Stay away from men obsessed with “natural beauty”.


** this is not about men with a preference in makeup, hair etc. it’s about men who lose their absolute minds over anything “non natural” that a woman partakes in and shames women for not being “natural”.***

These men may seem like “good guys” who are against toxic beauty standards buts they’re the exact opposite.

Men and women view makeup and dressing up different. Women think it’s self expression while men view it as “attention seeking”. Hence why we always tell me we don’t wear makeup for them.

Truth is, they love makeup. Why haven’t beauty standards changed over the past decade? They’re made to please men. why do you think men like photos of egirls who wear heavy/obvious makeup? They find it attractive. They aren’t looking up “bare face” on 🌽 hub. Men think women who dress reveling,wear makeup, or have work done are sexual objects and will get mens attention. Bella hidid isn’t named the most beautiful woman because she’s natural. He will say women like her are ugly, yet will fold the second she ever looks his way.

They want their partners to be bare face or at least natural makeup but no body hair, not very “natural “ if I do say so myself. they want you attractive enough for approval from friends and family as the “girl next door”. But think if you wear makeup you’ll be viewed as “hot” by other men because that’s how he views “unnatural women”. What’s even more fucked is that they go for women who wear makeup and try to force them to change. They never actually go for someone who is more natural.

TLDR; if you wear makeup or not, stay away from this type of man. 🌽 has rotten their brains and they have black and white views of women either being either pure virgins or w*ores. Not someone you need to be around.