ll be looking at other venues for my needs. I’ll rip out Apple TV and put in a small box for Plex or another service.… Continue reading Looks like Apple is setting up for advertising to come to the TV app.

Categorized as Apple

My UI grievances

Full-screen apps – why? The menu bar is useful. Some of us don’t like full-screen. AITA? Resizing windows. Both Linux and Windows have figured out a way to resize a window to occupy the full real-estate of a screen…. without going into full screen. Dragging the window up in Linux does it right away. Double… Continue reading My UI grievances

Categorized as Apple

What’s the most inconsequential regret that still haunts you?

A couple was handing out candy for Halloween dressed as Mario and Luigi. They said “We had a princess peach out here earlier… but she had to go to bed.” I missed my chance to say “But, she’s in another castle?” It was right there in front of me, and now it’s gone.

Categorized as ask-random

What would you do if your partner came out to you as being a Republican?

My wife switched to voting Republican recently, our daughter immediately screamed “you ain’t black”. We laughed. I’m not into all that American political tribalism BS, I think that’s for the most simplistic Americans. She’s free to make her own decisions, makes no difference to me who she decides to vote for.

Categorized as ask-random

what makes you change to be a better person?

Looking at what you don’t like about who you are, how it impacts others, and why you want to be better. Having a reason behind it and goal to work towards make it a lot easier to support changing any behaviour

Categorized as ask-random

What are some things a person can do to help someone else get through their depression?

Offer help with whatever you think is needed. It’s often talked about how important it is to be available to people who are depressed, but as someone who’s been there, it’s really hard to ask, even if you know you’ll get help. The depression will tell those who are struggling that, no matter how often… Continue reading What are some things a person can do to help someone else get through their depression?

Categorized as ask-random

What is your biggest internet pet peeve?

I used to go on tiktok alot and part of the reason i stopped is because i would see video that would say stuff like “mf in ” or “this mf thinks ____ 💀💀💀” and “__ slander” I have how people have such a hard time with letting people be themselves

Categorized as ask-random

Why are you still alive?

Truly. I know this sounds trite but you have so much to live for. Especially if you have people would miss you. I found my best friend after he passed himself away a little over two months ago. I still am hysterical at least once a day. It’s a hard way to lose a loved… Continue reading Why are you still alive?

Categorized as ask-random

What would be the easiest way to end one’s own life if they were ever kept captive and death would be better than imprisonment?

I don’t know the specifics of the method but when I was being taught about the slave trade one of the accounts talked about a certain way that the slaves would sit that would allow them to suffocate themselves to death, the slavers would force slaves trying to kill themselves this way to get up… Continue reading What would be the easiest way to end one’s own life if they were ever kept captive and death would be better than imprisonment?

Categorized as ask-random

What is it like to die?

You won’t be hungry or thirsty for the next two weeks, and you may experience some incontinence near the end. You won’t have to worry too much because not eating or drinking will result in less waste when it happens (if it happens). Some people report an overwhelming sense of peace before the end. I… Continue reading What is it like to die?

Categorized as ask-random

What is a movie you would not recommend at all?

To the bone. I’ve seen a bunch of people recommending it, saying it portrays the struggle of having an eating disorder perfectly, but the movie is SO DAMN BORING, it’s insane. As somebody who has struggled with an eating disorder this movie had me falling asleep.

Categorized as ask-random

What is your opinion on art?

I am a beginning artist, and, yeah! For me it definitely feels really home, but people who don’t care about art, always say beautiful, but it definitely feels false

Categorized as ask-random

Your favorite quote/line from the show The Office?

“I wake up every morning in a bed that’s too small, driving my daughter to a school that’s too expensive and then I go to work to a job for which I get paid too little, but on pretzel day, well, I like pretzel day.” – Stanley.

Categorized as ask-random

How do you get yourself to not be discouraged at life?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading How do you get yourself to not be discouraged at life?

Categorized as WomenTopic


48.782319444444, 9.1770194444444 Germany City GR No Year Of Publication 2020 VLR Title Stuttgart – a Livable City The global Agenda 2030 at a local level Website


48.782319444444, 9.1770194444444 Germany City EN No Year Of Publication 2020 VLR Title Stuttgart – a Livable City The global Agenda 2030 at a local level Website

Men in here, what would you feel/think if the lady you’re talking/seeing called you “fam” on text?

