What are dumb ways you’ve been injured or hurt by doing a mundane/normal thing?

I ask because this is the second day in a row that I’ve injured myself by getting cold. The shivering is so intense and combined with my essential tremors, all of my muscles in my back and around my ribs are cramping up and I had to spend the majority of yesterday recovering, only to… Continue reading What are dumb ways you’ve been injured or hurt by doing a mundane/normal thing?

Categorized as ask-random

How is the use of AI going to affect human lifestyle in the future in terms of job?

Probably loss of jobs once AI programs become more affordable for all business owners. Jobs like cashiers, encoders, secretaries, accountants, editors, etc may become obsolete in favor of AI since you reduce the risk of human error. This could be tough for people who don’t have specialized skills that can be difficult for AI to… Continue reading How is the use of AI going to affect human lifestyle in the future in terms of job?

Categorized as ask-random

Control freaks of Reddit, what have your control issues cost you? What happened?

It has cost me a lot of frustration. I can live with my own failures and faults. It allows me to learn and improve. I cannot live with the failure of others when it affects me. So any situation where I am affected I am in control. I am reminded of a quote from Mordin… Continue reading Control freaks of Reddit, what have your control issues cost you? What happened?

Categorized as ask-random

What are some benefits to gaming?

Aside from value as entertainment and escapism, gaming can exercise various skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, and coordination.

Categorized as ask-random

How do you feel when you skip your depression meds?

After a few days I call it the Captain Jack Sparrow mode Or describe it as being in a rocking chair but it skips frames in your mind. So you’re following your own path but in a staggered way All in all its a shit feeling

Categorized as ask-random

If cats could speak,what would they say?

They’d probably complain about every little thing you do. “Oh, you walk too loud. Oh, you closed that door to quick. Oh, you’re breathing too fast.”

Categorized as ask-random

Australian surfers ride climate action wave

The image of the typical, laid-back surfer does not sit easily with the stereotype of earnest environmental campaigners. But elite bodyboarder Chris Kirkman is proof that surfers have a part to play in fighting the climate emergency. He has competed everywhere from Portugal and Chile to Tahiti and Brazil, and it was through surfing that… Continue reading Australian surfers ride climate action wave

how to volunteer for womens rights

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading how to volunteer for womens rights

Categorized as WomenTopic

If you could remove one social media what would it be?

Twitter is bad for society. Like really really bad. It reduces the depth and nuance of discourse, creates echochambers, gives a microphone to lunatics, actively facilitates lunatics meeting each other, and spreads misinformation even more effectively that other social media platforms.

Categorized as ask-random

Who do you deeply hate and why?

Right now, people who argue with me that “Alien” is not a horror film. Are fucking maddies? Of course it fucking is.

Categorized as ask-random

What movie sequel would you like to see?

They would probably just do what they’ve already been doing: make a live action remake of questionable quality that misses what made the original special, ie the live action Pinocchio and The Lion King.

Categorized as ask-random


Okay if nothing else helps – think of your vagina being like a person – one of a kind and unique. Just like all people come in different shapes, colours and forms, that still makes them all equally beautiful and special. Your vulva is unique and these features are exactly who you are – love… Continue reading Insecure

Categorized as WomenTopic

so what is the best ending to a movie to you personally?

Weird posting structure – I couldn’t add explanatory text. What movie ending really got to you? For me, it is Rebel One. A truely heroic tradegy. All of the hero’s died in a good cause that was initially dismissed but widely accepted when the plan got underway.

Categorized as ask-random

The “Rule” or the “Spirit of the Rule?”

The “Rule” or the “Spirit of the Rule?” The tuck rule. Dwayne Rudd’s helmet-gate. Calvin Johnson’s game-winning TD “drop.” Should a referee have the power to overrule the textbook if it’s clear that the textbook’s wrong?

Categorized as Sports

How to fix a scratch on the new Mackbook Air.

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

Sleeping alone or with someone else?

Talking simply about sleep here, no funny business Which is more comfortable: sleeping alone or sleeping with someone else?

Categorized as Life

Do you use lens caps?

A lens cap offers protection for your camera lens. It’s a good idea to keep the cap on when your camera isn’t in use. Do you use them?

Categorized as Photos Art

bad dating experiences?

Do you have any bad dating experiences you would like to share? If not, maybe you have heard about some from your friends?

Categorized as Life

Do you enjoy live music?

Do you enjoy live music? Have you been to any concerts? Talk about the most memorable concert that you have been to.

Categorized as Music

Super Smash Brothers

Who do you usually choose as your fighter in Super Smash Brothers? Are you good at this game?

Categorized as Games

Oops, messed that up!

Have you ever tried to prepare some food and just totally ruined it? What happened? Did you still eat it or just throw it out?

Categorized as Food

What film or tv show had the worst plot twist?

Dallas. An entire season was a dream. After a season the fans were so upset about what happened and the death of a character, at the start of the next season they revealed the entire last season was a dream and just ignored it.

Categorized as ask-random

What do you know about your ancestors?

One grandfather was a nazi, the other essentially Moses. Given up by a mother who couldn’t feed him during the great depression, never even knew his birthday.

Categorized as ask-random

Redditors in open marriages, how did you pitch that idea without it erupting into a huge fight?

During sexytime, see if your partner is open to a little fantasy and ask “So, if we could have someone else here with us right now, who would you want?” And, gauge their answer, and then you can kind of pursue it from there. If they play along, sometime later, maybe something like “Well, that’s… Continue reading Redditors in open marriages, how did you pitch that idea without it erupting into a huge fight?

Categorized as ask-random

What is the best movie quote?

“…In all the businesses I’ve tried, there was something that was missing. Even if I’d known what it was, there’s nothing I could have done about it…because you can’t create this thing. And it makes all the difference in the world between success and failure. Luck? War.”

Categorized as ask-random

Be honest, How often you shower?

Every other day generally (unless I have done something especially vigorous, in which case I’d shower that day) I have eczema so showering every day and washing my hair more than once or twice a week exasperates symptoms massively.

Categorized as ask-random

Who cut up your heart like it was a jack-o’-lantern – ripping pieces asunder, yet you ended up more beautiful because of it?

A person who took advantage of my kindness and the fact I had a crush on her. I ended (what I thought was) our friendship just before the pandemic. I could have kept talking to her throughout it, but couldn’t handle talking to her after all the stuff she’d put me through. Gave me enough… Continue reading Who cut up your heart like it was a jack-o’-lantern – ripping pieces asunder, yet you ended up more beautiful because of it?

Categorized as ask-random

What’s your craziest deja vu moment?

Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. It doesn’t appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one.

Categorized as ask-random

How close are we to Nuclear War?

I don’t think Putin has many working nukes. Their upkeep is very expensive and based on how bad the Russian army equipment he’s not been spending money on them. Or the friends and leeches he’s awarded contacts to have been skimming cash. I’d be surprised if he’s doing anything more than rusty saber rattling.

Categorized as ask-random

What’s the most likely “ultimate” outcome for Putin?

As of right now, my guess is an Operation Valkyrie type situation, members of his party kills him, or an outside party takes his life. Russia is already desperate for soldiers so, at some point, the people will have had enough. Hopefully.

Categorized as ask-random

Lufthansa “bans AirTags in luggage” after passengers publicly shame it with location of lost bags

I’m shocked that even the most detached and aloof airline executive would think that a ban like this is enforceable. If they aren’t under any delusions that it’s enforceable, I’m shocked that they thought this messaging was a good idea. On a recent trip, AirTags confirmed for me that my bags were left behind at… Continue reading Lufthansa “bans AirTags in luggage” after passengers publicly shame it with location of lost bags

Categorized as Apple

Who is your plug?

r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions.

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What are some vocabulary words everyone should know?

Vocabulary words everyone should know include: -Pronouns (I, you, he, she, it, we, they) -Nouns (person, place, thing) -Verbs (action words) -Adjectives (describing words) -Prepositions (words that show relationships between things)

Categorized as ask-random

How did you end up working in your current field?

I started working as an intern at a small advertising agency while I was in college. I enjoyed the creative aspect of advertising and loved seeing my work in print and on TV. After graduation, I was hired by the agency and have been working in advertising ever since.

Categorized as ask-random

How do you stop feeling overwhelmed?

Well, assuming you’re not in a stressful situation, working on improving your health, possibly going to see a psychiatrist so they can prescribe you medication as well as see a counselor.

Categorized as ask-random

Cigarette smokers of Reddit. Why do you smoke if you know it’s slowly killing you, and why did you start?

smoking in the first place I ve been wondering this for a while. How to Quit Smoking Cigarettes and Start Vaping – VICE The rest of the article is going to be about how you actually go about quitting smoking cigarettes, but I have found that it’s helpful to explain why vaping is so effective.… Continue reading Cigarette smokers of Reddit. Why do you smoke if you know it’s slowly killing you, and why did you start?

Categorized as ask-random

If you are at the mall and suddenly need to take a big sweaty dump, what would you do with the expensive Starbucks frappe that you just purchased?

Wouldn’t ever buy an expensive Starbucks frappe, so I guess I’d just ask to leave my normal coffee at the store I bought it at, or at the store that I was shopping in, go have my big sweaty dump, come back, and thank the clerks at the store for minding my beverage. Then I’d… Continue reading If you are at the mall and suddenly need to take a big sweaty dump, what would you do with the expensive Starbucks frappe that you just purchased?

Categorized as ask-random

Do you use “Scheduled Summary” feature on iPhone?

Yes, but I’m pretty strict about properly categorising instant/scheduled/no notifications. Things I use scheduled summaries for: Uber (as time sensitive notifications break through, such as “Uber is arriving”) Most forms of social media (Instagram/Snapchat/etc…) Apple Health Finance transactions Missed calls New podcast episodes of some podcasts Turn based video games I find it very useful.… Continue reading Do you use “Scheduled Summary” feature on iPhone?

Categorized as Apple

Friends/families of psychopaths, what made you realize they were a psychopath?

Many people who are close to psychopaths don’t realize they are until it’s too late. There are usually warning signs, such as a lack of empathy, selfishness, manipulation, and impulsivity, but these can be easy to overlook or rationalize if you’re not looking for them. In some cases, it may take a major life event… Continue reading Friends/families of psychopaths, what made you realize they were a psychopath?

Categorized as ask-random

What is the basic type of dress to keep on hand?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading What is the basic type of dress to keep on hand?

Categorized as WomenTopic

What obscure songs from obscure bands would you suggest?

I like folk punk too much, herschell goes to heaven, I’m not a good person, more about alcoholism, eat shit and die, coffee brew and cigarettes, thanks bastards, eat shit and die Unironically the satirical song “the most stereotypical folk punk song of all time” kinda slaps

Categorized as ask-random

What got you hooked to Reddit?

Stand alone forums are dying everywhere because other people get sucked into Reddit. I was alone, all on my own, on a forum about economic regulation for the financial services industry and I thought, where has everyone else gone. So I came in reluctantly from the cold but now I post about financial services regulation… Continue reading What got you hooked to Reddit?

Categorized as ask-random

Lilo and Stitch?

I love this animated series by Disney a lot. I have watched it with my then baby cousin, now I watch it with my other eldest female cousin’s 2 year old daughter. And I read stories to her about them to bed. And you personally? Have you watched it or not for you personally? And… Continue reading Lilo and Stitch?

Yellow folks on Reddit, what’s your story about?

a time you had to do something uncomfortable I once had to ask my boss for a raise. It was really uncomfortable because I didn’t know if he would give me one or not. But in the end, he gave me a raise and it was a great relief.

Categorized as ask-random

What’s the friendliest nationality?

There is no definitive answer to this question as what one person may deem as friendly, another person may not. However, some nationalities that are typically considered to be friendly include the Irish, Brazilians, and Filipinos.

Categorized as ask-random

does anyone else have a lot of trouble connecting with other women?

Ugh, this may not be a popular opinion and I’m old so maybe the younger generations have improved on this but…… Women are taught to view other women as competition. For the good guy, the job, the promotion, the attention. A lot of women, in my experience, aren’t that great at being friendly, in a… Continue reading does anyone else have a lot of trouble connecting with other women?

Categorized as WomenTopic

Men of Reddit How do you talk to a girl in a university class you find cute if you’re introverted and are worried what she will say back to you?

What happens if you say hi and try to talk to her? Best case scenario, she digs you and y’all start talking. Worst case scenario she snubs you. Life goes on. A few seconds of maybe feeling dumb and that’s it. As long as you’re not a creep to her or an asshole, y’all both… Continue reading Men of Reddit How do you talk to a girl in a university class you find cute if you’re introverted and are worried what she will say back to you?

Categorized as ask-random

What keeps you motivated after a long day of work?

Remember that tomorrow isn’t promised. After I leave a long shift and feel absolutely dead inside I just remind myself of that simple fact, and then it hits me. If it might be my last day why be a sad bum about it? Works pretty well most of the time

Categorized as ask-random

What happens if you survive carbon monoxide poisoning?

If you are lucky enough to survive carbon monoxide poisoning, you will most likely experience some neurological problems. These can include: headaches, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, confusion, memory loss, and difficulty walking. You may also have trouble breathing and may need to be on a ventilator for a period of time. In severe cases, you… Continue reading What happens if you survive carbon monoxide poisoning?

Categorized as ask-random

People of Reddit, what was the scariest thing that has ever happened to you?

while driving I was on my way home from work one night and I took a shortcut through this really dark, wooded area. It was a shortcut that I had taken many times before without any issue. But this time, for some reason, I started to feel really uneasy. The hair on the back of… Continue reading People of Reddit, what was the scariest thing that has ever happened to you?

Categorized as ask-random

What could Reddit do to disincentivize trolling/arguing/one-upmanship?

