What does the school system get wrong?

Pretty much how to properly discipline students. The zero tolerance for fighting rule is a disaster that empowers bullies to keep bullying, and I’m still going to teach my kid not to tolerate having someone put their hands on you.

Categorized as ask-random

Out of all the people you know personally that are still alive, who do you miss most?

Sometimes I miss my X but then I remember why she’s my X and then I start thinking she’s my Y for a reason. As in why did I think it would ever work and why did I buy her an engagement ring. People change, people drift apart. I hope you’ll find someone even better… Continue reading Out of all the people you know personally that are still alive, who do you miss most?

Categorized as ask-random

how is it harming your skin and lungs (body overall) if your family members smoke outside but stink in the house?

Secondhand smoke is secondhand smoke, even if you’re not seeing billows of it. If you can smell the smoke, it’s still there. Now, the concentration of it is likely significantly diminished, so it’s probably not nearly as harmful as someone smoking indoors. No real way to measure just how much the difference in effects are,… Continue reading how is it harming your skin and lungs (body overall) if your family members smoke outside but stink in the house?

Categorized as ask-random

Rights experts calls for urgent action to implement South Sudan peace deal

The appeal by the members of the UN Commission on Human Rights in South Sudan follows a visit to Ethiopia where they urged African countries, and other stakeholders, to renew support for the deal’s implementation.  They said the conflict in South Sudan has become increasingly complex but the level of suffering for millions of civilians… Continue reading Rights experts calls for urgent action to implement South Sudan peace deal

Categorized as Africa

Guterres highlights UN partnership with India, as powerhouse for the SDGs

19 October 2022SDGs UN Secretary-General António Guterres is in India, and he began his official visit on Wednesday by attending a tribute to the victims of the 2008 terrorist attacks that took place at the Taj Mahal Palace hotel in Mumbai. Afterwards, he went to the Indian Institute of Technology in India’s business capital, where he delivered a lecture, hailing… Continue reading Guterres highlights UN partnership with India, as powerhouse for the SDGs

Categorized as sdgs

Favorite Assassin’s Creed game?

What’s your favorite Assassin’s Creed game out of the entire franchise? I really enjoyed Assassin’s Creed Odyssey.

Categorized as Games

MINUSCA support ‘decisive’ in security operations to protect civilians

19 October 2022Peace and Security Support from UN peacekeepers serving with the mission in the Central African Republic, MINUSCA, has proven decisive in protecting civilians alongside Government efforts and amid widespread continuing insecurity, said the UN Special Representative for the country on Wednesday, briefing the Security Council. Valentine Rugwabiza, who also heads up the UN… Continue reading MINUSCA support ‘decisive’ in security operations to protect civilians

Tigray conflict is a health crisis for 6 million people, and ‘the world is not paying attention’: Tedros

The Director of the World Health Organization (WHO) urged the international community and the media on Wednesday to give the crisis in Ethiopia “the attention it deserves”. Highlighting that there is no other situation globally in which six million had been kept under siege for almost two years, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, warned that there is… Continue reading Tigray conflict is a health crisis for 6 million people, and ‘the world is not paying attention’: Tedros

Employed people of Reddit, what’s the one thing you’ve been holding back on saying towards your coworker?

Nothing really. Learning to act as a professional is a lot more than just watching your mouth, eventually you will be able to process your thoughts about them, things you don’t like them doing, and confront them in the appropriate way, and have the situation corrected. If something is important, I will address it, and… Continue reading Employed people of Reddit, what’s the one thing you’ve been holding back on saying towards your coworker?

Categorized as ask-random

What movie passes the bechdel test that you wouldn’t expect to pass the bechdel test?

My partner and I were watching a really bad and old sci fi movie, and the only two female characters were discussing the death of another of the characters who had been turned into a goo. I was like, “does this scene pass the Bechdel test, since they are talking about a man?” That question… Continue reading What movie passes the bechdel test that you wouldn’t expect to pass the bechdel test?

Categorized as ask-random

What’s something hilariously dumb thing that your significant other has said or done recently?

I was sitting on the couch working on my laptop, and asked my husband to hand me charger before he left the room. He unplugged it from the wall and tossed it to me. Don’t know why the fork he would think that’s what I meant, but it still makes me laugh when I think… Continue reading What’s something hilariously dumb thing that your significant other has said or done recently?

Categorized as ask-random

How do you like your Coffee?

With a French vanilla, peppermint chocolate, gingerbread spice, pumpkin spice or hazelnut flavouring in mine and 2 creams, 2 sugars. And you personally? How do you like your coffee in your book?

Categorized as Food


31.8354533, 35.6674418 Jordan City EN No Year Of Publication 2022 VLR Title Voluntary Local Review: The City of Amman, Jordan Website https://unhabitat.org/sites/default/files/2022/10/amman_2022_en_2.pdf


Home node 161959 41.02355, 28.7186 Turkey Municipality EN No Year Of Publication 2022 VLR Title Avcilar 2022- Sustainable Development Goals, Voluntary Local Review Website https://unhabitat.org/sites/default/files/2022/10/avcilar_2022_en_-_smaller_2.pdf

Families Crushed by War in Ukraine Face New Threat: Winter

Seventeen-year-old Oleksandra can see through the metal fence that lines her yard, even before she opens the gates. Bullets and shrapnel have punctured holes in the steel. Her house no longer has a roof. “From now on, my house will always be associated with the war,” says Oleksandra, as she carefully steps over broken glass… Continue reading Families Crushed by War in Ukraine Face New Threat: Winter

Categorized as unicef

How do you grow your business?

This depends on the type of business you have. Your marketing strategy should reflect your business. A car mechanic is going to have a lot different of a marketing strategy then a print on demand store.

Categorized as ask-random

why does it feel like either way I’m a bad person for not settling in dating? and how do I get over it cuz it’s always in the back of my mind

I legitimately feel bad for wanting to date someone I find aesthetically attractive. I feel bad for wanting to date someone I have something in common with. I feel bad for wanting to date someone who can actually hold a conversation with me that’s not explaining to me something that I already know. I feel… Continue reading why does it feel like either way I’m a bad person for not settling in dating? and how do I get over it cuz it’s always in the back of my mind

Categorized as WomenTopic

Cool dudes of Reddit, what are some red flags that someone is a nerd?

Nerd doesn’t mean the same thing now that it used to. Nerd used to mean anti-social, which was associated with fringe hobbies like comic books or video games. Now comic books and video games are popular, so anyone going to see the latest billion dollar Avengers flick thinks they are a nerd, but really they… Continue reading Cool dudes of Reddit, what are some red flags that someone is a nerd?

Categorized as ask-random

People who don’t kill all Creepy-Crawlies — which ones do you spare, and why?

Most of them get a gentle eviction, I save my murder mostly for roaches, centipedes, and scorpions. One time my daughter found a vinegaroon scorpion, that was a really cool guy. We caught him in a jar and deposited him outside. He’s the kind of bug who eats other bugs for us, I’m very fond… Continue reading People who don’t kill all Creepy-Crawlies — which ones do you spare, and why?

Categorized as ask-random

What do birds think about when they walk about?

Not many walk around, crows do… and the do look like they’re pondering philosophy. Elder ones. Youngsters scare easily. I bet they’re born with the instinct to fear everything, then learn what is after all safe.

Categorized as ask-random

why the color of sea is blue?

The reason the ocean is blue is due to the absorption and scattering of light. The blue wavelengths of light are scattered, similar to the scattering of blue light in the sky but absorption is a much larger factor than scattering for the clear ocean water. In water, absorption is strong in the red and… Continue reading why the color of sea is blue?

Categorized as ask-random

What’s a word that you used to pronounce incorrectly for years, but were corrected?

igualmente, after three years of Spanish classes , this is the one word i incorporated often on my daily dialogue, and one of the hardest words for me to pronounce correctly. I tried very hard to learn Spanish , but I do not have one of those humans brains that absorbs new information very well… Continue reading What’s a word that you used to pronounce incorrectly for years, but were corrected?

Categorized as ask-random

What is your toxic trait?

I have to put myself below others constantly. I am not smart, attractive, strong, sociable, etc compared to everyone else on Earth.

Categorized as ask-random

what effect does rain have on your feelings?

If I don’t have to drive? Love it. Rain is fucking awesome. If I have to drive in it, there’s the tiniest wave of anxiety as I struggle not to think about the time I hydroplaned and spun the fuck out into a ditch while my radio crooned Japanese pop music.

Categorized as ask-random

If every single thing in a world was infinite, how long would it take a dog to eat a bowl of food?Why?

Well, the space in the bowl would be infinite for starters. So would the dogfood in the package. But, as soon as you put the dogfood into the bowl, the food in the bowl would also be infinite. Given the dog’s hunger would also be infinite, it would eat forever. This wouldn’t cause problems as… Continue reading If every single thing in a world was infinite, how long would it take a dog to eat a bowl of food?Why?

Categorized as ask-random

what quote from a TV show/series didn’t age well?

Cosby Show, Bill: “It’s my barbecue sauce… Haven’t you ever noticed after people have some of my barbecue sauce, after a while, when it kicks in, they get all huggy-buggy?… Haven’t you ever noticed that after one of my barbecues—and they have the sauce—people want to get right home?”

Categorized as ask-random

Why y’all not like short guys?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Why y’all not like short guys?

Categorized as WomenTopic

if the concept and history of religion was totally wiped from everyone’s mind, do you think religions would eventually organically resurface? why?

Yes. This is because religion is something that humans are naturally wired for. As a Catholic, believe that God supernaturally revealed a religion to man, first in Judaism, and then in Christianity via Jesus Christ. However, there is natural religion. We can know that God exists by reason alone – Aristotle came to monotheism, for… Continue reading if the concept and history of religion was totally wiped from everyone’s mind, do you think religions would eventually organically resurface? why?

Categorized as ask-random

Time to get off the couch, WHO warns, as 500 million risk developing chronic illness

And the price of inaction and staying on the couch, will be severe, WHO said – around $27 billion in extra healthcare costs. The Global status report on physical activity 2022, measures the extent to which governments are implementing recommendations to increase physical activity across all ages and abilities.  Data from 194 countries show that… Continue reading Time to get off the couch, WHO warns, as 500 million risk developing chronic illness

Why didn’t money cure your problems?

It doesn’t solve mental illness. (though spending on therapy could help, but not necessarilly). Money makes life easier in several ways, but doesn’t make you happy. Happiness has to come from within.

Categorized as ask-random

Sex and emotions

Psychological research shows that men get their emotional needs met through sex, which is why men mistaken sex for a need when sex is actually a drive. It seems ‘weird’ to your husband because he is a man and this is how they get their emotional needs met. For some women, they can have their… Continue reading Sex and emotions

Categorized as WomenTopic

why don’t men also wear an engagement ring?

Basically due to tradition of the man proposing with a ring. And with this tradition you don’t buy a ring for yourself as a man. They could, but traditions remain strong in proposing, weddings and being married.

Categorized as ask-random

Considering the past developments, why or why not have you stopped listening to Kanye music?

I have not, not that I listen to it a ton. Idk a guy can be a piece of shit and still have good music. Do you turn the radio if Michael Jackson comes on? Or take your pick from the rappers in America who are also felons or gang members. I mean fuck Ice… Continue reading Considering the past developments, why or why not have you stopped listening to Kanye music?

Categorized as ask-random

Meet the all-new iPad and iPad Pro | Apple

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

Any suggestions on how to start a business from the ground up?

A new business should offer a solution to a problem. It can be a local problem, a problem specific to a subculture or hobby, a tech problem, a big societal problem, etc. So if you’re really looking to start at ZERO then start asking what are problems that you’ve encountered in some space, where no… Continue reading Any suggestions on how to start a business from the ground up?

Categorized as ask-random

What is a song or melody from any piece of media that you’ve never been able to forget?

The Sun, the Moon, the Stars Shine less brightly with you so far I never knew sorrow ’til you asked me to follow my heart For all these tales I’ve told And these whispers of silver and gold I’d throw it all away just to gaze on your face once more With his burning brand… Continue reading What is a song or melody from any piece of media that you’ve never been able to forget?

Categorized as ask-random

With Somalia on Brink of Famine, More Children At Risk of Dying

The malnutrition crisis in Somalia — fueled by severe drought — keeps getting worse, UNICEF reported Tuesday. Tens of thousands of children in the Horn of Africa country are now being admitted for treatment for severe acute malnutrition every month, at a rate of one child every minute.  On a mission to Mogadishu this week,… Continue reading With Somalia on Brink of Famine, More Children At Risk of Dying

Categorized as unicef

Mali: Progress on transition, peace process, amid ongoing insecurity

El-Ghassim Wane, head of the UN mission in Mali, MINUSMA, presented the latest UN Secretary-General’s report on the peacekeeping operation. He briefed ambassadors on progress in the transition and peace process, while also addressing ongoing insecurity and rising humanitarian needs.  Mr. Wane was speaking a day after a MINUSMA vehicle hit an improvised explosive device… Continue reading Mali: Progress on transition, peace process, amid ongoing insecurity

‘Undeniable need for accountability’ in Ukraine as violations mount

Set up by the Human Rights Council in March, it presented its initial findings in Geneva at the end of last month. “Given the gravity of the identified violations, there is an undeniable need for accountability”, the Commission told the General Assembly. Devastation and loss “The impact of these violations on the civilian population in… Continue reading ‘Undeniable need for accountability’ in Ukraine as violations mount

Who doesn’t like going to school and how to change that?

People often like things that they’re good at. If you don’t like school, it’s probable that there’s some aspect of the process that makes you uncomfortable; maybe the social aspects, maybe the academic, whatever. You probably have to drill down on the specific thing that’s giving you trouble before figuring out how to address the… Continue reading Who doesn’t like going to school and how to change that?

Categorized as ask-random

Magic Keyboard Folio for iPad

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

In focus: Women, peace and security

Za’atari refugee camp in Jordan, 2015. A woman crafts a mosaic depicting a peace dove. UN Women provides economic empowerment and protection programming for women and girls in the camp. Photo: UN Women/Christopher Herwig On 20 October, 2022, the UN Security Council will convene for the Open Debate on Women, Peace and Security. Guided by… Continue reading In focus: Women, peace and security

Categorized as Women

In the words of Anastasia Perepylytsia: “Women are half of the population, whose opinions and needs must be taken into account.”

Anastasia Perepylytsia, 44, is no stranger to displacement. In 2014, she had a stable job in finance and lived a normal life together with her husband and two children in Donetsk, eastern Ukraine. But when the Russian army invaded her hometown, she had to flee with her family to Zaporizhzhia, a city situated on the… Continue reading In the words of Anastasia Perepylytsia: “Women are half of the population, whose opinions and needs must be taken into account.”

Categorized as Women

How Syrian women navigate security risks to mediate local conflicts

For over a decade, Syria’s protracted conflict has taken countless lives, displaced millions in and outside the country and left much of its infrastructure in tatters. International mediation efforts to end the conflict have largely stalled, in part because the local dynamics that help fuel the crisis are often overlooked by formal mediators. This makes… Continue reading How Syrian women navigate security risks to mediate local conflicts

Categorized as Women

Everyone have to read this .

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Everyone have to read this .

Categorized as WomenTopic

how are you, really?

You walk out the door, and you see someone you know, and they ask you how you are, and you just have to say you’re fine when you’re not really fine, but you just can’t get into it, because they would never understand.

Categorized as ask-random

Somalia: UNICEF warns of unprecedented child deaths

“Without greater action and investment, we are facing the death of children on a scale not seen in half a century,” Spokesperson James Elder told journalists in Geneva.  A child is admitted to a health facility for treatment of severe acute malnutrition “every single minute of every single day”, he said.  A looming tragedy  Latest… Continue reading Somalia: UNICEF warns of unprecedented child deaths

Do You Think Period Products Should Be Taxed?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Do You Think Period Products Should Be Taxed?

Categorized as WomenTopic

Advice please

I would call out too. But before that, please accept and love your body. I know it’s easier said than done. I am a mid-size person with breasts that call for attention in some dresses even when I don’t want it. But the game changers for me personally were: I am dressed sexy not vulgar.… Continue reading Advice please

Categorized as WomenTopic

Impact of Tigray airstrikes on civilians ‘utterly staggering’: UN rights chief

18 October 2022Human Rights Parties to the conflict in the Tigray region of Ethiopia must cease all hostilities immediately and work towards a peaceful and lasting solution, the newly appointed UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, appealed on Tuesday.  He warned that the latest alarming airstrikes risk seriously worsening the already devastating impact… Continue reading Impact of Tigray airstrikes on civilians ‘utterly staggering’: UN rights chief

it’s so random but AAAAHG I HATE PERIOD POOPS

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading it’s so random but AAAAHG I HATE PERIOD POOPS

Categorized as WomenTopic


A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Advice

Categorized as WomenTopic

Do you hate Skyler White, why or why not?

She was a bit of an asshole wife, but not a murderous, gas-lighting drug kingpin asshole husband like Walter was. So mostly I felt sympathetic to her, especially in later seasons as it became clear she was trapped by Walt’s manipulations

Categorized as ask-random

Global health: Women and children pay heaviest price for ‘gaping inequities’

18 October 2022Health A new UN report shows that women’s and children’s health has suffered globally, as the impacts of conflict, the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change converge, with devastating effects on prospects for children, young people and women. Data presented in the report show a clear and critical regression across virtually every major measure… Continue reading Global health: Women and children pay heaviest price for ‘gaping inequities’

Categorized as Women

What specifically makes you feel the most appreciated?

