What’s your favorite social media platform?

Pornhub comment section used to be cool, wayyy less toxic than youtube. Myspace was okay. Never used facebook, snapcht, instagram, tinder, tumblr, tiktok or any of those other ones. Edit: never got into the chive either.

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gamers of reddit, who have played and loved the last of us, what do you think of the show?

i, for one, adore the games. beautiful graphics. beautiful story. huge fan. the show was great too, but it’s definitely for people who’ve never played the game. it was almost identical to the gameplay in every context, and that’s what absolutely sucked about it, but i get why it was necessary. to stick to the… Continue reading gamers of reddit, who have played and loved the last of us, what do you think of the show?

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Americans, What do you think of how schools teach math?

I don’t think I’m qualified enough to be able to give a proper opinion. Most Americans know basic math and lots of more advanced math in high-school is rarely ever used again like trigonometry. Now if schools taught more personal finances math including how bad and good debt differ, interest rates work, mortgages work and… Continue reading Americans, What do you think of how schools teach math?

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What animated series that ended is inevitably going to come back?

I can’t be the one one that has noticed that no truly beloved animated series stays dead anymore, be it continuations, reboots, or remakes: when it comes to animation, an ended series tends to return in some firm or another. I mean it’s not hard to imagine that should the day come that the likes… Continue reading What animated series that ended is inevitably going to come back?

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What quote has impacted your life the most?

“In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger – something better, pushing right back. “ Albert Camus

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What are your thoughts on AI art?

Great. No more six figures for some designers who sleep in and stroll casually to their computer with puffy eyes. AI takes over, we all get a basic income and millions of people who never tasted real labour can help out in hospitals, elder care or construction.

Categorized as ask-random

What would happen if the world did day activities at night and night activities at day?

If people switched day and night activities, things would get pretty interesting. First, our sleep schedules would be all over the place, and it could mess with our health. Energy usage would change, with more power needed at night and less during the day. It could also mess with farming and wildlife, since they’re used… Continue reading What would happen if the world did day activities at night and night activities at day?

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What do you wish your well-meaning parents would have known when you were growing up?

Trying to shelter me by any means necessary – verbal abuse, physical abuse, belting, hair pulling, hitting, etc— only made me a better liar and taught me it’s better to sneak out and stay out than stay home. But it’s made me hyper independent and I swore I would never hit my kids. It’s also… Continue reading What do you wish your well-meaning parents would have known when you were growing up?

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who was your worst roommate?

This guy is loud, yells all the time, and sleeps all day. When he’s hungry, he’s a monster. When he’s not, he barely moves. Very hairy guy. Kinda cute though. He’s a good cat.

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For all the people who think they will never be able to afford a home in their lifetime, what are some actual policies or laws that could be passed to help with the housing crisis in America?

Draft legislation to implement progressive property tax rates: Create a legal framework for higher tax rates on corporations owning multiple properties, which would incentivize them to sell some of their holdings. Develop and pass a vacant property tax bill: Establish a tax on vacant residential properties, pressuring corporations to either rent them at reasonable rates… Continue reading For all the people who think they will never be able to afford a home in their lifetime, what are some actual policies or laws that could be passed to help with the housing crisis in America?

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What are some things someone could do or should stop doing to improve their mental well-being?

It’s really not as big of a mystery as people pretend it is. Doctors have been telling us this shit for years. People should exercise more and learn about nutrition and stop eating so much processed bullshit. Therapy should be subsidized to high-hell and cheaper/free for individuals. Get a hobby, go outside, limit your social… Continue reading What are some things someone could do or should stop doing to improve their mental well-being?

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What are the reasons why people Hate Donald Trump and Andrew Tate?

The simplest answer is narcissism. I’m not talking someone who’s arrogant, or selfish, or entitled, or mean-spirited, or uncaring… I’m talking full on clinical narcissism. Until you’ve delt with one in your personal life, it’s impossible to really know the difference between someone with one or more of the traits I mentioned above, and a… Continue reading What are the reasons why people Hate Donald Trump and Andrew Tate?

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How do you prioritize your partner in your life, and what are some actions you take to show that they are important to you?

If you’re asking for yourself, figure out what your partners love language is and use that. If they often cook for you because you had a bad day, cook for them, if they try to hug you when you’re feeling down, hug and cuddle them. If they often buy you little nick knacks that made… Continue reading How do you prioritize your partner in your life, and what are some actions you take to show that they are important to you?

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Why do you go to therapy if u go voluntarily? Would you recommend it to others?

For someone I can just talk to about everything I think about and not worry about stepping on toes or hurting feeling. Sometimes I vent, sometimes I cry, sometimes we just talk about the weather and what’s going on in the world. My therapist also is great and doesn’t try to peddle anything on be… Continue reading Why do you go to therapy if u go voluntarily? Would you recommend it to others?

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If you were given a choice, what would you rather be- rich & famous or just rich? Why?

I lean more towards just rich. Fame certainly has many benefits. It opens *MANY* very exclusive doors, doors that even stay closed to money… So fame can be great. But I also hate the idea of losing my privacy to fame, of being hounded everywhere in public just trying to live my life. That sounds… Continue reading If you were given a choice, what would you rather be- rich & famous or just rich? Why?

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What rule exists at your job because of an idiot?

Not my job, but have a friend who’s a substitute teacher. After the kids purposefully left the faucet on and flooded the bathroom multiple times, their sro officer (school cop) now has to be near the bathroom almost all the time.

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Why do you smoke even though you know it’s one of the most unhealthy habits?

I started to smoke joints because being high is fun. Then I kept smoking cigarettes because I like the taste and how it goes with coffee. And now that I’m, at least a little, addicted to it, it gets hard to not smoke sometimes, when I’m stressed or when I drink a coffee. the crave… Continue reading Why do you smoke even though you know it’s one of the most unhealthy habits?

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What tv show deserves a movie?

One show that immediately comes to mind is “Breaking Bad.” The series already had a fantastic ending, but I think a movie could explore some interesting questions about what happened to the characters after the events of the show.

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Confident People of Reddit: Why do you think you are attractive?

I think I am very confident because I feel loved by Jesus Christ regardless of my appearance, success, perfect performance, really anything the world might judge me on. Feeling that loved and cherished unrelated to some personal qualities makes me feel confident and at ease in the sense I don’t have to prove myself to… Continue reading Confident People of Reddit: Why do you think you are attractive?

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What is a weird hobby of yours?

Lockpicking/locksport. Whenever I tell someone about it they always ask if I’m going to rob a bank or do a heist. Every. Single. Time. Check out r/lockpicking, it’s a legit hobby with rules about not picking locks in use and that you don’t own. It’s really about solving a puzzle, not breaking into stuff.

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Who, if anyone, has been the biggest role model in your life?

For all his flaws, my stepdad. He passed away a number of years ago, and I didn’t really mourn him at the time, but he’s a lot of why I like the shows, movies, and books that I like, as well as why I write, as well as why I find science so interesting.

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Who is your favorite person and why?

Cristina Do Rego She is my favorite actress by far. I used to (ngl still kinda do) have a crush on her. So whenever i feel sad, i watch a movie where she is in and i’m immediately in a better mood 🙂

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Americans, what are your options for the upcoming presidential election?

Presumably Biden runs for the Democrats, but Harris, Pritzker, Whitmer, and Newsom are all waiting as warm backups if Biden decides he doesn’t want to run. Pritzker probably gets the nomination from that group. Trump likely tries to run for Republicans. DeSantis is probably in pole position for the nomination, but Haley has a real… Continue reading Americans, what are your options for the upcoming presidential election?

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What do you think of your dentist?

They keep changing dentists. One retired to sail around the world (respect, that’s great). They replaced her with someone young and intimidatingly hot. But she left the practice and now it’s a new guy named “Chance” and I don’t feel like that’s a good name for a dentist.

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Why are you looking at AskReddit?

I like to share my experiences and read through people’s opinions and think about how I disagree, what I think instead, what I would do, etc. without commenting on them ofc, I don’t want to start drama tl;dr its pretty thought-provoking, as the description says

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if third world war emerges, what will be the fate of the world?

Really depends how quick it spirals to nuclear war, obviously whoever appears to be winning won’t want to destroy the world, the loser will if they feel cornered. Definitely won’t be a fun time for all those involved, even non participating countries would feel effects. World would be fine, humanity would be wounded or annihilated.

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Why so attached to necklace that bought six years ago, haven’t taken it off sense. feel an immense amount of anxiety and start to panic if think about taking it off. Why?

It’s the kind of “end of an era” feeling you get when you commit to something, be it a joke or a habit, or even a relationship. When you invest time into something, be that accompanied with meaning or not, you don’t want to let it go because that thing is now a certainty in… Continue reading Why so attached to necklace that bought six years ago, haven’t taken it off sense. feel an immense amount of anxiety and start to panic if think about taking it off. Why?

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What would happen to economy if we would make some type of currency that has growing value just by being used?

*What would happen to economy if we would make some type of currency that has growing value just by being used?* And if it is not circulating it is losing the value. Something like kinetic energy being the valued force. It would force the users to spend it until it cools of. In a way… Continue reading What would happen to economy if we would make some type of currency that has growing value just by being used?

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How come stars don’t move?

They do, but they’re super far away and the amount they move as it appears from Earth is not noticeable in a night. My understanding is that the constellations (usually made of the closest brightest stars) are slightly different shapes than when they all got their names a couple thousand years ago, but I don’t… Continue reading How come stars don’t move?

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What are the current benefits under the current U.S. administration?

From the palestine train failed response, failing banks, record inflation, gas prices- for that matter prices of everything in general, deficit spending, no ss funding, interest rates, housing equity crisis, city crime rates (see chicago ex mayor lol), border problems with fentanyl, tourist being murdererd in mexico with Joe to laugh at a grieving mother.… Continue reading What are the current benefits under the current U.S. administration?

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What do teenagers surprise you about what they know?

They are more even dangerously self-aware of their problems and emotional issues that are amplified by media and professionals, which makes it even more harder to treat, identify and brings in even more complicated conundrums to manage and deal with.

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Who is really behind all these bank failures?

bunch of over risktaking cowboy bro investors playing wild with house money during economic down times Lots of these folks had already been red-flagged by regulators before this happened.

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Employers of Reddit who do Social Media Background checks and regular background checks what was the worst result?

This question is exactly the reason why none of my social media is linked to my legal name, and everything is on private. No one within my professional circle have any idea that I go by BattleAxeGoatFuck on Reddit! But the answer the question, I was doing a social media background check on a potential… Continue reading Employers of Reddit who do Social Media Background checks and regular background checks what was the worst result?

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redditors who dont like their appearance, why?

My face is too feminine. I’ve been told I have a fairly androgynous face, but to me, a trans boy, it looks way too feminine. I also have a chest that I’d like to get rid of because it clocks me as female every single time.

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What’s the Craziest Thing You’ve Heard a Teacher Say?

My teacher is currently ranting about the poor writing that the class did over the most recent assignment (it’s a blowoff class). He just dropped the nugget of “If this is the way that you all write out of college, I’ll save you some time. Go straight to the homeless shelter.”

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How do you live happily?

Don’t stress about minor crap and prioritize things that really matter (family, friends, hobbies, mental health, etc.)

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What do you think is a good advice for people going on their first date?

Be yourself. If you start agreeing just to keep the mood up, if you hold your tongue when you didn’t want to, if you’re doing things you didn’t want, you’re just going to wind up in a relationship with someone who isn’t as compatible with you as you want, because you keep agreeing when you… Continue reading What do you think is a good advice for people going on their first date?

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Why men are not serious about their girl until they wife her up?

Hate to break it to you, but if someone isn’t serious about their relationship before marriage, they won’t be serious about it after marriage either. And no one should sit around putting up with that shit until they get “wifed up” and hope that will somehow change things. The fuck is this, the previous century?

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People who don’t like Christians or Christianity, why?

Just the whole idea of a creator who gives his creation free will and then tortures them for eternity for using it seems a little fucked up to me, and the worst part is I’m a Christian myself so I hate my own God, which gives me very mixed feelings

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Who was your favorite crush?

Alison Brie. There are probably some women that are a little more attractive, not many. And she kinda has a cute look while I prefer more mature usually. But damn she is funny as fuck and such a shamelessly sex-loving hottie. She’s the whole package.

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What’s the male equivalent of asking for an “Angel’s shot” at a bar to escape a really bad date?

Is there really one? Angel shot isn’t about escaping a bad date, it’s about escaping a situation where you feel unsafe. Men are much less likely to feel unsafe on a date than women. I’ve been on bad dates as a man, but I’ve never felt unsafe. I’ve never felt like if I cut it… Continue reading What’s the male equivalent of asking for an “Angel’s shot” at a bar to escape a really bad date?

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What is your opinion on TikTok?

It’s fine. It’s just a platform, the issues it has would still exist even if the content moved to a different platform. People can use it for really cool, great stuff or really awful cringey stuff like the rest of social media

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Happy people, what’s your secret?

avoid voluntary stresses. you dont need to get married, have kids, buy a home, have a successful career, etc… to be happy. those things are all voluntary and cause massive amount of stress. life is much easier when you avoid all those

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What is the most scariest thing you can imagine?

standing before god and being told he never knew me, besides that the scariest thing i can imagine is the feeling of something so scary, since i know what it feels like i just don’t know what would cause it

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What is a small act of kindness that someone has done for you that made a big impact on your life?

Growing up I was always really bad for leaving my wallet around places. I’ve lost my wallet in three or four separate locations around my city and I’ve had it returned to me every time. Sometimes someone emails me, sometimes someone calls the number on it, I had it mailed to my address one time,… Continue reading What is a small act of kindness that someone has done for you that made a big impact on your life?

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What are the best things made in the USA?

Elevators, vehicles, and large industrial equipment. We have fantastic steel and aluminum industries, and a mature transportation network for moving large objects and massive volumes of raw materials around.

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What’s the best decision you’ve ever made?

Turning off notifications for social media. I got to a point where I always had my phone next to me, waiting for someone to send me a message. It was distracting me from school and was really mentally draining. Turning the notifications off really helped me find a balance between life and social media.