This is a difficult question to answer, as Reddit’s structure is based around encouraging users to engage with each other in these ways. Some possible solutions could include more stringent moderation of posts and comments, or giving users the ability to downvote or flag content they find trolling/argumentative/one-upping.

Categorized as ask-random

Is it possible to be a ‘sustainable tourist’? 12 ways to make a positive impact on your travels

There are many positive aspects to tourism. Around two billion people travel each year for tourism purposes. Travel and tourism connect people and bring the world closer through shared experiences, cultural awareness and community building. It provides jobs, spurs regional development, and is a key driver for socio-economic progress. However, there is often a downside;… Continue reading Is it possible to be a ‘sustainable tourist’? 12 ways to make a positive impact on your travels

If the US was under threat of imminent attack, would you enlist? Why?

Depends Who are we under threat of attack from? And why? Suppose we had some tyrannical orange fascist leader who took control of the country illegally, and another country attacked to remove that tyrannical orange fascist leader from power, I would not be inclined to defend against that attack. For example.

Categorized as ask-random

The most heartless people once cared too much. What happened to you that caused you to no longer care and what was it?

that you cared about There’s no one answer to this question since everyone has a different story. It’s possible that someone became heartless after being repeatedly hurt or disappointed by others, and they decided it was easier to just not care anymore. Or, they may have experienced a traumatic event that numbed their emotions. It’s… Continue reading The most heartless people once cared too much. What happened to you that caused you to no longer care and what was it?

Categorized as ask-random

Has anyone ever used App clips?

Was just messing around with settings today and I realized how excited I was about this feature called app clips during iOS presentation , like for parking, restaurant menu etc but I have never once had a chance to use this. The feature benefit for me was not having to install apps that I don’t… Continue reading Has anyone ever used App clips?

Categorized as Apple

how was your day?

r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions.

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What are some things that every man should try even though they are stigmatized as “gay” or “unmanly”?

Skincare. I don’t understand why is so gendered. Why ads focus on ‘you can put this black/navy skincare product and still be manly ‘ It’s skin, is an important human organ, and actually not that different in needs from man/woman. Everyone NEEDS to wash your face properly and to protect it from dehydration and sun… Continue reading What are some things that every man should try even though they are stigmatized as “gay” or “unmanly”?

Categorized as ask-random

What is the worst thing you have seen on reddit?

There is no one answer to this question since reddit is full of different types of content. However, some of the worst things that have been seen on reddit include: racist and sexist remarks, death threats, child pornography, and other illegal content.

Categorized as ask-random

What are your perceptions of Millenials?

They’re people, a really large group of people, all with different interests and personalities, so why should I group them together and complain about them?

Categorized as ask-random

How do you think actors and actresses feel about their SOs kissing and having intimate moments with others in movies?

The actual acts in real life are generally nowhere near as they seem in the movies. On top of this it’s something that is just commonly understood to be a professional thing. If they are doing a intimate scene or movie. There is also a high possibility that they show their love to their partner… Continue reading How do you think actors and actresses feel about their SOs kissing and having intimate moments with others in movies?

Categorized as ask-random

genuine question: for people who support politicians like MTG, Matt Gaetz and Herschel Walker, do you support all their beliefs and what they say, or do you support them because they are republican?

I don’t “support” any of those politicians, nor would I have the opportunity to vote for them if I wanted to. I imagine that many people vote for them because they view them as better than the alternative. E.g.: Some voters in Georgia may vote for Walker even though he may or may not have… Continue reading genuine question: for people who support politicians like MTG, Matt Gaetz and Herschel Walker, do you support all their beliefs and what they say, or do you support them because they are republican?

Categorized as ask-random

Why do you blow stop signs knowing it’s dangerous?

It’s kinky. Blowing stop signs, blowing highway signs, getting railed by streetlights, and playing with my traffic cone butt plug. Just thinking about it makes me want to go find an under construction sign and get frisky with it.

Categorized as ask-random

When sitting next to someone in public, do you choose to talk to them or do you keep to yourself?

I try to make a genuine observation about something around us or the setting and try to take a cue from there. For example, if it is about the setting like a park for example, I would say like “what do you think about this park?”. If they are interested, they will engage but if… Continue reading When sitting next to someone in public, do you choose to talk to them or do you keep to yourself?

Categorized as ask-random

What does socially awkward in a cringe way look like?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as what may be considered socially awkward in a cringe-worthy way by one person may not be seen as such by another. However, some possible examples of socially awkward behavior that could be considered cringe-worthy include: bumbling or fumbling over one’s words, making inappropriate or offensive comments,… Continue reading What does socially awkward in a cringe way look like?

Categorized as ask-random

What does really help to get over someone, fall out of love and to finally let go of someone you shared a past with?

There is no one answer that will work for everyone in this situation. However, some things that may help include talking to a trusted friend or family member about your feelings, spending time doing things that make you happy, and keeping yourself busy. Additionally, it may be helpful to remind yourself that the person is… Continue reading What does really help to get over someone, fall out of love and to finally let go of someone you shared a past with?

Categorized as ask-random

What was Pinocchio’s original purpose?

He was a test subject in AI. Lets not grant him any more humanity than that. He was the first case study in AI, he’s barely worth a mention. He’s a fucking ____. It’s five letters. You know what the word is.

Categorized as ask-random

How did your last date go?

The mermaid? Well, she be a fine women and all, but she has a bit of a bad temper. I can see why Davy Jones has always been after her. But I do be getting too old to be getting into relationships, so it won’t be going further than a date.

Categorized as ask-random

How is everyone doing today on this day?

I am doing well. I am getting my thoughts and ideas across to others who understand them, so that they can understand the fabric of spacetime and the universe and its underlying truths that are yet unknown to many. Thank you for asking.

Categorized as ask-random

what anvil of guilt have we all been hit by?

I think that forgiving oneself is one of the most beautiful things humans can do. It takes courage to do so, and it requires us to take responsibility for our actions. However, forgiveness can have a cathartic affect, and it can help clear one’s mind. I believe forgiving ourselves will help bring peace of mind.

Categorized as ask-random

Should you be able to archive iMessages?

Obviously you would choose which threads you archive on your own device. If you say something that someone else deems worth archiving, congratulations! If you’re afraid someone would archive everything you say for reasons you can’t think of… one of you is at fault, stop talking to that person.

Categorized as Apple

Do you think Apple would ever (or should) include more illustration throughout their apps and OSes?

I won’t ramble for too long (narrator: this was a lie) but here’s a random thing I was thinking about. I tried to switch to Google Calendar a while back literally because they have this lovely feature where certain words will add an illustration to an event in a certain view and it looks really… Continue reading Do you think Apple would ever (or should) include more illustration throughout their apps and OSes?

Categorized as Apple

Which theme do you prefer in Apple Books?

https://i.imgur.com/jgjmZWc.jpg Which theme do you prefer when reading books in Apple Books? Original Quiet Paper Bold Calm Focus I usually use Original or Paper. I started using Paper lately and somehow it just makes my eyes feel more like I’m looking at a book.

Categorized as Apple

I feel like I almost made a wrong choice that I would really regret

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading I feel like I almost made a wrong choice that I would really regret

Categorized as WomenTopic

What song hurts too much to listen to?

There’s no one song that hurts too much to listen to, because everyone has different experiences and memories associated with different songs. However, there are certainly songs that can be difficult to listen to because they bring up sad memories or remind us of someone we’ve lost.

Categorized as ask-random

What is it about boobs that makes them universally beloved?

Mostly wanting procreation. The same way you see men as powerful and able to protect your offspring we see you as a way to nature our offspring. It’s it funny that we we think we can become above what we are? It all becomes the human condition.

Categorized as ask-random

What kind of car( hatchback model) is the best?

buy There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on personal preferences. Some people may prefer a smaller hatchback, while others might want a larger one. Ultimately, it is important to test drive different models and see which one feels best for you.

Categorized as ask-random

What happens after Putin launches a nuke(s)at Ukraine?

Depending on the size, if small probably nothing, if he hits a city then most likely, NATO will consult China first, then do the submarines cull, if Putin backs down then it stops there, have his generals take him and medvedev out, and call it a day

Categorized as ask-random

UN-Habitat at COP27

An opportunity to advance multi-level climate action. Addressing climate change challenges, the COP27 Presidency, in collaboration with UN-Habitat and with the facilitation of ICLEI, developed the Sustainable Urban Resilience for the next Generation (SURGe) Initiative, seeking to achieve sustainable and resilient urban systems through strengthen the implementation of the climate agenda in and with cities; unlocking urban… Continue reading UN-Habitat at COP27

San Justo

-29.210869444444, -59.408111111111 Argentina City ES No Year Of Publication 2022 VLR Title Camino a los Objetivos 2030 Website https://unhabitat.org/sites/default/files/2022/10/sanjusto_2022_es-min.pdf


Home node 161920 41.02355, 28.7186 Turkey Municipality TK No Year Of Publication 2022 VLR Title Avcilar 2022- Sürdürülebilirlik Kalkınma Amaçları GÖNÜLLÜ YEREL DEĞERLENDİRME Website https://unhabitat.org/sites/default/files/2022/10/avcilar_2022_tr-min.pdf

World Cotton Day focuses on the fibre’s role in weaving socio-economic development

7 October 2022Economic Development Cotton is a constant thread in our lives, from field to fabric, the UN agriculture agency, FAO, upheld on Friday, World Cotton Day, drawing attention to the natural fibre’s contribution in weaving socio-economic development and championing its advancement in sustainable livelihoods. An estimated 100 million family farmers across 80 countries directly… Continue reading World Cotton Day focuses on the fibre’s role in weaving socio-economic development

Finding offline maps for Apple Watch explorers

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

World Mental Health Day: A Former Refugee Shares Her Story

When I think of a refugee, I think of someone forced to flee their country because of some imminent danger, a grave issue they face. War. Persecution. Political Instability.  And although technically correct, this conception feels a bit narrow. You see, thinking of refugees just as people fleeing a country made me forget that they… Continue reading World Mental Health Day: A Former Refugee Shares Her Story

Categorized as unicef

Aid relief reaches Ukraine towns and cities reclaimed from Russian control

7 October 2022Humanitarian Aid Urgently needed aid relief has reached areas of northeast Ukraine recently reclaimed from Russian control amid ongoing fighting, UN humanitarians said on Friday. More than 73,000 people in Kharkiv oblast have now received food assistance, which is nearly half of the population in the retaken areas. Villages and settlements across the… Continue reading Aid relief reaches Ukraine towns and cities reclaimed from Russian control

What household appliance annoys the fuck out of you?

The fucking stove, it has a Button that creates a Spark, so if the plate on the oven is dirty/misplaced the flame doesnt ignite, so im standing there with the stove clicking (creating a Spark) and it wont ignite so im forced to find a lighter and ignite it manually

Categorized as ask-random

What is the worst thing you would do if you can go invisible?

Can everything you touch go invisible too? Because I would sneak into bank vaults, and loot the hell out of them…. if the money cant go invisible then I would just do scary poltergiest shit until everyone backed off, so I could walk out with the sacks of money

Categorized as ask-random

UNICEF USA Statement on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Ruling

NEW YORK (October 7, 2022) – The livelihoods and well-being of nearly 600,000 immigrants and their families currently protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy continue to be at risk. The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said a federal district judge in Texas should take another look at the program following the… Continue reading UNICEF USA Statement on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Ruling

Categorized as unicef

Egypt urged to ensure civil society’s full participation in COP27 climate summit

7 October 2022Human Rights Authorities in Egypt must ensure civil society can safely and fully participate in the COP27 UN climate change conference taking place there next month, a group of UN independent human rights experts said on Friday, expressing alarm over restrictions ahead of the summit. This new wave of reprisals follows years of… Continue reading Egypt urged to ensure civil society’s full participation in COP27 climate summit

Categorized as mieast

Pakistan’s ‘climate carnage beyond imagination’, UN chief tells General Assembly

During a full session of the UN’s most representative body on the country’s devastating floods, he recalled last month’s visit where he saw “a level of climate carnage beyond imagination”. He described flood waters covering a landmass three times the total area of his own country, Portugal, saying that many lost their homes, livestock, crops… Continue reading Pakistan’s ‘climate carnage beyond imagination’, UN chief tells General Assembly

Burkina Faso: UN rights office calls for probe into coup-related deaths and injuries

7 October 2022Human Rights The UN human rights office, OHCHR, has called for investigations into deaths and injuries resulting from last week’s coup in Burkina Faso, Spokesperson Seif Magango said on Friday. Staff are closely following the human rights situation in the West African country since soldiers ousted Paul-Henri Damiba, who had also seized power… Continue reading Burkina Faso: UN rights office calls for probe into coup-related deaths and injuries

What is your most left leaning and right leaning belief you have?

I would say my most left leaning beliefs are things like tuition free state universities, single payer healthcare, UBI would all be good things. My most right leaning belief is probably that while we should focus more on rehabilitation and making our justice system more fair and accountable especially with regards to law enforcement. Some… Continue reading What is your most left leaning and right leaning belief you have?

Categorized as ask-random

What caused you to have depression?

There is no one answer to this question as everyone experiences depression differently. Some possible causes of depression could include: a major life event or change (such as divorce, job loss, or the death of a loved one), chronic stress, biochemical factors (such as an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain), genetic predisposition, or medical… Continue reading What caused you to have depression?

Categorized as ask-random

What if I have any bleeding during my pregnancy?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading What if I have any bleeding during my pregnancy?

Categorized as WomenTopic

When are Aliens expected to arrive with Universal Healthcare?

Not sure that i understand your question. But if i did, is because interstellar travel requires much higher advancement that we have, and not in traveling through space but in medicine also, so for them shouldn’t be hige problem to adopt their medicine (if they are too much different) to our body.