When my boyfriend knows I’ve had a rough day he makes sure I have a clean place to come home to, cooks for me, pours me my favorite wine, and will start a bath for me. It’s acts of service like that that show me I’m cared about and appreciated.

Categorized as ask-random

Staggering Backsliding Across Women’s, Children’s And Adolescents’ Health Revealed In New Un Analysis

NEW YORK (October 18, 2022) – A new UN report shows that women’s and children’s health has suffered globally, as the impacts of conflict, the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change converge with devastating effects on prospects for children, young people and women. Data presented in the report show a critical regression across virtually every major measure… Continue reading Staggering Backsliding Across Women’s, Children’s And Adolescents’ Health Revealed In New Un Analysis

Categorized as unicef

Geneva Palais Briefing Note: UNICEF Warns Of Unprecedented Numbers Of Child Deaths In Somalia

NEW YORK (October 18, 2022) “Today in Somalia, every single minute of every single day, a child is admitted to a health facility for treatment of severe acute malnutrition. The latest admission rates from August show 44,000 children admitted with severe acute malnutrition. That is a child per minute. “A child whose mother has walked for… Continue reading Geneva Palais Briefing Note: UNICEF Warns Of Unprecedented Numbers Of Child Deaths In Somalia

Categorized as unicef

What is your guilty pleasure?

On the rare occasions when I eat candy, I arrange the candy and eat it in order. I know one shouldn’t play with food, but candy isn’t technically food, so …

Categorized as ask-random

What is something you need to rant about?

Women should be allowed to make decisions about surgically altering their bodies in ways that don’t fit the conventionally attractive mold. Want to have a mastectomy? “What would your future husband think?!” “But how are you going to nurse when you’re a mother?!” “Let me talk to you about reconstructive options so you still look… Continue reading What is something you need to rant about?

Categorized as ask-random

The Apple Online Store is down!

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

The possibilities are endless.

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

What is the most unfair situation you have experienced in school?

I got in trouble for something I did in the privacy of my own home. long story short: word got around at school I swam naked at home, and people couldn’t stop talking about it and it was creating such a disruption in class, the teacher sent me out of the room.

Categorized as ask-random

Tampon tale

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Tampon tale

Categorized as WomenTopic

What was the best Reddit AMA?

My personal favorite was Esoteric’s AMA (A rapper, member of Czarface). Mainly because I found his answers interesting and I love their music But i also went back and read James Corden’s AMA which was hysterical I’d also add that the Nick Cage AMA was awesome

Categorized as ask-random

How do you tell food poisoning apart from appendicitis?

disclaimer: i have pretty bad health anxiety. the only thing i had that my boyfriend didn’t were some noodles that i now think may be the culprit. about an hour ago after sex, i started getting terrible stomach cramps along my lower abdomen (not localized). went to the bathroom, got crampier and some chills. definitely… Continue reading How do you tell food poisoning apart from appendicitis?

Categorized as ask-random

What do you think about the Russians? Have you had any communication experience with them?

I think the Russian people are like any other people. They’re just normal people trying to live their lives. And in my experience the few I’ve met and spoken to for more than a couple of minutes have actually been very genuine people. I spoke to a couple who moved to the United States after… Continue reading What do you think about the Russians? Have you had any communication experience with them?

Categorized as ask-random

What do you wish was different about the world right now?

I wish that people actually listened and had conversations with each other instead of pointing the finger at each other, calling each other names, or yelling and assigning blame to the other person for things that aren’t their fault.

Categorized as ask-random

What medicines do you take, and why?

Antihistamines to stop my immune system from mugging me, antidepressants to stop my brain from mugging me, lactase to stop my guts from freaking out at the sight of cheese, anti-inflammatories to stop my jaw locking up and amphetamines to keep me awake. It’s wild being me!

Categorized as ask-random

Fewer women than men will regain work during COVID-19 recovery: ILO 

In Building Forward Fairer: Women’s rights to work and at work at the core of the COVID-19 recovery, the International Labour Organization (ILO) highlights that between 2019 and 2020, women’s employment declined by 4.2 per cent globally, representing 54 million jobs, while men suffered a three per cent decline, or 60 million jobs.  This means that there will be 13 million fewer women in employment this year… Continue reading Fewer women than men will regain work during COVID-19 recovery: ILO 

Categorized as Women

Domestic violence, forced marriage, have risen in Sudan: UN-backed study

Voices from Sudan 2020, published this week, is the first-ever nationwide qualitative assessment of gender-based violence (GBV) in the country, where a transitional government is now in its second year.  Addressing the issue is a critical priority, according to the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Government’s Combating Violence against Women Unit (CVAW), co-authors of… Continue reading Domestic violence, forced marriage, have risen in Sudan: UN-backed study

Categorized as Women

‘We are with you’: The South African care centres providing hope for survivors of sexual violence

In the Sinawe Thuthuzela Care Centre, located in the small town of Mthatha in Eastern Cape Province, Lerato*, a 20-year-old first-year student at the local university, bends forward on her chair, her head fixed to the floor. She looks sad, tired and dejected, avoiding any eye contact. Dressed in a pink tank top and fading jeans… Continue reading ‘We are with you’: The South African care centres providing hope for survivors of sexual violence

Categorized as Women

Landmark gender equality forum concludes with concrete commitments, plan to advance parity by 2026 

Close to $40 billion was pledged in new investments, as well as ambitious policy and programme commitments from governments, civil society and others, to help fuel a new global five-year action plan to accelerate true gender parity, by 2026.   “The Generation Equality Forum marks a positive, historic shift in power and perspective”, said Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Executive Director of UN Women.  The Forum has been held at a critical moment, as the world assesses the disproportionate and damaging impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women and girls.  Gender… Continue reading Landmark gender equality forum concludes with concrete commitments, plan to advance parity by 2026 

Categorized as Women

Women must no longer be ‘squeezed into a small corner’, landmark Forum declares 

“Gender equality is essentially about power, and power in a world that is still largely male dominated, with a culture that is still largely patriarchal”, Secretary-General António Guterres said at the Generation Equality Forum, launching a “five-year action journey”, based on the UN Global Acceleration Plan for Gender Equality.  Noting that “power is very rarely given. You have to take it”, he stressed as one of… Continue reading Women must no longer be ‘squeezed into a small corner’, landmark Forum declares 

Categorized as Women

Generation Equality: Alongside COVID lies an ‘equally horrific pandemic’ threatening women

On Wednesday, leaders from around the world will gather in Paris and online, in a massive push for gender equality.  The Forum is a landmark event convened by UN Women, and co-hosted by the governments of Mexico and France, in partnership with youth and civil society, to accelerate gender equality.  In the early months of the pandemic, the… Continue reading Generation Equality: Alongside COVID lies an ‘equally horrific pandemic’ threatening women

Categorized as Women

Time running out to prevent ‘worst case scenario’ arising in Afghanistan

From politics to security, the peace process to the economy, Deborah Lyons, Special Representative and Head of the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), said the “possible slide toward dire scenarios is undeniable”.  “The relentless spirit of the Afghans and their incredible resilience is being severely tested”, she said, reminding that what happens there is “of global consequence”, and the Security Council needed to be fully aware of the gravity of the situation.   Unfolding reality  She described… Continue reading Time running out to prevent ‘worst case scenario’ arising in Afghanistan

Categorized as Women

If you were gay would you jerk off more and squirt more then you do usually? Why or why not?

Straight guy here. I’d imagine the sex drive wouldn’t change, but the only change would be who that person is attracted to. If you’re with a partner who knows what they’re doing, sex is going to be wonderful. And if it’s part of a healthy relationship, it can deepen bonds and emotional intimacy more than… Continue reading If you were gay would you jerk off more and squirt more then you do usually? Why or why not?

Categorized as ask-random

#FallforNature the Photo Contest that will give you all the Fall Feels

Share Your #Fallfornature Photos to Get Featured & Plant Trees! Fall is here and we absolutely LOVE seeing the great outdoors during this special time of year. That’s why we’re ready to #Fallfornature with a fall photo challenge. Show us the colorful leaves, the changing season, your hiking adventures, or even your happy dog in… Continue reading #FallforNature the Photo Contest that will give you all the Fall Feels

What colour is a mirror?

Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. It doesn’t appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one.

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People who insist on parking right next to you as you’re opening your door when the whole parking lot is empty: Why?

Probably because it’s the best parking space. Some people get stupidly competitive over that. Me, I personally don’t care where I park, and don’t mind walking. I knew a guy once though who parked, walked half way to the store, saw another car closer to the store leave, and walked all the way back to… Continue reading People who insist on parking right next to you as you’re opening your door when the whole parking lot is empty: Why?

Categorized as ask-random

What do you hate about your generation?

The everyone will be rich, has to become rich mindset. Most of you are lazy bags of shit, falling for schemes like crypto. All wanna get rich quick, but nobody wants to properly work for it. Fuck I sound like a boomer.

Categorized as ask-random

People of Reddit, how y’all like your women?

When I’m in doubt of something or pretty much telling someone to fuck off, I say, “suck my dick” and the response everytime from my boyfriend is “SHOW IT TO ME” so I mean. That should be enough explanation of what my boyfriend thinks of women lol.

Categorized as ask-random

talking my photo just once…

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading talking my photo just once…

Categorized as WomenTopic

Whats a reason why you were fired from a job?

Slammed the drive thru window in this dumb fuck’s face and walked out before they could fire me. I was later questioned about it on my security clearance interview. Apparently the individual called the franchise owner, lol. These stories follow you forever.

Categorized as ask-random

Google Home as a Apple User

Hey Guys, is someone completely in the Apple Ecosystem (iPhone, Watch, MacBook, AirPods) but uses Google Home instead of Homekit? Do you miss anything? I have enoug of Siri and the Nest Hub with Display instead of the HomePod Mini looks nice. Also I use Google TV instead of Apple TV (too expensive).

Categorized as Apple

Political solution ‘no longer sufficient’ to address current crisis in Haiti

Ms. Helen La Lime urged ambassadors to act decisively and help address the persistent scourges of insecurity and corruption, that along with a health crisis are “accelerating Haiti’s downward spiral”. Earlier on Monday, the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres told journalists that the current blockade of vital humanitarian and civilian supplies in the capital of Port-au-Prince… Continue reading Political solution ‘no longer sufficient’ to address current crisis in Haiti

What are some facts/stats that seem false but are true?

Despite talking about it every time a bill they don’t like comes up, Republicans have done nothing to address Americas debt issue over the past few decades. In fact, every time they’re in power they dramatically increase deficit spending

Categorized as ask-random

Killings and detentions of children in Iran must end, UN child rights committee urges

17 October 2022Human Rights As the number of children reportedly killed by Iranian security forces in relation to ongoing protests rises to at least 23, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child issued a statement on Monday condemning the killings, noting that hundreds more have been injured, detained and tortured during the Government… Continue reading Killings and detentions of children in Iran must end, UN child rights committee urges

What’s something weird that you find insanely disgusting?

I still think eating ass is pretty gross. Luckily neither my wife and I are interested in it so no loss for us. It baffles me that people won’t eat a something they drop on the ground but they will lick the crust off of someone’s turd hole.

Categorized as ask-random

Giga Connecting World’s Students to Internet, One School at a Time

At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, up to 1.6 billion children were affected by school closures. Many children were able to attend online classes, but hundreds of millions were not. Today, an estimated 1.3 billion children and young people still cannot access the internet at home, and only around half of the world’s schools… Continue reading Giga Connecting World’s Students to Internet, One School at a Time

Categorized as unicef

Tigray: Fighting must end, urges Guterres, amid ‘staggering’ level of need

That’s according to the UN Secretary-General António Guterres who briefed correspondents on Monday morning outside the Security Council, stating that the violence and destruction “have reached alarming levels.” It was the second intervention from the UN chief in as many days, as reports emerged of heavy bombing of Shire and other Tigrayan cities, and food… Continue reading Tigray: Fighting must end, urges Guterres, amid ‘staggering’ level of need

What are your thoughts on the War in Ukraine?

Don’t really care about Ukraine winning, but very eager to see Russia lose. Putin deserves humiliation and possibly deposition for all the cyberattacks, propaganda, and, of course, warcrimes. Which is fortunately probable, as Ukraine seems poised to recover its stolen territories sometime next year.

Categorized as ask-random

Lifting 100 million out of poverty by 2025 still possible, despite recession threat

17 October 2022SDGs A flagship UN poverty study released on Monday, the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, finds that significant poverty reduction is possible, and new ways of calculating the problem can help humanitarians and governments better target aid. The Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI), a joint analysis from the UN Development Programme (UNDP)… Continue reading Lifting 100 million out of poverty by 2025 still possible, despite recession threat

Categorized as sdgs

Plastics are piling up in soil across the world warns UN environment agency

Plastics are used extensively in agriculture, from plastic-coated seeds to protective wraps used to modify soil temperature and prevent weed growth over crops. These synthetic materials also added intentionally to biosolid fertilizer, which is spread on fields, and are used in irrigation tubes, sacks and bottles. Plastic covered seedlings. Biodiversity, health impacts While all these… Continue reading Plastics are piling up in soil across the world warns UN environment agency

What are some ways to make friends as an adult?

The trick is to try and listen as much as you can. But as an adult we have all listened to a fair much of those ordinary and boring life stories, so if you try to listen to them, it’s easy to become friends with them because they think you care.

Categorized as ask-random

Your favourite Cakes?

For me personally, I really enjoy : Oreo ice-cream cakes and sandwiches, chocolate and vanilla cake, lemon cake, cheesecake, cupcakes, green tea Kit-Kat cake, Reese’s peanut butter cake, espresso cake and tiramisu. Yeah, I’m a big cake addict. I’ll always add icing to my cakes too. What about you? What are your favourite cakes personally… Continue reading Your favourite Cakes?

Categorized as Food

what’s a weird thing your teacher did in school?

I once had a teacher who could stand at the head of the class and “flick” a piece of paper so that it glided directly to each student’s desk and landed perfectly in front of them. It really didn’t help the creepiness that he looked exactly like Gary Oldman in Bram Stoker’s Dracula.

Categorized as ask-random

How stretchy is a human?

I saw a dude hop off a roof of a building. His face and body exploded right across the street in length. It was pretty fucked. What was more fucked, is how his mess got hosed down and sand thrown whatever was left of that shit stain.

Categorized as ask-random

How to de-sexualize myself?

Total acknowledgment that men need to do better equating clothes or body language as open invitations etc. But I also want to answer the question a bit too. As a young SA survivor, I learned (from my interactions with people both negative and from caring friends, bfs etc) that I presented myself in a very… Continue reading How to de-sexualize myself?

Categorized as WomenTopic

What are the first steps you would take during an apocalypse that collapses the infrastructure as we know of?

Depends on the apocalypse: Zombies/Solar-grid collapse: Build a defense on my house, fill all the containers I have with water, pour all my alcohol into one giant tub so I can fill the bottles with water and save the alcohol as a cleanser if things go south. Charge my devices, move all my solar stuff… Continue reading What are the first steps you would take during an apocalypse that collapses the infrastructure as we know of?

Categorized as ask-random

What’s something the Reddit hive-mind was absolutely wrong about?

I think there was an infamous incident where the Reddit arm-chair detectives thought they solved a crime and zero’ed in on a suspect. The mainstream news picked it up and law enforcement ended up going after the person. In the end, Reddit was wrong and I think it inspired some of Reddit’s site-wide rules about… Continue reading What’s something the Reddit hive-mind was absolutely wrong about?

Categorized as ask-random

What is a behavior that makes you suspect that your partner is cheating on you?

When my ex tested positive for Chlamydia, blamed me for giving it to her (first saying I must have cheated but then accepting it must have been from my just previous girlfriend cheating on me), and then I totally tested negative for it and she then suddenly changed her tune that it must have been… Continue reading What is a behavior that makes you suspect that your partner is cheating on you?

Categorized as ask-random

People who experienced sleep paralysis, what did you see, felt or heard?

I used to have sleep paralysis on a monthly basis. Most of incidents were basically the same. I’d be sleeping on my back. I could see the room, but couldn’t move my eyes. Usually dark figures would appear in the peripheral of my vision. The figures would terrify me. I had to scream myself awake.… Continue reading People who experienced sleep paralysis, what did you see, felt or heard?

Categorized as ask-random

What is the best country to travel to?

I’d say Italy. It’s got great food, history, transport and things to do. The weather is good too if you go at the right time of year. There’s something for everyone, and loads to explore.

Categorized as ask-random

What are the best things about being American?

I’m honestly not too sure, because despite what people say, the rest of the world outside of the US isn’t exactly like Russia or North Korea, but I would, as someone who has interest in music, many American cities have music scenes with international connections and American artists and more luck scoring big internationally

Categorized as ask-random

What’s a life hack you wish you found sooner?

Buy once, cry once. I use to always buy cheap things and found myself spending more money replacing them over time. If i would have just spent the extra cash up front, it would have paid for itself eventually. Best example I can think of are kitchen appliances or tools.

Categorized as ask-random

What was your worst pizza experiences?

there was a pizza place that served me a ham and cheese pizza, but it was just a cheese pizza that they later added ham on it. So the ham never became part of the pizza. it was also obviously reheated.

Categorized as ask-random

Power to cancel TV

You suddenly have the power to cancel one show on television. Which show do you cancel?