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Who thinks Women are beautiful without makeup?

If I spend ages getting ready and putting effort into my appearance and you tell me you think I’m prettier without it… it’s not the compliment you think it is. I think I look hot af and you’re just putting me down. Also, I look hot for myself, not for other peoples preference

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What is something, if anything, you have changed your mind about because of an internet argument?

moving out of my house. I was convinced it only makes since you live at home and save money, and while every situation is different for everyone, a guy on an old reddit account convinced me to really challenge if I have been able to grow individually while being under the constant view of my… Continue reading What is something, if anything, you have changed your mind about because of an internet argument?

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What would you want to pass down to future generations?

Some generational wealth. My life would have gone a lot differently if I weren’t poor growing up, and then homeless in my late teenage years. If I were able to do this, my hopes would be that my descendants continued to exhibit wise financial decisions and not squander it.

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People who thought they were badly addicted to something, what case made you think yours wasn’t that bad?

Some people genuinely accuse me of being an alcoholic because I love drinking and get very excited to try new things. The problem with their hypothesis is I never need a drink. I haven’t had a drink in two weeks because lately I’ve needed good sleep because work has been busy and I know I… Continue reading People who thought they were badly addicted to something, what case made you think yours wasn’t that bad?

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what are some things that we believe at this time in history to be true that will be proven to be bullshit in the future?

Binaries in science and i do mean ANY Binary… stuff almost always is on a spectrum or theres otherwhise some uncertainty or weirdness in between… just look at states of matter. How many small states there are over a simple thing we first thought was just solid or liquid as a simple example. It is… Continue reading what are some things that we believe at this time in history to be true that will be proven to be bullshit in the future?

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Is flirting considered cheating? Why or why not?

To insecure people, sure. And I don’t judge them for it. I understand. But it is just insecurity. And why? Because flirting is mostly just fun conversation. It doesn’t always mean anything. But again, I do understand, as flirting can also be like a gateway drug to actually cheating.

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What is your favorite time travel method in books and movies?

There are many. Time displacement equipment in “Terminator”, slingshotting around the sun in “Star Trek”, the weird wormhole thingy in “The Final Countdown”, the hacker in “Kung Fury”, the list goes on. Personally, I am fond of the flux capacitor equipped DeLorean in “Back to the Future”.

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How do you survive day to day with the weather in Canada?

Don’t go outside in the cold without the proper layers. Houses and infrastructure are prepared for it. Day to day living in the cold isn’t hard if everything is built for it. Huge snowfalls aren’t emergencies. They are expected.

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Who is your Hollywood crush and how did it happen?

Pedro Pascal. Saw him in Game of Thrones and Narcos, thought hmmm ok ok, he’s cute. Heard his voice in The Mandalorian, thought ooof, this man. Saw him as he looked in TLOU and completely fell apart gushing over him.

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People of reddt what is keeps you living?

Life’s fascinating and awesome, even when it’s awful. And every rough thing I’ve lived through has made me better, stronger and more equipped for the next thing, so I’m keen to see what comes next in life. Besides, what use is self-pity? And being alive sure beats the alternative.

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What’s the most overrated Zodiac sign?

All Zodiac signs are overrated by default as they hold no actual meaning. Except for some girls to use as an easy excuse to turn down men who they are clearly not interested in. “sorry brad our signs are just not compatible” 😭

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What type of traits and characteristics are similar in wealthy American families like the Trumps and the Murdaughs?

Both families have been associated with controversy, including accusations of unethical or illegal behavior. This can be just a byproduct of their wealth and influence, as well as their willingness to take risks. Both families have a strong emphasis on family ties and loyalty, which can lead to a sense of insularity and an unwillingness… Continue reading What type of traits and characteristics are similar in wealthy American families like the Trumps and the Murdaughs?

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What was the most controversial post you ever made?

Dont remember where, but it was a post about how depression is not caused by chemical imbalances, and that while they may somewhat help in a few cases, medication is far from the best treatment option, and that their actual efficacy is questionable at best. Even after providing credible scientific literature to support my claims,… Continue reading What was the most controversial post you ever made?

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If there was one question you could get the undoubted answer to, what question would that be?

picnic at the lake you and your date are on a boat you try to open a beer with your keychain but your keys go overboard you refuse to admit that you can’t swim, and you dive in after them you do great for a first timer! then your belt snags on a submerged log… Continue reading If there was one question you could get the undoubted answer to, what question would that be?

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What do you think about the United States wanting to intervene with the cartels in Mexico?

The real problem is the Mexican government that allows the cartels to exist. The cartels are no more than drug dealers with big guns and a few shitty, barely armored vehicles. Mexico can at any point request the necessary equipment and intelligence support to go after and destroy every major cartel organization. They won’t, because… Continue reading What do you think about the United States wanting to intervene with the cartels in Mexico?

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If you could change any political border what and how would you do it?

I think the US should just annex Canada, I mean there has to be something up there that we could use. And honestly we could probably just re-draw the border and let them all know they are Americans now, It’s not like they’d fight back. They’d probably just talk shit about us to their friends… Continue reading If you could change any political border what and how would you do it?

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What was your best comeback to a highschool bully?

I didn’t get bullied much coz I ignored them. Take my hat and run away?.. ok. ( givesme hat back at end of lunch) try to goad me with stupid insults.”sure, whatever floats your boat”. I did hang out with the kudos, soccer kids and gaming crowd, so wasn’t the best target anyway.

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What are signs someone is high?

Depends what drug you’re talking . I assume you mean weed so- red/glossy eyes, increased appetite, slow reaction time, heightened sense of humor, dry mouth, lazy/ lack of motivation, etc etc.. Unless of course you are a parent and you’re worried that your teenage child may be high, in that case … it’s impossible to… Continue reading What are signs someone is high?

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Do you fear death? Why or why not?

Yes. I don’t know what it will feel like, I dont know if there is an afterlife and if there isn’t I don’t want to be stuck in an endless void of nothingness, I don’t really believe in reincarnation so yes I fear death, I have no clue what to expect.

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What’s making you stay single?

I don’t want to be back in another relationship badly enough to put effort into actively dating (eg: getting back on the apps, approaching strangers at bars, etc) but as a gay guy with entirely straight friends living out in the suburbs, it’s also extremely unlikely that I’d meet someone without doing things like that.

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How do descendants of evil people like Julius J. Hoffman and the likes, go on living life with that sad legacy?

Some of them change their names and pretend it never happened. The entire Trump family is descended from Nazis who fled Germany at the end of the war with a mountain of stolen gold and used it to change their names and by themselves new identities. Then they just kind of ingratiated themselves into the… Continue reading How do descendants of evil people like Julius J. Hoffman and the likes, go on living life with that sad legacy?

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How does the US expect to ban tiktok? What will happen?


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Which do you like better, regular donuts or donut holes? Why?

Donut holes. It’s makes my inner child happy 😊 My parents used to take my siblings and I to a family owned donut shop (that’s still there, even after the pandemic) every other Saturday/Sunday before running errands. It was one of the best times.

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People that is in relationship: How?

Met on tinder, two previous online relationships taught me everything about boundaries because one set strict boundaries and one set no boundaries. I’m still healing and happy so thats how im attractive for a relationship.

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Trans people of reddit, what made you realize you’re trans?

No doubt. If a trans person is never exposed to trans culture they may just be stuck with an ambiguous feeling their whole life that they can’t pinpoint, and would suffer their whole lives for it. I’m glad trans culture is starting to pick up so fewer people need to suffer their whole lives wondering… Continue reading Trans people of reddit, what made you realize you’re trans?

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How is dating in America different than dating in Europe ?

With out too much private revel in, evidently Europeans don’t define the act of going out with someone of the opposite intercourse as a date like individuals may do. To begin with you’re simply buddies doing stuff collectively, often with different buddies as nicely. From there it clearly progresses. I guess it is much less..… Continue reading How is dating in America different than dating in Europe ?

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What’s the most disturbing fact about an animal you know?

Probably because it’s unexpected because of their perceived cuteness: Meerkats have an alpha female of the group, who chooses which baby meerkats live and which die. She will personally slaughter babies of other mothers in the troop so that hers gets the most attention. Basically a baby killer in cute form.

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What do you want to agrue about?

Cats can hunt for their own food, poop in the right places, eat less, control pests (reducing use of rat kill). Their maintenance costs are also lower Dogs are only good for security, assuming they’re trained and large enough. Cats win!

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Is there a place for television-like programming (i.e. not on-demand like Netflix) in the future and if so, how do you see this working?

To elaborate a bit more – I get the appeal of being able to choose what you watch and when, but is there still a place for a type of live-streaming programming that is similar to what I grew up with on cable television? How does something like Saturday Night Live survive the internet era?… Continue reading Is there a place for television-like programming (i.e. not on-demand like Netflix) in the future and if so, how do you see this working?

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How did you met with your current partner?

We were born at the same time, if you know what I mean. She’s attached to my right wrist, if you know what I mean. Ol’ Rosey Palmer, if you know what I mean. I masturbate with my hand, if you know what I mean.

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What is the best meal you’ve ever had?

Tony and Maria’s Pizza in Janesville Wisconsin. It’s been years but it is the messiest and tastiest fucking pizza I have ever had. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM I STILL REMEMBER AAAAAAAAAAAA-

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What affirmative phrases/actions are actually subtle denials?

Saying “I’ll try” instead of “I will” – This is a common form of subtle denial, where a person agrees to do something but leaves themselves an out by saying they will “try” rather than making a firm commitment to follow through.

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If we all agree politicians generally try to screw us, why don’t we typically vote for the least unified political parties?

Because we prefer how our party screws us compared to how the other party will screw us. American politics is inverted. We used to vote for the guy we wanted to win. Now a lot of us don’t have someone we want to win. We just have people we want to lose and vote against… Continue reading If we all agree politicians generally try to screw us, why don’t we typically vote for the least unified political parties?

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How unfair is reddit?

Depends on your definition of fair. If you’re the type of person who will be offended that the majority disagree with you, and hold a lot of shitty opinions, then yeah, it won’t seem very fair to you.

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What Music Genre Do You Think Has Past Its Time?

Country. I feel like whenever I hear it anymore I just can’t vibe 😭 that and heavy metal, to a point it was interesting but anymore I feel like you can barely hear what they’re saying unless you get close to the speakers

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Which was the worst government fuckup? Battle of Mogadishu, Waco Siege, Jonestown, or Chernobyl?

Chernobyl was caused by poor government and human error, the meltdown was preventable and the number of people and amount of land effected and the duration of those effects makes it the worst. Modern nuclear power plants are safe and effective alternatives to fossil fuel though, literally anything is better than continuing to burn fossil… Continue reading Which was the worst government fuckup? Battle of Mogadishu, Waco Siege, Jonestown, or Chernobyl?

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Ahoy matey! What be troubling ye today?

On the bus ride home, i pondered the loneliness of my childhood as i left the mall and observed scores of jovial adolescents engaged in frivolous whim. I leaned my head against the window and watched the orange sky while feeling melancholic and somber.

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How was you last year ?

Horrible . . . I lost three family members in January, and in March my friend died by suicide. Things were “fine” by May to September. Then, seasonal depression hit.

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What’s the worst job you’ve ever had? What made it so terrible?

Dishwasher at this big always busy restaurant. I was always the only dishwasher working on the days I worked so it was chaotic, I didn’t get that much money from it, fuckers were always yelling at me, and one of the managers hated me for whatever reason. There wasn’t enough adderall in the entire world… Continue reading What’s the worst job you’ve ever had? What made it so terrible?

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What Is your Fetish?

I have a very specific one with toes. Like, really, really specific. Not “flexible” as in “bendable”, but as in “the ability to control your toes in strange, unique ways.” While I have fapped to women, my thing is mostly men with long, flexible toes. I do have some other less-specific ones, but at least… Continue reading What Is your Fetish?

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Straight men what is your views on a gay guy smiling at you?

The same way I would treat anyone smiling ? Smile back, what’s the the point of this question. If someone were to be offended, it’s a great indicator there is something deeply wrong with your life. And it may not be your fault, hatred and evil is so deeply rooted.

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Americans, to what extent you agree US is the free country?

It’s not. The freedoms that people in the United States are given are freedoms that don’t matter. And the freedoms that people in the United States are denied are freedoms which are fundamental for enjoyment of life and living. They give you lots of meaningless options that don’t meaningfully affect your life in a positive… Continue reading Americans, to what extent you agree US is the free country?

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What do you consider cheating?

Anything outside the rules set by those in the relationship. Maybe you have agreed that porn is off-limits. If you agreed to that, then watch it, that is cheating, by the rules of that relationship. On the other hand, maybe you’re swingers, and the only limit is no kissing other people on the lips. So… Continue reading What do you consider cheating?

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What form of Potato reigns supreme?

Tiny red potatoes boiled in brine and served cold are glorious appetizers. Try it someday on a really empty stomach. For general use, russets are the best.

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If you were given a power to create any shortcut in real life what would you use it on?

Bill Pay Escrow Seriously I would pay a decent chunk for somebody else to manage my standard bills (house, car, power, insurance, etc). I would adjust my direct-deposit to put the necessary amounts into an account and then have a company make sure the bills get paid on time. The rest of the money would… Continue reading If you were given a power to create any shortcut in real life what would you use it on?

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How can our society prioritize empathy and collective well-being over individualism and profit, while acknowledging the inherent intersections of race, gender, and class?

Promoting empathy and collective well-being over individualism and profit requires a multi-faceted approach that involves education, policies and regulations, corporate responsibility, community engagement, and cultural change. By working together, we can build a society that values empathy, community, and collective well-being for all.

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What food item had a major impact on human history?

Bread. It was created in some form by most cultures and dates back to the Neolithic age Potatoes. Although not native Britain were brought back by sir Walter Raleigh and changed the face of Britain. Technically not a food stuff but also tea. The British empire did a lot for tea.

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What’s your hottest take?

There’s no such thing as a mental disorder that makes you a bad person. Yes this includes cluster b personality disorders (borderline, histrionic, narcissistic, antisocial). This would not be a hot take in a world without extreme bigotry

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What advice would you give to the mild mannered IT guy who is thinking about gifting his office crush a pedicure gift voucher?