Categorized as ask-random

How are you & why?

r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions.

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UNICEF Warns That More Children Will Die Without Immediate International Support, And Revises Funding Appeal To $173.5 Million

NEW YORK (October 7, 2022) – “Pakistan’s catastrophic floods have already claimed the lives of 615 children. Right now, almost 10 million children are now in need of immediate, lifesaving support. It is a staggering number; indeed the scale of need is daunting. And with a heavy heart, I must state that more children will die… Continue reading UNICEF Warns That More Children Will Die Without Immediate International Support, And Revises Funding Appeal To $173.5 Million

Categorized as unicef

What is the item you use (almost) everyday?

Yeah that’s something you use a lot, but I’m specifically looking to gift someone something they don’t throw in the storage to never been seen again. Phone is a good answer though!

Categorized as ask-random

The Little Mermaid?

Anyone loves it too? I remember watching this many times alone or with family, parents, grandparents even my currently passed away great-grandparents and other family. I personally love all the characters and all the songs in it, but especially Sebastian the Lobster is pretty funny in it for me personally at least anyways. What about… Continue reading The Little Mermaid?

Is this normal (period)

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Is this normal (period)

Categorized as WomenTopic

What changed your life?

There are many things that can change someone’s life. Some changes are small, like getting a new job, while others are large, like becoming a parent.

Categorized as ask-random

What is something that makes anything more enjoyable?

One thing that can make anything more enjoyable is receiving compliments from others. This can boost one’s confidence and make them feel good about themselves, which in turn makes the activity more enjoyable.

Categorized as ask-random

What’s the scariest dream you’ve had?

The scariest dream I’ve had is when I was being chased by a serial killer. I could hear his footsteps behind me, and I knew he was going to kill me. I woke up just before he caught me.

Categorized as ask-random

Apart from the winter truce what other wholesome and peaceful events of similar magnitude have happened in the past?

Well it wasn’t an event but there was this one time where there was a Russian soldier in World War I that had a hauntingly beautiful singing voice and would sing every night and it could be heard across No Man’s Land into a German Trench one night the singer got sick and the Germans… Continue reading Apart from the winter truce what other wholesome and peaceful events of similar magnitude have happened in the past?

Categorized as ask-random

What’s an example of skinny privilege you have seen?

Some overweight people (in most cases other women) giving unsolicited ‘compliments’ on my body (because I’m thin) and also go on to talk about their diet and exercise plans. I sincerely, loathe these type of questions because it’s like entitled and stupid on the part of people asking. Same with ‘pretty privilege’ and yet people… Continue reading What’s an example of skinny privilege you have seen?

Categorized as ask-random

What is the most useless and useful degrees?

Define useful. I would define useful as getting you a job (regardless of salary). Some of the highest unemployment degrees are Mass Media (journalism and broadcast news), Liberal Arts, and Anthropology. Some of the lowest unemployment rates are Medical Technicians, Education (both early childhood and general), and Law. Do a search for highest and lowest… Continue reading What is the most useless and useful degrees?

Categorized as ask-random

What was your most useful purchase?

It’s an art piece, a heavy duty plumber’s pipe wrench welded into a Xenomorph. The mouth adjusts and would still be able to fix a pipe, and also it could be used to bonk a burglar pretty good too. https://i.imgur.com/NvMoEbL.jpeg

Categorized as ask-random

What red flags in a relationship are often swept under the rug ?

Communication differences. Like there are a lot of people who can’t communicate. They can vent or speak or rebuttal but they can’t communicate. Communication takes effort and the willingness to change. If you meet someone who can’t communicate then you need to run, especially if they think change is always wrong, always manipulative, always something… Continue reading What red flags in a relationship are often swept under the rug ?

Categorized as ask-random

What is your guilty pleasure?

Melanie Martinez’s music And not guilty in a “oh no, I hope nobody ever finds out” kind of way, just an awareness that a grown man that’s overly enthusiastic about her kind of music is a questionable look.

Categorized as ask-random

What’s a fictional quote you will never forget?

“We cross our bridges when we come to them and burn them behind us, with nothing to show for our progress except a memory of the smell of smoke, and a presumption that once our eyes watered.”

Categorized as ask-random

What’s the best kind of music?

The best type of music, according to me, is my favorite music. The best type of music, according to you, is your favorite music.

Categorized as ask-random

Do you think that America should get involved in the situation in Iran,why or why not?

The situation in Iran is an internal matter. What the West could do is impose even more sanctions on Iran and cut diplomatic ties with the regime. Or maybe in an act of protest send solely female ambassadors and instruct them to never veil their hair. This is a revolution of the Iranian people –… Continue reading Do you think that America should get involved in the situation in Iran,why or why not?

Categorized as ask-random

Why printers are the most difficult electronic products to use?

Printers are churned out in volume. They are not designed to last or to be repaired. They are designed to be replaced. They are designed to use highly profitable (and extremely expensive) printer ink. They are not designed to last or even for ease of use – they are designed to burn through ink and… Continue reading Why printers are the most difficult electronic products to use?

Categorized as ask-random


49.8844, -96.852961111111 Canada City EN No Year Of Publication 2021 VLR Title Winnipeg and the SDGs: A Voluntary Local Review of Progress 2021 Website https://unhabitat.org/sites/default/files/2022/10/winnipeg_2021_en.pdf


Home node 161918 51.05, 3.7166694444444 Belgium City EN No Year Of Publication 2021 VLR Title Ghent Sustainability Report 2021: Focus on people – Voluntary Local Review Website https://unhabitat.org/sites/default/files/2022/10/ghent_2021_en.pdf

Am I pregnant

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Am I pregnant

Categorized as WomenTopic

What are your thoughts on your current lifestyle?

I’m not entirely sure. I know that I want to be healthier and I want to be more active, but I’m not sure how to go about it. I need to find a better balance between work and play, and I need to find time for myself.

Categorized as ask-random

What’s the stupidest lie you ever got away with?

Telling my teacher that my presentation got deleted by a virus. So she gave a chance to present it the following dayy hahah didnt think it worked but it did. HAHAHA of course you gotta thank my acting skills for it too, its pretty up there.

Categorized as ask-random

What is your ideal government?

There is no single answer to this question as different people have different ideas about what an ideal government would look like. Some people might want a government that is small and unobtrusive, while others might want a government that is more active and involved in the lives of its citizens. There are many different… Continue reading What is your ideal government?

Categorized as ask-random

What would be your submission to the “Reddit Library of Good Advice”?

Well, first of all, you should always take good advice with a grain of salt. What works for one person may not work for another, so keep that in mind. That said, some good advice that I’ve found useful is to live your life with intention. Set goals and work towards them every day. Be… Continue reading What would be your submission to the “Reddit Library of Good Advice”?

Categorized as ask-random

People who have asked their friends out on a date, how did that go? Are you still dating?

I had a best friend in high school (both girls). One day, completely out of the blue, she told me she was in love with me and asked me out. It honestly was a complete shock, I didn’t even know she liked girls. I didn’t return the feelings and our friendship just corroded from there.… Continue reading People who have asked their friends out on a date, how did that go? Are you still dating?

Categorized as ask-random

What’s a medical “life hack” that’s completely untrue?

There’s a “life hack” going around that says if you drink a cup of warm water with honey and lemon first thing in the morning, it will jump start your metabolism and help you lose weight. There is no scientific evidence to support this claim.

Categorized as ask-random

What’s your hygiene to your over sweating under arms?

tips Here are some tips to help control excessive sweating: -Wear loose fitting, breathable clothing. -Avoiding trigger foods and beverages that can make you sweat. -Use an antiperspirant or deodorant to help control sweat and body odor. -If these measures do not work, your doctor may prescribe a stronger antiperspirant or medication to help control… Continue reading What’s your hygiene to your over sweating under arms?

Categorized as ask-random

what is the best anime?

you’ve ever seen The best anime I’ve ever seen would have to be Death Note. It’s an amazing story with great characters and a plot that keeps you guessing.

Categorized as ask-random

What is the most depressing Social Interaction/Relationship you experienced/are experiencing?

My interactions with people on here. I’ve pretty much pushed everyone in my personal life away, but outside of work hours my brain screams for human interaction. All I give it is meaningless Reddit non-conversations. Like a dog fed nothing but broccoli and leafy greens, it’s too fucking stupid to know better as it wastes… Continue reading What is the most depressing Social Interaction/Relationship you experienced/are experiencing?

Categorized as ask-random

What is one thing you like and one thing you dislike about your generation?

We have a lot of actitives like we’re also very united gen Z’s are not afraid to fight back which I love about my generation but also at the same time it what I hate about our generation because because of that we are looked down upon a lot and we are very misunderstood also… Continue reading What is one thing you like and one thing you dislike about your generation?

Categorized as ask-random

What is what why?

Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. It doesn’t appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one.

Categorized as ask-random

What’s keeping you alive ?

There are many things that keep me alive, including my family, friends, and loved ones. My faith also keeps me going as I believe that there is something greater than myself out there. Additionally, my desire to make a difference in the world and leave a positive legacy motivates me to keep going even when… Continue reading What’s keeping you alive ?

Categorized as ask-random

What is the goofiest conspiracy theory people actually believe?

Trumps election lies. To believe any of the literal shit that pours out of that narcissistic conman’s mouth is to be beyond braindead. Dude even lied about being “self made”, had a fraudulent university, and settled out of court for misuse of funds with his charity. All of that on top of literally thousands of… Continue reading What is the goofiest conspiracy theory people actually believe?

Categorized as ask-random

While she did some good things, what are some of Queen Elizabeth’s most outrageous/morally corrupt acts she committed during her reign?

Her relatives with disabilities were declared dead and hidden away in a group home. Her family was torn apart by demanding that her children marry virgins from appropriate bloodlines, even when people like Charles were in love with someone else. She defended colonialism and British rule even when it included genocide and exploitation. Her family… Continue reading While she did some good things, what are some of Queen Elizabeth’s most outrageous/morally corrupt acts she committed during her reign?

Categorized as ask-random

Haiti: Fuel crisis prompts appeal for humanitarian corridor amid cholera outbreak

The Varreux Terminal, located in the capital, Port-au-Prince, is the main entry point for fuel in the country but gangs have been blocking the entrance since mid-September.  The situation has led to a fuel shortage that has forced many hospitals and health centres to close, and affected water distribution, said Ulrika Richardson, UN Deputy Special… Continue reading Haiti: Fuel crisis prompts appeal for humanitarian corridor amid cholera outbreak

Categorized as Americas

Nearly half of world’s terror victims are African, with organised crime increasingly entrenched

UNODC chief Ghada Waly said there were around 3,500 victims of terrorist acts in sub-Saharan Africa last year, nearly half of those recorded worldwide. The vast Sahel region in particular has become home to some of the most active and deadly terrorist groups, and it is essential to gain more understanding of the links between… Continue reading Nearly half of world’s terror victims are African, with organised crime increasingly entrenched

Categorized as Africa

Who is the best fiction villain?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on personal preferences. Some popular choices for best fiction villain might include Darth Vader from the Star Wars series, Sauron from The Lord of the Rings, or Hannibal Lecter from The Silence of the Lambs.

Categorized as ask-random

People who regularly use the word ‘woke’ as an insult, what is your actual understanding of the word?

There is no one answer to this question as everyone’s understanding of the word “woke” may be different. However, generally speaking, the term is used to describe someone who is aware of social and political issues, especially those relating to race and inequality. Additionally, it can be used as a verb meaning “to become aware… Continue reading People who regularly use the word ‘woke’ as an insult, what is your actual understanding of the word?

Categorized as ask-random

How did you cope with your anxiety?

Honestly medication. It’s the first time in years I don’t overthink myself into misery thanks to one pill a day I’m taking Zoloft. Before this I would meditate when I could, listen to familiar audiobooks/music and just try my best to zone out.

Categorized as ask-random

What are the healthy precautions that the health community are taking in order to help the generation that might suffer from the side effects of the chemical therapies and surgeries taken by the trans community and other possible individuals who had taken them in some form or another?

The way they mitigate the side effects is by making sure the person wants the transition. You can’t just walk into your doctors office and be like I want to transition. You have to go to psychologist, psychiatrist, you also must be wanting these things for a long time too.

Categorized as ask-random


37.266666666667, 127.01666666667 South Korea City EN No Year Of Publication 2021 VLR Title Suwon SDG Action Report Website https://unhabitat.org/sites/default/files/2022/10/suwon_2021_en_1.pdf

Why did you quit your last job?

Needed to check myself in to rehab and focus on recovery. I got a new job once I sobered up and have been with that company for about a decade now

Categorized as ask-random

How did you become successful?

By doing things I did not want to do. Things like trying something new, even though I wasn’t good at it. Asking for guidance and help. Putting myself in a position to fail and/or be rejected. Adopting the mindset that other people probably have better ideas than me and I should listen and learn. Only… Continue reading How did you become successful?

Categorized as ask-random


22.990830555556, 120.21333055556 Taiwan City EN No Year Of Publication 2021 VLR Title Retrieving data. Wait a few seconds and try to cut or copy again. Website https://unhabitat.org/sites/default/files/2022/10/tainan_2021_en.pdf

WTO anticipates sharp slowdown in world trade growth in 2023

The UN partner agency has cautioned against imposing trade restrictions which would ultimately result in slower growth and lower living standards.  Global merchandise trade volume is estimated to grow 3.5 per cent in 2022, or slightly better than the 3.0 per cent anticipated in April.    However, volume will slow to 1 per cent next… Continue reading WTO anticipates sharp slowdown in world trade growth in 2023

Why right wingers hate and try to control women so much?

