Looks like Apple is setting up for advertising to come to the TV app.


Tim Apple can go fuck himself. I’m slowly finding myself less and less interested in the premium Apple systems. The more they keep jamming ads into their products, the more I’ll be looking at other venues for my needs.

I’ll rip out Apple TV and put in a small box for Plex or another service. Lots of options to get those same services.

I’ll replace my MacBooks and either buy a cheap PC or install Linux on them if possible to remove my ads

I’ll Put in Pihole or another solution to remove all those ads on all devices in my house.

I’ll replace my iPhone with an android that I can side load as blockers on to keep all those ads off my devices.

Apples turning into what it was once opposed to. Tim Apple sucks and the corporate creep is now rearing its ugly head.

They haven’t had any real innovative products outside of the watch since Steve Jobs died.

They’re copying the Google mantra now.

All your data belong to us…..

Categorized as Apple