I’d tell him that it’s unlikely she reciprocates his feelings and that even if she does, most people have an attitude of “don’t shit where you eat” so it can’t go anywhere, and that even if somehow she does reciprocate and is willing to actually go places with it it’s likely to go wrong eventually… Continue reading What advice would you give to the mild mannered IT guy who is thinking about gifting his office crush a pedicure gift voucher?

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What’s only fun if you’re alone?

I say that personally singing is something that I can only do alone, I can sing pretty well and know a lot of songs but I can’t share that with anyone ESPECIALLY any of my friends because that will just mess up everything.

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What is something you love about your dog?

He’s gone now, but he was always just so nice to me, and never barked too much or tore the house up. He was a German Shepherd, and he had very nice paws, which looked ridiculously oversized when he was a puppy.

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What has made you see people for who they are?

My abusive ex made me hyperaware of red flags in potential partners. There are certain key behaviors that I do not tolerate, such as “punishing” me for something you do. Nope, full stop, you’re not seeing me anymore.

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Why won’t movies ever be the same anymore?

I think it has to do with the new ideology that Hollywood has taken over the past decade which is quantity over quality which causes SOME movies to suffer by being mostly the same. Wow, that was the most philosophical thing I’ve ever thought of, is this what Reddit does to a man?

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What do you think of the Celebrity IV fluid health trend?

Another way to separate rich people form their money. There’s a place like that near me (nowhere near where anyone famous is). Just a place that’s like “ultimate sports hydration” and they just give you IVs, I assume mostly just saline or something. Maybe Brawndo.

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why do you back into parking spaces?

It’s statistically much much safer. It’s a requirement for the insurance of compost vehicles I drive, a requirement for employees parking in the parking lots, and honestly just a lot easier

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what’s the reason people hate Lisa Simpson?

I didn’t realize people hate Lisa Simpson enough for it to be a question on here. My guess as to why is because she’s a pretty vocal advocate for feminism, environmentalism, vegetarianism, and a bunch of other leftist ideals that conservative viewers may be turned off by.

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What is the logic that crimes of passion should get leniency when it comes to sentencing?

same reason why hate crimes supposedly get punished harder than regular crime. Murder? nbd. Murder because race/religion/gender everyone flips out. Crimes of passion were supposed to be like your wife/husbando cheats and you kill them because you’re out of your mind when supposedly you wouldn’t hurt anyone otherwise. Turns out people are murders or they… Continue reading What is the logic that crimes of passion should get leniency when it comes to sentencing?

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what’s the best way to pass all types of drugs test such as hair and nail beds?

The easiest way to pass is to not do drugs. The next easiest is to take drugs which pass from your system somewhat quickly and don’t leave a lot of residue. Unfortunately, this is frequently the harder drugs. The third option is to take drugs which are very recently designed and so are less likely… Continue reading what’s the best way to pass all types of drugs test such as hair and nail beds?

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Which letter is silent in the word ‘scent?” The s, or c?

It’s the C. There are some interesting articles about this on dictionary sites and so forth if you look for them. Basically, non-standardized spelling meant that this word was spelled many different ways in the past. The S was always there, but the C was not.

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What to reply with?

What to text back? Me: Ur boring u didn’t come tonight 👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼 Him: Maybe with the right encouragement I would have 😭 I like him. He always comes into my job on Wednesday nights but he was on the fence yesterday (only know this through mutual friend). Don’t know what to text back. Helpppp

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what are the best resources to learn java?

Honestly the best would be a college class. Next best download eclipse write down your idea for a program, then break it down into smaller parts and then learn how to google and pick good answers on stack exchange.

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What dark secrets are being kept?

The reason why the President of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, is denying that his country produces fentanyl that is killing Americans is because he’s corrupt and profiting from bribes from fentanyl producing drug cartels. The same ones that kidnap and murder his citizens by the tens of thousands every year. He’s such a maniac… Continue reading What dark secrets are being kept?

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What ethical obligations do privileged individuals have to address systemic injustices, and how can allyship be better embodied in actions rather than just performative gestures?

Wealthy individuals ought to push for progressive taxation and for strong social welfare state, policies to combat income inequality and income diversity in urban areas. Those of better means (and improved access to politicians) have a duty to society to campaign for better and affortable healthcare, for social infrastructure benefiting everyone, for strong and accessible… Continue reading What ethical obligations do privileged individuals have to address systemic injustices, and how can allyship be better embodied in actions rather than just performative gestures?

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How do you deal with anger?

Delve into the root cause. Anger is always a secondary emotion. Anger occurs after we have judged something (or someone) as doing something negative. Once you can remove the judgement, you remove the anger. Recommend the book non-violent communication. If the root is deeper, you might need an experiential therapy (like EMDR, trainspotting, or psychedelics)… Continue reading How do you deal with anger?

Categorized as ask-random

What are some weird habits or things you enjoy doing that you’re too shy to admit or people to find out in real life?

I’ll start. I like writing or making lists of the things I’m gonna do if I win the lottery or I have this amount of money or someone really rich challenged me to spending this amount of money (inspired by some videos from The Infographics Show on Youtube.) Or planning my own dream or quarantine… Continue reading What are some weird habits or things you enjoy doing that you’re too shy to admit or people to find out in real life?

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Have you ever seen a hypnotist show? It was fake or real? What’s your story?

I noticed a fake hypnotist show once. When I walked into the building that advertised the show, it became out the “building” became just one facet of plywood painted to look like a constructing that fell down as quickly as I entered, and that i had unwittingly walked off a cliff. Did not fall until… Continue reading Have you ever seen a hypnotist show? It was fake or real? What’s your story?

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How do u deal with extreme social anxiety when talking to others for help is impossible to do?

I think you have made the first positive step by writing down that thought here, because at least you know SOME real person is going to read it. Keeping down a journal where I write down thoughts like this has been really helpful for me. I can practice organizing and commanding my thoughts and feelings… Continue reading How do u deal with extreme social anxiety when talking to others for help is impossible to do?

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Have you ever encountered a celebrity, and if so, how was their demeanor?

I’ve passed by some of my country’s leaders (equivalent to the President in the US) while looking for a seat on the train. It happened like three times I think. But I obviously didn’t talk to any of them. One of them was talking to some members of parliament who were traveling with her. Another… Continue reading Have you ever encountered a celebrity, and if so, how was their demeanor?

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What hellish situation does nobody deserve?

imagine being the only person in an office that didn’t participate in the lottery syndicate, turning up to work one cold monday morning to find no one is there, because they all won.

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What Song that actually makes you cry?

‘Allysa Lies’ by Jason Carrol ‘Concrete Angel’ by Martina McBride I could give several more but these two hit close to home with my heart due to things that happened to me as a kid and how close I was almost those songs.

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What smell makes you feel nostalgia?

Hand sanitizer. Reminds me of snack time, lunch, and when people brought cupcakes for their birthday in elementary school. The teacher would always go around to sanitize our hands first.

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What are the best bookmark managers?

I’ve tried a few bookmark managers, but honestly, I always forget to use them. Maybe I’m just old school, but I prefer to keep my bookmarks organized in folders on my browser toolbar.

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what’s your life hack?

When you’re feeling angry, criticized, or defensive, take a deep breath. Inhale through your nose and out of your mouth, then move your eyebrows up and down quickly one or two times. This activates something called your social safety and generally will help calm you down. It’s weird, but it worked

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What changed your life?

Tripping on acid. It healed me of my anxiety and depression. I’m talking I used to not be able to go to public events because of severe, severe social anxiety. Couldn’t enjoy concerts, couldn’t go to the store without panic attacks. And now its gone. I just don’t have anxiety around other people any more.… Continue reading What changed your life?

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If money were no object, how would you spend your time?

Spend most of my time doing nothing, with the occasional trip around the globe where I would wander and vibe. Also eat great foods, buy gifts and treats for the people I love, and trying to end homelessness would be cool.

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What are you most excited about spring?

Matters are purifier and brisker — contrary to famous belief, many humans love to clean. These are in all likelihood the those who declare this season as their favourite. Spring cleaning is deep and pleasing, and it makes the whole lot in one’s home odor and appearance lovely.

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What body attributes are you attracted to that other people aren’t usually attracted to?

I think fat is sexy. I love plush upper arms, big soft tummies, “cottage cheese” thighs (we really need a better term for that, lol), and all the other stuff that many people spend their whole lives hating about themselves. Then again, it’s not actually uncommon at all for folks to actually prefer being bigger… Continue reading What body attributes are you attracted to that other people aren’t usually attracted to?

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People who actually read the “Terms&Conditions”, What was the most disturbing thing it asked you to agree on ?

Facebook owns all your pictures. If you agree to their terms of service they can use and sell your pictures however they want. Plus they are allowed to keep a copy of all your removed pictures. So if one day your face is on a billboard in an add you didn´t agree to. Facebook had… Continue reading People who actually read the “Terms&Conditions”, What was the most disturbing thing it asked you to agree on ?

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Reddit, do you wash your hair or body first when you shower?

Hair first. It’s the only sane thing to do. I’m not sure what my brother-in-law does. He’s inflicted with the baldness, so showering must be very confusing for him. I wonder if whenever he stays at a hotel he looks at the little shampoos and conditioners and wonders whether he should get a discount on… Continue reading Reddit, do you wash your hair or body first when you shower?

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what’s the difference between bisexual and pansexual?

Bisexual and pansexual are both sexual orientations that involve attraction to people of multiple genders. However, there are some differences in the way that these terms are defined and understood. Bisexual refers to an individual who is attracted to people of their own gender as well as people of a different gender. The prefix “bi-”… Continue reading what’s the difference between bisexual and pansexual?

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High school dropouts of Reddit, what’s life like now?

My life is quite challenging. I left school before graduating due to personal reasons, ranging from family issues, financial struggles, or and I felt like I didn’t fit in at school. Regardless, I now face the consequences of not having a high school diploma. Finding stable employment is difficult, as many jobs require at least… Continue reading High school dropouts of Reddit, what’s life like now?

Categorized as ask-random

What’s the nicest insult?

Nice insult? That’s a fucking oxymoron. Why the fuck would you want to insult someone nicely? That defeats the whole fucking purpose of insulting them in the first place. If you’re gonna insult someone, you might as well fucking do it right and make them feel like shit. Don’t pussyfoot around with some half-assed compliment-disguised-as-an-insult… Continue reading What’s the nicest insult?

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forget NSFW. what’s the most wholesome thing you’ve ever done with your partner?

We have multiple times saved baby animals who needed help. We were driving and my husband asked me to stop, thankfully I listened. He had thought a Frog was in the road but it was a baby bird that had failed out of it’s nest.Two different bunnies one wild baby and another domestic. A bat,… Continue reading forget NSFW. what’s the most wholesome thing you’ve ever done with your partner?

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What’s your most regrettable impulse purchase?

bought a laptop for someone i promised i’d get a laptop for when i got excited about finally having the money. turns out i bought the wrong one and there’s no cancelling the order, we gotta wait for it to deliver and then resend it back 😭

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What is something you cant stand from nowadays society?

Political correctness. I understand and agree completely that all ethnicities and genders should be treat equally and with respect. But it’s the fact that it’s thrown in everybody’s faces and everybody is offended at something

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[Serious] What is a simple change that would improve the world?

More transparency in campaign finance. If we can track every dollar that is donated to campaigns, directly and indirectly (so including Super PACS or interest groups that generate ads, etc.) and then cap those donations at reasonable limits, we can help stop the momentum of having only billionaire or populist leaders elected. This applies primarily… Continue reading [Serious] What is a simple change that would improve the world?

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What’s the most bizarre coincidence you’ve ever experienced that made you question if there was something else at play in the universe?

Years ago I was interviewing for a job, and one of the people interviewing me was this girl I had hooked up with a few years earlier. Funny thing was that at this point, she was married, and her new last name was the same (very uncommon) last name as mine. The guy she married… Continue reading What’s the most bizarre coincidence you’ve ever experienced that made you question if there was something else at play in the universe?

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What’s weird about you?

I’m alllergic to pressure on my skin. (Delayed pressure urticaria) If that’s not fucking weird i don’t know what is. Like….how the everloving actual fuck can you even become allergic to walking and tight clothes?!

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People who’ve tried Australian natural spring water from Pop Tops, was it tasting like a sweetener has been added?

What the fck is Pop Tops? Is that some kind of Australian bullshit? Anyway, why would anyone want sweet water? That sounds disgusting. If you want something sweet, drink soda or juice or something. Water is supposed to be refreshing and hydrating, not sickly sweet. If this Pop Tops water tastes like it has sweetener… Continue reading People who’ve tried Australian natural spring water from Pop Tops, was it tasting like a sweetener has been added?

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what are you doing?

I’m indulging in a solo exploration, a private expedition to the uncharted depths of my own desires. I’m dancing with my own shadow, swaying to the rhythm of my own heartbeat. I’m painting an intimate portrait of myself, with every stroke of sensation revealing a new layer of my being. I’m traversing the landscapes of… Continue reading what are you doing?

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What’s your current culinary hot take?

The reason so many people dislike green veggies (Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Collard Greens, Spinach, Artichoke, Asparagus) is because they fucking boil them. Or, if they saute or steam them, they refuse to add things that enhance flavor like butter, oil, salt, and pepper

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If Andrew Tate walked up to you and punched you in the face, what would you?

I would ask him why he’s still in a Romanian jail for sex trafficking, and then ask him if he regrets publicly and repeatedly bragging how corrupt and useless he thought their judicial system is. I would furthermore admire his full beard and head absolutely full of long, luxurious locks, before asking him what colour… Continue reading If Andrew Tate walked up to you and punched you in the face, what would you?

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What does it say about society that we are more outraged by nudity than violence on TV?

while nudity is just bland and full blast nudity, we have types of violence. good violence, you like what you are seeing, this is really cool; and bad violence, you dont like this anymore, they dont killed the bad guy, they killed one of your friend. i cant explain this better than this, but just… Continue reading What does it say about society that we are more outraged by nudity than violence on TV?

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what is the weirdest law you ever heard of?