Social conservatism is completely incompatible with the concepts of freedom and liberty. Social conservatism will ban abortions. It will tell you who you can and cannot marry. In previous generations, it fought hard to tell you who wasn’t allowed to vote. Even further back, it defended the right to own people as property. Social conservatism… Continue reading Why right wingers hate and try to control women so much?

Categorized as ask-random

7 Effects Of Climate Change Happening Right Now

7 Climate Change Effects of Climate Change Happening Right now The Earth’s temperature has risen .14° Fahrenheit (0.08° Celsius) per decade since 1880. And according to NASA, NOAA and Berkeley Earth, the past seven years have been the hottest in recorded history. While climate change has multiple contributing factors, the unfortunate truth is that most… Continue reading 7 Effects Of Climate Change Happening Right Now

Horrific Thailand nursery attack prompts swift international condemnation

6 October 2022Culture and Education A horrific attack on a childcare centre in northern Thailand that has left dozens dead, prompted strong international condemnation on Thursday. UN Secretary-General António Guterres, said he was shocked and saddened by the mass shooting.  More than 35 people have been killed, according to news reports, many of them children, said… Continue reading Horrific Thailand nursery attack prompts swift international condemnation

Categorized as Asia

What skin type are you?

The worst type. I’m pale af and also have, in the words of one dermatologist, “the craziest case of dermatographia I’ve ever seen”.

Categorized as ask-random

Make suicide prevention in Africa a priority, UN health agency urges governments

6 October 2022Health Did you know that Africa has the highest suicide rate in the world? To reverse that worrying statistic, the UN health agency WHO on Thursday launched a social media campaign to raise awareness around mental health illness, which is believed to account for up to 11 per cent of the risk factors that… Continue reading Make suicide prevention in Africa a priority, UN health agency urges governments

Categorized as Africa

What’s your true dream ?

For all idiots on this planet to be striken by a viral intellect-increasing infection which would cure them of their utter stupidity. So many problems will be solved, if only the world was populated by fewer morons…

Categorized as ask-random

UNICEF Is Deeply Saddened By Tragic Shooting At Early Childhood Development Center In Thailand

NEW YORK (October 6, 2022) –  UNICEF is saddened and shocked by the tragic shooting incident at an early childhood development center in Thailand’s northern province of Nong Bua Lamphu, where dozens of people were reported killed, many of them young children. UNICEF condemns all forms of violence against children. No child should be a target… Continue reading UNICEF Is Deeply Saddened By Tragic Shooting At Early Childhood Development Center In Thailand

Categorized as unicef


4.8133305555556, -74.303888888889 Colombia City ES No Year Of Publication 2022 VLR Title Reporte Local Voluntario 2022 Website https://unhabitat.org/sites/default/files/2022/10/pereira_2022_es.pdf


53.340611111111, -0.71838055555556 United Kingdom Constituent Country EN No Year Of Publication 2019 VLR Title Wales and the Sustainable Development Goals Website https://unhabitat.org/sites/default/files/2022/10/wales_2019_en.pdf

How are you feeling today?

Really awful. I’m sick. Heavy head, and sore throat. It hurts when I eat/drink. Also there’s a wound in my toe that is not healing, it’ll probably fester so I have to go for the doctor for that.

Categorized as ask-random

How old is your reddit account?

A week or so. Last one was two years old, but I apparently pissed someone off. For like a week straight, every comment I made was basically immediately downvoted. No real point in reddit if it’s basically impossible to take part in discussion.

Categorized as ask-random


41.388788888889, 2.1589888888889 Spain City CAT No Year Of Publication 2020 VLR Title Barcelona: Futur Sostenible- Disset objectius socials, econòmics i ambientals Website https://unhabitat.org/sites/default/files/2022/10/barcelona_2020_cat.pdf

If you could give your younger self advice, what would it be?

You’re bi, and should stop being a pretentious dick who thinks hes better than everyone because they don’t like mainstream stuff, because trust me, you’ll go crazy for Queen and MCR once you get to the point where you allow yourself to like them. Oh yeah, and speaking if MCR go ahead and have that… Continue reading If you could give your younger self advice, what would it be?

Categorized as ask-random

Serious what thing has happened that made you think it might have been a ghost ?

As a kid, I grew up playing in the evenings after school, doing my homework and having dinner… all in a cemetery🪦 just across the road from my house. I found the place rather peaceful, away from all the noise in the world…. and home. The things that happened didn’t exactly make me afraid of… Continue reading Serious what thing has happened that made you think it might have been a ghost ?

Categorized as ask-random

How do you deal with your inner demons?

Currently I downloaded two kind of apps to help me against SH urges and to help me start with positive helping strengthening ways to cope. Other than that I have a colour book app, phone games, and Embroidery.

Categorized as ask-random

Whats something that should be part of basic hygiene but too many people dont know it?

I recently remembered a discussion i read somewhere how soo many people use sex toys and have absolutely no idea on how to clean or if its even needed to be cleaned! Many folk even expressed not wanting to use one because they had no idea on how to clean them, like come on….soap with… Continue reading Whats something that should be part of basic hygiene but too many people dont know it?

Categorized as ask-random

What is currently your biggest source of misery?

The fact that nobody wants me around. I’ve never had friends, never had a girlfriend, my family hates me and I’m a joke to everyone I know. After nearly four decades, this is really killing me.

Categorized as ask-random

What surprised you today?

My teenager and I watched Dear Evan Hansen for her first time. I was very happy, as a Broadway dork who has seen the . . . uh, illegal YouTube recordings a million times.

Categorized as ask-random

What was your dream job when you were a child and a teenager, and what’s your job now?

I wanted to be a military helicopter pilot, and now I work at an intelligence agency. Unfortunately, I wasn’t accepted into flight school and my backup option was military intelligence… but after I finished my MI school the military wouldn’t let me into flight school afterwards because my MI skills were too valuable to waste… Continue reading What was your dream job when you were a child and a teenager, and what’s your job now?

Categorized as ask-random

broken an addiction to something?

Have you ever broken an addiction to something? How did you do it? How hard was it to give that thing up?

Categorized as Life

Do you have dislike for any sports?

I have heard some talk about how they don’t like a particular sports because of one reason or another. Is there any sports that you are not comfortable with?

Categorized as Sports

What next for C. Ronaldo?

The Manchester United attacker began the season on a poor note as he was left on the bench for most of their matches so far. We are talking about one of the greatest players to have graced the sports. Do you think it is time for him to leave or stay back and fight for… Continue reading What next for C. Ronaldo?

Categorized as Sports

Can Barcelona overcome their struggles in Europe?

Barcelona left Italy where they played against Inter Milan with zero points. The Catalans went into the game as favorites, but after a first half goal by one of Inter Milan attacker, Barcelona couldn’t find way to grab an equaliser. Do you see Barcelona surviving this or not?

Categorized as Sports

Rights experts decry shut down of civic space in Nicaragua

Nicaragua must comply with its international obligations to respect and guarantee fundamental freedoms, two experts appointed by the UN and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) said in a joint declaration issued on Monday. 

Categorized as Americas

The Black Sea Grain Initiative: What it is, and why it’s important for the world

Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine began, exports of grain from Ukraine, as well as food and fertilizers from Russia, have been significantly hit. The disruption in supplies pushed soaring prices even higher and contributed to a global food crisis. The Black Sea Grain Initiative, brokered by the United Nations and Türkiye, was set up to… Continue reading The Black Sea Grain Initiative: What it is, and why it’s important for the world

Categorized as Europe

With help, Iraq’s spirit of hope, forward-looking youths can keep nascent democracy on track, Prime Minister says

Iraq represents a living example of how hope prevails over seemingly impossible odds, especially conflict and political crises, Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi told the UN General Assembly on Friday, and while the nascent democracy still needed international support, it is looking to its younger generations to keep the spirit of hope and courage alive.

Categorized as mieast

‘We need all hands on deck!’ The world’s ‘to-do list’ is long and time is short, UN deputy chief tells Global Citizen Festival

Every problem we face is a problem that we created – so it’s a problem we can solve together, declared UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed on Saturday, rallying the crowd gathered in New York’s Central Park for the 2022 Global Citizen Festival to keep holding their leaders accountable: with hope and action, a world free… Continue reading ‘We need all hands on deck!’ The world’s ‘to-do list’ is long and time is short, UN deputy chief tells Global Citizen Festival

Categorized as sdgs

Sudan committed to achieve national reconciliation, General Assembly hears

Abdel-Fattah Al Burhan Abdelrahman Al-Burhan, the President of the Transitional Government of Sudan, called for more multilateral action to find sustainable solutions to global challenges and to reduce terrible repercussions for people worldwide, particularly in countries affected by conflict and in the least developed countries.

Categorized as Africa

Rescuing the SDGs: General Assembly highlights ‘world’s to-do list’

The UN Secretary-General and the President of the 77TH General Assembly joined world leaders and Goodwill Ambassadors on Monday in a global call to rescue the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and get back on track to building a better world that “leaves no one behind”.

Categorized as sdgs

Join forces to prevent ‘food availability crisis’ urges FAO chief

As the war in Ukraine stokes a crisis for countries who are struggling just to access the food their populations want and need, the international community needs to ensure that doesn’t spill over into a “food availability crisis”, the head of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said on Wednesday.

no sex marriage

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading no sex marriage

Categorized as WomenTopic

Who was the worst teacher you ever had?

My junior year physics teacher, I was always fascinated by physics and wanted to understand it more, he was the most boring teacher ever and made me hate physics cause he took all the joy out of it

Categorized as ask-random

Do you believe in afterlife?

A lot of world religions like Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, etc. are strong proponent of afterlife. According to this belief system, life does not cease to exist after death, there is life after death. Do you believe in afterlife? As far as I am concerned, I don’t believe in afterlife.

Categorized as Life

Do you believe in Karma?

According to Hindu belief system, Karma is the sum of all deeds you have done in your life, including good and bad deeds. Buddhism burrowed this concept of Karma from Buddhism and elaborated even further. It is believed when you die, your Karma will follow in your next life cycle.

Categorized as Life

How can we prevent Russia from using nuclear weapons?

During the Cold War, we used mutually assured destruction. If the Soviets nuked the West, the West had nukes pointed at the Soviet Union that would fire automatically, and vice versa. There was no way to win.

Categorized as ask-random

People Who Have Worked For Chic’Fil-A, What Makes Them A Superior Employer?

Consistently all the fast food places in my area are empty or nearly empty, and understaffed. Look across the street at Chic’Fil-A and the line is around the building and filling up the parking lot with people trying to get in. Great service comes from great employees, and great employees come from great employers. So… Continue reading People Who Have Worked For Chic’Fil-A, What Makes Them A Superior Employer?

Categorized as ask-random

Control Dynamic Island with swipes

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

Dating a well off guy…

I’m not trying to put myself down, and neither has he but I must be honest… I feel a little out of place dating a guy who’s well off. Maybe I’m just being too harsh on myself, maybe this is the universe pushing me into a direction to rub shoulders with the right people and… Continue reading Dating a well off guy…

Categorized as WomenTopic

How do you say no?

Press your tounge against the upper part of your mouth, start vibrating your voice to create the “n” sound.After that,, release the tounge and make a small circle with your lips for the “o” sound.

Categorized as ask-random

What do you think of using hacks in online games any why?

If you cheating for personals gain it’s on thing but when your cheating starts destroying the fun for other for yours. That’s a bit selfish. Then again you do you, I’ll just block you or something to insure I don’t pair up with you.

Categorized as ask-random

What is the most petty thing that you have ever done?

Friend offered me a ride. Her BF bitched about it the entire time and interrogated me about why I was quiet and nerdy, how that wasn’t manly, etc. Well, I slept with my friend/his GF, in the process learning that he wasn’t very well endowed. Not proud of it, but there it is.

Categorized as ask-random

Why does Apple livestream their events instead of using the “Premiere” feature on YouTube?

Since the pandemic, Apple started to pre-record their events and publish them on YouTube. Something that I’ve noticed but didn’t really understand is that Apple chooses to broadcast their events through livestreams instead of using the “Premiere” feature that YouTube offers. (You can check for yourself on previous Apple events) But why do they do… Continue reading Why does Apple livestream their events instead of using the “Premiere” feature on YouTube?

Categorized as Apple

Previous Watch Band Colors

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

Ten years of Afghan economic growth, reversed in just 12 months: UNDP

It says that the already-declining regular economy, as opposed to the black market, lost nearly $5 billion after August 2021 and is reversing “in 12 months what had taken 10 years to accumulate.” Soaring prices  The cost of a basket of essentials needed to avoid food poverty has meanwhile risen 35 percent, forcing poorer households… Continue reading Ten years of Afghan economic growth, reversed in just 12 months: UNDP

Latest DPR Korea missile launch risks escalating tensions, Security Council hears

5 October 2022Peace and Security The international community must step up efforts to eliminate nuclear weapons in the wake of the latest firing of a ballistic missile by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), a senior UN official told the Security Council on Wednesday. Assistant-Secretary-General Khaled Khiari briefed ambassadors on the UN’s response to… Continue reading Latest DPR Korea missile launch risks escalating tensions, Security Council hears

Categorized as Asia

New UN report urges Europe to step-up action over triple environmental crisis

Action is needed over emissions, waste, pollution and biodiversity loss, it says, adding that solutions can be found, through a focus on a “circular economy” and sustainable infrastructure. The call came during the ninth Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference, which runs until Friday, in the report authored by the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)… Continue reading New UN report urges Europe to step-up action over triple environmental crisis

What’s something you absolutely hate that people do normally?

Honk their horns as soon as a traffic light turns green. Cars don’t immediately move and they will not all start moving at the same time. So, what the fuck is the point of every single car honking their horns? It’s not going to make the line move faster.

Categorized as ask-random

What is the worst restaurant related experience you’ve ever had?