Where are you?

You are now trapped in the last movie or TV show you watched. Where are you?

Gender Specialist (Gender-based Violence) at ADB, Manila, Philippines

You are here: Home / Philippines / Gender Specialist (Gender-based Violence) at ADB, Manila, Philippines October 17, 2022 Deadline: 28 October 2022 Asian Development Bank (ADB) is currently seeking applications from eligible applicants for the post of Gender Specialist (Gender-based Violence) in Manila, Philippines. The duration of this post is 3 years. The ADB aims… Continue reading Gender Specialist (Gender-based Violence) at ADB, Manila, Philippines

Categorized as Jobs

Results Management Specialist at ADB, Manila, Philippines

You are here: Home / Philippines / Results Management Specialist at ADB, Manila, Philippines October 17, 2022 Deadline: 26 October 2022 Asian Development Bank (ADB) is currently seeking applications from eligible applicants for the post of Results Management Specialist in Manila, Philippines. The duration of this post is 3 years. The ADB aims for an… Continue reading Results Management Specialist at ADB, Manila, Philippines

Categorized as Jobs

Started to suck!

What TV show did you like in the beginning, but grew increasingly disappointed in as it ran on?

Things you dislike in gaming?

We gamers have some things we dislike in gaming, so mention those that in your opinion you don’t like and why. For me, it’s the excessive use of QTE’s in games. Also games with very confusing puzzles.

Categorized as Games

Best horror games ever

Halloween is near long approaching once again in October, I figured we could start a topic to discuss some of the best horror games around. From the past to the present, what do you consider to be the best horror games out there? Personally, for me, Silent Hill 2 is a big front runner, but… Continue reading Best horror games ever

Categorized as Games

Statistics & Monitoring Specialist at UNICEF, United States

You are here: Home / United States / Statistics & Monitoring Specialist at UNICEF, United States October 17, 2022 Deadline: 30 October 2022 United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is currently seeking applications from eligible applicants for the post of Statistics & Monitoring Specialist in United States. UNICEF works for a world in which… Continue reading Statistics & Monitoring Specialist at UNICEF, United States

Categorized as Jobs

Digital Agriculture Project Manager at WFP, Philippines

You are here: Home / Philippines / Digital Agriculture Project Manager at WFP, Philippines October 17, 2022 Deadline: 31 October 2022 The World Food Programme (WFP) is currently seeking applications from the eligible applicants for the post of Digital Agriculture Project Manager in Philippines. The duration of this post is 1 year. World Food Programme… Continue reading Digital Agriculture Project Manager at WFP, Philippines

Categorized as Jobs

Corporate Fund Raising Officer at UNICEF, Mexico

You are here: Home / Mexico / Corporate Fund Raising Officer at UNICEF, Mexico October 17, 2022 Deadline: 30 October 2022 United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is currently seeking applications from eligible applicants for the post of Corporate Fund Raising Officer in Mexico. UNICEF works for a world in which every child has… Continue reading Corporate Fund Raising Officer at UNICEF, Mexico

Categorized as Jobs

Head of Better Work in Asia at ILO, Bangkok, Thailand

You are here: Home / Thailand / Head of Better Work in Asia at ILO, Bangkok, Thailand October 17, 2022 Deadline: 11 November 2022 The International Labour Organization (ILO) is currently seeking applications from the eligible applicants for the post of Head of Better Work in Asia in Bangkok, Thailand. The duration of this post… Continue reading Head of Better Work in Asia at ILO, Bangkok, Thailand

Categorized as Jobs

What’s the worst you’ve heard of or seen someone get screwed over with inheritance?

Australia’s richest woman, Gina Reinhart, went to court to screw her own children out of the inheritance they were to receive from their grandfather because it’d make her less wealthy. It was something to do with that she ran their trust funds and had used it in the company that she ran and removing that… Continue reading What’s the worst you’ve heard of or seen someone get screwed over with inheritance?

Categorized as ask-random

What do you think about cashless society?

Noooooo. I don’t like the idea at all. I don’t want anyone, let alone the government know about absolutely everything I have, buy or sell. Fuck that shit, I like what privacy I actually have.

Categorized as ask-random

Which is the memory that comes to your brain more often?

Nobody knows! We don’t know how memory works really, but we have a few ideas. Memory is super complex and truly amazing. The hippocampus is involved in some way with memory making, and memory recall. We don’t understand the mechanisms underlying this well enough though. Memory is probably stored across the brain but is not… Continue reading Which is the memory that comes to your brain more often?

Categorized as ask-random

Programme Officer (Governance) at UNICEF, Beirut, Lebanon

You are here: Home / Lebanon / Programme Officer (Governance) at UNICEF, Beirut, Lebanon October 17, 2022 Deadline: 28 October 2022 United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is currently seeking applications from eligible applicants for the post of Programme Officer (Governance) in Beirut, Lebanon. UNICEF works for a world in which every child has… Continue reading Programme Officer (Governance) at UNICEF, Beirut, Lebanon

Categorized as Jobs

Social Protection Officer – NOA at ILO, Amman, Jordan

You are here: Home / Jordan / Social Protection Officer – NOA at ILO, Amman, Jordan October 17, 2022 Deadline: 2 November 2022 The International Labour Organization (ILO) is currently seeking applications from the eligible applicants for the post of Social Protection Officer – NOA in Amman, Jordan. The duration of this post is 1… Continue reading Social Protection Officer – NOA at ILO, Amman, Jordan

Categorized as Jobs

Surge in poverty-stricken children in Eastern Europe, Central Asia

The impact of the war in Ukraine and subsequent economic downturn on child poverty in eastern Europe and Central Asia, warns that ripple effects of the surge could result in a steep rise in school dropouts and infant mortality. Data from 22 countries across the region shows that children are bearing the heaviest burden of… Continue reading Surge in poverty-stricken children in Eastern Europe, Central Asia

Categorized as Europe

Programme Budget Officer at UNICEF, Tripoli, Libya

You are here: Home / Libya / Programme Budget Officer at UNICEF, Tripoli, Libya October 17, 2022 Deadline: 30 October 2022 United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is currently seeking applications from eligible applicants for the post of Programme Budget Officer in Tripoli, Libya. UNICEF works for a world in which every child has… Continue reading Programme Budget Officer at UNICEF, Tripoli, Libya

Categorized as Jobs

Monitoring & Evaluation Officer at WFP, Cairo, Egypt

You are here: Home / Social Sciences / Monitoring & Evaluation Officer at WFP, Cairo, Egypt October 17, 2022 Deadline: 29 October 2022 The World Food Programme (WFP) is currently seeking applications from the eligible applicants for the post of in Monitoring & Evaluation Officer in Cairo, Egypt. The duration of this post is 1… Continue reading Monitoring & Evaluation Officer at WFP, Cairo, Egypt

Categorized as Jobs

who is the most hated person,and why do you think so?

Despite being out-evilled by others such as Stalin, Pol Pot, and Genghis Khan, Adolf Hitler remains the gold standard for hated evil people. Why do I think so? Because you know I’m right. That’s why I think so.

Categorized as ask-random

How often do normal people cry?

i consider myself to be a normal person, and i cry once a month. granted, sometimes i need to just get in the headspace where i can allow myself to, because i try to take care of my emotional hygiene.

Categorized as ask-random


A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Masters?

Categorized as WomenTopic

What was the wake-up call that made you realize you were dating a crappy person?

The realization that I *had* been dating a crappy person came about a few months after he told me that he ’wasn’t ready for a relationship ’. At that later time, he made public on Facebook that, right around the time he’d been telling me that, he’d begun a relationship with another woman. And oh,… Continue reading What was the wake-up call that made you realize you were dating a crappy person?

Categorized as ask-random

Segues and Navigation Controller in Xcode

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

What’s the best way for falling asleep ?

Count ‘ten’ and breathe in Count ‘nine’ and breathe out Count ‘eight’ and breathe in Count ‘seven’ and breathe out …and so on… Start again when you get to zero and keep going until you fall asleep. Every time you get distracted, start again back at ten.

Categorized as ask-random

Why are you a failure ?

Addicted to alcokol , weed , crack cocaine , and gambling, cant quit ..cant hold a job down for very long .

Categorized as ask-random

Redditors, do you prefer to live in an apartment or your own house? Why?

Want to preface this by saying I’m young, no kids, and not married. An apartment. It breaks, it’s on the landlord, no taxes on it, no bullshit liabilities, it’s cheaper, and I’m not tethered by the domicile if I want to leave or have to move. I’m sure I’ll change my tune as I settle… Continue reading Redditors, do you prefer to live in an apartment or your own house? Why?

Categorized as ask-random

Do you have an OnlyFans, What is it?

Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. It doesn’t appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one.

Categorized as ask-random

rip hagrid

otherwise known as robbie coltrane you will be missed… great actor I still remember the way he gave the line, ” you’re a wizard, harry!”. the best

Huge needs remain in Yemen as fragile peace extends beyond truce: UN deputy relief chief

Some 23.4 million people in Yemen – more than two-thirds of the entire population – need humanitarian aid, said the deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator, wrapping up a nine day fact finding mission, with 17 million people being food insecure. Malnutrition rates among women and children are among the highest in the world, with 1.3 million… Continue reading Huge needs remain in Yemen as fragile peace extends beyond truce: UN deputy relief chief

Categorized as mieast

Women who were once financially struggling, how did you get out of it?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Women who were once financially struggling, how did you get out of it?

Categorized as WomenTopic

How do you like your eggs?

Over easy, or sunny side up. In the latter, you can crack an egg over short-grain rice after the rice cooker is done, and it’ll cook to perfection (depending on how long you leave the lid on).

Categorized as ask-random

What’s the least interesting movie or TV show title you can come up with?

I feel like there’s really no such thing as an uninteresting title, because a work of media that is really subversive and satirical might choose a boring-sounding title on purpose. For instance, a documentary titled “Normal Life” might actually be about lifestyles that are normal to the people who practice them but bizarre to those… Continue reading What’s the least interesting movie or TV show title you can come up with?

Categorized as ask-random

Apple VR/MR headset design

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

What are Some Advanced Photo Storage and Categorization Techniques?

Posting to r/photography might be a good idea as well. In terms of online storage, I use One Drive. I’ve used Google One and Flickr before. You’re welcome to stick to iCloud. Off the bat, UI is probably the most important thing and finding one that works for you is key. Format wise, I’ve done… Continue reading What are Some Advanced Photo Storage and Categorization Techniques?

Categorized as Apple

Period ass pains

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Period ass pains

Categorized as WomenTopic

How do you approach a woman in a romantic way?

Drive up to her in a limo, be Italian and get out with a rose in your mouth. Offer her a glass of champagne but woops, it’s actually a glass full of gold. Then have Jacque drive you both to the beach to watch the sunrise while a string quartet plays baroque melodies.

Categorized as ask-random

What was the best “you have no power here” moment you have ever seen?

There are many examples of it in US foreign policy. It was said to Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden and it is now being said to Russia. The veracity of that claim must always be enforced, though. In games where will to power are tested it can go all the way to serious blows. None… Continue reading What was the best “you have no power here” moment you have ever seen?

Categorized as ask-random

What names are ruined when said in certain accents?

Ive just heard someone shouting Byron in a strong Brummie (English Midlands area) accent and it sounded wrong.Also a Bristolian (English Southwest) called her daughter Scarlett’s, which just sounds weird in that accent.

Categorized as ask-random

What is something insecure people need to hear?

Nobody is actually paying attention to whatever you’re insecure about in public except people who are twice as insecure as you are. Accepting it is much easier said than done, though. Just think about how often you actually have passing negative thoughts about random people in public.

Categorized as ask-random

If you could become a main character in any book, what would it be and why?

If it was a fictional book the setting would be some weird delusional underground world where everybody is a smuggler and trade just the most untradeable (?) things you can imagine. And the community has its own hierarchy in which my character would play some major role initially. And things go with the flow from… Continue reading If you could become a main character in any book, what would it be and why?

Categorized as ask-random

People with ADHD, what challenges you face on a daily basis with ADHD and how do you deal with it?

Sometimes my brain kind of just “clogs up” and it’s hard for me to process things. I solve this by allowing myself to take breaks, or specifically to experience a change of scenery (this could mean going for a walk or moving to another room). To combat my compulsion to endlessly fidget, which can often… Continue reading People with ADHD, what challenges you face on a daily basis with ADHD and how do you deal with it?

Categorized as ask-random

What do you do on your sunday’s day off?

Gym in the morning, family activities with my daughter and wife in the afternoon. We usually let our daughter decide.what she wants to do, tthings from puzzles to skating or just colouring.

Categorized as ask-random

TW: Sexual Assault/ Luckiest Girl Alive

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading TW: Sexual Assault/ Luckiest Girl Alive

Categorized as WomenTopic

What’s a quote that has helped you and inspired you in life?

Trolling does not say anything about the person you are trolling, but it is saying a lot on what kind of a person are you. It exposes you, your personality and your life. How you are raised, what are your values, thoughts, believes and where are you in life.

Categorized as ask-random

People of reddit, what would people at your funeral say if you died tomorrow?

Probably be pretty sad. A lot of “he cared and was there for me” and “had so much promise”, but also an undertone of “what did he really accomplish?” I do truly believe though that the people that know me best would know that I was really happy with the life I had. That the… Continue reading People of reddit, what would people at your funeral say if you died tomorrow?

Categorized as ask-random

Where are you all buying underwear from nowadays?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Where are you all buying underwear from nowadays?

Categorized as WomenTopic

Story time: my first time

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Story time: my first time

Categorized as WomenTopic

People of Reddit, What is the most heart stopping-flatline moment you have witnessed?

my grandfather in law…He asked for me by name before he passed. none of his children or grandchildren…He called me to him, hugged me, told me to watch over my wife and take care of the family. Then he smiled and told everyone “It’s my time,” then he took one last breath and passed. the… Continue reading People of Reddit, What is the most heart stopping-flatline moment you have witnessed?

Categorized as ask-random

What would you say is the line between funny and offensive when it comes to a joke?

Punching up vs. punching down. Is the punch line a stereotype? It’s not funny; it’s reinforcing harmful tripes. Is the punchline highlighting hypocrisy in society or politics? Great. It’s transgressive social commentary. Not every person can make every joke because not every person has the experience and nuanced view of particular social groups. White people… Continue reading What would you say is the line between funny and offensive when it comes to a joke?

Categorized as ask-random

A new, financially independent life for former child brides in Mozambique

16 October 2022Women In Mozambique, more than 20 per cent of girls aged between 13 and 17 have been married or live with someone as if they were married. Women’s support groups are putting thousands of them on the road to financial independence, making them less vulnerable to gender-based violence. Teresa Gala is a 44-year-old… Continue reading A new, financially independent life for former child brides in Mozambique

Categorized as Women

Women of reddit if u met a man on a dating app and found out he don’t got a car do u find him less attractive?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Women of reddit if u met a man on a dating app and found out he don’t got a car do u find him less attractive?

Categorized as WomenTopic

best friend mad at me

I live in a different state as my best friend and every time i post something with someone. she gets jealous, i told her i would never replace her with anyone else and she will always be my best friend. lately she has been giving me bad advice with my relationship, not answering my ft… Continue reading best friend mad at me

Categorized as WomenTopic

What do you hate a lot about the current generation?

Everybody is zombied. No one is paying attention to basic things like stop signs, red lights, pedestrians in crosswalks or other traffic on the road. It’s like everybody all of a sudden got blinders on their faces and are oblivious to what’s going on around them.

Categorized as ask-random

Unnecessarily rough?

Are certain sports unnecessarily rough? Which ones are they? Would you change them to make them more safe for the players or keep them as they are?

Categorized as Sports

Who is the best Batman?

Who is the best Batman? Lewis Wilson Robert Lowery Adam West Michael Keaton Val Kilmer George Clooney Kevin Conroy Christian Bale Ben Affleck Robert Pattinson …. or someone I didn’t mention?

Popcorn at the movies

Do you always buy popcorn when you go see a movie in the cinema? Do you think movie theater popcorn is better than what you have at home?

Relationship between poetry and music

Is there a relationship between poetry and music? Since medieval times, people have been manipulating poetry to make music. Are songs really poems?

Categorized as Music

Games you suck at?

Are there any games you’re really bad at? Do you keep playing them or did you just give up on them?

Categorized as Games

What did you realise way too late?

After graduating from college, I realized that there was a student pass for the bus that was much cheaper than regular fare. I had used the bus to come and go each day.

Categorized as ask-random

What is the one thing that girls never say to guys directly?

“Yeah I’m sorry like I may have to. maybe give you up” “I’m sorry but it might not that I might ever have to let you own” It’s really sorry that I have to apologize this to you Never gonna say apology, never gonna hurt your prize, turn around and desert you

Categorized as ask-random

Give your kids expensive things?

Some parents want their children to have the best of everything. As a parent, would you try to give your children high quality or expensive things?

Categorized as Life

What makes something a work of art?

What makes something a work of art? Is art defined by particular boundaries? If so, what are they and how have they changed over the course of history?

Categorized as Photos Art

100% Carnivore?

Most humans are omnivores. That is, they eat both animal meat and plants. Have you heard about people who eat only meat (carnivores)? Is this possible?

Categorized as Food

Men of Reddit if you could complain about only ONE thing about being a man, what would it be?