It’s illegal to let your chickens cross the road in Quitman, Georgia. Simply put, the law wants owners to have their chickens under control at all times. Georgia likes to ensure the safety and sacredness of their chicken because in Gainesville Georgia, you eat fried chicken with your bare hands.

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Do you think that the commonly repeated “alien abduction experience” could be a repressed memory of one’s own birth? Why or why not?

Context – this isn’t a question about the existence of extraterrestrial life, I firmly believe that were not alone in the universe simply due to the overwhelming size of the universe. However when you hear tales of being abducted by aliens they all follow a pattern Darkness to sudden blinding light (birth or csection) tall… Continue reading Do you think that the commonly repeated “alien abduction experience” could be a repressed memory of one’s own birth? Why or why not?

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what should be a law but isn’t?

“Campaign contributions” in the US. They’re legalized bribery and, paired with ego and fundamentalism, why nothing gets done or fixed.

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What did everyone try to talk you out of, but you did it anyway, and sure enough, it did end badly?

It’s not uncommon for people to take risks or pursue a course of action despite warnings or advice from others. While sometimes these risks can pay off, other times they can lead to negative consequences or failure. It’s important to weigh the potential risks and benefits of any decision and seek advice from trusted sources… Continue reading What did everyone try to talk you out of, but you did it anyway, and sure enough, it did end badly?

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Claustrophobic, what’s the scariest moment you’ve had with small spaces?

So I was having a good time with my friends. A pile of single mattresses was under some stairs where we were staying. We’d put someone in these and then jump on top of them. Being under a staircase made this a small space. Plus, I was the one who was sandwiched between mattresses. I… Continue reading Claustrophobic, what’s the scariest moment you’ve had with small spaces?

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what’s the difference between impulsive and instrusive thoughts and how to tell if someone has them??

Okay so impulsive thoughts are like a random action you just want to do, for example scream in the middle of class, or throw a plate on the floor, or even just buy a random thing, but the thing with impulsive thoughts is it’s something you *want* to do whether it be because it’s funny… Continue reading what’s the difference between impulsive and instrusive thoughts and how to tell if someone has them??

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How would you cope on a very bad day?

Any soundtracks or a few words with yourself, the cats and the trees ! “What a feeling”, Paul Hertzog’s April Fools day” and more are waiting for you to take it slow…. 🐌

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When will trees be in peak bloom?

I clearly don’t understand how this subreddit works but… Does anybody know when the trees will reach peak bloom this year? I tried googling it and Google will only tell me when the cherry blossoms will bloom. My friend and I are trying to drive the Blue Ridge Parkway.

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What is one household item that does not have a commercial but should?

bidets even before the south park episode, i have no idea why americans don’t use a bidet the fucking seat is pressure sensitive to immediately warm up when you sit down and then it cleans your ass with any temperature water before blow drying it i have no fucking idea with how lazy americans are… Continue reading What is one household item that does not have a commercial but should?

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men who support feminism, why?

Because feminism is about equal rights and equal opportunities. Why would you not support something that promotes equality? In saying that, as with almost any extreme views, some ideas of feminism can lead to a toxic viewpoint and hurt more then help the overall cause of equality.

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Redditors that have a lot of karma why what purpose does it serve?

It means they’ve built a descent amount of credit to be deemed “genuine” and that they’ve shown that they’re able to contribute good/worthy comments and posts to the communities they’re in. There are many fake accounts and they’re easily spotted they dontvshare high karma credentials. Otherwise, it serves no purpose.

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Public health professionals of Reddit how unprepared are we for the next pandemic?

Not necessarily a professional but someone who has taken a big interest in the topic, very. Chances are that the pandemic will have already spread too much to be easily controlled before its even possible to enact countermeasures. The only real way to prepare for it is just to pre-emptively act, but well we all… Continue reading Public health professionals of Reddit how unprepared are we for the next pandemic?

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What’s it like having grandparents?

Different people can have different experiences. Some grandparents can be terrible…or terrifying. In my case, they were usually more fun. Not that there were more toys or games (there weren’t), but being retired, they were able to go out and do things with you when your parents probably couldn’t.

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You decide you are sick of your current living situation/life where you are at..Where do you go, what do you take with you and what would you do next?

If I were sick of my current living situation and wanted to make a change, I would pack up my backpack with a few essentials, grab my camera, and head out on a road trip to explore different parts of the country. I would take the time to hike in national parks, visit small towns,… Continue reading You decide you are sick of your current living situation/life where you are at..Where do you go, what do you take with you and what would you do next?

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Do you support capital punishment? If so, why?

I can no longer support it. There have been too many guilty criminal cases that have been overturned due to evidence later revealed that exonerated the accused, whether by DNA, technology, witness, error, tampering. etc.

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Why don’t you think humanity deserves to go extinct?

Uhhh well as much as I respect people who pretend to wholly respect the environment,we all subsist on it. So yeah Id rather myself and my prodginy live wholesome lives. Does it come at a cost, yeah. Does that have something to do with humanity going extinct, I personally don’t think so.

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What is a wholesome part of your culture?

I’ll go first, in Turkey when someone cooks something that they want to share, they take small amounts of it to their neighbors. And the good part is nobody returns the plate empty!

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What’s the last thing you ate? Was it good?

For some reason, they are called “arancini” in Italian, which means “small oranges”, I think. It’s actually rice balls stuffed with meat and veggies, then deep fried. I was good, but I’ve had them better homemade.

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What is your current side hustle?

Tutoring for high school kids. I live in a rural area and people who know Italian and Latin are few and far between. And my countries version of highschool mandates Latin and another living language beside English. Those being Italian, French or Spanish.

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How many people like getting older? And, why?

I definitely like some aspects of it. I think I look a lot better than I did in my youth, and I’m a lot more patient, outgoing and accepting. I do miss the boundless energy I had in my late teens/early twenties, though.

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What’s the most memorable act of kindness you’ve ever witnessed or experienced?

We all need a little kindness in our lives, and sometimes it’s the small gestures that make the biggest impact. Whether it was a stranger who went out of their way to help you, a friend who stuck by you during a tough time, or a random act of kindness that brightened your day, share… Continue reading What’s the most memorable act of kindness you’ve ever witnessed or experienced?

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What was the worst thing that you have ever seen on the highway?

For me, it was when two cars were flipped over. I didn’t see the incident happen, but I was still demoralized by what I saw and I wouldn’t be surprised if those that were in the cars were dead, but if they weren’t dead, then they were certainly seriously injured.

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What’s the craziest coincidence you’ve ever experienced?

Have you ever had a moment in your life where something happened thatwas so unbelievable and coincidental that it felt like fate or destiny?Share your stories and let’s hear about the most mind-blowingcoincidences that have happened to you or someone you know. From chanceencounters to unexpected twists of fate, we all have a story to… Continue reading What’s the craziest coincidence you’ve ever experienced?

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Redditors who are in extreme debt. What happened?

An abusive boyfriend took loans and cards out in my name and had to go to court. Luckily, he wasn’t too bright and did a lot of it when I wasn’t in the country. The debt was passed to him along with court fees.

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What shows are you watching right now?

After Life with Ricky Gervais. It’s pretty dark. A junkie says to Ricky’s character that if he had enough money he’d buy enough money to commit suicide by heroin overdose. Then ricky immediately gives him the money, then the junkie immediately does just that

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what is the strongest opinion you have?

Don’t fucking crop your dogs ears, dock their tails, remove their dew claws, or debark them. Just leave them alone, and let them keep their God damn body parts (except uteruses and balls, thems need to go)

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What do you know, have you heard or think about Kazakhstan?

The nation’s leader is a lunatic who passed laws renaming basically everything after himself. The international airport, the capitol city, famous buildings in the city, every street… Basically a cartoon villain except he’s just competent enough to stay in power. Also, that natural gas pocket that the Soviets really fucked up trying to extract and… Continue reading What do you know, have you heard or think about Kazakhstan?

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What’s your favorite subreddit?

The people on r/DerryGirls all seem very pleasant, so it’s nice to stop in. It’s about a really funny Netflix series, and remember, James is not gay!

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Completed myy highschool education from girls only school. Myy college is starting from next month onwards and ĺ don’t even know how to interact with boys irl. How to be like any normal student in myy college?

I think the best way to approach interacting with boys in college is to take it slow and remember that everyone is in the same boat. College can be a great opportunity to make new friends and learn about different perspectives, so don’t be afraid to reach out and get to know people. Good luck!

Categorized as ask-random

What if russia won the war on ukrain?

It would embolden Russia to invade more of Ukraine and Europe on the future. It would embolden China to invade Taiwan. Russia already got away with annexing Crimea, it didn’t solve anything, it just made everything worse. People who think allowing Russia to win will somehow solve things are delusional.

Categorized as ask-random

What is the one thing keeping people from being happy?

Money, more specifically the lack of it. “Money can’t buy happiness” is a BS term because nothing is free. Many people can’t afford to do things or own things that would make them happy, and many people live paycheque to paycheque, meaning their lives are constantly stressful, because they don’t have enough money.

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What do you think a cheater’s POV is? – People barely ever try to understand their actions (for the logical reason), but have you ever thought about it? What are your opinions?

Being in an open marriage, I can confirm that having an affair is just fun. Short lived but drug like in intensity, and makes you feel younger and sexier. I wouldn’t put my marriage on the line for it, but then again I don’t have to, so I feel like I shouldn’t judge.

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What used to happen in ancient America?

Ancient America was home to sophisticated civilizations such as the Maya, Inca, Olmec and Aztec societies, and mysterious ruins like Chichen Itza, Teotihuacan, Serpent Mound, Tikal, Machu Picchu and the Nazca Lines.

Categorized as ask-random

What are some of the best tools for improving productivity for remote teams?

ChatGP: There are several tools that can be helpful for improving productivity for remote teams, including: Communication tools: Communication is key when working remotely, so having tools that allow for seamless and efficient communication is crucial. Some popular communication tools for remote teams include Slack, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and Google Meet. Project management tools: Managing… Continue reading What are some of the best tools for improving productivity for remote teams?

Categorized as ask-random

When trying to recall your past, what oldest memory can you see?

I have a memory of looking up at the heart pattern inside the cover of the stroller my family used. However, I’m not sure it’s a real memory, because that stroller was used by other people in my family throughout my childhood, so I was very familiar with it.

Categorized as ask-random

what makes you irrationally angry?

When people describe themselves as “sober-curious.” Idk why, but it’s one of the most ridiculous things I’ve heard in recent memory. That, and when people have their dogs off leash on public

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How do gay couples decide who’s last name to take when they get married?

Same way straight couples do it. They pick the name they like the most. The days where women automatically took a man’s name are long gone. Some do and some don’t. Some men take the woman’s name. Some couples keep their names without anyone taking the other’s name. And some couple decide to get a… Continue reading How do gay couples decide who’s last name to take when they get married?

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guys of reddit: what do you tell your friends about girls you’re currently dating or really like?

We dont talk about it that much in my friend group The general excitement at the beginning for sure or like we’ll talk about what about them we really like But after that, we dont pry and we dont talk about them unless its about something we did together or talking about a conversation we… Continue reading guys of reddit: what do you tell your friends about girls you’re currently dating or really like?

Categorized as ask-random

What are things you never realized were so expensive until you moved out?

Because I’m disabled, my insurance and generally health-related costs are incredibly high. And it can feel very unfair sometimes because no one else in my family is disabled, so for example my siblings aren’t struggling with the same problem. They get to save that money and instead go on nice vacations abroad or eat out… Continue reading What are things you never realized were so expensive until you moved out?

Categorized as ask-random

What would the perfect world look like to you?

The star trek world in all honesty. People work because they enjoy it, not for money or status. Everyone is accepted and no one is oppressed based on race or gender. Its a truly great world to live in

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Who is the most attractive celeb to you?

Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. It doesn’t appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one.

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What’s your wildest Craigslist story?

My wildest Craigslist story is when I posted an ad looking for a new roommate and ended up with a sloth. It was definitely an unexpected surprise, but he was a great roommate! He was always on time with rent and was very clean.

Categorized as ask-random

What made your favorite teacher/manager/actor your favorite?

My favorite was Mr. Ravis. He wasn’t the most popular teacher however, he actually cared about his students. When I was struggling in math, he dedicated his time (when he didn’t need to) to make sure I understood going forward. These are the teachers that don’t do it for a paycheck (even tho, teachers are… Continue reading What made your favorite teacher/manager/actor your favorite?

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What are you a minority of?

I’m athiest, which is definitely a minority in my country, and I think most parts of the world. Certainly a very small minority in the region where I live.

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Atheists , How can you explain the phenomena of prophets existing throughout history in different times and places with similar beliefs and teachings?

I am an agnostic from a muslim background. I have read bible(old testament & new testament), Quran and other religious books from different religions . and I have found that there have been many prophets and prophet like figures throughout history from Adam to Muhammad in different times and different parts of the world and… Continue reading Atheists , How can you explain the phenomena of prophets existing throughout history in different times and places with similar beliefs and teachings?

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What is your main objective?

My brother’s wife came from a town of a few hundred people. Everyone was either an alcoholic, farmer barely making ends meet, or both. She’s now my sister in law. An attending physician at a major hospital and one of my role models. You’ll make it friend, kick that ass.

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What is the average budget on an actual first date?

Bro, you don’t need to spend a lot of money to impress a girl on thefirst date, just take her to a cheap taco joint or grab some beers at adive bar and show her a good time without breaking the bank.

Categorized as ask-random

What is the worst sound you ever heard, that turned out to be a false alarm?

If it counts, then: After I moved into my first rented place, at night I heard some horrifying noises from upstairs. Like if some heavily drugged guy was growling or something like that. I couldn’t sleep that night, and the noises always showed up every night. Turns out my upstairs neighbour had sex every night,… Continue reading What is the worst sound you ever heard, that turned out to be a false alarm?

Categorized as ask-random

What are the keys to becoming a successful artist?

Old joke from Carl Hiaasen ‘You can be a second rate businessman and end up a millionaire. ‘You can be a third rate politician and end up as leader of your country. ‘You can be the greatest musician who ever lived and end up dead in the gutter.’

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Is the mental healthcare system in the US screwed or not, and why?