Had a server at a local place we check out a few times a year clearly doing some sort of hard drug between talking to us. Seemed normal when she greeted us, then was falling into walls, grabbing random plates we were eating from, tripping, closing their eyes while mumbling/talking, it was sad. Think it… Continue reading What is the worst restaurant related experience you’ve ever had?

Categorized as ask-random

Can you be fired for asking an employeer for your pay in the US, what action can be taken if terminated for this reason?

Depends what you mean. Do you mean your employer is withholding your pay? That’s ILLEGAL, and you can sue. You earned that pay legally, they cannot keep it from you. You shouldn’t ever have to ask for your pay. It should be automatic, on a set time schedule and deployed to you without your request.… Continue reading Can you be fired for asking an employeer for your pay in the US, what action can be taken if terminated for this reason?

Categorized as ask-random

How do you deal with burn out?

depends if you can change what is causing the burn out, then do so. if you cant, then power through cause there is no other option.

Categorized as ask-random

Napoli humbled Ajax in their Champions League Group match

Ajax have always proved to be a very good team in the UEFA Champions League. They almost reached finals in the tournament few years ago. They were faced with Napoli on 10/4/2022 and they beaten soundedly 6-1. No one expected that kind of result because they even opened the scoring.

Categorized as Sports

House of The Dragon or Game of Thrones?

For those who have watched Game of Thrones and are currently watching House of The Dragon, between the two TV series, which one would you consider to be a better story? I won’t judge House of The Dragon till it’s complete but if you can, which one would you go for?

What are some unusual ways people have died?

Dying of laughter. There was a philospher who drunkenly died laughing at his own joke, as he watched a donkey eating figs off his tree. His joke was that the donkey should have some of his wine, too.

Categorized as ask-random

[Matt Hodges/@hodgesmr] macOS is background scanning images on my computer and, when those images are QR codes that point to URLs, it’s decoding the codes and requesting the URL

It’s not any crazier than what a website could do Any website (or app) can make arbitrary requests to any URL on the user’s behalf, without the user knowing. This is exactly how trackers like facebook and google operate This has less impact since the image needs to be stored on your device – which… Continue reading [Matt Hodges/@hodgesmr] macOS is background scanning images on my computer and, when those images are QR codes that point to URLs, it’s decoding the codes and requesting the URL

Categorized as Apple

Don’t want to be alone but annoyed!

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Don’t want to be alone but annoyed!

Categorized as WomenTopic

Guterres says Central African Republic must ‘spare no effort’ to help bring killers of UN peacekeepers to justice

5 October 2022Peace and Security The UN Secretary-General has expressed his deep sadness over the death of three peacekeepers from Bangladesh who were killed on Monday in the Central African Republic (CAR), following a roadside bomb explosion near the border with Cameroon. Others were injured, and one remains in a critical condition. The ‘blue helmets’… Continue reading Guterres says Central African Republic must ‘spare no effort’ to help bring killers of UN peacekeepers to justice

Categorized as Africa

Climate change heightens threats of violence against women and girls

Presenting a report to the General Assembly on its causes and consequences, Reem Alsalem, UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls described climate change as “the most consequential threat multiplier for women and girls, with far-reaching impacts on new and existing forms of gendered inequities”. She maintained that the “cumulative and gendered consequences”… Continue reading Climate change heightens threats of violence against women and girls


I heard of this recently in an article. www.birdsandblooms.com/birding/bird-photography/digiscoping Have any of you tried it? It’s shooting digital photos through a spotting scope with a cell phone or point & shoot camera. It sounds quite fascinating! If you have tried it, do you have tips & tricks to make it more successful?

Categorized as Photos Art

Progressive Dinner

A progressive dinner is where each course is eaten at a different host’s house in the same evening. The party goes from house to house starting at appetizers on to the main course then desserts. I saw this on a TV episode & was wondering if any of you have tried this? It definitely looks… Continue reading Progressive Dinner

Categorized as Food

Demand For Life-Saving Supplies For Children At An All-Time High As UNICEF Commemorates 60 Years Of Operations In Copenhagen

NEW YORK (October 5, 2022) – UNICEF is commemorating 60 years of delivering emergency supplies to the world’s most vulnerable children from its Global Supply and Logistics Hub in Copenhagen. The Copenhagen Hub has been shipping supplies – such as medical instruments, medicines, hygiene supplies, education materials, and sanitation equipment – at record pace in recent… Continue reading Demand For Life-Saving Supplies For Children At An All-Time High As UNICEF Commemorates 60 Years Of Operations In Copenhagen

Categorized as unicef

World Teachers’ Day highlights need to transform education

The statement comes in their joint message to mark World Teachers’ Day, celebrated annually on 5 October. The international community has committed to transform education – a process that must be led by teachers. A critical partner That’s the firm belief expressed by Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UN educational and cultural agency, UNESCO; Gilbert F. Houngbo,… Continue reading World Teachers’ Day highlights need to transform education

Limb Lengthening Surgery experience? How was yours?

If you had a limb lengthening surgery, would you like to spend some information in here? I‘m looking forward to get one just to live life taller. I‘m not comfortable with my height, thats why I consider doing this

Categorized as ask-random

What minimal effort recipes do you make on a regular basis that has become a staple in your household?

Thai curry. You get some curry paste from the store (I like Aroy-D), chop up some tofu and vegetables, sautee the curry paste in some coconut milk until it starts frying then dump in the rest of your coconut milk and tofu/veg and let it all simmer for about ten minutes and dinner is ready.… Continue reading What minimal effort recipes do you make on a regular basis that has become a staple in your household?

Categorized as ask-random

Amidst Insecurity In Haiti, New Cholera Upsurge Puts 1.2 Million Children At Risk

NEW YORK (October 4, 2022) – The resurgence of cholera in violence-stricken Haiti after three years without a single reported case threatens the well-being and health of 1.2 million children living in Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince, UNICEF warned today.  As the country grapples with clashes between armed groups and violent protests over price hikes, seven deaths have… Continue reading Amidst Insecurity In Haiti, New Cholera Upsurge Puts 1.2 Million Children At Risk

Categorized as unicef

How is your confidence of the US ability to stop a nuclear ICBM attack in North America?

The systems are untested and an ICBM is by no means an easy target. Your best bet is to take it out right at the peak of its parabola and it doesn’t take a hell of a lot to confuse the targeting of the missile you’ve sent to interrupt it. Fill the air with shiny… Continue reading How is your confidence of the US ability to stop a nuclear ICBM attack in North America?

Categorized as ask-random

What are the fundamental rules to write a quality content?

Imo the most important things are: understand who you are producing it for, why you are producing it for them, where they will consume it and what you want them to do as a result of viewing it. Clear answers on all of those points imo leads to good content

Categorized as ask-random

Students who took gap years, what was the best thing you did during that year?

The best thing I did during my gap year was travel. I traveled to a bunch of different places in Europe and Southeast Asia, and it was an amazing experience. It’s a great opportunity to explore new cultures and learn about different ways of life. I also think it’s a good time to focus on… Continue reading Students who took gap years, what was the best thing you did during that year?

Categorized as ask-random

What’s the reason you aren’t getting enough sleep?

My medication creates a pervading sense of wakefulness that can impact the abilities to fall asleep and stay asleep. So if I do manage to fall asleep at a reasonable time, I usually end up waking too early and spoiling the potential rest anyway.

Categorized as ask-random

Which country was the biggest chip on their shoulder?

America is the country with the biggest chip on their shoulder. America has a long history of feeling like they are the underdogs and needing to prove themselves. This dates back to when America was first formed, as colonists rebelling against England. They has been a strong sense of needing to be independent and stand… Continue reading Which country was the biggest chip on their shoulder?

Categorized as ask-random

Abortion – why aren’t grown men being held accountable for impregnated minors? I am at a loss as why this isn’t being discussed. Eleven year old girls are being denied abortions. Why is nobody talking about grown men or family members being charged with statutory rape?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Abortion – why aren’t grown men being held accountable for impregnated minors? I am at a loss as why this isn’t being discussed. Eleven year old girls are being denied abortions. Why is nobody talking about grown men or family members being charged with statutory rape?

Categorized as WomenTopic

What should be common sense?

Always take responsibility for your own credibility, and for the sake of others, by making sure you’re not chatting absolute bullshit

Categorized as ask-random

What’s a great way to be arrested?

I knew a guy who was arrested for breaking into the penguin exhibit at the zoo and swimming with the penguins. He said they all jumped in the water with him and swam in a circle, playing. Totally worth it. He was in the newspaper and everything.

Categorized as ask-random

How a man that can play piano or guitar could be instantly attractive? how does that work?

What makes you think such a person would be any more attractive than an identical person who cannot play an instrument? I think of the old guy playing an electronic piano at the ice cream shop for a few bucks to supplement his social security. Yeah, the ladies are all swooning over the old geezer!… Continue reading How a man that can play piano or guitar could be instantly attractive? how does that work?

Categorized as ask-random

If you could choose a Native American name for yourself, what would it be?

I am Native American, and my tribal name is Pakwamaskwiin Kikinichiki, roughly translated to Drum Keeper; it’s a contextual word that could mean The Keeper of the Heart, or The Spirited. But I don’t believe that horse shit but gets me the Polish chicks on this red bone though. Gang Gang.

Categorized as ask-random

If a student who had a gun on them at school killed an active shooter, would the student be arrested?

It depends! ™ If possession of a firearm on school grounds is a crime in that state, then the fact the student used a firearm on school grounds would be pretty damn good proof of possession. There are DAs who might very well want to prosecute that crime, even in the face of the media… Continue reading If a student who had a gun on them at school killed an active shooter, would the student be arrested?

Categorized as ask-random

What is a hero?

r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions.

Categorized as ask-random

Apple Books Bookmark

Scroll reader here. Had the same problem and after about a week my muscle memory has gotten used to it. However it IS a weird UX paradigm no matter how accustomed you get to it though so i feel your frustration still. Incase you didn’t know, when you accidentally add the bookmark, if you’re in… Continue reading Apple Books Bookmark

Categorized as Apple

How accurate do you believe personality tests are and how rigid are they… can people change their personality type?

I found a Meyers-Briggs test in one of my old high school notebooks from twenty-plus years ago. I made a copy, waited a few weeks so I forgot what the answer sheet looked like, and retook it. Comparing the results: I’m as introverted as I ever was, but everything else changed completely. I was very… Continue reading How accurate do you believe personality tests are and how rigid are they… can people change their personality type?

Categorized as ask-random

Its Siri’s birthday today!

All jokes aside, the annunciation and clarity of Siri is leagues better than the other voice assistants on the market. Apple has the resources/marketshare to open more Siri APIs to developers and make it a much more competitive platform. Maybe they don’t see it as a profitable segment?

Categorized as Apple

VR Headset Reveal

How do you think Apple will release their VR Headset? At one point I had theorized that Apple would tease it as a “One More Thing” at the Far Out event last month or at a possible event this month, but now I find there won’t be an event this month and Apple will only… Continue reading VR Headset Reveal

Categorized as Apple

what’s the scariest creepypasta?

The Slender Man. Before this pale, faceless ghoul had his own movie and video game series, he haunted the forums of the internet with his finely pressed suit and unnaturally long limbs

Categorized as ask-random

What is the cure for hiccups?

Everyone has a home remedy, but my wife’s, via her sixth grade teacher is the one that’s worked the best for me. Seven quick, shallow sips of cold water from a cup. I generally go over seven, but it works.

Categorized as ask-random


A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Mammograms

Categorized as WomenTopic


A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Women☕

Categorized as WomenTopic

What in your life has caused you the most pain?

Unhealthy amounts of loneliness. Shit spanned years and years, even in my sleep I couldn’t get my mind off of it, then I would curse waking up in the morning to relive it again. Nowadays shit doesn’t bother me. I can read, do my push ups, and get shit done with ease.

Categorized as ask-random

What song makes you cry every time?

That one where the guy’s girlfriend or wife died in a car accident and he is saying he has to be good so he goes to heaven and he sees her again. Whenever I mention it, someone reminds me the name of the song, but I will never retain that information.

Categorized as ask-random

Apple Releases New MagSafe Charger Firmware

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

I hate giving Apple my money…

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

Helping Children Recover From the Trauma of Pakistan Floods

Eight-year-old Daniyal’s family lost everything when floodwaters swept through their village in Pakistan’s Balochistan Province. He and his younger brother, Hakim, are still terrified by the memory. “There was a lot of water, and everyone had to pack up and leave,” says Daniyal. “We borrowed a tent from a neighboring community, put it outside our… Continue reading Helping Children Recover From the Trauma of Pakistan Floods

Categorized as unicef

Five years of violence in northern Mozambique has forced nearly a million to flee

As the conflict in Cabo Delgado province has not subsided, UNHCR is appealing for both an end to the bloodshed and greater international support for the displaced and local communities hosting them.  The situation has had a devastating impact on the population, Spokesperson Matthew Saltmarsh told journalists in Geneva.  Beheadings, rapes and burnings  “People have… Continue reading Five years of violence in northern Mozambique has forced nearly a million to flee

UN chief condemns DPR Korea missile launch over Japan as ‘reckless act’

4 October 2022Peace and Security The UN Secretary-General on Tuesday strongly condemned the launch of a ballistic missile by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), more commonly known as North Korea, which reportedly travelled over Japan. The missile launch was the first to violate Japan’s air space since 2017, and the intermediate-range ballistic missile… Continue reading UN chief condemns DPR Korea missile launch over Japan as ‘reckless act’

country star laretta lyn dead at 90

rip another legend.. Loretta Lynn Dies at 90 The country music icon opened up the genre for generations of women pitchfork.com

Categorized as Music

UN envoy urges dialogue to end political impasse in Iraq

Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, UN Special Representative in Iraq, briefed the Security Council in New York, warning that “public disillusion is running sky-high”, as too many citizens have lost all faith in politicians.  Their protracted inaction has sparked protests and counter-protests, culminating in deadly clashes this past August.  Dire consequences, ongoing volatility  “These tragic developments are indisputably… Continue reading UN envoy urges dialogue to end political impasse in Iraq

Apple please let iPhone’s Sleep Focus settings control app audio volume (e.g. set it to zero). It would be such a huge QOL to know that if I open a link to YouTube or something on Reddit that my sleeping spouse isn’t going to be woken up because an ad or auto-played video is blasting at full volume.