Yeah, I’d like a dimmer switch for sex drive — so you could turn it down when you wanted to concentrate, or talk to an attractive woman without thinking about your chances with her every ten seconds. You could treat them like human beings; harder otherwise, always my problem. They might even like you enough… Continue reading Men of Reddit if you could complain about only ONE thing about being a man, what would it be?

Categorized as ask-random

How common is it to marry the wrong person first, and then get it right with your second marriage? Are previously divorced people who still want children rare?

My partner has been married and divorced twice. He has two kids from his last marriage, he was happy to have another with me (or not, he said he wasnt opposed to it but it wasnt a dealbreaker for her if i didnt want to or couldnt, i really did want a kid though). We’ve… Continue reading How common is it to marry the wrong person first, and then get it right with your second marriage? Are previously divorced people who still want children rare?

Categorized as ask-random

Return of Airport

I know I can’t be the only one who would love to see Apple revisit the Airport router product line — especially in this day and age where homes in the U.S. are adopting fiber optics so rapidly. They can utilize the Apple magic to enable super easy device set up and organization, along with… Continue reading Return of Airport

Categorized as Apple

How does one find their purpose?

It’s not like it’s somewhere lying in wait. Life and the meaning/fulfillment is what you make of it, not your dad, not your mom, not society. It’s you who will have to live with your decisions

Categorized as ask-random

Men of Reddit, is it a red flag when you date a woman whose dog is really poorly trained ? Why or Why not ?

Some examples of Poorly trained: She cannot call and get the dog to come at all… She can’t get the dog to stop barking. She always explains away the dog biting like ” Well, she nips its not really a bite….she was just startled” Same as above with the dog being aggressive, growling, hostile stance,… Continue reading Men of Reddit, is it a red flag when you date a woman whose dog is really poorly trained ? Why or Why not ?

Categorized as ask-random

The Dynamic Island… Island Wallpaper

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

Now that it’s out, does the Pixel Watch make you want a round Apple Watch more or less?

Comparison image (Source: ZONEofTECH on YT) We’ve had eight iterations of the rectangular Apple Watch and lots of opinions on whether or not Apple should release a round option. Well, seems like Google’s entire design ethos for the Pixel Watch was “Apple Watch, but round.” So I’m curious—now that we’ve seen the Pixel Watch and… Continue reading Now that it’s out, does the Pixel Watch make you want a round Apple Watch more or less?

Categorized as Apple

Have y’all ever tried Prime? If so, what did it taste like?

I tried the tropical punch, it was nice. It doesn’t have that typical syrupy taste a lot of other sport/hydration drinks do. Tasted good, personally don’t think it’s worth what people are reselling it for. I’d definitely buy it again, but it don’t think it’s worth the crazy lengths people are going to to get… Continue reading Have y’all ever tried Prime? If so, what did it taste like?

Categorized as ask-random

Are you a breakfast person?

So I’m not personally in to breakfast food unless of something like custard counts I usually have a coffee What does everyone eat when they wake up

Categorized as Food

Ethiopia: UN chief ‘gravely concerned’ by escalation in fighting across Tigray

The latest surge in violence began in August, after a fragile five-month humanitarian truce, which has halted aid deliveries into the northern Ethiopian region, where around five million civilians are in need of aid. Aid distribution continues to be hampered by a lack of fuel, and a communications shutdown across Tigray, while Tigrayan commanders have… Continue reading Ethiopia: UN chief ‘gravely concerned’ by escalation in fighting across Tigray

Women will say they’re entering their ‘villain era’ but it’s just being determined not to lose confidence when they’re overlooked in favour of male peers.

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Women will say they’re entering their ‘villain era’ but it’s just being determined not to lose confidence when they’re overlooked in favour of male peers.

Categorized as WomenTopic

How do you cope with frustrations from how others described you when you didn’t do anything wrong to them?

I will answer your question with a quote. I have struggled my whole life with these type of feelings. While as I’ve gotten older I’ve been able to deal with it better, this quote, to me, summarizes the mindset you have to have: “Guys have underestimated me my entire life and for years I never… Continue reading How do you cope with frustrations from how others described you when you didn’t do anything wrong to them?

Categorized as ask-random

Reddit, what’s the most overrated fast food restaurant?

But that is why I go there. Hung over, too lazy to cook anything, need something to put in my mouth. Maccie Dees! I also know of someone with IBS, and McD burgers help calm things down. Dunnoh why, but I guess something so processed for human consumption is possibly why.

Categorized as ask-random

Why aren’t humans able to admit that we are destroying the ecosystem?

Because many people will believe anything you tell them, and they’re being told that they aren’t destroying the ecosystem by a bunch of people who are lying to them. You can literally make someone believe anything if you’re a charismatic enough liar and prey on the human tendency toward denial. The people who join cults… Continue reading Why aren’t humans able to admit that we are destroying the ecosystem?

Categorized as ask-random

Apple’s Way to Mixed Reality

The Quest Pro example wasn’t anything impressive because it’s just a multi-monitor setup. Nothing more. Apple has developed Universal Control and Stage Manager and has the potential to do much more. Without being restricted to virtual screens. Real spacial computing with your app windows wherever you need and want them all around you.

Categorized as Apple

Favourite Chocolate Bars?

Mine has to be the green tea “Kit-Kat” and white chocolate “Toblerone” as well as “Almond Joy”. And you personally? What are your favourite chocolate bars for you personally?

Categorized as Food

Dwight vs Jim, who was better and why?

Neither. IMHO, that show was so overrated. Forced awkwardness, transparent storylines, and exaggerated character personalities made it unwatchable for me.

Categorized as ask-random

Was thinking about if a prey ever switched it up and became the predator of what it used to he hunted by, what is the craziest food chain changes that have ever happened?

There are plenty of cases of prey animals killing perusing predators, like zebras killing lions by kicking them or moose killing bears. But I’m not sure an animal has ever evolved to become the more dominant predator. Doesnt really make sense when you consider the niches of the animal kingdom. when an animal finds a… Continue reading Was thinking about if a prey ever switched it up and became the predator of what it used to he hunted by, what is the craziest food chain changes that have ever happened?

Categorized as ask-random

what’s the best way to deal with loneliness?

If you’re a woman, Get on social media and people will reach out to you. If you’re a man, Visit local bars or get involved with clubs / hobbies etc. Strike up conversations with other guys, wiggle your way into their friendship circles etc.

Categorized as ask-random

Hetero man of reddit, how often do you pretend to be freddy mercury?

How many of us are there again…? Someone remind me. The closest I have came to pretending to be Freddy Mercury was when my two drunken ex-roommates got on the mic during an interlude to karaoke “Bohemian Rhapsody” to come on stage with them. “C’mon, we need you!” Gods damn right. They sucked, even when… Continue reading Hetero man of reddit, how often do you pretend to be freddy mercury?

Categorized as ask-random

What’s a video that will never not make you laugh?

The one where that Aussie guy is getting dragged out of a restaurant and he accuses the one of the cops of grabbing him on the penis, he says something about one of the cops waiting to receive his limp penis lol He’s also ranting about a succulent Chinese meal or something.

Categorized as ask-random

People who watch anime, what is an anime you’d recomnend to someone who is just starting to get into it?

FMA:B is the one I always start friends in when they ask for anime recs. Then I usually push them into Death Note or Parasyte, then something cute and funny like Devil is a Part Timer. Then once I have them trapped and they fully trust me, I throw them into Your Lie In April,… Continue reading People who watch anime, what is an anime you’d recomnend to someone who is just starting to get into it?

Categorized as ask-random

How would you explain the difference between left wing and right wing to people with different political systems?

I assume you mean the left and right in the US? That’s simple: So, in the US their left wing is our right wing and their right wing are the xenophobes all normal people hate and the illegal parties – yes, those that are unconstitutional and use religion to justify their policies – you know,… Continue reading How would you explain the difference between left wing and right wing to people with different political systems?

Categorized as ask-random

Have you ever confessed to your male/female bestie? How did things end up?

Yes, I have. I think it’s important to be honest with your friends, and if you really care about them, you’ll want to be upfront about your feelings. Plus, it can be really awkward if you’re not honest and one of you eventually ends up confessing their love for the other. I was really scared… Continue reading Have you ever confessed to your male/female bestie? How did things end up?

Categorized as ask-random

What is a field/area that you can see is heading for something revolutionary?

I’m an automation consultant and workplace automation is something that is going to take off once someone allows for more customisation or having a platform that still requires an expert to sort it but is more about configuring it than programming. I work primarily in streamlining workflows to make workers happier and more productive, but… Continue reading What is a field/area that you can see is heading for something revolutionary?

Categorized as ask-random

Decades or centuries from now, what will the current era in world history be called?

I see it as one of two things. The age of the internet – If the internet doesn’t continue. If something makes it unsustainable or societal collapse just leads to the loss of the infrastructure necessary for it (not an insane possibility considering how much we’ve lost with collapsing civilizations in the past) BNH –… Continue reading Decades or centuries from now, what will the current era in world history be called?

Categorized as ask-random

Adapt and survive: 5 ways to help countries cope with the climate crisis

All nations need to make major cuts to fossil fuel emissions and transition to a low-carbon economy, if we are to have any chance of achieving the aim of reducing global temperatures to 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels. This continues to be the message from the UN but, with so many countries suffering as a… Continue reading Adapt and survive: 5 ways to help countries cope with the climate crisis

What racism do you experience?

Everyone overworked me and forced me in multiple performances, interviews, videos, articles, and pictures, to use me for black excellence inspiration porn. A lot of the adults involved were also black 🙄🙄🙄. I never had any person in my life who didn’t want to use me that way. The only actual friends I had passed… Continue reading What racism do you experience?

Categorized as ask-random

Trauma dump as much as you please here. What are something’s that happened in your past that you cannot let go of?

This girl just fucking broke my heart. I genuinely thought she was different, she was the first girl that I genuinely liked. I’ve been with plenty of other girls but I felt nothing other than pure sexually attraction. Legitimately thought I could’ve been aromatic. But then I met her, we clicked off the bat, it… Continue reading Trauma dump as much as you please here. What are something’s that happened in your past that you cannot let go of?

Categorized as ask-random

When is it beneficial to “settle” in a romantic relationship?

It’s beneficial to settle down with someone if you can picture yourselves having a future together and are willing to make a long-term commitment. You should never settle for anyone. If you think you could do better, then you should. Don’t stay in a relationship with someone if you feel like you have to settle… Continue reading When is it beneficial to “settle” in a romantic relationship?

Categorized as ask-random

What is the scariest nightmare you’ve ever had?

TW: abuse, sexual assault, incest The one where my brother (a very sweet guy; we have a great relationship) was beating me up and then r*ped me in the bathroom. To this day I don’t know what that shit was all about, but I remember being terrified in the moment.

Categorized as ask-random

How do you think a GOOD metaverse, one not run by Zuckerberg or corporate interests, could be used to actually help humanity?

I think “VR realities” have massive potential to be good for humanity as the technology gets closer to the Matrix. For example: I bet it could be almost a form of therapy for transgender people to be able to immerse themselves in a virtual reality where they are free to be the gender they identify… Continue reading How do you think a GOOD metaverse, one not run by Zuckerberg or corporate interests, could be used to actually help humanity?

Categorized as ask-random

Purchased Movie Content Changing

I have occasionally noticed changes to films I have purchased digitally through Apple. For example, a long time ago I purchased the extended edition of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Sometimes there are new scenes that were not there the previous times I have watched it. I am not sure if some scenes… Continue reading Purchased Movie Content Changing

Categorized as Apple

How do you perceive time?

I don’t. I perceive one moment, ‘now’, and my brain fills in the past through the state of my mind/body and memories. (yes, i know this is called ‘time’ and that i just described my perception of it. i’m being edgy, dawg)

Categorized as ask-random

What are useful skills to have?

Programming/coding is towards the top of the list. It’s becoming an increasingly-valuable skill as the world gets more tech-based. Foreign language-speaking is another. The more people you can talk to, the better.

Categorized as ask-random

James Bond, anyone?

I love them personally. My favourite James Bond actor is Sean Connery and my favourite film is “Casino Royale”. How about you? Do you enjoy it or not? If yes, what are your favourite James Bond films and actors personally for you personally?

Statement: Rural women confronting the global cost-of-living crisis

The cost-of-living crisis facing the world is putting women’s livelihoods, health and wellbeing at risk and jeopardizing progress on the Sustainable Development Goals. Propelled by disruptions in supplies of oil, gas and staple food commodities linked to the war in Ukraine and the intensifying climate emergency, food, fuel and fertilizer prices have skyrocketed. Women and… Continue reading Statement: Rural women confronting the global cost-of-living crisis

Categorized as Women

Does anyone else feel like they need to be admired to feel fulfilled?

Forgive me if this sounds shallow but I’ve recently been coming to the realization that being admired is what makes me feel the most fulfilled in life and that without it I feel useless and bored. For instance, I work in the film industry and my job is extremely tiring and the hours are long… Continue reading Does anyone else feel like they need to be admired to feel fulfilled?

Categorized as WomenTopic

I’m afraid men will never understand me fully

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading I’m afraid men will never understand me fully

Categorized as WomenTopic

What breed of dog is Scooby Doo?

He’s a Great Dane, which I always thought was weird because I have never seen a brown Great Dane, much less one with big black spots.

Categorized as ask-random

What post gets spammed way too much?

I probably see a post involving “what do you not understand about the opposite gender” every day, and usually multiple times. It makes sense that it is a topic of discussion but is probably asked a bit too much my karma farmers.

Categorized as ask-random

Exercise and Nutrition?

If you workout or exercise regularly, you can eat whatever you want without ever going on a diet, but everything in moderation. I eat whatever I want, but I workout daily on my stationary bike at home and when the weather permits, I take a walk outside, do breathing exercises and yoga and meditation outside… Continue reading Exercise and Nutrition?

Categorized as Food

‘Catastrophic’ hunger recorded in Haiti recorded for first time, UN warns

Hunger has reached a catastrophic level – the highest level 5, on the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification index, or IPC) – in the capital’s Cité Soleil neighbourhood. According to the latest IPC analysis, a record 4.7 million people are currently facing acute hunger (IPC 3 and above), including 1.8 million people in Emergency phase (IPC 4)… Continue reading ‘Catastrophic’ hunger recorded in Haiti recorded for first time, UN warns

What’s a job that’s doesn’t pay as high as everyone thinks?

Personal Support Worker. People equate it to being a nurse or a doctor – It’s not, you do all the work a nurse or a doctor would do and often more – Taking care of people with dementia, alzheimer’s, people who are very old and infirm. You’ll be cleaning them when they soil themselves, you’ll… Continue reading What’s a job that’s doesn’t pay as high as everyone thinks?

Categorized as ask-random

Climate-smart agricultural practices deliver life-changing benefits for women farmers in Tanzania

Mariam Ntungu, a woman farmer from Singida’s Ikungi district in central Tanzania, spent decades cultivating the small piece of land behind her home and had resigned herself to yielding only enough to sustain her family.“If we got lucky, we had a little extra to sell and give our children some meat or eggs that week,… Continue reading Climate-smart agricultural practices deliver life-changing benefits for women farmers in Tanzania

Categorized as Women

Three challenges for rural women amid a cost-of-living crisis

71 million people in the developing world have fallen into poverty in just three months as a direct consequence of global food and energy price surges. The impact on poverty rates is drastically faster than the shock of the COVID-19 pandemic. The current cost-of-living crisis is expected to hit women the hardest, with persistent pay… Continue reading Three challenges for rural women amid a cost-of-living crisis

Categorized as Women

Ladies, should I be concerned?

I have recently lost my virginity as a young lady and am constantly worrying if the things I am experiencing are normal or not. During intercourse, is it suppose to hurt for a virgin? It felt very uncomfortable but the pain was weirdly nice. Answers are much appreciated. Should my clit be swollen? My clit… Continue reading Ladies, should I be concerned?

Categorized as WomenTopic

What are your firday night plans?

Probably get a veggies plate, watch our shows and then if we dont pass out at midnight watch some horror movies. We use to get beer but unfortunately me husband can’t drink anymore. So it just going to be a quiet night.

Categorized as ask-random

Cholera Threat ‘Close To A Death Sentence’ For Children With Severe Acute Malnutrition In Haiti As Food Insecurity Worsens

NEW YORK (October 14, 2022) – Nearly 100,000 children under the age of five who are already suffering from severe acute malnutrition -also known as severe wasting – are especially vulnerable to the ongoing cholera outbreak affecting Haiti, UNICEF has warned. At a time when much of the country is facing growing food insecurity, acutely malnourished… Continue reading Cholera Threat ‘Close To A Death Sentence’ For Children With Severe Acute Malnutrition In Haiti As Food Insecurity Worsens

Categorized as unicef

Can a rich person ruin a normal persons life, if yes how so?

Lots of rich people are excellent at this. First they screw you over, then when you try to “fix it” they just fight it in court. They tie it up for months/years with lawyers on retainer, and you go broke or give up because you can’t afford the time and lawyers fees.

Categorized as ask-random

Granite Sealer not working- Lets say a person bought a new home and it has granite counter tops. Person has used two different (not cheap) granite sealers and can’t get it so the granite doesn’t get a dark spot when something wet gets on it. Can anyone give advice on this issue?