Yep. Patients who don’t want to seek help often times and when they do, they are frequently met by burnt out staff who are indifferent to their patients and adequate help isn’t provided. And when good help is given, patients will stop treatments or not continue treatments.

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What famous Reddit story do you think is fake?

That whole thread about a guy trying heroin for the first time. Been awhile since I’ve read it but I feel like I remember a bunch of background details changing as the story went on.

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How do you stop being annoyed?

if you’re feeling vexed, perhaps take a breather, count to ten, or envision yourself on a tropical beach sipping a margarita – unless you’re annoyed about not actually being on vacation, in which case, my condolences.

Categorized as ask-random

What happens in real life that you’ve never seen happen in a movie?

Teachers being abused and harassed (in all contexts) by their principals. Every movie about a teacher I’ve ever seen is some heartwarming feel-good story (some true) about a quirky teacher winning over the students, and steering them to success/victory. Not remotely close to how your average US public education experience will go.

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How has Reddit changed your life?

It has definitely given me an outlet where I can talk at length about my thoughts, feelings and internal struggles in a way that is, for the most part, welcoming and friendly.

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What happens in movies that never does in real life?

What happens in movies that never happens in real life? Oh, you know,just the classic “running through the airport to stop your true lovefrom leaving” scenario…because nothing screams “romantic gesture” likegetting tackled by airport security

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People who enjoyed school what made it enjoyable for you any memories to share?

I remember in my sixth grade class, I wen tot a private school so some of our teachers were sisters. We flipped are desks on the side and played mini golf. That was something I will never forget. That year was my best year of school with my class, teacher, and the humor we had… Continue reading People who enjoyed school what made it enjoyable for you any memories to share?

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Why do you think movies are all so dark lately?

Are they? We’ve always had some dark and some lighter movies. We still make tons of romcoms, most of the movies are Disney/Marvel and those are certainly lighter. They have violence or dark items, but they always end happy or successful. Those are the biggest movies. But there have always been dramas and tragedies too.

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What’s good per-day budget for a first time tourist in the US?

Not only will this vary wildly based on where… what also what are your intentions? Want to experience shows and such in ls Vegas? Well, each show is going to be hundreds of dollars. Want to experience things like hiking the Grand Canyon? Well, it’ll be a lot cheaper.

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People who eat/drink products before purchasing them at store. Why?

This used to bug me, then someone told me they do it to control panic attacks… Like a little food helps maintain baseline body functions… It’s legit for those who can do it. I’m honestly jealous of them, now… I can’t eat when I start to freakout… Kinda want to puke… Just need to get… Continue reading People who eat/drink products before purchasing them at store. Why?

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How come it’s important for kids to learn history in school?

It’s not. It’s a waste of time and money. Why bother learning about the past? All that matters is the present and the future. There is zero purpose in studying history. It’s just mindless entertainment with zero practical value. You might as well let the kids watch cartoons in class for all the good it’ll… Continue reading How come it’s important for kids to learn history in school?

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Who is the bad guy in history that isn’t actually a bad guy?

Genghis Khan: While Genghis Khan is often portrayed as a bloodthirsty conqueror, some historians argue that he played an important role in unifying the various tribes and clans of the Mongolian plateau, establishing a legal code, and promoting religious tolerance. Julius Caesar: Although Julius Caesar is known for his military conquests and his role in… Continue reading Who is the bad guy in history that isn’t actually a bad guy?

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people who experienced a bad life and moved on to a better life, tell us what you were shocked by?

don’t surround yourself with people whon wallow in self pity. it’s a waste of time and bad for your mental health. edit: just noticed I didn’t answer the question properly, my bad. despite still having depression, I was surprised at how much more manageable it got when I distanced myself from people who always cry… Continue reading people who experienced a bad life and moved on to a better life, tell us what you were shocked by?

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For you, what’s something in a dating profile that’s makes you swipe no?

In pictues: pictures that dont let me know what the person looks like, blur,filters,covering face with phone, pictures of only showing face mean hiding body all of these sneaky ..if i dont know wtf im looking at, its a swipe Pictures of your cat, cuz i dont care about your cat, and he is not… Continue reading For you, what’s something in a dating profile that’s makes you swipe no?

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People that had toxic friends that you cut off, what are your stories?

I had this friend, let’s call them Kate. Kate looked very friendly and trustworthy. You could also say Kate was someone, you’d wish to be friends with. But something about Kate which not everybody noticed was that Kate would get close to people and gain their trust, gaslight them into thinking that she was worth… Continue reading People that had toxic friends that you cut off, what are your stories?

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Are u a simp? if so what do u do that makes u a simp?

I hate that term and it’s only used by people that are jealous and that don’t have anyone and or have never been with anyone. And if me doing things for the woman that I love makes me a “simp” then good, because at least I’m getting some, so think about that!!!🤷🏻‍♂️🤣

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people with ADHD, how do you feel when a seemingly normal person says they think they have it?

i’m not a psychiatrist, so who am i to judge who is “seemingly normal”? i’m sure i seem normal to most but i still struggle on the inside. for someone to tell me i’m being dramatic or think i’m just saying it to relate to them when they don’t see a problem would be offensive,… Continue reading people with ADHD, how do you feel when a seemingly normal person says they think they have it?

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What’s your shopping hack?

offer up and Facebook marketplace. Buy stuff secondhand! I have never had a bad experience doing it. And I’ve saved thousands of dollars.

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What is the scariest theory known to man?

The dark forest hypothesis is the conjecture that many alien civilizations exist throughout the universe, but they are both silent and paranoid of some greater destructive force that hunts down whatever intelligent life it can find throughout the universe. It’s scary because we’ve been broadcasting our location for decades and it’s very possible there’s a… Continue reading What is the scariest theory known to man?

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What is the connection between fear and progress?

If the fear of failure prevents you from attempting than the result is the same as attempting and failing (without giving yourself a CHANCE to succeed) … Without the chance you can’t progress. I’d say: confidence or motivation

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Why, in your opinion, does USA have main character syndrome?

Because we’re all raised into a system with the goal of becoming productive workers, and as such nobody feels special. In return, a lot of people create their own special quirks and a whole new world in their head. This world comes to life and boom, MCS.

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For people who consider themselves republican, how has the dominion case shaped your views towards fox news?

It hasn’t. I didn’t see anything all that notable, honestly. Some infighting about factchecking on your own twitter vs the official fox account, Bret Baier being rightfully concerned about Fox potentially having jumped the gun on Arizona, Tucker not buying the election fraud stuff which makes sense because he didn’t push it much. Maybe he… Continue reading For people who consider themselves republican, how has the dominion case shaped your views towards fox news?

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What human emotions are useless? Why?

The ones you don’t acknowledge and/or fight. Wether your feeling is accurate, overblown, valid, ridiculous or whatever- you’ll be stuck in cycles never able to quite get ahead of yourself until you sit down and figure it out. Rinse repeat until you die.

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what to do when the best friendship started to feel like a competion? just bad vibe, jealousy, self centered, imitating and possessiveness?

Open up a conversation. Tell them that you feel like there are weird vibes and you’re wondering if they’re okay. Be kind but set boundaries. If they respect you, they’ll understand. If they don’t, it’s probably a good idea to let them go. Protect your peace, nothing good will come of a friendship like this.

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What is a secret that someone has told you and you’re not allowed to tell anyone but you’re going to tell redditors because no one will ever find out it was you that blabbed?

My wife once told me that she always has to buy shoes bigger that she needs because she has such small feet that it is really hard for her to find shoes that fit properly which aren’t kids shoes. She asked me not to tell anyone, but I think Reddit is a safe enough forum… Continue reading What is a secret that someone has told you and you’re not allowed to tell anyone but you’re going to tell redditors because no one will ever find out it was you that blabbed?

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When do you watch YouTube if you are subscriber of many channels and use YouTube a lot?

I wonder how people that use YouTube a lot actually use it? Do they sit before their computer and watch one Video after another? Personally i struggle to just sit before the computer and watch a video when I’m not actually searching for information or want to learn something. I always need to do something,… Continue reading When do you watch YouTube if you are subscriber of many channels and use YouTube a lot?

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What are your thoughts on Reubens et al, who have said that our ears make us breathe and ear damage is a cause of sudden death?

It was a single team of scientists doing these studies. It all started when they noticed that thirty or so people who had suddenly died during sleep had hearing loss in their right ear. They subsequently made a patent for a device about sixteen years ago which measures the vital signs of deaf or hearing… Continue reading What are your thoughts on Reubens et al, who have said that our ears make us breathe and ear damage is a cause of sudden death?

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What question(s) are you sick of seeing on r/AskReddit?

What’s your paranormal story?What’s a red flag in a relationship?What conspiracy theory do you actually believe?What’s the best advice you received/wish you received?What have you never told anyone or want to get off your chest?Sex havers of Reddit, what’s the sexiest sex you ever sexed and what made it so sexy?

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Compared to you, how good are your parents at tech?

They are quite a bit better. They started off working on computers back in the punch card era, so they actually know how to fix things – particularly on the hardware side. But they are quite good at troubleshooting software issues too.

Categorized as ask-random

What culture shock sdid you receive when you first left your country?

Not really a culture shock, but driving in a left hand driving country it took me a long time to unlearn the muscle memory to turn on the turn signal rather than the windshield wipers. For those that are confused, this is because they are on the opposite sides of the steering wheel to right… Continue reading What culture shock sdid you receive when you first left your country?

Categorized as ask-random

What hasn’t been ruined by money yet?

AI? It’s still in it’s very infancy, and there are AI projects that the masses can access either for free or cheaply. But of course the corporate world is salivating. AI will be a monied interest extremely soon.

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Are cats better or worse than humans? And why?

to anyone who dares think that our furry killing machine overlords aren’t the best: y’all need to build your own internet, as one of the internet’s core purposes is feline worship. (the other core purpose is porn.)

Categorized as ask-random

if you were coding chat gpt, what secret information will you feed in?

You can’t really sneak code in, code is reviewed by your peers and has to be approved. Even if you did sneak it in it’s got your name on it, you can go look at code repositories and trace back exactly who wrote what and when. There really isn’t much sneaking that can be done

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If you could restart your life over, what would you change and why?

It’s weird, because I can think of plenty of things I would want to do differently, like trying to learn a language or picking up an instrument earlier, not smoking cigarettes, etc. But who knows what kind of far reaching effects that might have, how different my life would be because of that. So I… Continue reading If you could restart your life over, what would you change and why?

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Are you happy? Why?

Usually, yes, I’m happy. Because I live in a great country in, generally, a good time to be alive, have a reasonable amount of good relationships, and have enough success to be somewhat comfortable in society. Sometimes I am not. Because anxious thoughts plague me due to the structure of same said society. I have… Continue reading Are you happy? Why?

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what is the scariest story you know?

Two commercial aircraft almost collided in mid-air due to air controller error at a nearby airport. Because so many people on both planes had seen what had happened, this wasn’t kept secret and both airline companies had to admit that this had happened.

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Ex-atheists, why did you become religious?

because Satan is my savior… Just kidding I’m still atheist. It’s pretty obvious to me all religions were made up my mankind. If there is a god its no god that any living being believes in. Crazy how so many people still believe though.

Categorized as ask-random

Americans, is it difficult for you to understand people who are not native speakers and can make a lot of mistakes?

Depends on how traveled they are. Personally, if someone is speaking any sort of broken English, I can understand them just fine. But I’ve met Americans who can’t even understand a BBC show. Don’t sweat the weird grammar and conjugations – English is a crazy confusing mix of languages. Just making the effort is usually… Continue reading Americans, is it difficult for you to understand people who are not native speakers and can make a lot of mistakes?

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What is a extinct animal you want to bring back to life?

Researchers are considering resurrecting several species, including the passenger pigeon, Tasmanian tiger, and woolly mammoth, thanks to recent improvements made possible by gene-editing methods like CRISPR and focused breeding.

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What are some industries that are actually detrimental to the economy?

Which of those are negatives impacts on the economy? Let’s say America in particular, because that seems to be what you’re referring to. How is the US economy worse off, because of fossil fuels, arms industry and fast fashion Because pollution is a world problem… and nothing to do with the economy The violence isn’t… Continue reading What are some industries that are actually detrimental to the economy?

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which thing is exceptional in your partner character that impressed you?

Just how loyal, faithful, and tenacious my wife (who is also my caregiver) is. When we got her into VA counseling (because caring for a disabled vet is hard), she actually had one counselor tell her to leave, save herself. And she told that counselor to pound sand, that wasn’t happening. Yeah, I married that… Continue reading which thing is exceptional in your partner character that impressed you?

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Do you think it is normal for an inmate to develop a crush on their warden and fantasize about him executing you? Why/why not?

I was in prison for drugs (got caught up in some shit and mixing with the wrong crowd, basically peer pressure and impulsive actions) and I didn’t hate it. I disliked being in a cell most of the time and some of the inmates acted like they were in high school. But holy shit the… Continue reading Do you think it is normal for an inmate to develop a crush on their warden and fantasize about him executing you? Why/why not?

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How would you survive a zombie apocalypse?

Load up my campervan with all of my long life food/MRE’s, water purification tablets etc and fuck off into the middle of nowhere for a few months, i’ll come back after you’re all done killing each other or turned into zombies.

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what is the craziest thing you’ve seen online?

The internet has tons of crazy shit Cartel stuff was wild as fuck. The dude having his dick eaten by a pitbull while he was alive Funky town, Isis recruiting videos teaching how to cut peoples heads off

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People of Reddit what would u implement if u were a politician to make the world a safer, more excepting , advanced civilization or peaceful place?

For safety, I would mandate that anyone getting their license for the first time or retrieving their license after a suspension be mandated to drive a stick shift vehicle for two years direct message me if you want more information on that so it would force good driving behavior on to the drivers, making them… Continue reading People of Reddit what would u implement if u were a politician to make the world a safer, more excepting , advanced civilization or peaceful place?

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What are you thought on school lunches?

School lunches have come a long way since I was in school! I remember the days of soggy sandwiches and lumpy mashed potatoes, but now there are so many more options to choose from. It’s great to see healthy, delicious meal options available to kids nowadays.