An unofficial community to discuss Apple devices and software, including news, rumors, opinions and analysis pertaining to the company located at One Apple Park Way.

Categorized as Apple

Pakistan: To avert ‘second wave of death’, UN raises funding appeal to $816 million

4 October 2022Humanitarian Aid Battling what the top UN aid official in Pakistan has warned is a “second wave of death and destruction”, following catastrophic flooding since June that left a third of the country submerged, UN humanitarians on Tuesday raised their funding request from $160 million to $816 million. Julien Harneis, Humanitarian Coordinator for… Continue reading Pakistan: To avert ‘second wave of death’, UN raises funding appeal to $816 million

what if we are in simulation according to Elon Musk?

The person who knows more about manufacturing than anyone alive and at the same time promises, year after year, full self driving cars and yet to deliver one has an opinion on something on which he hasn’t demonstrated he has a basic understanding of? That Elon Musk.

Categorized as ask-random

Who are the scariest types of people?

Covert narcissists. They are harder to spot than their overt counterparts, and can drag you into their circle with their sob story and all the nice things they say about you (initially). And before you know it you’re all tied up in their bullshit.

Categorized as ask-random

Financially-stable career vs. Passion-driven career. Which one is more important to pursue?

Depends on your character I’d say.I recently started my business out of my sheer passion for music, abandoning a stable but boring job in the process, because it was making me sad and depressed to see my life getting away from me day after day, feeling like I was not advacing on my dreams and… Continue reading Financially-stable career vs. Passion-driven career. Which one is more important to pursue?

Categorized as ask-random

What do you need to get off your chest?

president desantis is coming will fall into Fascism dictatorship isolationism and become a shithole he abolish public education he will have migrants shot on sight at the border federal ban on abortion he will round up lgbt and burn them desantis = hitler

Categorized as ask-random

How true is that all men are sexist pigs?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading How true is that all men are sexist pigs?

Categorized as WomenTopic

What’s considered showoff in certain countries and normal behavior elsewhere?

UK: Any form of queue jumping or even not forming a queue before entering a building. Any crowd waiting for anything, even a bus, will form a strict queue. We also don’t haggle in almost all environments. It goes without saying that if you break one of these taboos, we will angrily complain about you… Continue reading What’s considered showoff in certain countries and normal behavior elsewhere?

Categorized as ask-random

There’s a Paranormal phenomenon where people that experience sleep paralysis see a man in a black hat. Im absolutely fascinated and want to hear first hand accounts of people that have seen it. Anyone have any stories? SERIOUS)

You wake but cant move and it is dark and your face is pressed into the pillow. You can just about glimpse the room. Now imagine what a lucid dreamlike state would do with those particular shapes,shades and sizes. It would make people and any large distortions would call for hats or crazy hair etc.… Continue reading There’s a Paranormal phenomenon where people that experience sleep paralysis see a man in a black hat. Im absolutely fascinated and want to hear first hand accounts of people that have seen it. Anyone have any stories? SERIOUS)

Categorized as ask-random

What is the worst wreck/car crash you’ve seen?

driving on the highway drove past a motorcycle accident not long after it happened. rider was still laying in the street dead. evidently some concrete fell from a bridge onto the road and the rider was trying to avoid it and crashed.

Categorized as ask-random

What was/is the biggest subdrama of a Reddit community you follow?

I was on subredditdrama and then, drama and now I’m in discord servers made by long time users and mods from these subreddits. A lot of interesting characters and there’s always some drama going on. There’s some drama that involves Reddit admins that you will get banned for talking about it.

Categorized as ask-random

Popular Email Client Spark Gets Major Redesign For Mac, Moves to Subscription Model

In their blog post, they say that existing customers retain the features they had before the update. And I guess from this comparison chart they put out, the free version is not losing out on anything meaningful other than the “Sent from Spark” line at the end of your emails. Hopefully they don’t backtrack from… Continue reading Popular Email Client Spark Gets Major Redesign For Mac, Moves to Subscription Model

Categorized as Apple

How do you feel about being able to separate the art from the artist if it turns out they kinda suck as a person?

It depends on the situation. If it’s something like an artist being rude to a fan, I can usually forgive them because I know that not everyone is perfect and people can have bad days. However, if it’s something more serious like sexual assault or racism, I find it much harder to separate the art… Continue reading How do you feel about being able to separate the art from the artist if it turns out they kinda suck as a person?

Categorized as ask-random

What is your worst first date?

He took me out to the airport to drive around with windows open, because he said he enjoyed the smell of jet fuel/exhaust. Then back to hangout at his weird parents’ house, where they creeped me out talking about their family hot tub night enjoyment. Could not get home fast enough.

Categorized as ask-random

Favourite “Pocahontas” Songs?

I myself love best : “Colors of the Wind” and I don’t remember the title of it, but I recall the lyrics of it : “Listen to your heart, you will understand”. And you personally? What are your favourite “Pocahontas” songs?

Categorized as Music

What screams red flag?

louder than an absent father There are numerous risks associated with growing up without a father, many of which can be traced to the lack of a male role model in the home. Children who grow up without fathers are more likely to have behavioral problems, get involved in drug and alcohol abuse, fail in… Continue reading What screams red flag?

Categorized as ask-random

What expression that is normalized nowadays but you hated the most?

In my native language polish. A lot of idioms and just common expression are homophobic, transphobic, antisemitic, discriminatory towards Romani people, racist etc. They are so normalised that people don’t notice the literal meaning. When I point it out for example to my mom she gets suuupeer defensive and angry.

Categorized as ask-random

people who like school, why?

There can be many reasons why someone might enjoy school. Maybe they like learning new things, or spending time with their friends. Some people find a sense of accomplishment in doing well in school, while others just enjoy the social aspects of it.

Categorized as ask-random

What is your happiest memory?

I have many happy memories, but one that stands out is the day I graduated from college. It was a very proud moment for me and my family.

Categorized as ask-random

Happily married people of Reddit, what’s the secret ?

Communication, treating each other as equals; sharing responsibilites, having each others best interests at heart, laughter, multiple vacations each year; having similar goals and needs helps too… Never arguing; budgeting time and money, avoiding high interest rated debts

Categorized as ask-random

Should I report to HR?

It’s gross isn’t it. Report it. So many times I wish I’d reported things I let slide. I had a previous boss tell me he only gave me a trial shift because he thought I had a good figure whilst he was drank at a staff party. Completely creeped me out. Another boss outright commented… Continue reading Should I report to HR?

Categorized as WomenTopic

What is ddi technology?

DDI technology is a type of medical imaging that uses magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to produce images of the body.

Categorized as ask-random

What’s the best way to forget someone?

Get experts to remove them from all photographs. Wipe out any mention from any documents. Have people familiar with the person sign contracts to never mention them again, or risk paying an exorbitant fee.

Categorized as ask-random

psychologists of reddit, do you go to therapy? why?

I do not go to therapy, but I have in the past. I found it helpful to talk to someone about my thoughts and feelings who was unbiased and objective. It helped me to see things from a different perspective and work through some issues I was having.

Categorized as ask-random


that’s not the dock… the dock is the row of apps that sit permanently at the bottom of screen no matter which page you swipe to in your home screen. that line is the home bar you’re talking about, which you swipe up to go back to home screen officially apple wants it there to… Continue reading Question

Categorized as Apple

What is the best romance movie?

There is no definitive answer to this question as everyone’s taste in movies differs. However, some popular romance movies include “The Notebook,” “Titanic” and “The Fault in Our Stars.”

Categorized as ask-random

When the purpose of war is peace, then why Russia and Ukraine are fighting?

Putin knows he’s gonna die soon, and before he goes, he wants to basically restart the Soviet Union to appease some kind of weird debt that he thinks he owes to his former Soviet bosses from way back when he worked for the KGB. And Ukraine understandably doesn’t want anything to do with that shit.

Categorized as ask-random

What is the most awkward question you ever had to ask someone?

I asked my friend if it was true that friends find their other friends attractive and would sleep with them if they asked/showed interest. I’ve never thought that about my friends ever, and I honestly still don’t believe it’s as common as some people make it seem. But he did say “yeah” and I trust… Continue reading What is the most awkward question you ever had to ask someone?

Categorized as ask-random

Where do you look for news stories or trending topics?

There is no one answer to this question as people have different sources for news and information. Some people may get their news from television, newspapers, or online sources. Others may get their news from word-of-mouth or social media.

Categorized as ask-random

If reincarnation turned out to be true, would you see that as a good thing or a bad thing and why?

There is no right or wrong answer to this question, as it is entirely dependent on the individual’s personal beliefs. Some people might see reincarnation as a good thing, as it could provide them with another chance to live their life in a different way or to fix past mistakes. Others might see it as… Continue reading If reincarnation turned out to be true, would you see that as a good thing or a bad thing and why?

Categorized as ask-random

What’s the best non-verbal way to get someone to stop talking to you?

Walking away? Any “non-verbal way to get someone to stop talking to you” is prone to be seen as very rude and could elicit a violent reaction and assuming they are not respecting verbal attempts to get them to stop talking to you I don’t imagine non-verbal would be more effective.

Categorized as ask-random

What do you like to cook?

The list is long: parathas, soups, biryanis, maqluba, plantains in coconut, tres leches cake, knafeh and bbq chicken/kebabs etc.

Categorized as ask-random

People who fell in love with someone who spoke a different language (or just a little of your own), what attracted you to that person?

There are many things that can attract someone to another person who speaks a different language. Perhaps it is the challenge of communicating with someone who is not a native speaker of your own language. Maybe it is the mystery of hearing a foreign language spoken by someone you are attracted to. It could also… Continue reading People who fell in love with someone who spoke a different language (or just a little of your own), what attracted you to that person?

Categorized as ask-random

Hey Reddit folks. Those of you who are in relationship with guy/girl you met online. How did you ask them out for first time?

We were playing Pokemon Showdown at two in the morning. I messed her on Skype and said I had loved her for a long time and it had gotten to the point that I couldn’t live in a world where she didn’t know just how much I loved her. I asked her if she would… Continue reading Hey Reddit folks. Those of you who are in relationship with guy/girl you met online. How did you ask them out for first time?

Categorized as ask-random

What’s the best thing about being fat?

You have much better resistance against body shots in martial arts. In the end the fat is just another layer of protection. When I have more fat I also tend to be more comfortable in lower temperatures

Categorized as ask-random

Thoughts on subscriptions?

It depends where you want developers to focus their efforts. If you want them to focus on making the product better for existing users by continually reinvesting in operational excellence and improvements, subscriptions make a lot of sense. If you want them to focus on flashy features that may or may not actually be useful,… Continue reading Thoughts on subscriptions?

Categorized as Apple

online dress shopping

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading online dress shopping

Categorized as WomenTopic

What’s the most painful thing someone told you?

“I don’t care about your feelings.” – it stung at the time. But Really that makes me pretty fortunate. I’ve heard some fucked up shit from people that had fucked up parents that was said to them at a younger fragile age.

Categorized as ask-random

Those that are Iphone users why do you hate on Android?

Honestly, most Apple users couldn’t give a flying fuck about android or what’s going on with them, most of the hate and other nonsense is aimed squarely at Apple users (the hardcore fanboi types deserve it, but they make up a tiny fraction of Apple users).

Categorized as ask-random

Five ways media and journalists can support climate action while tackling misinformation

According to the IPCC, this “shaping” power can usefully build public support to accelerate climate mitigation – the efforts to reduce or prevent the emission of the greenhouse gases that are heating our planet – but it can also be used to do exactly the opposite. This places a huge responsibility on media companies and… Continue reading Five ways media and journalists can support climate action while tackling misinformation

What are your thoughts on the dyson air wrap

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading What are your thoughts on the dyson air wrap

Categorized as WomenTopic

What is one aspect of someone’s life you think no one should have a say in?

This question needs to be reversed. The default is that nobody has any say in anyone else’s life for anything unless it harms someone else. Just like the concept freedom, everyone is free to do whatever they want so long as it doesn’t hinder someone else’s freedom to the same or cause significant disruption to… Continue reading What is one aspect of someone’s life you think no one should have a say in?

Categorized as ask-random

What app do you use for your daily todo list / task management?

If I’m going all digital, Apple Reminders + Calendar. For todos, I’ve been moving away from Reminders and using pen & paper with Analog (index cards). When I stumbled across Analog, it was setup almost exactly like my Reminders app (Today, Later, Someday), so it made the transition pretty painless. I just like being able… Continue reading What app do you use for your daily todo list / task management?