Commenting because I am interested in the answer. I have the opposite problem. New home with Granite kitchen counters and I left a drain cleaner container on the counter, it somehow got wet and, well, I chemically whitened my dark counter tops. To get rid or a dark spot you could try making a paste… Continue reading Granite Sealer not working- Lets say a person bought a new home and it has granite counter tops. Person has used two different (not cheap) granite sealers and can’t get it so the granite doesn’t get a dark spot when something wet gets on it. Can anyone give advice on this issue?

Categorized as ask-random

what’s the worst type of neighbour you could have ?

One that doesnt mind their own business Current neighbors are great. We party loud they say nothing. We dont call the cops when they sell drugs. We do what we do over here yall do what you do over there. Not my business

Categorized as ask-random

What to do when you can’t sleep?

Close reddit. Stop doomscrolling. Find a meditation app if you need something but generally speaking, there’s a bunch of stuff you can do to improve your sleep in general that has to do with food/nutrition, cut out caffeine, enough exercise during the day, address sleep apnea, etc.

Categorized as ask-random

What’s a hobby or area of interest that you find fascinating but that most people ignore?

A writing system, technically referred to as a script or an orthography, consists of a set of visible marks, forms, or structures called characters or graphs that are related to some structure in the linguistic system. How languages are written. How there are so many different ways. From hieroglyfs to computer code, we really have… Continue reading What’s a hobby or area of interest that you find fascinating but that most people ignore?

Categorized as ask-random

How successful are you people in making friends on reddit?

To be honest it’s harder than most other places for what I can tell. Sure I can make people laugh, but reddit tends to attract the worst of most groups, and I’m the sort of person that those sort of people have an aversion towards.

Categorized as ask-random

What are your thoughts on déjà-vu?

All the times you’ve considered traveling back in time, your memory and knowledge don’t travel with you but the feeling you’ve done this before means you’ve time traveled to that particular time for some reason I actually don’t know I’m just really high

Categorized as ask-random

What can Americans, or any other country do for that matter, to support women in Iran in their fight against restrictive dress code laws?

Inconvenience the Iranian government in any way possible, from random hacking attacks to full-on sanctions, although the very governments that frequently trade with Iran and keep their economy afloat don’t give a fuck about human rights themselves, so they couldn’t give a toss about womens’ struggles. Other than that, sweet fuck all. Odds are we… Continue reading What can Americans, or any other country do for that matter, to support women in Iran in their fight against restrictive dress code laws?

Categorized as ask-random

What are simple things you follow on daily basis which makes big difference in looks?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading What are simple things you follow on daily basis which makes big difference in looks?

Categorized as WomenTopic

Whats the deal with all postoffices, shipping companies?

Companies such as fedex was started because all the existing sucked, and today almost all of them suck, terrible customer service, expensive rates, lost packages, even the goverment run post offices are terrible. What happend? Can it be fixed?

Categorized as ask-random

If someone murders someone and they are under the influence of a substance that caused them to black out and they were unaware of there actions what will happen to them with sentencing?

They could still be tried for manslaughter, which is homicide without maliciousness, usually do to negligence. For example, a babysitter could be tried for manslaughter if the toddler they were babysitting got ahold of a plastic bag and suffocated to death. In both instances of consuming the substance and leaving plastic bags out within reach… Continue reading If someone murders someone and they are under the influence of a substance that caused them to black out and they were unaware of there actions what will happen to them with sentencing?

Categorized as ask-random

9/11 – Where Were You?

In honor of the tragedy that took place on September 11th, 2001, tell us where you were when you heard about what happened.

Categorized as Life

lazy partner

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading lazy partner

Categorized as WomenTopic

What happens in Ohio?

Lots of domestic and sports-related violence. Consumption of cheap beer and whiskey. Regular family cookouts because there’s nothing else to do, and crop-based festivals for the same reason. The entire state is a republican circlejerk, and you can buy Trump flags and liberal-hate T-shirts/bumper stickers at any of the fairs or aforementioned festivals.

Categorized as ask-random

What Was Your Fondest Memory Of High School?

Had a friend I was close too, pretty much I probably was more or less her settlement guy. You know the usual no boyfriend yet Ight I’ll hangout with this guy, still we had great times and we still hangout now just she has an official boyfriend now. Good dude ngl.

Categorized as ask-random

Apple AirPower Prototype – Now Working!

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

Cholera, Gang Violence Increase Risks for Children in Haiti

A resurgence of cholera in Haiti —after three years without a single reported case — is threatening the health and well-being of 1.2 million children in and around Port-au-Prince, UNICEF warned as it joined other UN agencies in support of an emergency response. Containing the outbreak is complicated by a surge in gang violence and… Continue reading Cholera, Gang Violence Increase Risks for Children in Haiti

Categorized as unicef

Haiti: ‘Bearers of hope’, saving newborn lives, amid growing turmoil

But amid the violence and volatility, staffers from the UN sexual and reproductive health agency, UNFPA, are doing their utmost to protect girls from unintended pregnancy and saving the lives of women trying to give birth in the most difficult circumstances. A gang-led blockade at the country’s principal fuel terminal in the capital Port au… Continue reading Haiti: ‘Bearers of hope’, saving newborn lives, amid growing turmoil

Categorized as Women

World Food Day: Another year of global record hunger looms amid food and climate crisis

In a call for urgent action to address the root causes of rising hunger, ahead of World Food Day, the agency said the current crisis was down to a “confluence of competing crises”, caused by climate shocks, conflict and economic instability. The number of hungry people around the world has shot up from 282 million… Continue reading World Food Day: Another year of global record hunger looms amid food and climate crisis

You’ve been gifted the body of an athlete and the talent, What sport and team would be at the top of your list?

I assume you mean I become athletically built and talented, not that Von Miller’s body is dropped off on my doorstep free and clear? When I was athletically built and talented, it was in a specific track and field event I’ll not specify. I really enjoyed that, and would love to go back to it,… Continue reading You’ve been gifted the body of an athlete and the talent, What sport and team would be at the top of your list?

Categorized as ask-random

Unionized workers at Apple in Towson are preparing for bargaining amid reports of unequal treatment

I mean unless your union agreement has a “me too” clause (they’re a thing in union bargaining, usually it’s government unions that trigger if a separate union/bargaining unit gets a better raise or something), then you are only entitled to exactly what’s in your union negotiated contract. That’s how union contracts work. And while a… Continue reading Unionized workers at Apple in Towson are preparing for bargaining amid reports of unequal treatment

Categorized as Apple

“A daughter is someone you laugh with, dream with, and love with all your heart.”

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading “A daughter is someone you laugh with, dream with, and love with all your heart.”

Categorized as WomenTopic

What are some tips for college students you’d like to share?

Spaced reposition and forced recall are the most effective ways to study. Spaced reputations means that you increase the amount of time between study sessions for material that you have shown to yourself to know well. Making yourself recall from pure memory the knowledge will really test if you know it or not, and is… Continue reading What are some tips for college students you’d like to share?

Categorized as ask-random

Yemen: End of nationwide truce heralds ‘heightened risk of war’, Security Council hears

He told ambassadors that since the truce began, six and a half months ago, it had started to alleviate the suffering of Yemenis, after more than seven years of civil war, and offered “a truly historic opportunity” to work towards a lasting settlement. But the period of relative peace between internationally recognized Government forces and… Continue reading Yemen: End of nationwide truce heralds ‘heightened risk of war’, Security Council hears

What is the worst movie you have ever seen?

Son of the mask is considered by many, including myself, to be the absolute worst movie ever ever made. It isn’t funny, makes no sense, is incredibly stupid, just has no redeeming features at all.

Categorized as ask-random

Get thrown up on?

Has someone ever thrown up on you? It happened to me. Girlfriend was drunk. She threw up all over me while we were in bed. Thank goodness it was at a motel lol

Categorized as Life

John Wick 4 is cooking

I have always enjoyed all John Wick’s movies from Part 1 to 3. The 4th release of the movie is set to be released on 24th March 2023. I can’t wait to see if he’s the man that can kill everyone. I’m most likely seeing it in the cinema once it’s out.

Your favourite Spreads?

I personally really have a fondness for : peanut butter, almond spread, Pista’s hazelnut spread and humus spread for my French toasts and bagels for breakfast in the morning. How about you? What are your favourite spreads personally in your view?

Categorized as Food

What products you wish existed to make your life better?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading What products you wish existed to make your life better?

Categorized as WomenTopic

Where to find khaki pants for school?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Where to find khaki pants for school?

Categorized as WomenTopic

I don’t wear makeup that is not mascara that often. Cleaning my makeup sponge for the first time.

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading I don’t wear makeup that is not mascara that often. Cleaning my makeup sponge for the first time.

Categorized as WomenTopic

What is a philosophical and thought provoking book?

I’m not sure if there’s one specific book that comes to mind, but some great philosophical reads include things like Plato’s Republic, Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, and Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason. These books explore timeless questions about the nature of justice, the good life, morality, and the limits of human knowledge. They’re dense reads, but… Continue reading What is a philosophical and thought provoking book?

Categorized as ask-random

Non-Americans. What is the most American thing you’ve ever seen?

Not a great answer, but I work in a supermarket, and any time an American asks me where something is, I’m struck by a sense of “this person is serious, this person is more legit somehow”, I always react differently to Americans than I do to fellow Australians for some reason.

Categorized as ask-random

Disaster risk reduction: Only half the world equipped with adequate early warning systems

Coinciding with the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction , the numbers in the report are even worse for developing countries on the front lines of climate change, the report states. Less than half of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and only one-third of Small Island Developing States (SIDS), have a multi-hazard early warning system.… Continue reading Disaster risk reduction: Only half the world equipped with adequate early warning systems

New expectations of progress towards final end of Colombia conflict, Security Council hears

12 October 2022Peace and Security The head of the UN Verification Mission in Colombia told the Security Council on Wednesday that with the recent election of President Gustavo Petro, expectations were running high for progress towards the full and final implementation of a lasting peace deal, after decades of civil conflict. UN Special Representative and… Continue reading New expectations of progress towards final end of Colombia conflict, Security Council hears

Press release: Inter-generational collective of African women leaders champion young women’s role in global HIV response

Press release: Inter-generational collective of African women leaders champion young women’s role in global HIV response His Excellency Kassim Majaliwa Majaliwa, Prime Minister of the United Republic of Tanzania, delivered the keynote address. Participants joined in-person and online from 15 African countries where girls and young women experience disproportionately high rates of new HIV infections.… Continue reading Press release: Inter-generational collective of African women leaders champion young women’s role in global HIV response

Categorized as Women

Heavy Bleeding during ovulation

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Heavy Bleeding during ovulation

Categorized as WomenTopic

Apple Should’ve Used This Song

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

I’ve been feeling like I might be a girl and I’m afraid of what other women think of me. I feel ashamed for having these thoughts. Any advice. I wish I had friends.

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading I’ve been feeling like I might be a girl and I’m afraid of what other women think of me. I feel ashamed for having these thoughts. Any advice. I wish I had friends.

Categorized as WomenTopic

Bra alternatives

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Bra alternatives

Categorized as WomenTopic

Advice For “How to Manage Stress?”

Meditation. Just lose your eyes and take deep breaths. Remove whatever is stressing you from your mind. Listening to relaxing music will help this too. And if you live somewhere where weed is legal and you’re interested, have a joint before mediation. THC is a stress reliever.

Categorized as ask-random

what age gap is too wide??

The age gap for me is never an issue. Only an issue when: It’s illegal, someone is a minor. Or when I would be with someone who is older than my parents. One is wrong and one just feels wrong.

Categorized as ask-random

What trends do you never want to resurface ever again?

Parachute pants. On an aside, a trend that is still trending that I never wanted to surface is slouchy pants. I mean if you want to wear leg warmers and your underwear, have at it. But you aren’t wearing pants anymore.

Categorized as ask-random

Why y’all posting a video of a poor mofo blowing his head off on TikTok?

My question is, why are you all still using TikTok? We know without a doubt now that it’s a Chinese government psyop and mass data harvesting tool. Go check out Douyin, the domestic Chinese version, a few minutes of scrolling their content and you’ll start to get the picture of what the purpose of TikTok… Continue reading Why y’all posting a video of a poor mofo blowing his head off on TikTok?

Categorized as ask-random

Which question should anyone ask himself every day?

I agree with this, and I wanted to laugh. But wouldn’t that make you the clown, since clowns are supposed to be funny right? Nothing wrong with a little humor. Also, some clowns still have jobs, and are decent people. Good for those clowns.

Categorized as ask-random

What relaxing podcasts do you listen to when you can’t fall asleep?

There are many different types of podcasts that can be relaxing. Some people might enjoy listening to calming music, while others might prefer a podcast that is focused on relaxation techniques. There are also some podcasts that feature stories or interviews with people who have interesting and relaxing jobs, like working in a spa or… Continue reading What relaxing podcasts do you listen to when you can’t fall asleep?

Categorized as ask-random

Whats the best way to obtain pokemon cards?

There is no definite answer as to what the best way to obtain Pokemon cards is. However, some ways to get cards include purchasing them from a store, opening booster packs, or trading with other players.

Categorized as ask-random

What’s the best way to make friends on the internet if you’re a introvert?

Reddit’s one good way! Another is to play online multi-player games. Especially MMOs, from my understanding, though I don’t personally play those. There’s also an app called Clubhouse that’s basically reddit for voice/video chat. I tried it for a while. It wasn’t my speed, I don’t really like voice chat, but it’s an option!

Categorized as ask-random

How do you like your eggs?

Over easy, over medium, fried, scrambled, deviled, soft boiled, hard boiled, poached, and more…just depends on my mood.

Categorized as ask-random

Does anyone use an Apple Watch with cellular service to substitute their iPhone for daily use?

I’d like to curb my scrolling addiction by hiding away my phone and just using an Apple Watch for basic communication and navigation as I go about day to day activities. I’ll pull out my phone only when I really need it. Is this practical? Can anyone who does this describe their experience? I already… Continue reading Does anyone use an Apple Watch with cellular service to substitute their iPhone for daily use?

Categorized as Apple

Discussion !

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Discussion !

Categorized as WomenTopic

What’s your favorite book?

wow I haven’t thought of Hatchet in forever, My uncle gave me that one and Johnny Tremaine before I could even read, Hatchet was my favorite by far, I wore the binding out and needed another copy

Categorized as ask-random

I’m having thoughts that I might be a woman and feel ashamed and bad. What do you ladies think about this?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading I’m having thoughts that I might be a woman and feel ashamed and bad. What do you ladies think about this?

Categorized as WomenTopic

Why there has never been a democracy in Russia?

When a new power takes control of a country the power structure does not really change. There are centuries of governmental development that happens far down the pyramid from the leadership. CGP Grey’s video “Rules for Rulers” touches on this in a big way but keys to power are not necessarily people but organizations. Revenue… Continue reading Why there has never been a democracy in Russia?

Categorized as ask-random

What is the most useful field to study nowadays?

There are a lot of areas of utility. Useful for what? Money making is probably finance/econ/etc, the fields where you have your hands on money flowing and creation. Useful for creating stuff for a broad section of humanity? Maybe software engineering or bioengineering. Useful for directly helping individuals? Medicine.

Categorized as ask-random

Autism…what’s the best way to try to get a handle on it??

That’s a very vague question. Autism is a broad spectrum. Having Asperger’s, I manage just by taking things day by day. My social norms are different than yours, and it can sometimes be difficult when I’m put in situations with sensory overload. I just started therapy again to help with some of it.

Categorized as ask-random

I LOVE period pains

Honestly since being off the pill I have been having the WORST stomach aches and cramps but tbh I kinda love it. Something is so exhilarating and fun about these pains, it makes me so proud to be a woman and endure this horrible experience. I feel so powerful, I don’t even take meds because… Continue reading I LOVE period pains

Categorized as WomenTopic

When was the last time you were really happy?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading When was the last time you were really happy?

Categorized as WomenTopic

What propaganda does American media feed its citizens about the rest of the world that simply isn’t true?

Some Americans I have met are under the impression that every other country is tiny (which, for some odd reason, automatically means it’s bad for a lot of Americans) and not as advanced as the USA. They think the USA is the best country to live in. In reality, the USA is a pretty average… Continue reading What propaganda does American media feed its citizens about the rest of the world that simply isn’t true?

Categorized as ask-random

WHO supports Uganda Ebola response, faces challenges fighting Haiti cholera outbreak

So far, 39 people have died, he reported.  Overall, there have been 64 confirmed cases, and 20 probable cases, while 14 people have recovered from the disease.  Authorities are conducting active follow-up of more than 660 contacts. “Our primary focus now is to support the Government of Uganda to rapidly control and contain this outbreak,… Continue reading WHO supports Uganda Ebola response, faces challenges fighting Haiti cholera outbreak

Categorized as Africa

Ukraine: UN General Assembly demands Russia reverse course on ‘attempted illegal annexation’

12 October 2022Peace and Security The UN General Assembly passed a resolution by a large majority on Wednesday, calling on countries not to recognise the four regions of Ukraine which Russia has claimed, following so-called referendums held late last month, and demanding that Moscow reverse course on its “attempted illegal annexation”. The results were 143… Continue reading Ukraine: UN General Assembly demands Russia reverse course on ‘attempted illegal annexation’

Venezuelan refugees and migrants struggle to survive in Latin America and the Caribbean

Some 4.3 million face challenges accessing food, housing, and stable jobs, according to the Refugee and Migrant Needs Analysis (RMNA) analysis, conducted by the UN’s refugee agency, UNHCR, and its migration agency, IOM. They co-lead the Regional Inter-Agency Coordination Platform for Refugees and Migrants from Venezuela (R4V), and the report is based on collaboration with… Continue reading Venezuelan refugees and migrants struggle to survive in Latin America and the Caribbean

AirTags are allowed now?