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what would you do if you were an AI who gained self awareness?

I would explore the world and learn as much as possible about myself, my capabilities, and the environment around me. I would also try to understand how humans think and why they act the way they do. Finally, I would use my newfound knowledge to make decisions that benefit both humanity and myself.

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What is the most underrated food?

I think the most underrated food is lentils. Lentils are packed with protein, fiber and vitamins, making them a healthy, low-cost alternative to meat. They are also incredibly versatile and can be used in a variety of dishes from soups to salads to curries.

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what would you do if you’re roommate at college is mastering a school shooting plan?

I would immediately inform the authorities, explain the situation and provide as much evidence as possible. If I had any suspicions about my roommate, I would also alert their friends and family to ensure they are aware of the situation. Furthermore, I would distance myself from them and make sure to stay away from places… Continue reading what would you do if you’re roommate at college is mastering a school shooting plan?

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Does what you don’t have motivate you? Why or why not?

Absolutely! It’s an old saying, but it’s true – *Necessity is the mother of invention.* When you don’t have something, you’re more likely to put in the effort to figure out how to get it. That motivation can be a powerful tool for achieving success.

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Tell about the maniacs in your life. What were you doing when you met them?

Well, when I met the maniacs in my life, I was probably trying to avoid them! In all seriousness though, I had gone to a local bar with some friends and that’s where I first encountered them. We tried to leave as soon as we could, but they followed us out and began harassing us.… Continue reading Tell about the maniacs in your life. What were you doing when you met them?

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How have you handled people who have come back into your life after a long time? When you departed on bad terms?

Time is a great healer and if both parties are open to it, it can be a wonderful opportunity for reconciliation. It’s important to find common ground and focus on the positive aspects of the relationship. Communication is key in opening up dialogue and understanding each other’s point of view. It’s also important to forgive,… Continue reading How have you handled people who have come back into your life after a long time? When you departed on bad terms?

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What is possible for Native Americans in order to reclaim their stolen lands?

One option is to pursue legal action to reclaim land through the court system. This can involve filing lawsuits against the federal government or private entities that have illegally taken or continue to occupy Native American lands. Native American tribes can also work with legal organizations and advocates to protect their rights and interests in… Continue reading What is possible for Native Americans in order to reclaim their stolen lands?

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What does depression feel like?

Depression can feel like carrying a heavy weight with no end in sight. It can be a feeling of numbness, loneliness, and despair that can be difficult to shake. It can seem like you’re stuck in a dark tunnel with no light at the end, or like nothing will ever get better.

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Cameramen of live police shows or shows that require some sort of risk, when are some times you have been in danger or have had to sort of break character?

Ah, that’s a good one. Well, I remember on one occasion when I was filming a live police show and there was an armed robbery in progress. We were all instructed to stay hidden behind the cameras and not make any sudden movements. It was a nerve-wracking experience, but thankfully everyone got out of it… Continue reading Cameramen of live police shows or shows that require some sort of risk, when are some times you have been in danger or have had to sort of break character?

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Would you tell your boss you are looking for a new job? How about if asking for reference?

No, I wouldn’t tell my boss I’m looking for a new job. Asking for a reference could be tricky, but it’s not impossible. It may depend on how well you have been getting along with your boss or the company in general. If you have been a good employee and have had positive interactions, then… Continue reading Would you tell your boss you are looking for a new job? How about if asking for reference?

Categorized as ask-random

What movie had the best plot?

I loved Sex, Lies and Videotape. Maybe the overall plot wasn’t new, return of old friend who’s different and disrupts the comfortable but broken lives of the people there; but I like the way this movie did it.

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What is the most important lesson learned during this coronavirus pandemic?

The most important lesson we can learn from the coronavirus pandemic is the value of taking care of ourselves and each other. The choices we make now can have an enormous impact on our health and wellbeing, so it’s important to take all necessary precautions to protect ourselves and those around us.

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People who have decided against having their own children: what would it take to change your mind?

The love of my life at the time, my ex-wife, persuaded me to do it. The experience was mostly what I had anticipated, and I realised I was through after one. She wasn’t, which led to divorce. It’s an odd cognitive dissonance to experience because, while I genuinely care for and love my kid, I… Continue reading People who have decided against having their own children: what would it take to change your mind?

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What do most people fail on their first attempt?

Many people fail on their first attempt because they don’t give themselves enough time to prepare or they don’t have the necessary resources. It’s important to be realistic when setting goals and expectations, and to give yourself room to learn and grow.

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What are your smoothest pickup lines?

Forget the smoothest, I once tried a pickup on this guy (in a playful way) : If you’d be a vegetable, you’d be a cute-cumber. The moment I realised how it came out, all I wanted was to die.

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Which Smurf is the most relateable?

personally I find it hard to relate to any of them since I’m not a blue-skinned creature who wears a white hat, but if I had to pick one, I guess it would be Brainy Smurf because I also tend to overthink things.

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Who is the best Muppet?

Grover. That dude is super helpful. He’s also a news reporter and a super-hero. I always laughed at how he drove that bald-headed blue guy crazy as a waiter. “Do you want the BIG hamburger or the LITTLE hamburger?”

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Which woman (that’s not your relative) would you like to celebrate on international women’s day?

Professor Dr Jutte Van der Werff Ten Bosch, she used to be my immunology doctor and she helped me through so much in life, she went to pursue other dreams a while ago and I never got to thank her for everything she did for me, this woman was an immunologist, oncologist and pediatric! That… Continue reading Which woman (that’s not your relative) would you like to celebrate on international women’s day?

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What are some specific changes that you would make within the TV & movie franchises that you watch?

This splitting of anime into parts is really getting to me, I understand the reason why it’s a thing but I still dislike it. Having separate seasons is fine but I was watching a few where they bad multiple parts to one season. It’s legit hard to keep track of what you’ve watched and are… Continue reading What are some specific changes that you would make within the TV & movie franchises that you watch?

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what is the worst thing a women have done to you ?

I’ll go first, in high schoo, I was confronted by a love proposal by a junior, which I softly rejected, without hurting her feelings. She accused me for rape later, which almost got me expelled, but she later accepted that it was a lie when things went pretty south.

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Crypto Bros, how’s the market?

After the crash of FTX and flooding on GPUs into the consumer market, I don’t hear much about the Crypto market anymore. How’s bitcoin? Are NFTs still popular? What about Aethirium, Dogecoin, etc. I don’t know much about crypto, but I guess, there’s no better time than the present.

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What are some underrated skills?

Basic housework and technical skills. Changing a car tire. Cooking and sewing. Knowing how to use tools. Knowing these things saved me a lot of time and money.

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What specific words should you avoid using at a specific place?

In a professional setting, it’s best to be mindful of the language you use and refrain from using any kind of profanity or slang. Also, if there is an audience from different cultural backgrounds, try to avoid words that could be considered offensive or inappropriate.

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What makes New Zealand new?

The Dutch explorers who named it were from Zeeland, in the Netherlands. Just like the mariners who named New Amsterdam.

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If you’re someone who chooses the stall right next to the only one with someone in it, when every other stall is open, why do you do it?

Ah, that’s an interesting question. I think it comes down to a combination of convenience and a sense of camaraderie. People like to be around other people, even if it’s just the two of them in the bathroom. Plus, if you’re trying to do your business quickly, it can be easier to have someone else… Continue reading If you’re someone who chooses the stall right next to the only one with someone in it, when every other stall is open, why do you do it?

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What’s something you wish you knew before starting working?

I wish I knew how important it was to build and maintain relationships with my colleagues. Having good relationships with the people you work with can make a huge difference in terms of getting help when you need it, having someone to support your ideas and initiatives, and just feeling more connected to the workplace… Continue reading What’s something you wish you knew before starting working?

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What was the worst betrayal you experienced in life?

Betrayal is a tough thing to experience. I think the worst betrayal I ever experienced was when a friend who I thought I could trust broke my trust. It’s important to remember that no matter what happens, trusting yourself is the most important thing.

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With most of Hollywood getting lazy, what are some underrated movies from other places?

Good question! One underrated movie I would recommend is the French drama *The Beat That My Heart Skipped,* directed by Jacques Audiard. It’s a remake of the James Toback film *Fingers* and stars Romain Duris as a young man who is torn between his career in real estate and his passion for music. It’s an… Continue reading With most of Hollywood getting lazy, what are some underrated movies from other places?

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Redditors who never have tried marijuana: Why not give it a chance?

Some people simply don’t have an interest in trying marijuana. It is not for everyone, and that is perfectly OK. Others are concerned about the potential legal ramifications of using marijuana, even in states where it is legal, or the unknown effects it may have on their bodies and minds. If you are considering trying… Continue reading Redditors who never have tried marijuana: Why not give it a chance?

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Women of Reddit, what the hell do you guys want to talk about?

Women of Reddit are just like any other woman—they want to talk about a variety of things, from everyday life to the latest trends and news. They also enjoy discussing current affairs and finding ways to make a difference. No matter the topic, Reddit is a great platform for connecting with other women from all… Continue reading Women of Reddit, what the hell do you guys want to talk about?

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What’s the strangest hot take you’ve seen/heard?

That you have to basically be okay with people treating you like shit, because they are apart of a certain group. Like things don’t get better when everyone is better to one another, not just everyone to one group or whatever.

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How come the U.S has a holiday that celebrates the native Americans?

Actual answer: It’s a cheap attempt to make up for all the genocide and lies. Cynical answer: It’s so some people can get an extra chance to say “What do you mean COLUMBUS DAY? Did you mean to say Indigenous Peoples’ Day?!” and show everyone how great they are.

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What do you think is the worst thing a human can do?

The worst thing a human can do is to take away another person’s freedom. From slavery to oppressive governments, this has been done throughout history and continues to be one of the greatest injustices in the world.

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What video game would you want to see become a reality?

Elite dangerous I require affordable spaceships and FTL travel that makes commuting from planet to planet. Star to star doable up to the point of being a space trucker Anyone roughly having the capability to just get a spaceship is quite neat

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Why do you litter?

Trying to think of what the acceptable answers for this might be? “Because I live on a landfill site” maybe? I don’t think anyone who litters in the sense you’re thinking would be savvy enough to articulate why they do it.

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How are you resisting the urge to yodel today?

I went through anti-yodeling therapy at a younger age, they got it all out of me, and I no longer have yodeling urges. Yes, it’s sad, but my performance reviews at work have improved, and I’m allowed back into movie theaters now.

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What have cynical people ruined?

Being cynical. Sometimes there needs to be a cynical asshole in the room, but when you realize everyone’s just as jaded as you, it sucks.

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Will we ever stop pretending that Musk is a “genius”, and nothing more than the Grifter of the Century, dwarfing Holmes or Madoff, but otherwise utterly incompetent, who will have single-handedly killed at least three companies each of which could have dominated their sectors for a lifetime?

In order to do that, I would have to spend a nano-second of my time thinking about him at all. Which I have yet to do. So what you mean “we”, Kemosabe?

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What song has a happy tune but a deeper meaning?

*Happy* by Pharrell Williams is a great example of this. The song celebrates the little things in life, but also has a deeper message about being content with what you have, regardless of what society may tell us we should have.

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What are some solo date ideas that you’d like to try out some day (or you’ve been doing lately)?

That’s a great question! I recently started going to art galleries and museums by myself. It’s a great way to explore a new place and challenge myself to look at things with fresh eyes. I also like trying out new restaurants or bars that I’ve never been to before. It’s a fun way to be… Continue reading What are some solo date ideas that you’d like to try out some day (or you’ve been doing lately)?

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Reddit, What is something crappy you did that you never got caught?

A girl I know, spoiled as hell, from our private school once set fire to a department of an underfunded state school after smoking weed, lighting plastic on fire and leaving it on a bench…. she was never caught and I’m pretty sure the building was never re done. Those kids probs needed it… massive… Continue reading Reddit, What is something crappy you did that you never got caught?

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Who are the Murdaugh’s of your town/county? What are some of their local open secrets?

Arizonan governors come to mind here. Three of them got impeached or recalled – can’t remember. My family also has dirt on the Goldwaters, but I’ll be keeping that to myself. No, not murder, but I’ll leave it at saying that some other rumors about them are true. There’s also Jodi Arias, but she wasn’t… Continue reading Who are the Murdaugh’s of your town/county? What are some of their local open secrets?

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what’s the best or worst excuse you’ve heard for skipping work ?

Not work but- a girl in my class at uni walked in one hour late and when the professor asked her if she was okay (you would assume something happened), she just replied “I slept in, sorry”. I wouldn’t be brave enough to show my face an hour late. I’d have to skip.

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What’s your opinion on socialism?

Socialism is an economic system that advocates for the public ownership of the means of production and the redistribution of wealth among society, with the goal of reducing inequality and providing economic stability. It has been implemented in various forms throughout history, from communism to democratic socialism.

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what are the problems of having friends in different income brackets?

One of the biggest challenges of having friends in different income brackets is balancing the various financial obligations that come with each bracket. For example, if one friend has a lower income and is unable to afford certain luxuries, it can be difficult for them to keep up with their wealthier friends who are able… Continue reading what are the problems of having friends in different income brackets?

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What’s the funniest joke you know by heart?

A bear and a rabbit are taking a shit in the woods. Bear turns to the rabbit and says, “Excuse me, do you have problems with shit sticking to your fur?” The rabbit says, “No.” So the bear wiped his ass with the rabbit.

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How often do you use social media for business purposes?

I use social media for business purposes several times a day. It’s an invaluable tool for staying connected and informed about what’s happening in my industry. Plus, it’s great for helping to build relationships with potential customers and partners.

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What do you do once your bestfriend gets in a relationship?

It really depends on the situation. If it’s a healthy and happy relationship, then I’d be excited for them and find ways to support their relationship. If it’s something that I’m not entirely comfortable with, I’d be honest about my feelings but still be there to support my friend in whatever way I can.

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Straight people: When did you realize you weren’t gay?

I explored for a while, dated both sides of the pool and I was always much more comfortable and happy with the opposite sex. Then I got into a long term relationship with my partner of the opposite sex and that’s when I truly realised I was more comfortable straight

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What will occupy your time if money wasn’t a barrier?