Categorized as Apple

Statement: Protect the rights of all Afghans

Confined to their homes, excluded from work, murdered in classrooms—this is what faces Afghan women and girls. With inequality imposed everywhere, nowhere is safe. Friday’s suicide attack in Kabul killed or wounded many students who were simply taking an exam. The majority were young women.   Education is a fundamental human right and a driving force… Continue reading Statement: Protect the rights of all Afghans

Categorized as Women

Rights experts decry shut down of civic space in Nicaragua

Clément Voule, UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Assembly and Association, and Pedro Vaca Villareal, IACHR Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression, have written several letters to the Government outlining why the cancellation of the legal standing of hundreds of associations “represents a clear pattern of repressing civic space”.  They said that since April 2018,… Continue reading Rights experts decry shut down of civic space in Nicaragua

Categorized as Americas

Fight against human trafficking must be strengthened in Ethiopia’s wartorn north

3 October 2022Human Rights Throughout Ethiopia’s Tigray, Afar and Amhar regions, women and girls are becoming increasingly vulnerable to abduction and sex trafficking as they flee ongoing armed conflict, a group of UN-appointed independent human rights experts warned on Monday. The protracted conflict in the three northern regions have heightened risks of trafficking for sexual exploitation… Continue reading Fight against human trafficking must be strengthened in Ethiopia’s wartorn north

Categorized as Africa

Policy mistakes could trigger worse recession than 2007 crisis: UNCTAD

“There is still time to step back from the edge of recession,” said UNCTAD chief Rebeca Grynspan. ‘Political will’ “This is a matter of policy choices and political will,” she added, noting that the current course of action is hurting the most vulnerable. UNCTAD is warning that the policy-induced global recession could be worse than… Continue reading Policy mistakes could trigger worse recession than 2007 crisis: UNCTAD

Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF 2022: Add Some Meaning to Your Halloweening

Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF has raised more than $195 million since it first launched back in 1950. But what began as a kid-focused donation drive looks very different in 2022. From QR codes to ghoulish filters for your Instagram story, UNICEF USA has reinvented its iconic Halloween campaign — harnessing the power of an increasingly digital world and… Continue reading Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF 2022: Add Some Meaning to Your Halloweening

Categorized as unicef

What was your scariest interaction with a stranger?

I was once walking home from the grocery store late at night when a man approached me and asked for money. I didn’t have any cash on me, so I offered to go to an ATM with him. He got angry and grabbed my arm, but I was able to break free and ran away.

Categorized as ask-random

How do you become perfect?

Absolutely flawless, someone that always is good to everyone, helps as many as actually possible, causing no harm to anyone ever even if its at a great expense

Categorized as ask-random

Former drug addicts, how did you beat your addiction?

Those I love around me telling me how much I’m hurting them. Once you realize how much you’re affecting others, you start to realize the sheer scale of what you’re destroying through making these bad decisions.

Categorized as ask-random

UN chief: Countries bound for COP27 must make climate action ‘the top global priority’

“A third of Pakistan flooded. Europe’s hottest summer in 500 years. The Philippines hammered. The whole of Cuba in black-out. And here, in the United States, Hurricane Ian has delivered a brutal reminder that no country and no economy is immune from the climate crisis,” he highlighted. And while “climate chaos gallops ahead, climate action… Continue reading UN chief: Countries bound for COP27 must make climate action ‘the top global priority’

More action and investment needed in cities to end ‘cascade of challenges’

Secretary-General António Guterres declared that “from climate chaos and conflicts to COVID-19”, the most vulnerable were being hit the hardest. Amplifying this year’s theme, Mind the Gap. Leave No One and No Place Behind, spotlighting widening inequalities in living conditions across the world, he said that rapid and unplanned development of towns and cities, was making conditions… Continue reading More action and investment needed in cities to end ‘cascade of challenges’

Have any of you ever met someone and had an instant feeling like “I’m going to marry this person” and ended up with them? Did it work out for you?

Yah, my husband to be. It wasn’t quite instant but it was within a few hours. He took me to IKEA for our first date because everything was closed due to covid. It was my idea but he never questioned it, and in between our text convos about star trek and Lord of the rings,… Continue reading Have any of you ever met someone and had an instant feeling like “I’m going to marry this person” and ended up with them? Did it work out for you?

Categorized as WomenTopic

what is something NEEDED in a friendship?

there’s always the saying opposites attract. i think it can apply with differing interests and positive attributes, but ultimately there needs to be some underlying values in common. otherwise the friendship will implode

Categorized as ask-random

Why don’t you believe in luck?

It implies an external force outside of natural events to have happened. I would argue it’s just coincidence, happenstance based on birth, timing, or hard work.

Categorized as ask-random

Haiti: UN supports Government efforts to quell cholera outbreak

3 October 2022Health The UN is supporting efforts by the Haitian Government to contain an outbreak of cholera following the confirmation of a positive case and the identification of other suspected cases around the capital, Port-au-Prince. The case was identified using the cholera surveillance mechanism, established by the Haitian authorities and supported by the United… Continue reading Haiti: UN supports Government efforts to quell cholera outbreak

Categorized as Americas

Which state/country is the Florida of your region?

There is no definitive answer to this question as different people have different opinions. Some people might say that the Florida of the Northeast region is Massachusetts, while others might say that it is Rhode Island.

Categorized as ask-random

Voluntary Local Review, The City of Amman, Jordan

Jordan City EN No Year Of Publication 2022 VLR Title Voluntary Local Review, The City of Amman, Jordan Website https://unhabitat.org/sites/default/files/2022/10/amman_vlr_-_english_version_-_complete_-_out_for_print_-_in_spreads_4.pdf

Dell Technologies Partners with UNICEF USA to Support Giga, the Global Initiative to Connect Every School to the Internet by 2030

NEW YORK (October 3, 2022) —  Dell Technologies (NYSE: DELL) is partnering with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) USA to support Giga, a UNICEF-ITU global initiative to connect every school to the internet by 2030 and every young person to information, opportunity and choice. 1.3 billion children have no access to the internet at home and… Continue reading Dell Technologies Partners with UNICEF USA to Support Giga, the Global Initiative to Connect Every School to the Internet by 2030

Categorized as unicef

What are your thoughts on nihlism?

Pray to your leaders to control the weather all you want. They can’t do anything. Generally they are just preying upon your ludicrous beliefs for power and wealth. Oh, and the Vaccine isn’t a Vaccine, never was. Just more preying on the weak for power and wealth.

Categorized as ask-random

What if your iPhone breaks during car accident? Crash Detection

what happens with crash detection if your iPhone breaks during the car accident. Happens all the time. Are you just SOL? I’m sure screens may crack but I’d have a hard time believing an iPhone (or any phone) is completely bricked during an accident, frequently. I understand the call needs to be put through after… Continue reading What if your iPhone breaks during car accident? Crash Detection

Categorized as Apple

Former School Bullies, Why did you Bully?

It was systemic. I was bullied by a guy who was bullied by someone else, and I bullied the next kid on down the line. It wasn’t a conscious decision, it was just how things WERE back then. I absolutely regret being a link in that chain.

Categorized as ask-random

Ever had a female colleague who propagates perception that she only got the job and promotion mostly because of her attractiveness, not because of her qualifications? What was she like and how did it work out?

at my old job, there was this girl who had a reputation for sleeping around with the bosses, and she was always getting promoted despite not being good at her job. then one day she got pregnant by one of the VPs and shit hit the fan after that

Categorized as ask-random

What advice would you give to someone who struggles to move on with things that didn’t work out, and stop overthinking about it?

With time and effort, you can train yourself to move your thoughts elsewhere. Deliberately moving your attention to something in the present can help break your train of thought, and can help break the sort of obsessive cycle humans can get into. Also, thoughts of past failure can be trigger by things that upset you… Continue reading What advice would you give to someone who struggles to move on with things that didn’t work out, and stop overthinking about it?

Categorized as ask-random

Hi question from a man

I personally wouldn’t be bothered. My husband was my first everything but he had sexual/relationship experience before and I had a hard time accepting it – not that I had anything about it, but I was worried I won’t be “good enough” or “as good as the others” and he will compare me with his… Continue reading Hi question from a man

Categorized as WomenTopic

Does anyone else feel like they have PMS while on your period?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Does anyone else feel like they have PMS while on your period?

Categorized as WomenTopic

Technical Officer, Nutrition at WHO, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

You are here: Home / Ethiopia / Technical Officer, Nutrition at WHO, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia October 3, 2022 Deadline: 1 November 2022 World Health Organization (WHO) is currently seeking applications from the eligible applicants for the post of Technical Officer in Geneva, Switzerland. The duration of this post is 1 year. The primary role of… Continue reading Technical Officer, Nutrition at WHO, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Categorized as Jobs

Do you think social media has had a negative on gen z, why or why not?

I think that social media has poisoned our society in general. Do I think that social media is fun and can be a really cool tool? Absolutely but I think that social media has replaced many things in our lives that it should never have. We’re basically slaves to our phones and these fucking data… Continue reading Do you think social media has had a negative on gen z, why or why not?

Categorized as ask-random

Disney Jewelry, anyone?

I have seen them online and I don’t want them, either too ugly or too expensive for my budget. Why buy yourself a Pandora or a Swarovski Disney jewelry piece when you could have something else instead, right? What about you? Would you buy yourself Disney jewelry in your case?

Partnerships Specialist at Unicef, Geneva, Switzerland

October 3, 2022 Deadline: 17 October 2022 United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is currently seeking applications from eligible applicants for the post of Partnerships Specialist in  Geneva, Switzerland. UNICEF works for a world in which every child has a fair chance in life. Key Jobs Responsibilities The Partnerships Specialist will perform the following… Continue reading Partnerships Specialist at Unicef, Geneva, Switzerland

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Risk Management Specialist/Senior Risk Management Specialist at ADB, Manila, Philippines

You are here: Home / Philippines / Risk Management Specialist/Senior Risk Management Specialist at ADB, Manila, Philippines October 3, 2022 Deadline: 10 October 2022 Asian Development Bank (ADB) is currently seeking applications from eligible applicants for the post of Risk Management Specialist/Senior Risk Management Specialist in Manila, Philippines. The duration of this post is 3… Continue reading Risk Management Specialist/Senior Risk Management Specialist at ADB, Manila, Philippines

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Education Specialist at Unicef, Mogadishu, Somalia

You are here: Home / Somalia / Education Specialist at Unicef, Mogadishu, Somalia October 3, 2022 Deadline: 25 October 2022 United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is currently seeking applications from eligible applicants for the post of Education Specialist in Mogadishu, Somalia. UNICEF works for a world in which every child has a fair… Continue reading Education Specialist at Unicef, Mogadishu, Somalia

Categorized as Jobs

What was the greatest day of your life?

There isn’t one specific greatest day of my life, but there are a few days that stand out as being really great. Some of these include the day I graduated from college, the day I got married, and the birthdays of my children.

Categorized as ask-random

Associate Director, Health Emergencies Preparedness and Response at Unicef, New York, United States

You are here: Home / United States / Associate Director, Health Emergencies Preparedness and Response at Unicef, New York, United States October 3, 2022 Deadline: 14 October 2022 United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is currently seeking applications from eligible applicants for the post of Associate Director, Health Emergencies Preparedness and Response in  New… Continue reading Associate Director, Health Emergencies Preparedness and Response at Unicef, New York, United States

Categorized as Jobs

Apple NEEDS to make a portable speaker

Every time I listen to my AirPods Max/HomePod/MacBook speakers I am amazed by their audio capabilities. Apple should really make a portable speaker or smart speaker. The connection with iPhone would be awesome and they clearly have the audio capacity to do it. They’re also clearly better at waterproofing/rugged design. HomePod is incredibly efficient so… Continue reading Apple NEEDS to make a portable speaker

Categorized as Apple

Administrative Assistant at WHO, Manila, Philippines

You are here: Home / Philippines / Administrative Assistant at WHO, Manila, Philippines October 3, 2022 Deadline: 17 October 2022 World Health Organization (WHO) is currently seeking applications from the eligible applicants for the post of Administrative Assistant in Manila, Philippines. The duration of this post is 2 years. The primary role of WHO is… Continue reading Administrative Assistant at WHO, Manila, Philippines

Categorized as Jobs

Technology Associate at Unicef, Manila, Philippines

You are here: Home / Philippines / Technology Associate at Unicef, Manila, Philippines October 3, 2022 Deadline: 14 October 2022 United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is currently seeking applications from eligible applicants for the post of Regional Chief of Communication in  Geneva, Switzerland. UNICEF works for a world in which every child has… Continue reading Technology Associate at Unicef, Manila, Philippines

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Social Policy Officer (Social Protection) at FAO, Accra, Ghana

You are here: Home / Ghana / Social Policy Officer (Social Protection) at FAO, Accra, Ghana October 3, 2022 Deadline:21 October 2022 Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is currently seeking applications from the eligible applicants for the post of Social Policy Officer (Social Protection) in Accra, Ghana. The duration of this post is 2 years.… Continue reading Social Policy Officer (Social Protection) at FAO, Accra, Ghana

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WASH Specialist (Water, Climate & Urbanization) at Unicef, Nairobi, Kenya

You are here: Home / Kenya / WASH Specialist (Water, Climate & Urbanization) at Unicef, Nairobi, Kenya October 3, 2022 Deadline: 16 October 2022 United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is currently seeking applications from eligible applicants for the post of WASH Specialist (Water, Climate & Urbanization) in Nairobi, Kenya. UNICEF works for a… Continue reading WASH Specialist (Water, Climate & Urbanization) at Unicef, Nairobi, Kenya

Categorized as Jobs

Self identity vs expected role

Help needed in self reflection. A question for fellow women of the world, and I would love some perspective from all walks of life. When your self identity clashes with your socially defined role, how do you know what’s the right decision? Case example: you are strong willed and independent. But for the greater good… Continue reading Self identity vs expected role

Categorized as WomenTopic

How likely are you to watch a horror movie that was made by an AI?

Sort of depends on how bored I am. Generally speaking, probably not likely. AI cannot even correctly predict my interests on things like Facebook. A quick conversation with me by an actual person would likely find more of my interests than AI. I don’t see a movie made by AI being particularly more successful at… Continue reading How likely are you to watch a horror movie that was made by an AI?