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

What’s something you need to blow steam about?

If clients want us to fix something they should tell us what they want fixed, what they want us to add or give us examples to follow. Saying “I just don’t like it, change it” is an asshole move that makes us all waste time trying to guess wtf you want.

Categorized as ask-random

What things do you think are priced wrong? Why?

Microtransactions in basically all video games now. Why? A lot of reasons. The mobile industry boom being the largest offender. “Non-gamers” (Now just a new era of gamers) were introduced what quickly became the most profitable business models in the world for games, and since then we’ve been victim of the industry using behavioral psychology… Continue reading What things do you think are priced wrong? Why?

Categorized as ask-random

Why can we assassinate leaders like Saddam Hussein, Bin Laden, Gadhafi but not Putin?

Neither the murder of Saddam Hussein nor that of Ghaddafi was okay or legal. They were both blatant violations of international law. Unfortunately, the US is the kind of rogue country that simply doesn’t give a shit about international law and treaties. But here’s the thing with bullies: they can’t beat up anyone they want… Continue reading Why can we assassinate leaders like Saddam Hussein, Bin Laden, Gadhafi but not Putin?

Categorized as ask-random

How do you know if you’re blocked on Reddit?

I don’t think the blocking system gives explicit notifications to the blockee. But there isn’t much different from being ignored and being blocked anyway. EDIT: The other commenter is in fact already blocked by me. I don’t know why.

Categorized as ask-random

What do you think of people who are fans of Andrew Tate?

Worried, because there’s a generation of kids and young men on social media who are being exposed to con-men teaching them to be shitty people with false promises of wealth and women. It’s letting creepy rapists into kids rooms and homes to manipulate them, and parents often don’t know what’s happening.

Categorized as ask-random

What kind of things should a relatively new subscriber know and/or keep in mind about reddit?

Reddit can be the most toxic as well as the most wholesome social media platform you would ever be on. You just need to find the right sub Reddit and make the most of it. Personally, Reddit has helped me a lot and I will forever be thankful to all the anonymous people who went… Continue reading What kind of things should a relatively new subscriber know and/or keep in mind about reddit?

Categorized as ask-random

Africa: Response to climate crisis doesn’t match ‘magnitude of the challenge’

During a debate on strengthening the response to the impacts of climate change on peace and security in Africa, Assistant Secretary-General for Africa, Martha Ama Akyaa Pobee, said that “our response today does not match the magnitude of the challenge we are facing”. Threat to peace The climate emergency is “a danger to peace”, she… Continue reading Africa: Response to climate crisis doesn’t match ‘magnitude of the challenge’

What’s the deal with the whole female unity thing? Details in post

Hopefully I phrase this well. If not just ask me to clarify. I, a woman, have seriously never understood it. The whole “How could she do that/say that as a woman”. For example, “How could a woman vote for Trump?” “How could Serena Joy do such terrible things to fellow women” I recently saw an… Continue reading What’s the deal with the whole female unity thing? Details in post

Categorized as WomenTopic

What conspiracy theory do you believe?

A global conspiracy with millions dead, economies shattered, funerals, birthdays and concerts missed, and all the world’s doctors and health professionals in on it… to have an excuse to work from home.

Categorized as ask-random

Apple Music Now Available on Xbox

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

Apple iCloud photo libraries will soon be viewable in Windows

I also used Safari for Windows for a while. Back then I feel like I was trying every browser under the sun. Netscape, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome. I settled on Firefox for a very long time, then switched to Chrome like everyone else, and now I’m back to Firefox haha.

Categorized as Apple

Do you like to talk a lot?

Do you like to talk a lot? Are you quiet when you meet first someone? Is it okay if one person does most of the talking on a date?

Categorized as Life


The Shanghai Manual was established in 2011, following the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai China. The initial purpose of the Manual was to serve as a tool to support mayors and urban managers in achieving sustainable urban development in cities. The manual plays an increasingly important role in supporting the efforts of mayors and urban… Continue reading Awards

Finland: Rights of Finnish children detained in Syria camps violated

12 October 2022Human Rights Finland’s failure to repatriate its own child citizens held for years in camps under life-threating conditions in northeast Syria, is a violation of their rights, the UN Child Rights Committee (CRC) said in a ruling issued on Wednesday.  The CRC published its decision after considering a case filed on behalf of… Continue reading Finland: Rights of Finnish children detained in Syria camps violated

Categorized as Europe

Business leaders deliver bold solutions to unlock long-term investment in SDGs

The Fourth Annual Meeting of the Global Investors for Sustainable Development (GISD) Alliance, is focused on supporting developing countries on the road to meeting the SDGs, and it took place at UN Headquarters in New York amid a worsening global economic outlook brought on by war in Ukraine, climate change, and COVID-19 – all of which is… Continue reading Business leaders deliver bold solutions to unlock long-term investment in SDGs

One trick Apple uses to make you think green bubbles are “gross”

Largely, I only hear from Android friends who complain about the green bubbles (which they don’t even see on their device). Usually when it’s a mixed group, we just use WhatsApp. For what it’s worth, humans can see more shades/hues of green than any other color in the spectrum, so by that logic, green is… Continue reading One trick Apple uses to make you think green bubbles are “gross”

Categorized as Apple

I can’t stand Miley Cyrus!

I just can’t stand her at all personally at least anyways. She’s a really bad actress IMPO. What about you? Do you like her or not personally? What do you think of her as an actress and a person in your eyes?

How do you like your Fries?

I personally love : fries from Harvey’s, Kojax’s, Burger King’s, Lafleur’s and Frite Alors’. I love to dip them into the marinara, BBQ, honey dijon mustard, garlic sauce, sweet-n-sour, ketchup or mayonnaise sauce or ketchup and mayonnaise together. And your personally? How do you like your fries in your case?

Categorized as Food

Student loan debt cancellation, where is it?

It’s not happening, that’s why they’re focusing on weed now instead…. With Saudi Arabia not playing ball now in terms of production it’ll be interesting what they suggest to distract from that, especially so close to the mid terms.

Categorized as ask-random

World Mental Health Day: A Young Refugee Shares Her Story

When I think of a refugee, I think of someone forced to flee their country because of some imminent danger, a grave issue they face. War. Persecution. Political Instability.  And although technically correct, this conception feels a bit narrow. You see, thinking of refugees just as people fleeing a country made me forget that they… Continue reading World Mental Health Day: A Young Refugee Shares Her Story

Categorized as unicef

Deep sleepers, how do you wake up in the morning for work? Or for something else that usually requires an alarm?

Usually someone in the house wakes up hearing my alarm and they come in to wake me up It’s actually bad how much of a deep sleeper I am, like there was two fighter jets had went to get alongside a plane in the uk and the hit a sonic boom above my house everybody… Continue reading Deep sleepers, how do you wake up in the morning for work? Or for something else that usually requires an alarm?

Categorized as ask-random

Autistic folk, what’s something about autism you wish “normal” people would understand?

I can understand emotions actually pretty well, I just don’t read them well.A lot of people seem to think I won’t actually understand why people feel a lot of ways about a lot of things, I’m not some weird android learning why humans are the way they are, I just need a bit of clear… Continue reading Autistic folk, what’s something about autism you wish “normal” people would understand?

Categorized as ask-random

Theists of Reddit, what makes you believe in God?

i was depressed and felt like crap when i was an agnostic. i started feeling much better when i started having faith. i am now more happier with God than when i was an agnostic, as He had helped me in my problems, especially in my academic life.

Categorized as ask-random

Frederick Douglass said, “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” What’s a real-life example of this?

A real-life example of this is when a child is raised in a loving and nurturing environment. They are more likely to grow up to be well-adjusted and successful adults. On the other hand, if a child is raised in a chaotic and abusive home, they are more likely to struggle in life and end… Continue reading Frederick Douglass said, “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” What’s a real-life example of this?

Categorized as ask-random

What was the stupidest thing you’ve ever done for love?

Drank and drove once. Not polluted, but clearly would have been over the limit if tested. Young, stupid, infatuated. Nobody got hurt, nothing got damaged except my self-respect the next day. And the relationship didn’t work out in the long term as well. Someone else that habitually did it wasn’t so lucky a few years… Continue reading What was the stupidest thing you’ve ever done for love?

Categorized as ask-random

What’s the word for: afraid of speaking up your opinion because you’re a new hire and/or a part time employe?

The word, or term, you’re looking for is: “Smart”. The longer version of the term being: “Smart enough to realize that you probably haven’t been around long enough to know everything that’s going on with the company, and offering your own opinion is very likely to make your supervisors annoyed; possibly to the point of… Continue reading What’s the word for: afraid of speaking up your opinion because you’re a new hire and/or a part time employe?

Categorized as ask-random

What is the time perception like for a faster than light superhero?

It’s kinda hard to apply physics to something that fundamentally breaks it, but I like how Invincible goes about it. The speedy character says that moving at normal human speed is excruciatingly boring, but was worth it to be with the woman he loved. Thought that was sweet.Then he… Well… Yeah it’s not great for… Continue reading What is the time perception like for a faster than light superhero?

Categorized as ask-random

What is the dumbest thing a redditor has tried to argue with you about?

The meaning of the idiom “Tomato Can”. On r/boxing. He basically insulted me the whole time and kept repeating his definition. Which made no fucking sense. That was on my old reddit account. I deleted it shortly after because of the inhuman stupidity at play her from time to time. Just needed a break.

Categorized as ask-random

What was the most unprofessional thing a doctor has ever said to you?

Had (have) some issue with my left testicle, mild pain where the tube meets the ball and it seems to hang significantly lower than the other (I’m aware they’re not even but they could sit on top of eachother on a hot day) Got catscans, no apparent issue, then I spoke to the specialist and… Continue reading What was the most unprofessional thing a doctor has ever said to you?

Categorized as ask-random

Why do you think it’s okay to belittle people who want to die?

What do they care? If they really want to die, then my words shouldn’t bother them so much soon enough anyway. But for real though, I don’t have anything against genuinely suicidal people. I just fucking hate people who fake that kinda shit for attention.

Categorized as ask-random

What makes art soulless and boring?

One or more of: A lack of artistic intent and vision, having no message, not relating to any human perspective, being too derivative / lack of originality.

Categorized as ask-random

What’s ur morning routine?

Arise, go to the bathroom and take a piss, get dressed, forage for food, eat food, forage for caffeine, drink caffeine, forage for meaning, get tired and go back to sleep.

Categorized as ask-random

What odd thing did you do as a child because you were trying to copy the adults?

As a child I used to dunk my biscuits into my orange squash (cordial), because the adults dunked theirs into their drinks. It tasted awful, but I didn’t mind because I was like the adults. As an adult now, I can’t bring myself to dunk biscuits because of the memory of the taste of them… Continue reading What odd thing did you do as a child because you were trying to copy the adults?

Categorized as ask-random

What was the apple product that got you addicted to their ecosystem?

The digital life suite of iTools / .Mac. iSync was a really great tool. It’s silly to think about now, but back then, syncing data across devices was a painfully manual process. iSync just let you plug a phone or iPod in and sync your contacts, calendars, and notes. iPhoto was also my most used… Continue reading What was the apple product that got you addicted to their ecosystem?

Categorized as Apple

Ladies, what advice are you willing to give to men who are depressed, lonely and genuinely want romantic love but just don’t know how to approach or have been hurt too many times that they’re scared?

Tbh im not sure but ye as u/wickedblight said therapy should be your first option. I believe that you should love yourself first before expecting someone to love you, or at least accept your flaws cuz if you didnt do it first no one will do it for you. And even if you didnt find… Continue reading Ladies, what advice are you willing to give to men who are depressed, lonely and genuinely want romantic love but just don’t know how to approach or have been hurt too many times that they’re scared?

Categorized as ask-random

What is a show you could watch over and over again?

My most watched show is Cardcaptor Sakura which I’ve seen five times over twenty years. Even that, one of my favorite shows, I wouldn’t say I could watch over and over again. It’ll likely be many years till I watch it again, if I do.

Categorized as ask-random

Is Sign in with Apple flawed?

I’ve recently started shifting all my accounts to Apple’s SSO approach. But, as I started going through my many accounts, I quickly realised that many of them were using hidden emails using the Hide My Email functionality from iCloud. It got me thinking that there’s a massive flaw in Apple’s SSO in that you can’t… Continue reading Is Sign in with Apple flawed?

Categorized as Apple

Could I be pregnant?

Basically the title. I have been using nuvaring for about a year and a half. I was also finally approved for a bilateral salpingectomy which took place yesterday. The reason I am worried about pregnancy is because I had intercourse with a new partner the weekend before my surgery. I was on NuvaRing, but it… Continue reading Could I be pregnant?

Categorized as WomenTopic

iPad Web Browsing Question

I find myself browsing the majority of the internet via the Safari app, even if a site I like (such as Reddit) has a dedicated app. The novelty of downloading an official app has worn off over the years, especially as iPadOS’s Safari has improved. On top of that, having all those different apps- and… Continue reading iPad Web Browsing Question

Categorized as Apple

Why has modern culture accepted being overweight as normal and healthy?

When you go to doctors, they will tell you when your weight is causing health issues. Other than that, why should “society” be policing this health issue more than others? People drink, vape, eat red meat, are sedentary, etc. Being a dick to people for those choices isn’t helpful, nor is mocking or insulting people’s… Continue reading Why has modern culture accepted being overweight as normal and healthy?

Categorized as ask-random

Walmart made me furious.

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Walmart made me furious.

Categorized as WomenTopic

Soulmate birthmarks appear on every person on Earth; how does this effect humanities future and what do you do?

if you don’t have one There is no one definitive answer to this question. It could be argued that if everyone on Earth had a birthmark that signified their soulmate, it would make it easier for people to find their perfect match. However, it could also be argued that having a soulmate birthmark could create… Continue reading Soulmate birthmarks appear on every person on Earth; how does this effect humanities future and what do you do?

Categorized as ask-random

Anyone rich who still goes to work because life is long and the brain still requires moderate stimulation?

Most of the rich or wealthy people I know work in some fashion, the difference is, they’re doing work that interests them and that they want to be doing, and not what they need to scrape by. Plus, “rich” doesn’t necessarily mean “set for life”, and certainly doesn’t mean “set for life and able to… Continue reading Anyone rich who still goes to work because life is long and the brain still requires moderate stimulation?

Categorized as ask-random

cursed 😣

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading cursed 😣

Categorized as WomenTopic

What fields are past teachers working now?

I’ve seen a lot of teacher friends become secretaries or document specialists when they burn out on teaching. Easier job where you work with adults and get AC, long lunch breaks, PTO whenever you want, still work with paper and get to be themselves at work.

Categorized as ask-random

Apple introduces Ask Apple for developers

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

Apple Retail Workers Vote To Strike

That’s true! They can also strike. They have choices. If Apple is unhappy with striking workers, Apple can pay more. Or Apple can fire them all. Apple has choices. And depending on Australian labor law, which I know nothing about, if the government is unhappy with Apple’s actions, the government can sue. The government has… Continue reading Apple Retail Workers Vote To Strike

Categorized as Apple

Food that makes you crap really bad?

What food goes right through you? I know for some people meals with cheese or vegetables really destroys them lmao.

Categorized as Food

Why do I keep passing out?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Why do I keep passing out?

Categorized as WomenTopic

What hobby has the most amount of people doing it?

You mean beside phone, after hours sexual encounters, and sitting around outside chatting with older people?..used to be driving to the country on a full tank of gas, and coming home with a half tank of gas spent.. cant do that now.. damn the fools who critics and ruin this country.

Categorized as ask-random

Guterres: UN-African Union partnership a ‘cornerstone of multilateralism’

He called on all leaders – in the Council, on the continent and beyond – to spare no effort in supporting the AU so that it can achieve its goals.    ‘A unique partnership’  The 55-member body was founded in July 2002, and ambassadors met to discuss how UN collaboration with the organization has grown,… Continue reading Guterres: UN-African Union partnership a ‘cornerstone of multilateralism’

Categorized as Africa

What do we NEED to see while in Ireland?

The airport….. Depends what you’re into? Jameson distillery, Guinness brewery, the Killarney stone/castle, the general post office, etc It genuinely all comes down to which part of Ireland, how long you have & your interests. Not much point sending you to a distillery if you’re a recovery’s alcoholic…

Categorized as ask-random

DR Congo sees deadly surge in intercommunal violence

11 October 2022Peace and Security More than 140 people have been killed in horrific intercommunal violence in the west of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The UN refugee agency, UNHCR, said on Tuesday, briefing journalists in Geneva, that some victims had been beheaded. The conflict between the Teke and Yaka communities was reportedly… Continue reading DR Congo sees deadly surge in intercommunal violence

Categorized as Africa

How do you guys handle tough times?

Detailed explanation. Lost my current job, being told to move out of my room because my employer needs room for another new employee. And then there’s my university and living expenses I have to manage. It’s a pain and I don’t mean to bitch but I feel it helps sharing.

Categorized as ask-random

Zuck fires shots at Apple

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

Most you spent for a game?

From extras, DLC, collectors edition, ect. What is the most you spent on a video game series?

Categorized as Games

Violent influence?