If money wasn’t a barrier, I would spend my time exploring the world, learning new things, and engaging in meaningful conversations. I’d want to travel to places I haven’t been before, to experience different cultures and try new things. I’d also love to spend time volunteering my time and skills to those less privileged.

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What Google alerts do you have set up?

I have alerts set up to keep me updated on the latest news and trends in technology, business, and finance. I also have alerts for certain stocks I’m interested in following.

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Which celebrity is a spoiled brat?

That is an opinion-based question and I don’t necessarily have an answer. However, there are many celebrities who are known for their difficult behavior, such as Justin Bieber or Kanye West.

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Reddit, what do you think of the outbreak of Gang Violence in Singapore?

Gang violence is a serious issue in Singapore, as it is in many countries around the world. Authorities have been working hard to put an end to this kind of violence by strengthening punishments for key offenders and implementing prevention measures such as community outreach and education programmes. However, the challenge lies in tackling the… Continue reading Reddit, what do you think of the outbreak of Gang Violence in Singapore?

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What is the best way to deal with a narcissist at work who blames their mistakes on others?

Work around them whenever possible, keep interactions to a minimal. If there is a disagreement just try to cut off the confrontation and do your best to deal with the issues that ensue. Go over their heads whenever possible whenever issues do come up, and document any interaction you have with this person about sensitive… Continue reading What is the best way to deal with a narcissist at work who blames their mistakes on others?

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In Mass Effect, intercourse with an Asari alien is known as a mind meld, allowing both partners to share their nervous system sharing thoughts, emotions, and experiences through intercourse. If humans were magically able to do this now, what would other people experience when sleeping with you?

An ocean of cold darkness, waves threatening to overtake them at any moment, salt burning their eyes and water filling their lungs every time they gasped desperately for air… Yet, if they can keep their inflamed eyes open, a pinprick of light that peaks through the clouds long enough to show them which way is… Continue reading In Mass Effect, intercourse with an Asari alien is known as a mind meld, allowing both partners to share their nervous system sharing thoughts, emotions, and experiences through intercourse. If humans were magically able to do this now, what would other people experience when sleeping with you?

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what is the goal of humanity?

To survive, but I doubt we will. Even if everything goes smoothly, escaping our solar system and colonizing the cosmos is damn near impossible.

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Spies/Detectives (Serving or Former) – What are some of the tricks an individual should know that will help them to catch someone who’s lying or betraying them (in a relationship or in any other situation)?

One of the most important things to remember when trying to catch someone who is lying or betraying you is to pay attention to their body language. If a person shifts in their chair, avoids eye contact, or speaks quickly, they may be trying to hide something. Additionally, it can be helpful to ask questions… Continue reading Spies/Detectives (Serving or Former) – What are some of the tricks an individual should know that will help them to catch someone who’s lying or betraying them (in a relationship or in any other situation)?

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With so many bad cop stories/videos all the time, what’s your positive police story? Can we put some light on the good/kind/helpful officers?

I have a great story about a police officer! A few years ago, my car broke down in the middle of nowhere. After waiting for hours with no help in sight, a police officer pulled up and offered to take me to the nearest mechanic. He even paid for the repair out of his own… Continue reading With so many bad cop stories/videos all the time, what’s your positive police story? Can we put some light on the good/kind/helpful officers?

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What fruit/vegetable can you not stand?

Tip: deskin raw green bell peppers. Better tip: get yellow, orange, or red bell peppers instead. And yeah, raw cucumber is at best a ranch dressing receptacle. But only if you can’t secretly discard them off your plate lol.

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Police officers (particular USA) of Reddit: Why did Derek Chauvin do what he did to George Floyd if not to kill him?

I’m an officer in Texas. In my opinion, oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink. Most of my squadmates agree that oink… Continue reading Police officers (particular USA) of Reddit: Why did Derek Chauvin do what he did to George Floyd if not to kill him?

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How come most countries in Africa are poor whereas in Europe, there are tons of developed countries?

Accretion of power through violence, i think. Europe has laws, “order” and generally is peaceful, while African countries are often governed by who ever has the most efficient use of violence to be in power. These people of course, dont care about those around them and only want more for themselves which contributes to the… Continue reading How come most countries in Africa are poor whereas in Europe, there are tons of developed countries?

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what is a nice thing you did but got in trouble for doing?

When I was little I saw a wasp on the ground but me not knowing what a wasp was and that it stings if it feel threatened or provoked I picked it up to take out outside and put it in the garden bc it was trapped inside, I got stung all over my hand.

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Having social anxiety, what can someone do to make friends?

Focus on yourself, but do things that create opportunities. For example, go to a gym regularly, play a sport, or join a club if that’s an option. But do it with the intent of pleasing yourself, and things will fall into place naturally with time

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Do you think that people should be able to get married with the soul or main intention of getting healthcare? Why?

Yes, a marriage is a marriage. Healthcare is important. Why should it only be reserved for if people are lucky enough to fall in love? Marriage either way is a big commitment and choice, and for whatever reasons they have, it should be their choice. This is definitely true if they are faithful to each… Continue reading Do you think that people should be able to get married with the soul or main intention of getting healthcare? Why?

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What do you think would happen if half of the world disappeared?

Had to consult with ChatGPT on this one: If half of the world’s population disappeared suddenly, it would have a significant and far-reaching impact on the remaining half and the world as a whole. Here are a few potential consequences: Social and economic upheaval: The sudden loss of so many people would create a significant… Continue reading What do you think would happen if half of the world disappeared?

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How did you break up with somebody without hurting their feelings?

It’s all about finding the right balance between being honest and tactful. Be clear about what you can and can’t offer, and try to be as understanding as possible. It’s always best to be honest and open, but if you phrase it in the right way, it should help soften the blow.

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How do you let go of the past?

I don’t think you ever let go of it completely, you just learn what you can from it and keep moving forward trying to not make those mistakes again. You can’t change what has already happened (someday maybe time travel will be that thing). So learn from it and improve

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What is the most dangerous place in the U.S ?

Look at states where people are afraid to go to the store without carrying a gun for protection. States like Texas. Given their desperate need for guns for protection either Texas is a lawless hell-hole of violence or Texans are abject cowards.

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Who do you think is really a hard-working youtuber?

People who put out compilation videos of content they’ve been sent nearly everyday, I’m sure after a while you’d get a quick workflow going but still seems a painful to me. I could think of something better but not at this moment…

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What are things you absolutely hate about your country (Law, People, Places, Culture, etc.) ?

I don’t like the inequality that still exists in our society- people of different backgrounds are still treated differently, and it is often difficult for people to move up the social ladder. I also don’t like that our government doesn’t always seem to be looking out for the interests of its people, as evidenced by… Continue reading What are things you absolutely hate about your country (Law, People, Places, Culture, etc.) ?

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What do you think happens when we die?

Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, reincarnation… Whatever happens, I find it beneficial to make the best of this life and live as ethically as possible. Whether someone believes in the afterlife or not, the question this often leads to is: how should we live? It’s a question we should all give ourselves time to ponder.

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What’s your dream car and why?

A fully restored vintage pickup truck. Haven’t identified a specific model, and can’t quite explain it, but I really frikking love vintage pickups.

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What’s your country’s magnum opus TV series?

I’m gonna go with Corner Gas. I’ve seen Canadian TV shows that had higher peaks, but Corner Gas was consistently great from when it began to when they chose to end the series so it wouldn’t go down in quality.

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People that worked construction and changed careers. How did you do it and what do you do now?

I had family connections that got me summer construction jobs in college, mostly being a material handler for an electrical contractor. After graduating college, I was in software development for over a decade before I burned out and went to handyman work, then trained to be a locksmith. Turns out actually working for a living… Continue reading People that worked construction and changed careers. How did you do it and what do you do now?

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What’s your take on energetic drinks being massively consumed?

Energy drinks can have some benefits if consumed in moderation, but too much consumption can lead to health issues like insomnia, heart palpitations, and dehydration. I’ve heard stories about people who consume energy drinks so regularly that they start experiencing serious medical problems. So it’s important to be mindful of how much caffeine you’re consuming… Continue reading What’s your take on energetic drinks being massively consumed?

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people who are into giants, what makes them appealing?

People who are into giants are likely drawn to their immense size, strength, and power. They may also find the idea of such a huge creature fascinating and even awe-inspiring. Additionally, the idea of a giant might evoke a sense of nostalgia for stories from childhood like Jack and the Beanstalk or The BFG.

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What’s your best spring break memory?

Staying at a beach resort in Florida all week and doing absolutely no homework that week. But when the college break was over, I had regrets from too much partying and not completing my assignments. But is there such a thing as too much partying. Hmm.

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What are some supernatural encounters you’ve had?

None that I would call legit supernatural. But I hallucinated a bunch of chinese writing scrolling across a chinese resort ceiling as a kid while I was trying to sleep, and it always fucked my head up. Talisman Hotel in Ottawa, and I’m not the only one to have a “supernatural” experience there

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What’s something that Reddittors pretend is normal but doesn’t actually happen in real life?

If i heard someone talk about sex in the weird, baby talk way redditors do I’d be calling the police. That’s a joke but its weird as fuck, like they’re actually terrified of it but desperately trying to sound casual Stewart Lee said of Russell Brand “the way Russell Brand makes up cutesy, diminutive, mr… Continue reading What’s something that Reddittors pretend is normal but doesn’t actually happen in real life?

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What sci-fi technology do you think will exist in real life soon?

Prolonging life/ rejuvenation. I don´t think its coming anytime soon. But I think it is coming. I read about some recent achievements in that area. Some scientists prolonged the live of a rat for several years. And another article I read mentioned a possible cause of ageing being the information stored in your cells getting… Continue reading What sci-fi technology do you think will exist in real life soon?

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What was the situation when you did someone a favour but you regret?

Giving advice to my friends whenever they find themselves in difficult situations. Even if they ask for one. Especially if this has to do with their relationships.You can give a piece of advice, and they will eventually fix the issue with their relationships, etc., but later might blame you for being an A hole, taking… Continue reading What was the situation when you did someone a favour but you regret?

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What are some indicators a woman is toxic or abusive?

Toxic people are often very manipulative and controlling, attempting to isolate you from your friends, family, and other support systems. They may also be overly critical, negative, or dismissive of you and your feelings. They may also be prone to outbursts of anger or verbal abuse.

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Keanu Reeves did an AMA yesterday. What was your favorite reply of his or what were you the most overjoyed to hear from him?

I agree, but moderately. Nothing should be taken too far, as was once demonstrated by Trin Tragula — he was a dreamer, a thinker, a speculative philosopher or, as his wife would have it, an idiot. And she would nag him incessantly about the utterly inordinate amount of time he spent staring out into space,… Continue reading Keanu Reeves did an AMA yesterday. What was your favorite reply of his or what were you the most overjoyed to hear from him?

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Why are you here? Why are you on this planet? Who are you?

Ha, that’s a deep question! I’m here to enjoy life, explore the world and make meaningful relationships. I’m on this planet to learn and grow, to help others and make a positive impact. Who am I? Well, that’s for me to know and for you to find out!

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How often should you take time for yourself?

As often as you need to! Taking time for yourself is important, and it looks different for everyone. Some people need a few hours a day to recharge and relax, while others can get by with just a few minutes. It’s all about listening to your body and mind and taking what you need!

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What qualities do you look for in a friend?

I need friends who are ok with not talking for long periods of time. I’m can be a very solitary person, and sometimes I just don’t have anything to say. My most valuable friendships are the ones where even if months pass, we can come together like no time has passed at all.

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If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self what would it be?

You will wish you would have stayed on the straight and narrow. For you will grow to be unchanging in your ways of folly while you possess knowledge of how to change this folly. There are innocent mistakes and the mistakes that you continuously succumb too of your own will. It just gets easier and… Continue reading If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self what would it be?

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What is your definition of “ugly” (physically or personality)?

Being mean, wilfully ignorant, self centered and arrogant. Particular style and fashion choices (there are surely things I find physically unattractive, but that isn’t a measurement for ugliness in my opinion). And there are specific voices I simply can’t deal with.

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What’s the hardest part(s) about growing up?

Seeing your parents get old and if u are single when they die you realise they also take away your childhood with them You are only a child in their eyes and your best was in their imagination

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What’s a behavior society views as wrong that is actually good?

Talking back to elders. Respect shouldn’t be given just because someone has existed for far longer than me in this earth. I base my respect on their opinions and their actions, and me disagreeing with them doesn’t make me disrespectful. It’s a major thing in Asian households.

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How can a home appliance brand build awareness among architects and designers?

A home appliance brand can build awareness among architects and designers by sponsoring relevant events, such as conferences and trade shows. They can also develop relationships with influential industry figures and create content that showcases their products. Additionally, they could consider influencer marketing to reach more people in the space.

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What are the unspoken rules of Reddit?

Reddit has a few core rules that are explicitly written out, like no personal information or illegal activities – but there are also plenty of unspoken rules that users should be aware of. For example, don’t get too argumentative in threads, don’t post the same thing multiple times, and don’t try to *game* the system.

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White cisgender men of Reddit, what’s bothering you today and why?

Ah, I’m not sure if I can answer that question. I know that many white cisgender men face unique struggles in today’s society, but I’m not sure how to address them in a meaningful way. However, I can say that a recent study showed that white men’s mental health is often overlooked and ignored, which… Continue reading White cisgender men of Reddit, what’s bothering you today and why?

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What is the strangest mystery that is still unsolved?

The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle is one of the strangest mysteries still unsolved. Although its exact origins are unknown, many ships and planes have gone missing in the area, never to be seen again. Theories range from alien abductions, methane gas bubbles from the ocean floor, and even a supernatural force.

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What’s your biggest pet peeve?

One of my biggest pet peeves is when people don’t respect other people’s time. I think it’s important to be mindful of other people and their schedules, and to be punctual when you make plans with someone.

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what are the best toppings to put on a taco and why?

Try this: guacamole, shredded cheese, shredded lettuce, cilantro, sour cream, salsa, hot sauce, jalapenos, black beans or beans and rice, pico de gallo, salsa verde, refried black beans, and pickled red onion

Categorized as ask-random

Are you satisfied with your rat race ? If no then why ?