Categorized as ask-random

Human Resources Officer (Recruitment & Staffing) at FAO, Rome, Italy

You are here: Home / Italy / Human Resources Officer (Recruitment & Staffing) at FAO, Rome, Italy October 3, 2022 Deadline: 21 October 2022 Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is currently seeking applications from the eligible applicants for the post of Human Resources Officer (Recruitment & Staffing) in Rome, Italy. The duration of this post… Continue reading Human Resources Officer (Recruitment & Staffing) at FAO, Rome, Italy

Categorized as Jobs

Administrative Assistant at Unicef, Bucharest, Romania

You are here: Home / Romania / Administrative Assistant at Unicef, Bucharest, Romania October 3, 2022 Deadline: 14 October 2022 United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is currently seeking applications from eligible applicants for the post of Administrative Assistant in  Bucharest, Romania. UNICEF works for a world in which every child has a fair… Continue reading Administrative Assistant at Unicef, Bucharest, Romania

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National Project Coordinator – Digital Economy at ILO, Cairo, Egypt

You are here: Home / Egypt / National Project Coordinator – Digital Economy at ILO, Cairo, Egypt October 3, 2022 Deadline: 31 October 2022 The International Labour Organization (ILO) is currently seeking applications from the eligible applicants for the post of National Project Coordinator – Digital Economy in Cairo, Egypt. The duration of this post… Continue reading National Project Coordinator – Digital Economy at ILO, Cairo, Egypt

Categorized as Jobs

What first name has been ruined for you forever because of a specific person and why?

There are so many first names that have been ruined for me because of specific people. The most recent one is the name “Hayden”. I used to love that name, but now every time I hear it, I think of the douchebag who ruined it for me. He was my ex-boyfriend who cheated on me… Continue reading What first name has been ruined for you forever because of a specific person and why?

Categorized as ask-random

What is your scariest urban experience?

There isn’t really one specific experience that stands out as the scariest, but rather a general feeling of unease or danger that I sometimes get when walking around certain city neighborhoods late at night. It’s hard to explain, but there’s just something about the atmosphere of some city streets that can be quite unnerving.

Categorized as ask-random

What do you say when you write birthday cards?

i’m so basic because i ain’t a damn writer and i suck at pouring emotions out on paper, i just be like Happy birthday “name” I love you so much ❤️❤️❤️ and then i’ll probably draw some shit to cheat like a genius

Categorized as ask-random

What band did you grow up with?

Fall Out Boy and Panic! At The Disco. There were a few others technically before that, like Matchbox Twenty, but FOB and Panic were the first ones I really resonated with.

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Immigrants speak the language?

Do you think immigrants should learn to speak the language of their new country? How well do they need to speak it?

Categorized as Life

Education is an investment?

People sometimes describe education as an investment in oneself. Do you see it this way?

Categorized as Life

Do you plan your life?

Do you plan your life in detail, or do you prefer not to make plans? Why?

Categorized as Life

Nutrition Specialist (Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture) at Unicef, Lilongwe, Malawi

You are here: Home / Malawi / Nutrition Specialist (Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture) at Unicef, Lilongwe, Malawi October 3, 2022 Deadline: 14 October 2022 United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is currently seeking applications from eligible applicants for the post of Nutrition Specialist (Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture) in Lilongwe, Malawi. UNICEF works for a world in which every… Continue reading Nutrition Specialist (Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture) at Unicef, Lilongwe, Malawi

Categorized as Jobs

National Project Officer – NOA at ILO, Cairo, Egypt

You are here: Home / Egypt / National Project Officer – NOA at ILO, Cairo, Egypt October 3, 2022 Deadline: 15 October 2022 The International Labour Organization (ILO) is currently seeking applications from the eligible applicants for the post of National Project Officer – NOA in Cairo, Egypt. The duration of this post is 12… Continue reading National Project Officer – NOA at ILO, Cairo, Egypt

Categorized as Jobs

Programme Assistant at Unicef, Lao People’s Democratic Republic

You are here: Home / Administration / Programme Assistant at Unicef, Lao People’s Democratic Republic October 3, 2022 Deadline: 14 October 2022 United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is currently seeking applications from eligible applicants for the post of Programme Assistant in Lao People’s Democratic Republic. UNICEF works for a world in which every… Continue reading Programme Assistant at Unicef, Lao People’s Democratic Republic

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Senior Social Sector Economist / Social Sector Economist at Manila, Philippines

You are here: Home / Philippines / Senior Social Sector Economist / Social Sector Economist at Manila, Philippines October 3, 2022 Deadline: 14 October 2022 Asian Development Bank (ADB) is currently seeking applications from eligible applicants for the post of Senior Social Sector Economist / Social Sector Economist in Manila, Philippines. The duration of this… Continue reading Senior Social Sector Economist / Social Sector Economist at Manila, Philippines

Categorized as Jobs

What is a type of person you would date but not be friends with?

Probably wouldn’t apply to be honest. If I couldn’t see myself having a friend-like relationship with someone, I probably wouldn’t find them attractive. Although circumstantially if I WAS dating someone and did not have a friendship with them before and we split up in a someone unamicable way, I would not necessarily try salvage a… Continue reading What is a type of person you would date but not be friends with?

Categorized as ask-random

Why some American websites ban foreign IP addresses from accessing them?

It’s kind of a two-way street. There’s plenty of sites that don’t let Americans on. Part of it is due to locational rights to various media or legal precedents that must be considered. Using a VPN can circumvent these by convincing the site you’re visiting from a different locale.

Categorized as ask-random

Logistics Associate at WFP, Khartoum, Sudan

October 3, 2022 Deadline: 11 October 2022 The World Food Programme (WFP) is currently seeking applications from the eligible applicants for the post of Programme Policy Officer in Khartoum, Sudan. World Food Programme is the world’s largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide. Key Job Responsibilities The Logistics Associate will perform the following functions: Contribute to… Continue reading Logistics Associate at WFP, Khartoum, Sudan

Categorized as Jobs

Picking apart every. single. flaw.

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Picking apart every. single. flaw.

Categorized as WomenTopic

What candy tastes better altered? Frozen or Heated up? How did you discover this secret?

I love frozen Snickers bars. The ice cream ones are good too but I like an original Snickers after its been in the freezer for a couple hours. Can’t recall how I figured it out but I’ve been doing it for years. I also love to warm up a cherry Starburst and a Lemon one… Continue reading What candy tastes better altered? Frozen or Heated up? How did you discover this secret?

Categorized as ask-random

What’s something that could have gotten you fired if the right person found out?

Substitute teacher: A high schooler was once upset I was making him do his work, so he told me I looked like a clown, in an outfit I had just gotten the confidence to wear. Under my breath I said that I sorry his parents had’t loved him enough to take him to an actual… Continue reading What’s something that could have gotten you fired if the right person found out?

Categorized as ask-random

I am not alone right?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading I am not alone right?

Categorized as WomenTopic

What is a fictional character that deserved better then what happened to them or what they got?

in the story In J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye, Holden Caulfield is a teenager from New York City who is kicked out of his prep school and becomes a wanderer in America. I think Holden deserved better than to be sent away from his home and family, and to have to fend for… Continue reading What is a fictional character that deserved better then what happened to them or what they got?

Categorized as ask-random

What’s your diet usually like?

This made me laugh a little, it is that bad 😄 ramen noodles, lettuce and carrots, raisins, sometimes a bean and rice burrito with hot sauce, or a McDonald’s normal hamburger, a potato, or a grapefruit. Nom nom nom

Categorized as ask-random

Coaching Malpractice by the Carolina Panthers

*sighs in disgust* If the Football Gods are smart, they’ll stick the enema tube right down Bank of America Stadium ’cause the Panthers royally sucked today…..

Categorized as Sports

How is it acceptable in society to call people with red hair ginger, rojo, or wedo? But when it comes to other Ethnicities it’s considered racism?

Having red hair isn’t a race. So calling someone something derogatory due to hair color, isn’t racism. By definition. To answer your implied question, insults or stereotypes about hair or other traits can be bad and rude and prejudiced, without being the same as racism. There’s a difference between schoolyard insults and systemic oppression enforced… Continue reading How is it acceptable in society to call people with red hair ginger, rojo, or wedo? But when it comes to other Ethnicities it’s considered racism?

Categorized as ask-random

What have you given up on?

Feeling like people want me around. I know it’s all in my head, but that doesn’t change the basic desire, and I won’t beg for people to make an effort to include me.

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What’s your view on Islam?

They’ve got extremist. Just like other religions do. They’re about peace. Just like other religions. They have devotees. Just like other religions. I don’t follow any of it.

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Where are you now?

r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions.

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What image do you guys have of India ?

The countryside is beautiful, same with the peoples and the culture. But, the major cities are overpopulated and dirty in large parts. That and people sitting on top of moving vehicles when they really shouldn’t be.

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Which city is must visit: Los Angeles or San Francisco?

SF. While there’s some fun stuff in the LA area, you’ll spend hours just getting from one to the next. But, if there’s a particular landmark that you want to see (GG Bridge, La Brea tar pits, Exploratorium, etc) then go there.

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What ruins a movie instantly?

Anytime I find myself thinking, “Sure, she’s got nice tits and all, but can we stop the fucking and get back to the story?”

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what made you instantly leave a relationship?

I didn’t leave, instantly, but I did check out of it mentally. It was when we ran into a very difficult time and I called him on the phone, crying so hard I could barely breathe, and he laughed. I don’t think I’ll ever forget that laugh.

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To the people who lost money in crypto, how much did you lose ? What coin and price did you pay and what price did you sell ?

Do you mean “cryptocurrency”? If so, you should say this. There is no reason for entire fields to be hijacked by marketing. The only reason “cryptocurrency” is even known is because of the worst of marketing tactics. Don’t let the important and vital field of cryptography be forgotten because of these speculators, shills, and frauds.… Continue reading To the people who lost money in crypto, how much did you lose ? What coin and price did you pay and what price did you sell ?

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What’s your favorite kind of Apple?

Pink Lady’s, super sweet and delicious! Apparently it’s a hybrid between Lady Williams and Golden Delicious apples.Which makes sense to me as prior to discovering Pink Lady’s, Golden Delicious were my favourite. 😋

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What is the appeal of court shows?

Pick all the things you like, and imagine someone asking “what is the appeal?”. The answers are generally the same: they like it, it is relaxing, it is funny or engaging, etc, based on their own background, daily life, interests, and habits.

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How does a suspension affect getting into college? Does it show up on an application?

if you mean for a few days or a week, that’s not going to be in your record at all. if you had to transfer to another school, they probably wouldn’t even think anything weird of it. now, if you had to just drop out for a semester and it seriously affected your grades, that’d… Continue reading How does a suspension affect getting into college? Does it show up on an application?

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Who’s the worst actor who gets paid a lot?

Keanu Reeves, I know we love him but his acting sucks especially in that movie Knock Knock it made me question how he’s made it so far. He still makes great movies and seems like a cool dude.

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Scientists have created a mechanical womb that can grow life in the lab

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Scientists have created a mechanical womb that can grow life in the lab

Categorized as WomenTopic

My dad isn’t coming to my college graduation because he hates my mom and her side of the family

I just got off the phone with my dad. He told me that he’s not planning on coming to my graduation in the spring. When I asked him why (knowing what he’s about to say lol) he started going on and on about how horrible my mom is because she’s calculated and cold and manipulated… Continue reading My dad isn’t coming to my college graduation because he hates my mom and her side of the family

Categorized as WomenTopic

What was the worst event that you have attended?

The most recent one I went to was yesterday, a town nearby had an “Oktoberfest” and all it was was sweaty rednecks yelling at each other and getting drunk while people drag their kids along to eat overpriced mid food while trying to sell crafts.

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Gaston in “Beauty and the Beast”?

I’ve quite enjoyed his character. I think the actor has done a great job. I think he’s gay in the movie with “Le Fou”. How about you? What do you of him as a character in your case?

What is the craziest coincidence that ever happened to you?

one time online completely coincidentally i met someone around the same age as me that shared my birth name, birthday, gender, and lived extremely close to me (like, neighbouring city). never met them irl and they deleted their account

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Women of reddit, what’s the one thing you find unattractive in men?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Women of reddit, what’s the one thing you find unattractive in men?

Categorized as WomenTopic

What’s a place you want to visit but can’t?

Russia, I’ve always wanted to do the trans siberian railway from China, through Mongolia, through Siberian Russia, to the big cities of Russia. But yeah, because of the warnings for Americans, I wouldn’t wanna risk it.

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Migration becomes a trending topic at New York Fashion Week

2 October 2022Migrants and Refugees New York Fashion Week was treated to a celebration of diversity and inclusion earlier this month, when designers backed by the UN-supported No Nation Fashion initiative showcased their creations on the catwalk. It’s not quite rags to riches, but No Nation Fashion has come a long way from its beginnings… Continue reading Migration becomes a trending topic at New York Fashion Week

Boobs or butt equivalent on a guy?

A safe, respectful space to discuss the lives and stories of women of all backgrounds, and the current events which affect us. Trans people and especially trans feminine people are expressly welcome here. People of all genders are welcome; feminist cred appreciated. Shaming women’s choices and invalidating the perspectives of other women is not allowed… Continue reading Boobs or butt equivalent on a guy?

Categorized as WomenTopic

I need dinner ideas ladies!

There’s a pait of cookbooks called “well fed: paleo recipes for people who like to eat.” I’m not paleo, but the recipes are all fantastic. Better yet, in the beginning of one of the books there is a section on fast weekly food prep and how to use food during the week so it’s fast,… Continue reading I need dinner ideas ladies!

Categorized as WomenTopic

What’s your poop schedule?

Hah, that’s not how it works with me. With me it’s more of a Soviet-style system. A booming, faceless voice appears on the loudspeaker and impersonally announces: “Poop is arriving. Stand by for poop.”

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