What’s the deal with the whole female unity thing? Details in post


Hopefully I phrase this well. If not just ask me to clarify.

I, a woman, have seriously never understood it. The whole “How could she do that/say that as a woman”. For example,

“How could a woman vote for Trump?”

“How could Serena Joy do such terrible things to fellow women”

I recently saw an article that the wife of a Russian soldier encouraged her husband to rape Ukrainian woman, and a lot of people in the comments were saying “How could a woman say/encourage that? It’s worse that if her husband suggested it!”

Etc., etc.,

As a fellow human being I see that ladder two examples as horrible atrocities, and thus have compassion as a fellow human being, but I still don’t get the “How could she do/say/think “X” as a woman?” angle.

Please help me understand this train of thought