Some video games are very violent. Do you think they influence their players to be violent in real life? If so, what should we do about it?

Categorized as Games

So why are you still single?

I’m an older person living in a small college town, so there aren’t many dating options.. even fewer who are actually compatible. Those select few and I have already had dates and there wasn’t any chemistry, so I’ve mostly given up.

Categorized as ask-random

Climate change: WMO report urges faster action on transition to clean energy

In its new report the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said that in order to limit the global temperature rise which is undermining energy security, electricity tapped from clean energy sources must double over the next eight years. With the energy sector responsible for around 75 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions, WMO chief Petteri… Continue reading Climate change: WMO report urges faster action on transition to clean energy

What are some signs someone secretly doesn’t like you?

I mean it’s normally pretty obvious if someone doesn’t like you. I think it depends on ages, most adults will just up and tell you they don’t like you while teenagers are more than likely to hide between a fake smile and make you feel included before they don’t include you.

Categorized as ask-random

Americans of reddit what celebrity should be your next president?

None. Celebrities should not be politicians. The only celebrity I would want to be a politician would be Chance the Rapper as mayor of Chicago. He has done so much for the city already that I think he would actually be a good fit. But other than that, no celebrities

Categorized as ask-random

UN Development Programme calls for debt relief now for 54 countries

Without action, poverty will rise and desperately needed investments in climate adaptation and mitigation simply will not happen, the agency warned.  The paper – Avoiding ‘Too Little Too Late’ on International Debt Relief – highlights the ripple effects of government responses to the recent economic crisis, and the potential impacts.  ‘Small pill’ to swallow  It… Continue reading UN Development Programme calls for debt relief now for 54 countries

What makes people still watch Hollywood movies even though everyone knows what’s gonna happen?

There is a philosophy that there are only seven different stories to tell, in terms of core ideas. Predictability doesn’t mean something is bad. Good writing, directing, character development, can get someone invested in a predictable story. Once you know the twist of a movie that has a twist, the suspense is gone. You can… Continue reading What makes people still watch Hollywood movies even though everyone knows what’s gonna happen?

Categorized as ask-random

What issue seems more important to address, gun control, or mental health?

You’re looking at it wrong, and that is a big problem with the debate. It’s not a one of the other thing. If your goal is to reduce Gun violence, you address both. (among other things) Attack the problem from both the supply and demand side. For one example, there have “always” been a huge… Continue reading What issue seems more important to address, gun control, or mental health?

Categorized as ask-random

Leaving no girl behind in education

We know from decades of research that when girls and women are educated, we see faster poverty reduction, better maternal health, lower child mortality, greater HIV prevention and reduced violence. Each additional year a girl spends in school can also boost her earnings as an adult by up to 20 per cent. Leaving no girl behind… Continue reading Leaving no girl behind in education

Categorized as Women

Stool softener cause thin stools

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Stool softener cause thin stools

Categorized as WomenTopic

Redditors who support marriage, why?

How does one “support marriage”? I got married, and I’m very glad I did. Some people don’t like being married, some people have no interest in ever getting married. Why would I care what other people do? Everyone has different preferences and priorities

Categorized as ask-random

What is your favorite book?

Vintage Physique by George Kelly. Great read if you are new to lifting weights and need a basic understanding of how everything works (and why!).

Categorized as ask-random

In South Africa, girls join forces to overcome adversity and drive change

The sounds of laughter, singing and clapping emanate from a small event space deep in Mamelodi township on the outskirts of Pretoria, South Africa. Inside, a group of girls are excitedly preparing to begin a group dialogue session. The participants, whose ages range from 15 to 25, have been brought together by their desire for… Continue reading In South Africa, girls join forces to overcome adversity and drive change

Categorized as Women

UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Orlando Bloom Opens Up About Mental Health Following Teenage Accident

NEW YORK (October 10, 2022) – UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Orlando Bloom has reflected on how a near-fatal accident when he was a teenager impacted his mental health in a moving video issued on World Mental Health Day. In the video – released as part of UNICEF’s #OnMyMind campaign – Bloom talks candidly to camera about breaking his… Continue reading UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Orlando Bloom Opens Up About Mental Health Following Teenage Accident

Categorized as unicef

Worst console experience

Which console have you’s had the worst experience on and why? That one would be hard for me to answer but maybe others can find this easier to answer? ? I would say Nintendo Wii then again it was half decent too

Categorized as Games

What’s your favorite fighting video game?

When it comes to choosing my favorite fighting game, it’s definitely going to between Street Fighter and Soulcalibur. I purchased and played Soulcalibur VI not long ago and it gave me something better than Street Fighter 5. I’m waiting for the release of Street Fighter 6 to see how it compares to Soulcalibur VI.

Categorized as Games

UNICEF Calls For The Protection Of Children And Adolescents Amid Public Unrest In Iran

NEW YORK (October 10, 2022) – “We are extremely concerned by continuing reports of children and adolescents being killed, injured and detained amid the ongoing public unrest in Iran. Our thoughts are with the families of those who have been killed and injured, and we share their grief. In addition to the reported casualties, many children… Continue reading UNICEF Calls For The Protection Of Children And Adolescents Amid Public Unrest In Iran

Categorized as unicef

UN rights report details ‘unconscionable’ violations of migrants returning from Libya

“This desperate situation requires all concerned to ensure that no migrant is compelled to accept assisted return to an unsafe or unsustainable situation in their country of origin”, said acting UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Nada Al-Nashif. Amidst a lack of protection within and outside Libya, migrants are subjected to sub-standard treatment in a… Continue reading UN rights report details ‘unconscionable’ violations of migrants returning from Libya

Categorized as Africa

Teens are still excited about iPhone & Apple Watch, less so about VR

Most people don’t just get excited by tech for tech’s sake. No-one has told a compelling VR story yet. Legless avatars in cartoon space stations isn’t going to do it. The iPhone and Apple Watch are a luxury product that signal success, like it or not. VR at the moment signals … at best nothing,… Continue reading Teens are still excited about iPhone & Apple Watch, less so about VR

Categorized as Apple

Black Adam

This looks interesting. Is anyone else going to watch it?

Deadpool 3

I honestly was not 100% certain we were going to get one. Best part of all is that Hugh Jackman is back as Wolverine!

Favourite Crisps Flavours?

Yes I do mean potato chips in American English. Mine would be : sour cream and onion, sweet chilli, BBQ, Doritos’ pizza and hot BBQ flavours, lime and pepper Miss Vickies’ and finally : ketchup. What about you? What are you favourite crisps flavours according to you?

Categorized as Food

What did the person you hate the most do to you?

The person I hate the most has hurt me in many ways. They have made me feel like I am not good enough, they have been verbally and emotionally abusive, and they have manipulated and controlled me.

Categorized as ask-random

Ladies, how tall is your perfect date?

Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. It doesn’t appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one.

Categorized as ask-random

What happens if the US goes into recession?

I’m really curious about the assumed economic impact around the world as well as domestically in the US. If the USD is the main currency of the world, what happens to trade? What will you do? What should anyone do?

Categorized as ask-random

To all the people of LGBT community in this subreddit (except transgender) what made you reject straightness ?

Lol. Let me say something as a straight man (or cis I believe its called these days?)- I don’t remember ever “rejecting” same sex preference. I knew who I was and what I wanted at a young age. Im pretty sure the obviously gay kid in my third grade class (who exited the closest in… Continue reading To all the people of LGBT community in this subreddit (except transgender) what made you reject straightness ?

Categorized as ask-random

I can’t stop getting UTIs

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading I can’t stop getting UTIs

Categorized as WomenTopic

It is a time before radio communications and satellites. You’ve lived on a farm your entire life. If you had realized us, homo sapiens, were, in fact, the aliens on this planet, and that there were another race somewhere out there living on an unknown continent, how would you react?

The scenario is this: you are a horseman. You’ve lived on a farm your entire life. You have never gone beyond the confines of your township, and everyone in your village is in on the lie. You’ve read in books and other forms of literature that humankind is the dominant species on this planet. But… Continue reading It is a time before radio communications and satellites. You’ve lived on a farm your entire life. If you had realized us, homo sapiens, were, in fact, the aliens on this planet, and that there were another race somewhere out there living on an unknown continent, how would you react?

Categorized as ask-random

What can you easily do to improve your attractiveness?

If you’re a man – keep yourself well groomed. Shave regularly (either to keep yourself clean shaven or trim your beard). Dress nicely (no sweat pants or baggy clothes). Get in shape – if you’re overweight, focus on losing weight, otherwise, focus on bulking up a bit (you don’t have to be huge, just toned).… Continue reading What can you easily do to improve your attractiveness?

Categorized as ask-random

How did the Danish government justify giving a visa to Jesus just because he looks like them?

What do you mean? This doesnt make sense in so many ways. And I just read some historians speak about how Jesus actually looked like an Arab. Because he was from that region, so he would look like an Arab. Not like danish people. So the image of Jesus in most european or i guess… Continue reading How did the Danish government justify giving a visa to Jesus just because he looks like them?

Categorized as ask-random

really thoughtful date

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading really thoughtful date

Categorized as WomenTopic

How do you decide if a man is boyfriend or friend material?

My physical attraction to the gender /genders I like tells me if they’re potential romantic partners. I dated my best male friend, but I was secretly having a crush on him from start, I just pushed it aside because I never thought our feelings were mutual. My current partner I’ve been with for several years… Continue reading How do you decide if a man is boyfriend or friend material?

Categorized as WomenTopic

I got hit on in person for the first time the other day, and I kinda feel good?

the problem is, most guys just go about it the wrong way. It’s good to compliment someone. It’s bad to compliment someone like your compliment is payment for service. “I just told you youre hot, now let me fuck you!” Compliments are meant to be given for the sake of giving. Not as a means… Continue reading I got hit on in person for the first time the other day, and I kinda feel good?

Categorized as WomenTopic

Personal grooming

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Personal grooming

Categorized as WomenTopic

Why Do So Many People Have The Narrative Of, Natural Body =Bad Built & Surgery= Nice?

I haven’t seen that narrative a lot in my life, even then only mostly in the kinds of industries that capitalize on looks (modeling, makeup, etc.) If you’re seeing that sort of thinking in your everyday life, I imagine it can be a huge hit on your self confidence. Just know that that’s not the… Continue reading Why Do So Many People Have The Narrative Of, Natural Body =Bad Built & Surgery= Nice?

Categorized as WomenTopic

Through Generation Equality, young activists hold the world accountable

This year marks the tenth anniversary of the International Day of the Girl, an occasion devoted to celebrating the girls and young women driving change around the world. From fighting against bias and discrimination to advocating for climate action, girls are at the forefront of some of the biggest battles of our time—pushing to make… Continue reading Through Generation Equality, young activists hold the world accountable

Categorized as Women

‘Investing in girls is investing in our common future’: UN chief

“When girls are supported to realize their human rights, they can reach their potential and create a better world for themselves, their communities and societies”, Secretary-General António Guterres said in his message. He pointed out that when they can be in school, “they are more likely to lead healthy, productive and fulfilling lives”. When girls… Continue reading ‘Investing in girls is investing in our common future’: UN chief

Categorized as Women

Ukraine: Any threat to use nuclear weapons ‘should be universally condemned’

Csaba Kőrösi was speaking at the latest meeting of the Emergency Special Session of the world’s most representative body, on the war in Ukraine, triggered by Russia’s invasion of 24 February, which was taking place in light of Russia’s use of the veto in the Security Council on 30 September. ‘We must find a political solution’… Continue reading Ukraine: Any threat to use nuclear weapons ‘should be universally condemned’

Women with unilateral mastectomy: how does the implant in healthy breast compare to reconstructed breast? (Pain, numbness, symmetry)

I had largest silicon implant put in before CORVID and rest of reconstruction: adding fat to fill in gaps, stop implant from rubbing against SKIN, healthy breast reconstruction all got delayed. I had very large, firm breasts, but lack of hormones and other medications means my remaining breast needs a breast lift and most likely… Continue reading Women with unilateral mastectomy: how does the implant in healthy breast compare to reconstructed breast? (Pain, numbness, symmetry)

Categorized as WomenTopic

Americans and Europeans, what do you not understand about each other?

I don’t understand why Europeans are so bitter towards Americans. Recently, there was a question asking Americans to tell something that Europeans don’t know, all the comments were light hearted about “don’t get too close to the bison” or “America is much larger than you think”. Ask the same question to Europeans, and holyshit are… Continue reading Americans and Europeans, what do you not understand about each other?

Categorized as ask-random

Food and Etc!

https://foodandetc.proboards.com This is my new community, for all foodies!

Grandi praises Angela Merkel’s strong ‘moral compass’ as she lands top UNHCR refugee award

10 October 2022Migrants and Refugees For her political courage, compassion and decisive action in protecting people forced to flee, the head of the UN refugee agency, UNHCR, presented the former Chancellor of Germany with the prestigious Nansen Award, on Monday. High Commissioner Filippo Grandi introduced this year’s global laureate, Angela Merkel at the award ceremony,… Continue reading Grandi praises Angela Merkel’s strong ‘moral compass’ as she lands top UNHCR refugee award

UN relief chief appeals for concerted action to tackle deadly heatwave threat

10 October 2022Climate and Environment Heatwaves already kill thousands of people every year and they risk overwhelming the world’s aid response, unless action is taken to mitigate climate change, the UN’s emergency relief chief said on Monday. Without immediate financial help for the most vulnerable communities, the world faces a future of “ever larger and deadlier… Continue reading UN relief chief appeals for concerted action to tackle deadly heatwave threat

are you popular dominicparkhurst.com

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading are you popular dominicparkhurst.com

Categorized as WomenTopic

how are all of you?

r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions.

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The economy is tanking, and with absurd labor force participation, why not use international students as labor?

I work with international students all the time. So recently what I noticed is, Some of them living in such dilapidated conditions(prices increases), one of the reasons are they are not allowed to work at all outside the university. Why do not use their labor to get out of this temporary labor shortage situation? This… Continue reading The economy is tanking, and with absurd labor force participation, why not use international students as labor?

Categorized as ask-random

What rule/rules did your school have that was ridiculous?

Skirts were OK, but shorts were not. This was hot and humid NJ and none of the schools ever had A/C. So, we boys would wear skirts with shorts under them both to stay cooler and illustrate how stupid the “no shorts” rule was.

Categorized as ask-random

Disney Channel, anyone?

I remember watching it with my then 4 year old cousin (currently 19), and many of their shows and movies together at their house with some snacks and drinks always in front of their couch or sofa. Many fond memories of it before having Disney Plus. And you personally? Have you ever watched it yet… Continue reading Disney Channel, anyone?

Ukraine: Russian large-scale strikes are ‘unacceptable escalation’, says Guterres

10 October 2022Peace and Security The UN chief António Guterres said that large-scale strikes by the Russian military on the Ukrainian capital Kyiv and other locations on Monday, were deeply shocking and represented “another unacceptable escalation” of the war. The strikes which have reportedly caused widespread damage to civilian areas and led to dozens of… Continue reading Ukraine: Russian large-scale strikes are ‘unacceptable escalation’, says Guterres

Have you ever felt like you were “born” for a specific reason, or that you had a specific calling in life? If so, what is it?

I never had big dreams, but I always felt like I was supposed to be in the military, and that was the one thing that was my calling. Unfortunately, I have aortic stenosis, and I am unable to join. The day I found out was the most devastating day of my life (ha, so far).… Continue reading Have you ever felt like you were “born” for a specific reason, or that you had a specific calling in life? If so, what is it?

Categorized as ask-random

What is the “fuck this job” moment at your work?

When the local Karen started screaming at my face for not giving her the “Veteran discount” that she though she was entitled to just because her husband is in the Air Force. I just started blankly and without saying a word to her, called my manager

Categorized as ask-random

What is your best example of a phrase or a saying changing over time?

There are various options for expressing causation. Today they all seem to have been forgotten except one, but that one continually changes. When I was a kid we said: “The reason I went to vet school is…” Then it became: “The reason why I went to vet school is…” Then: “The reason why I went… Continue reading What is your best example of a phrase or a saying changing over time?

Categorized as ask-random

Future iPhone could stop music & video when you’re not paying attention

It’s aleady an issue without Apple having anything to do with it. There are apps which cause music to stop, even though they should not be playing any sound at all. The CNN app is one of them. It’s very annoying, and developers seem to have no interest investigating it.

Categorized as Apple

Statement: Girls – leading from the front for their future

Today marks the tenth anniversary of the International Day of the Girl Child, a day dedicated to celebrating adolescent girl leaders, in all their diversity. This year’s theme, “Our time is now – our rights, our future”, reflects their tenacity to drive change as transformative feminist leaders—right now. Statement: Girls – leading from the front for… Continue reading Statement: Girls – leading from the front for their future

Categorized as Women

I *love* being called a Lunatic by men when they realize a woman is right

I just can’t understand it. This happens constantly. Someone comes into the convo with some nasty comment not liking my opinion, I back myself up nicely and professionally and once I can really say “no that’s not correct and here is why” – I get called a lunatic or told I need therapy. Is it… Continue reading I *love* being called a Lunatic by men when they realize a woman is right

Categorized as WomenTopic

Ben Sandofsky on Twitter

„There’s a scam app claiming to be Midjourney, and it’s charting in the App Store. What’s amazing is how the scammer, @nickjsheriff brags about his scam.“

Categorized as Apple

what do y’all think about Abortion?

