If you were president, what is the first thing you would change?

Solving the over population problem, by sustaining the death penalty to kill all criminals who killed other people.

Copy and pasting this from my shadowbanned Reddit account because apparently they can’t tell legit users when I first started earlier last week…


Those who do not appreciate life do not deserve life.” ~ John Kramer himself in SawThat may sound fucked at first glance, but if you rewatch the movies and know the character of John Kramer before his successors butchered his message, it’s not that far off.Why should we let murders and life sentence people with verifiable and backed up rap sheets that harm humanity populated? With overpopulation being a possible life event that may have harmful effects, why should we keep those who take away life? They don’t appreciate life in the way they don’t care about others. They never appreciated life so they abused it to take another person who does appreciate life. To appreciate life, think about humanity as a whole. While Jigsaw is just referring to one person, it expands more towards life as a collective society. In short, you have to not interfere with other people’s choices of who they are and realize they can live what they want to be no strings attached, just focus on you and never resort to self-harm. If they harm life, then they don’t appreciate it. Ffs.

One counter argument is “ETHICS” and “MUH MORALS”, but honestly I can boil down to one simple logical point. Humanity won’t be around forever, and we have no guarantee that we will be the ones to end it. Whether it’s a natural or man-made event, at some point this species will go extinct. Overpopulation being one event that will do that. To sustain humanity’s future for as long as we can, we need to be ruthless in weeding out those who would do us harm. The death penalty is a way to do that. These arguments for ethics and morals are subjective to every human, and that’s what holding us back to avert a worst case scenario.

Some might say that the death penalty is “barbaric” or “inhumane”, but I would argue that those people are just looking at the issue from a emotional standpoint, rather than a logical one. The death penalty is a perfectly valid way to deal with those who have committed the most heinous of crimes. It ensures that they can never harm anyone ever again, and it also serves as a deterrent for others who might be considering committing similar crimes.Murders, Terrorists, they DON’T APPRECIATE HUMAN LIFE. They never will, they don’t know how, they don’t understand it.

So what’s the point in letting them live? To suffer in a cell for the rest of their days? To use them in slave labor which is even more inhumane? No, the death penalty is the only way to go.

So in conclusion, the death penalty is a perfectly logical and credible way to deal with those who have committed the most serious of crimes. It protects society from them, and it also serves as a deterrent for others.Plus despite recent Pro-Life vs Pro-Choice arguments, this is the true Pro-Life stance.

As Jigsaw would say, “We all want to live don’t we?”. That phrase is order and control so that we don’t harm other humans we see different. They live their own path, and you live yours. That means respecting their choice, and if they harm humanity’s life, then they don’t appreciate it. Thus the death penalty is the only way to go.