Try not to be so insecure as to think a fairly common phrase means anything. Then after failing to do that, find the gentlest possible way at the next reasonable opportunity to ask whether she thinks this relationship has much more potential, or if it doesn’t look like it’ll evolve into much more than just… Continue reading Men in here, what would you feel/think if the lady you’re talking/seeing called you “fam” on text?

Categorized as ask-random

I will be referring to women by Ms. or Mrs., followed by their last name. Women are generally that remarkable and they deserve an increase of respect

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading I will be referring to women by Ms. or Mrs., followed by their last name. Women are generally that remarkable and they deserve an increase of respect

Categorized as WomenTopic

I feel like my partner doesn’t take me seriously when we talk about gender issues

I’m not sure what I’m looking for and I don’t even know if this the right place for this kind of post. We are both autistic so communicating with each other isn’t always easy and my partner is non-binary, however they are mostly masculine aligned and have grown up being socialized as a boy/man. They… Continue reading I feel like my partner doesn’t take me seriously when we talk about gender issues

Categorized as WomenTopic

Cleaning lady

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Cleaning lady

Categorized as WomenTopic

how do you make friends in highschool?

Trying out some extracurriculars. It’s a good way to take advantage of school by expanding your interests or finding new ones (and, because other students chose to be there too, you already have something in common and an excuse to spend time together)

Categorized as ask-random

Addictive personality?

An addictive personality refers to the characteristic of easily getting addicted to things. Do you know anyone with an addictive personality? Describe their behavior. Do you suffer from this?

Categorized as Life

Fold your pizza?

Do you fold the pizza slice or not?

Categorized as Food

What are your laziest ways to be healthy?

Walk, alot. Walking isn’t hard and you can browse the web, youtube, audio books, etc while doing it. Then just like, don’t eat. It’s terrible advice but I lost a decent bit of weight doing that

Categorized as ask-random

Ethiopia: Peace agreement between Government and Tigray ‘a critical first step’: Guterres

Women and children wait at a food distribution site in Adimehamedey in Tigray, Ethiopia. 2 November 2022Peace and Security A peace deal between the Ethiopian Government and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) signed on Wednesday in South Africa, represents “a critical first step” towards ending the brutal two year war, said the UN chief.… Continue reading Ethiopia: Peace agreement between Government and Tigray ‘a critical first step’: Guterres

People with Disabilities – What Do You Hate That People Assume About You?

I have a respiratory condition, so you wouldn’t know it by looking at me when you bumped into me in the street, but you also wouldn’t know that i stopped for a brief rest twice between my vehicle and the store I’m about to go into lol People tend to think you’re faking something unless… Continue reading People with Disabilities – What Do You Hate That People Assume About You?

Categorized as ask-random

Humanitarians aid thousands in need across DR Congo; UN peacekeepers attacked by hostile crowd

2 November 2022Peace and Security Despite severe constraints on access, UN and other humanitarian workers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) have begun helping thousands displaced by renewed fighting between the Congolese army and the M23 armed group around the eastern region of North Kivu, close to the border with Rwanda and Uganda.… Continue reading Humanitarians aid thousands in need across DR Congo; UN peacekeepers attacked by hostile crowd

Is it “normal” for one labia minora to be twice the size of another?

Don’t worry too much about it. My right lip is the big one lol. I have a vagina that is not the porno cute little labiaplasty ideal. Asymmetrical lips, lips that hang down, etc. Perfectly healthy, and never once in my sexual career have any sexual partners commented on it. They’re just excited to have… Continue reading Is it “normal” for one labia minora to be twice the size of another?

Categorized as WomenTopic

[MKBHD] The iPhone USB-C Law: Explained!

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

UN refugee chief calls for greater focus on climate and conflict factors

Mr. Grandi expressed hope that these dimensions “will be in clearer focus” at the COP27 UN climate change conference, opening this weekend in Egypt, and at its successor conference in a year’s time.   The climate emergency is ravaging resources and creating tensions, including between communities, particularly in already fragile contexts where authorities do not… Continue reading UN refugee chief calls for greater focus on climate and conflict factors

What are some grind heavy games have you been playing?

War thunder is pretty grindy Surprisingly good though, the way it’s advertised you’d think it’s some shitty mobile game but it’s not bad, does the world of tanks thing arguably better than world of tanks does

Categorized as ask-random

What would you do if you won ONE Billion dollars?

I think I’d sit down on a dock on a lake and watch the sun rise. Then, maybe get some eggs and a cup of coffee. I’d drive real slow on the interstate because, hey, I’m in no hurry. No hurry at all.