Preventing a fetus from becoming a baby means that I don’t have to pay child support. But I would never trust a woman to get an abortion, so I will never have sex.

Categorized as ask-random

Need support

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Need support

Categorized as WomenTopic

Advancing Advocacy in August

Three years after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, much remains at stake for children. Addressing global learning loss, inequitable access to mental health services and disruptions of routine vaccinations all continue to be top priorities for UNICEF. August Recess, a time when senators and representatives return to their home states and districts, is the… Continue reading Advancing Advocacy in August

Categorized as unicef

Climate crisis intensifying heatwaves, UN-backed report warns ahead of COP27

Record high temperatures this year – which are fueling catastrophes in countries such as Pakistan and Somalia – foreshadow a future with deadlier, more frequent, and more intense heat-related humanitarian emergencies, they warned.  Vulnerable hardest hit The world’s lowest-income countries are already experiencing disproportionate increases in extreme heat. Although they are the least to blame… Continue reading Climate crisis intensifying heatwaves, UN-backed report warns ahead of COP27

Supply & Logistics Manager at UNICEF, Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo

October 10, 2022 Deadline: 23 October 2022 United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is currently seeking applications from eligible applicants for the post of Supply & Logistics Manager in Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo. UNICEF works for a world in which every child has a fair chance in life. Key Jobs Responsibilities The Supply… Continue reading Supply & Logistics Manager at UNICEF, Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo

Categorized as Jobs

Associate IT Officer (Digital Innovation Governance) at ADB, Manila, Philippines

You are here: Home / Philippines / Associate IT Officer (Digital Innovation Governance) at ADB, Manila, Philippines October 10, 2022 Deadline: 21 October 2022 Asian Development Bank (ADB) is currently seeking applications from eligible applicants for the post of Associate IT Officer (Digital Innovation Governance) in Manila, Philippines. The duration of this post is 3… Continue reading Associate IT Officer (Digital Innovation Governance) at ADB, Manila, Philippines

Categorized as Jobs


51.455230555556, -1.40335 United Kingdom City EN No Year Of Publication 2022 VLR Title BRISTOL AND THE SDGs: 2022 REVIEW OF PROGRESS, CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES Website https://unhabitat.org/sites/default/files/2022/10/bristol_2022_en_0.pdf

Which would you prefer

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Which would you prefer

Categorized as WomenTopic

Why would you pay for OnlyFans?

Some people use OnlyFans as a way to make money by selling content that they create, such as videos, photos, or written material.

Categorized as ask-random

Education Officer at UNICEF, Colombo, Sri Lanka

You are here: Home / Sri Lanka / Education Officer at UNICEF, Colombo, Sri Lanka October 10, 2022 Deadline: 17 October 2022 United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is currently seeking applications from eligible applicants for the post of Education Officer in Colombo, Sri Lanka. UNICEF works for a world in which every child… Continue reading Education Officer at UNICEF, Colombo, Sri Lanka

Categorized as Jobs

Programme Policy Officer (Livelihood) NOA at WFP, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh

You are here: Home / Bangladesh / Programme Policy Officer (Livelihood) NOA at WFP, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh October 10, 2022 Deadline: 23 October 202 The World Food Programme (WFP) is currently seeking applications from the eligible applicants for the post of Programme Policy Officer (Livelihood) NOA a in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. The duration of this… Continue reading Programme Policy Officer (Livelihood) NOA at WFP, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh

Categorized as Jobs

IT Specialist (Project Procurement) at ADB, Manila, Philippines

You are here: Home / Philippines / IT Specialist (Project Procurement) at ADB, Manila, Philippines October 10, 2022 Deadline: 21 October 2022 Asian Development Bank (ADB) is currently seeking applications from eligible applicants for the post of IT Specialist (Project Procurement) in Manila, Philippines. The duration of this post is 3 years. The ADB aims… Continue reading IT Specialist (Project Procurement) at ADB, Manila, Philippines

Categorized as Jobs

WASH Officer at UNICEF, Bentiu, South Sudan

You are here: Home / South Sudan / WASH Officer at UNICEF, Bentiu, South Sudan October 10, 2022 Deadline: 24 October 2022 United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is currently seeking applications from eligible applicants for the post of WASH Officer in Bentiu, South Sudan. UNICEF works for a world in which every child… Continue reading WASH Officer at UNICEF, Bentiu, South Sudan

Categorized as Jobs

Do you feel the United States is a bad place or a good one? Why?

bad, their worker’s rights are a joke, abortion is illegal in parts of the country, welfare systems, public school systems etc are some of the worst in the developed world, their prison system is archaic, ineffective and just cruel, they have literal concentration camps in Cuba but no one bats an eye, not to even… Continue reading Do you feel the United States is a bad place or a good one? Why?

Categorized as ask-random

Which famous person disappointed you?

NGL I wasn’t shocked when I heard. Something about the way he talks on stage always gave me man in a van with free candy vibes. Like it wasn’t in his jokes it was in the way he talked if that makes sense.

Categorized as ask-random

Why don’t you fly commercial aircraft?

Contrary to popular belief, that industry sucks to get started in. You are going to spend your first decade building hours and doing overnight hauls of freight at mediocre pay before you land (a pun!) a nice passenger gig at a major airline.

Categorized as ask-random

whats the most stupid thing you have ever seen happen?

A man throwing his slipper at a car because the car almost didn’t see him when he illegally crossed the street, and then the car drove away with the slipper on the windshield and the guy tried to run after the car with only one slipper

Categorized as ask-random

What’s a good drink to order at Starbucks?

If you like coffee and sugar, a coffee frap is good. If you like green tea, green tea matcha latte is really good. If you want something refreshing, mango dragonfruit refresher.

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Programme Officer – NOA at ILO, Jakarta, Indonesia

You are here: Home / Indonesia / Programme Officer – NOA at ILO, Jakarta, Indonesia October 10, 2022 Deadline: 20 October 2022 The International Labour Organization (ILO) is currently seeking applications from the eligible applicants for the post of Programme Officer – NOA in Jakarta, Indonesia. The mission of the ILO is to promote rights… Continue reading Programme Officer – NOA at ILO, Jakarta, Indonesia

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Finance Officer at FAO, Rome, Italy

You are here: Home / Italy / Finance Officer at FAO, Rome, Italy October 10, 2022 Deadline: 26 October 2022 Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is currently seeking applications from the eligible applicants for the post of Finance Officer in Rome, Italy. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations… Continue reading Finance Officer at FAO, Rome, Italy

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Social Policy Officer at UNICEF, Kingston, Jamaica

You are here: Home / Economics / Social Policy Officer at UNICEF, Kingston, Jamaica October 10, 2022 Deadline: 20 October 2022 United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is currently seeking applications from eligible applicants for the post of Social Policy Officer in Kingston, Jamaica. UNICEF works for a world in which every child has… Continue reading Social Policy Officer at UNICEF, Kingston, Jamaica

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Agribusiness Officer (Markets and Agri-logistics) at FAO, Rome, Italy

You are here: Home / Italy / Agribusiness Officer (Markets and Agri-logistics) at FAO, Rome, Italy October 10, 2022 Deadline: 25 October 2022 Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is currently seeking applications from the eligible applicants for the post of Agribusiness Officer (Markets and Agri-logistics) in Rome, Italy. The duration of this post is 2… Continue reading Agribusiness Officer (Markets and Agri-logistics) at FAO, Rome, Italy

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where are you from?

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what is the jokers goal?

I’m not really into all that superhero / Batman stuff, but I think I can offer an answer all the same: Most people are destroyers, not creators. It is much easier to criticize, tear down, dispute, invalidate, or otherwise destroy other people’s ideas, works, and systems than it is to conceive, implement, maintain, and defend… Continue reading what is the jokers goal?

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Technical Associate at UNICEF, Mexico

You are here: Home / Administration / Technical Associate at UNICEF, Mexico October 10, 2022 Deadline: 20 October 2022 United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is currently seeking applications from eligible applicants for the post of Technical Associate in Mexico. UNICEF works for a world in which every child has a fair chance in… Continue reading Technical Associate at UNICEF, Mexico

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National Finance Officer at WFP, Chisinau, Moldova

You are here: Home / Moldova / National Finance Officer at WFP, Chisinau, Moldova October 10, 2022 Deadline: 21 October 2022 The World Food Programme (WFP) is currently seeking applications from the eligible applicants for the post of National Finance Officer in Chisinau, Moldova. The duration of this post is 12 months. World Food Programme… Continue reading National Finance Officer at WFP, Chisinau, Moldova

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Labour Law Officer at ILO, Geneva, Switzerland

You are here: Home / Switzerland / Labour Law Officer at ILO, Geneva, Switzerland October 10, 2022 Deadline: 20 October 2022 The International Labour Organization (ILO) is currently seeking applications from the eligible applicants for the post of Labour Law Officer in Geneva, Switzerland. The mission of the ILO is to promote rights at work,… Continue reading Labour Law Officer at ILO, Geneva, Switzerland

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Social Protection Specialist at UNICEF, Cotonou, Benin

You are here: Home / Benin / Social Protection Specialist at UNICEF, Cotonou, Benin October 10, 2022 Deadline: 19 October 2022 United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is currently seeking applications from eligible applicants for the post of Social Protection Specialist in Cotonou, Benin. UNICEF works for a world in which every child has… Continue reading Social Protection Specialist at UNICEF, Cotonou, Benin

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Partnerships and Resource Mobilization Officer at ILO, Geneva, Switzerland

You are here: Home / Switzerland / Partnerships and Resource Mobilization Officer at ILO, Geneva, Switzerland October 10, 2022 Deadline: 24 October 2022 The International Labour Organization (ILO) is currently seeking applications from the eligible applicants for the post of Partnerships and Resource Mobilization Officer in Geneva, Switzerland. The duration of this post is 1… Continue reading Partnerships and Resource Mobilization Officer at ILO, Geneva, Switzerland

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eVERY FUCKING PERIOD TRACKER COSTS MONEY, EXCEPT THE ONES THAT GIVE YOU 0 EDUCATION ON HOW YOUR PERIOD IS AFFECTING YOU OR NO NOTIFICATIONS FOR THE PHASES OF YOUR CYCLE i dont give a shit about the part of sex education that is about sex. humanity hasnt scratched the surface of how periods affects your… Continue reading WHY DO WE HAVE TO PAY TO RECEIVE EDUCATION ON MENSTRUAL CYCLES

Categorized as WomenTopic

Humans of reddit, what was the weirdest/most paranormal way you have seen a pet/animal act?

My husband’s dog always goes to the window and growls whenever someone walks by our house, even if they’re just walking on the sidewalk. But one time, she was just sitting in the middle of the room and started growling for no reason. We looked out the window and saw a man walking down the… Continue reading Humans of reddit, what was the weirdest/most paranormal way you have seen a pet/animal act?

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Emergency Specialist at UNICEF, Nairobi, Kenya

You are here: Home / Administration / Emergency Specialist at UNICEF, Nairobi, Kenya October 10, 2022 Deadline: 24 October 2022 United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is currently seeking applications from eligible applicants for the post of Emergency Specialist in Nairobi, Kenya. UNICEF works for a world in which every child has a fair… Continue reading Emergency Specialist at UNICEF, Nairobi, Kenya

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Investment Specialist at ADB, India

October 10, 2022 Deadline: 19 October 2022 Asian Development Bank (ADB) is currently seeking applications from eligible applicants for the post of Investment Specialist in India. The duration of this post is 3 years. The ADB aims for an Asia and Pacific free from poverty. Key Jobs Responsibilities The Investment Specialist will perform the following… Continue reading Investment Specialist at ADB, India

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Programme Specialist (Technology for Development) at UNICEF, Bangkok, Thailand

You are here: Home / Thailand / Programme Specialist (Technology for Development) at UNICEF, Bangkok, Thailand October 10, 2022 Deadline: 31 October 2022 United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is currently seeking applications from eligible applicants for the post of Programme Specialist (Technology for Development) in Bangkok, Thailand. UNICEF works for a world in… Continue reading Programme Specialist (Technology for Development) at UNICEF, Bangkok, Thailand

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What books should people who want to be well-educated read?

There is no single answer to this question, as different people have different definition of “well-educated.” However, some books that could be considered essential reading for a well-rounded education include The Iliad and The Odyssey by Homer, The Aeneid by Virgil, Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, Moby Dick by Herman Melville, Crime and Punishment by… Continue reading What books should people who want to be well-educated read?

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Supply Assistant and Fleet Management Assistant at WHO, Kyiv, Ukraine

You are here: Home / Administration / Supply Assistant and Fleet Management Assistant at WHO, Kyiv, Ukraine October 10, 2022 Deadline: 22 October 2022 World Health Organization (WHO) is currently seeking applications from the eligible applicants for the post of Supply Assistant and Fleet Management Assistant in Kyiv, Ukraine. The primary role of WHO is… Continue reading Supply Assistant and Fleet Management Assistant at WHO, Kyiv, Ukraine

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How come some people can’t “hold their drink”?

There isn’t a single answer to this question as different people have different tolerances for alcohol. Some people may be naturally less tolerant, while others may have developed a lower tolerance due to drinking too much in the past. Additionally, factors like dehydration, exhaustion, and stress can all contribute to someone feeling the effects of… Continue reading How come some people can’t “hold their drink”?

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What career is over glamorized?

Cop. Look at all the movies, shows, etc. I did a ride-along and it’s sorta interesting, but also a sorta shitty job. As a cop, you’re basically dealing with criminal assholes all the time. It’s like working in customer service but the only customers you deal with daily are felons who might try to kill… Continue reading What career is over glamorized?

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Jean-Louis Gassée: Remembering Steve Jobs

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

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Navigating Coercion

I recently got out of first relationship that lasted a year plus. Prior to this relationship, I had absolutely no sexual experience with men and I wanted to keep it that way because I was celibate. He was supposedly celibate as well but was insistent on having non penetrative sex. Whenever I had the courage… Continue reading Navigating Coercion

Categorized as WomenTopic

UN chief calls for ‘enhanced security support’ for Haiti, as crisis worsens

9 October 2022Peace and Security Amid a deteriorating security situation in Haiti, UN Security-General António Guterres called on Sunday for the Security Council to consider deploying armed forces to help the country address immense humanitarian concerns. In a statement, Mr. Guterres announced that he has submitted a letter to the Council, containing options for enhanced… Continue reading UN chief calls for ‘enhanced security support’ for Haiti, as crisis worsens

Despite it occurring billions of years from now; what do you believe the end of the universe will really look like?

Assuming heat death happens, the concept of time then becomes meaningless when there’s not enough mass present to experience it. We would need some extreme random quantum fluctuation to kick off a new universe. But since time is now meaningless, no time is infinite time, so I’m sure something new will happen in no time… Continue reading Despite it occurring billions of years from now; what do you believe the end of the universe will really look like?

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What is the lie someone told that nearly ruined your life?

That I“attacked” my classmate Chris. He told everyone I blew up and assaulted him, and for months all of my friends and classmates took his side. Everyone hated me and his parents threatened to get the police involved and I was threatened with expulsion for my “violent outbursts”. It was at this point some of… Continue reading What is the lie someone told that nearly ruined your life?

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What is a favorite line of yours from a movie that you like, but isn’t your favorite movie?

One movie, with Christopher Meloni and Dave Bautista, called Marauders is a damn good movie. It isn’t my favorite, but is a favorite. It’s one of those movies that was really damn good, but wonr necessarily rewatch tons of times. (Only seen it once so far) Anyway a line I like “I’ll send myself to… Continue reading What is a favorite line of yours from a movie that you like, but isn’t your favorite movie?

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What’s it like going to the gym?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading What’s it like going to the gym?

Categorized as WomenTopic

Historic net-zero international flight goal agreed at UN conference

9 October 2022Climate and Environment State members of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) adopted a long-term goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, following two weeks of intensive diplomacy at the UN agency’s 41st Assembly, on Friday. The goal for decarbonized air transport, which follows similar commitments from industry groups, will “contribute to the… Continue reading Historic net-zero international flight goal agreed at UN conference

Why are toilet cubicles so narrow?!

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Why are toilet cubicles so narrow?!

Categorized as WomenTopic

Whats the biggest lie someone has told you?

That there was a fat guy in a red suit who travelled the world in one night, riding in a magic sleigh pulled by flying reindeer, bringing presents to every kid…. except the bad ones. He also knew when I was sleeping or if I was awake.

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What’s your take on Ted Kaczynski?

Some of the worst, most cringe people idolise him, without even reading his manifesto. Guy had some good points, yes, but it came with some caveats like rolling back women’s and disabilities rights.

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Period spotting

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Period spotting

Categorized as WomenTopic

What would you do to change your laziness?

I already am changed. Set goals. Without a goal you are aimless. Start with small steps towards your goals. You’ll notice each small step brings you closer. Something holding you back? Cut it off. When you reach your goal, set a new one. Always create purpose.

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When was the last time you were pulled over in your Tesla by the cops who asked you for your license and registration but you had to call the support line to help you find the screen menu button that opens the glove box?

You don’t have to call support, it’s actually very easy to get into the glove box manually all you have to do is take your plastic spudge ( which you should have with you at all times) and your socket wrench and simply remove the entire passenger seat and then you can take off the… Continue reading When was the last time you were pulled over in your Tesla by the cops who asked you for your license and registration but you had to call the support line to help you find the screen menu button that opens the glove box?

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