Categorized as ask-random

Just got the nexplanon implant, anything I should know?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Just got the nexplanon implant, anything I should know?

Categorized as WomenTopic

Pregnancy Test That only gives results by using their App

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Pregnancy Test That only gives results by using their App

Categorized as WomenTopic

What body part would you be okay with losing?

I think a foot, quite easy to replicate, easy to attach, not many ppl would know and if it break it I can still use a crutch/stick. Other parts do not have many temp replacements.

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Intimidated, jailed, abused: Threats against journalists harm us all, warns UN chief

This year also marks the 10th anniversary of the UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity.    The Secretary-General underscored the importance of a free press, which he said is vital to a functioning democracy, exposing wrongdoing, navigating our complex world, and advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)… Continue reading Intimidated, jailed, abused: Threats against journalists harm us all, warns UN chief

Europe hotting up more than twice global average: WMO

The State of the Climate in Europe report, produced jointly with the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service, focused on 2021. It provides information on rising temperatures, land and marine heatwaves, extreme weather, changing precipitation patterns, and retreating ice and snow. Glacier melt The report says that between 1991 and 2021, temperatures in Europe warmed… Continue reading Europe hotting up more than twice global average: WMO

Where to meet people?

from the US There are many ways to meet people from the United States, including online and in person. You can meet people from the US by joining a club or organization, attending a cultural event, or simply striking up a conversation with someone you meet.

Categorized as ask-random

how did you grow up from that cringey phase?

Learned to accept that that was indeed a phase of me. A part of who I was. And that this version of me too is merely a phase. A quote taken from tumbler I like is Even the moon has phases, and that’s as natural as it gets

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Veterans of the Military, What’s a Pro and a Con of being in the Military That Many People don’t Know?

When you are good at your job. You get to do other peoples jobs as well. Also, if you are really good at PT, yep, you get to do more PT. Serious answer: Pro is you will get a better understanding of work ethics and standards. Con is that not everyone is your friend and… Continue reading Veterans of the Military, What’s a Pro and a Con of being in the Military That Many People don’t Know?

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Jony Ive on Life After Apple

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

Favourite “Thor” Movies?

I personally really love : “Thor, Ragnarock” and I haven’t seen “Thor, Love and Thunder”, yet. But I think it’s the only one I’ve seen that I remember so yeah. And I love Loki as a super-villain in the “Thor” movies. And you personally? Have you ever watched them or not personally? And if yes,… Continue reading Favourite “Thor” Movies?

Cheese Platter, anyone?

I myself really am fond of : cheese platter as an appetizer with fruits and veggies and cold cuts. I can make it into a full meal too, but the one I enjoy is much smaller than the full course. So yeah. How about you? Have you ever tried it yet or not personally? And… Continue reading Cheese Platter, anyone?

Categorized as Food

Redditors who feel lost, why?

they were banned should read this If you feel lost after being banned from Reddit, it is likely because you did not adhere to the site’s rules and regulations. There are a number of reasons why users may be banned from the site, including spamming, vote manipulation, personal attacks, and posting illegal content. If you… Continue reading Redditors who feel lost, why?

Categorized as ask-random

Women of reddit what are the most attractive tattoos on a man?

Why would you get a tattoo for a woman dude. I have no tattoo’s myself yet and recently decided i want one myself, but never ever contemplate doing something permanent to your body for someone other than yourself That being said, I’ve heard from guy friends who have many, that girls usually go for the… Continue reading Women of reddit what are the most attractive tattoos on a man?

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Human rights belong at the heart of climate change debate, urges Türk

2 November 2022Climate and Environment Humanity’s basic right to life is being threatened by insufficient action in the face of the climate emergency, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk warned on Wednesday. The top rights official has written an open letter calling for human rights to be at the heart of efforts to tackle climate… Continue reading Human rights belong at the heart of climate change debate, urges Türk

UN chief warmly welcomes Russia decision to end suspension from Ukraine grain deal

The UN-brokered deal which is implemented through a Joint Coordination Committee (JCC) in Istanbul involving Russia, Ukraine, and Türkiye, was signed in July, to allow grain, oil and other foodstuffs to leave the war-torn country for markets overseas – many of which are in desperate need of food from Europe’s “breadbasket” to stave off the… Continue reading UN chief warmly welcomes Russia decision to end suspension from Ukraine grain deal