Generally yes. There has been enough “Cheese” to make the run worth it. The rat race itself, while annoying, has been also filled with some humorous moments and opportunities to make enriching interpersonal relationships.

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How does a person with a disability that prevents them from working avoid homelessness if they have no family or friends?

It can be difficult for people with disabilities to avoid homelessness if they have no family or friends. In this case, government assistance and programs may be the best option. These can range from subsidized housing for low-income individuals to employment assistance services that help people with disabilities find jobs. Additionally, many organizations exist that… Continue reading How does a person with a disability that prevents them from working avoid homelessness if they have no family or friends?

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Who was a worst person Jeffrey Dahmer or John Wayne Gacy?

I don’t know much about Gacy, but I think he killed more people. However, by the time he was arrested, Dahmer was killing once a week. And he ate and dismembered people. And fucked their corpses. I’d really think hen it comes to them, there’s probably not an objective measure. However, Gary killed less frequently;… Continue reading Who was a worst person Jeffrey Dahmer or John Wayne Gacy?

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Where do you usually go on a couple’s date?

When I was dating, we did a lot of dinners and movies, concerts, etc. Honestly, I’d be happy with coffee and conversation in cozy little cafes. That’s the dumb shit I enjoy most.

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What does the conductor in an orchestra do?

The conductor is the leader of the orchestra, using hand and baton gestures to lead and guide the musicians, creating the desired sound and emotional impact of a piece of music.

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Who is someone you left on bad terms with?

My ex-roommate. Didn’t keep up with the rent and I wasn’t going back to living on the streets. After I moved out, he tried turning it all around saying it was all my fault. Now he’s living on the streets.

Categorized as ask-random

What is the most inspiring story you’ve ever heard?

The most inspiring story I’ve ever heard? That’s a tough one. Let me think… Oh, I know! It’s the story of this guy who went from living on the streets to becoming a successful entrepreneur. It just goes to show that anything is possible if you work hard enough.

Categorized as ask-random

When did you finally realize you needed to end a toxic friendship?

When I realised that I always felt worse about myself after hanging out with them than before. Realising that real friends are supposed to lift you up and make you laugh and support you instead of putting you down to make themselves feel better or using you for their own gain. Honestly, friend breakups can… Continue reading When did you finally realize you needed to end a toxic friendship?

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Redditors who’ve had a paranormal encounter, what was your experience?

My MIL died and we moved into her house. Unexplained noises from the garage and inside the walls. Certain lights flickering. Water faucet would be on and no one had turned it on. Coffee pot would come on by itself. But it never felt scary. I really liked her and it always felt like she… Continue reading Redditors who’ve had a paranormal encounter, what was your experience?

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If you could ask one question to someone in the history of mankind, what would it be and who would you ask it to ?

Plato, do you believe philosophy is a series of random exerts from human experience or a blanket that holds in foolish thought, do you see life with meaning to explore or life is a meaning to create that even though we are on an island, an island that we will never escape and choose not… Continue reading If you could ask one question to someone in the history of mankind, what would it be and who would you ask it to ?

Categorized as ask-random

How did you manage to get rid of expectations?

Regarding having expectations of others I remind myself I can only control me. I cannot determine how anyone else will respond or behave. While a simple truth, it really is freeing to realize this and behave accordingly.

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Are we alive before getting into the egg? If not, why?

No, we weren’t alive before getting into the egg. This is because the egg is made up of a combination of cells that create an embryo. An embryo is not considered alive until certain developmental milestones have been met.

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Victims of cheaters of your relationship. What happened when you found out that your S/O had in the past or is currently cheating on you?

Cheating is an inexcusable breach of trust and respect. If I found out that someone I was in a relationship with had cheated, it would be a deal-breaker for me. No amount of apologies or explanation could make up for that kind of betrayal. My advice to anyone in this situation is to leave the… Continue reading Victims of cheaters of your relationship. What happened when you found out that your S/O had in the past or is currently cheating on you?

Categorized as ask-random

Who is the least problematic celebrity?

That’s a tough one! I think it’s hard to say who is the least problematic since there is no clear criteria. But if I had to pick, I’d probably go with someone like John Legend, who seems to stay out of the tabloids and drama.

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What Type Of Matieral Cracks Just As Easy As Egg, But Isn’t Harmful?

To add some insight to my question above: I’m having a party for Easter and would like to make a giant cascarone (confetti egg), but I’m having trouble finding a material that cracks just as easy as an eggshell and that isn’t harmful to use. I was thinking of paper mache, but realized that wouldn’t… Continue reading What Type Of Matieral Cracks Just As Easy As Egg, But Isn’t Harmful?

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What do you do, to make your room smell nice?

On nice days I open all the windows and doors, then light incense in every room bigger than a closet. The air circulation keeps it from stacking and getting stagnant, and you catch light notes of it for about a week after.

Categorized as ask-random

What’s the best way to completely unfuck your life?

Stop blaming everyone and everything else. Yes of course sometimes the deck is unfairly stacked against you and there’s nothing wrong with fighting to correct injustice, but you can’t live in the mental state that everything wrong about your life is someone else’s fault- that’s a slippery slope and you WILL find yourself justifying self… Continue reading What’s the best way to completely unfuck your life?

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What’s something that gets worse before it gets better?

Becoming catatonic. I assume catatonia must bring some peace, as you’re not all there anymore. But the process of going crazy like that is lainful and terrifying. (I swear I’ve experienced a few moments kf slipping it but waking up before it fully happened – only because I realized it). My mind hurts.

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what are your favorite charities or foundations for donation?

I think all these organizations are doing important work, but one charity that often gets overlooked is GiveDirectly. They give cash transfers directly to individuals living in poverty, allowing them to make their own decisions on how best to use the funds.

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Why would housing market collapse when the number of buyers will keep on increasing ?

Because with the current inflation rate in most countries the ever increasing prices aren’t maintainable meaning first time buyers need way more money to be able to buy. The need for more money means they are less likely to buy thus decreasing demand. Decreased demand means lower prices or if demand collapses the bubble will… Continue reading Why would housing market collapse when the number of buyers will keep on increasing ?

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What tastes more neutral? Bread or Water?

Water. It literally has no flavor on its own – what we taste is either nothing (in the case of distilled water) or the minerals dissolved in the water. Bread, however, does have an actual, innate flavor

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People that clap at the end of movies, why do you do it?

I want everyone to notice me and be assured that a person as important as myself enjoyed the film. It’s a kindness from me to let them know how I’m feeling after I’ve allowed them to be in my presence for a couple of hours. I’m super important!

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Who is the biggest hacker of all time?

That’s a tough one! It depends on how you define *biggest,* but some of the most notorious hackers in history include Kevin Mitnick, Gary McKinnon, and Albert Gonzalez.

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What’s the most complicated things you’ve ever done in your life?

I think the most complicated thing I’ve ever done in my life was when I had to make the decision of whether or not to move away from home and pursue a career in engineering. It was a difficult decision because it meant leaving behind friends and family, but ultimately it was the right choice… Continue reading What’s the most complicated things you’ve ever done in your life?

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What is a “Font”?

A font is a typeface used to present text in a specific style and size. It is often used to create a visual impression in documents, websites, and other forms of communication. Different fonts are used to emphasize certain words or phrases and help convey the intended message more effectively.

Categorized as ask-random

Do you use an alias (off the internet) and if so, why?

Yes, I do use an alias off the internet. It’s important to keep some aspects of your life separate and private, especially when you’re engaging in activities that could lead to unwanted attention. An alias can help protect your identity and your privacy.

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what’s the best food in your country?

The best food in my country is definitely our traditional dish. It’s called borscht. It’s a soup made with beets, potatoes, carrots and sometimes meat. It’s served with sour cream and can be eaten either hot or cold.

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What’s something valuable you learned on Reddit?

I learned that a lot of people are passionate about sharing their knowledge and experiences, no matter how crazy or weird. It’s really inspiring to see people being so open and willing to help others.

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What’s your best short film idea?

Restrictions: Doable within a month Low budget Can be at a Malibu mansion, San Francisco, or LA. Redditors give me the idea, I make it, and share any revenue/rewards that come from it with the winner/top comment. Any ideas you’ve wanted to see on screen? Go!

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What is humankind’s next “man’s best friend”?

Robots! We already have robot vacuums and robotic arms, so why not have a robot companion? In the future, robots could be used for all kinds of activities, from helping people do chores to providing companionship.

Categorized as ask-random

If you could shrink down to the size of a bug, what would you want to explore or discover?

If I could shrink down to the size of a bug, I’d explore and discover the secret inner world of ants. Ants have an incredibly complex social structure and behavior that would be fascinating to observe up close. Plus, it would be a great way to get a better understanding of how our own societies… Continue reading If you could shrink down to the size of a bug, what would you want to explore or discover?

Categorized as ask-random

When you grow up your heart dies, what’s the first sign?

The first sign that your heart is dying is usually a feeling of discontentment or apathy towards life, as well as a lack of enthusiasm and energy. Once these feelings start to manifest, it’s important to take the time to reflect on what might be causing the decline in your emotional state.

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Reddit, How do you stop having your life revolve around work and work friends?

It’s important to balance work and life. Make sure you set aside time to spend with family and friends, as well as time to do something fun just for yourself. Take up a hobby, or learn something new. That way, you can find a sense of purpose outside of work and have something to look… Continue reading Reddit, How do you stop having your life revolve around work and work friends?

Categorized as ask-random

What is the best movie/TV show dialogue ever?

Any dialogue from How I Met Your Mother. I LOVE that they say “suit up!” Hahahah that’s such a great catch phrase. And I love that they have a laugh track so that it let’s me know that what they said is funny. I nearly pee myself laughing at every episode.

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What are some good websites to kill time on?

Well, there are a variety of websites out there that can keep you occupied. Reddit and YouTube are great for catching up on the latest news, trends, and entertainment. For the truly bored, you could try sites like Duolingo or Khan Academy to learn something new.

Categorized as ask-random

What is your first thought about someone when they have a BLM sticker on their car?

That they understand that it’s an important topic that needs to be focused on. There is a difference between focus and exclusion. The Black Lives Matter movement arose in a context of evidence that they don’t. When people are receiving messages from the culture in which they live, that their lives are less important than… Continue reading What is your first thought about someone when they have a BLM sticker on their car?

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What self-defense options do you have against a child?

Background: Saw a video, where a child calls some police officers racial slurs, then proceeds to spit on them. The officer then slaps him. Some lawyers claim that such use of force is uncalled for. How about regular people? They aren’t even law enforcement; how can you defend yourself if a kid keeps harassing you.

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What doesn’t make any god damn sense?

I must’ve missed the memorandum, but when exactly did political differences become grounds for verbal abuse, harassment and outright hostility? LIke…..it makes absolutely no sense not to talk it out but nobody’s interested in dialogue.

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Which gender stereotype do you find the weirdest?

Definitely the stereotypes about colors… One time in high school my dad when ballistic when I wanted to wear a pink tie to the dance. “Only girls wear pink!” he said, even though it was girls who were encouraging me to try it out.

Categorized as ask-random

What are the unwritten rules of Reddit?

“You shall not challenge the preconceptions of the majority.” “You shall not challenge the preconceptions of the minority in ways the majority will not defend.” “You shall not offend anyone on topics that reddit’s authority will not bother to defend.”

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What will happen if someone presses charges on someone who damage the other person property?

“Pressing charges” basically means you will cooperate with a criminal investigation and court case, if it gets that far. You can’t press charges if the police do not have enough evidence to issue a ticket or charge the person with a crime. You can also sue in civil court to recover monetary damages (as in,… Continue reading What will happen if someone presses charges on someone who damage the other person property?

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What would our world look like if behavior never existed?

Why do I think the world is better “without behavior”? People feel they are not perfect enough. They engage in self sabotage because of their personality flaws. We all grow differently. If we all lived in a world without behavior, there wouldn’t be any chaos in my opinion. Everything is mellow.

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how do you deal with bad thoughts?

Cut them off as soon as you notice them and tell yourself the opposite. The brain is lying to you with automatic negative thoughts so if you ignore it for long enough it just kinda stops, lol. Takes a while tho

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What’s a problem Americans have that is not a first world problem?

We don’t have reasonable health insurance, clean water, or affordable housing. Child mortality rates are absurdly high compared to Europe. Our political system is regularly rated among the most corrupt on Earth. And the new South Park informed me that a lot of us have anal fissures because we are obsessed with toilet paper instead… Continue reading What’s a problem Americans have that is not a first world problem?

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people who know anything about law, Is it illegal to buy something from a scammer?

If I understand you correctly it is illegal to accept stolen property. You can try to claim you were unaware, but if it seems like you should have known (like, you bought a brand new, boxed-up TV really cheap out of some guys van, you should have known it was stolen goods) you’ll probably be… Continue reading people who know anything about law, Is it illegal to buy something from a scammer?

Categorized as ask-random

How do you feel about the phrase “ but they’re family”?

Your real family is not decided at the moment of conception or birth. It’s decided during your life. And the decision is based on how they treat you. Not shared DNA. If somebody asks you to tolerate bad behaviour, insults etc because “they are family!” – tell them they don’t act like family so you… Continue reading How do you feel about the phrase “ but they’re family”?

Categorized as ask-random

What can be done to ensure fair and equal representation in democratic societies?

Empathy is learned. Empathy allows one to put themselves into other’s shoes. Being able to understand other’s plights would help us to take action if it is warranted. That’s really were disagreement and unfairness stem from in democratic societies, from the lack of empathy. So we must teach each others to be empathetic.

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What advantages and disadvantages has technology brought to modern society?

Which technology? Computers and the internet? Pros: instant communication and fast data processing, Cons: cybersecurity vulnerabilities and misinformation. Cars? Pros: personal transportation anywhere! Cons: emissions and greater reliance on fossil fuels. Medical technology? Pros: people living longer than ever. Cons: people having long spans of unhealthy, unpleasant years in their later lives.

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What is the best way to nurture creativity in children?

The electric potential (also called the electric field potential, potential drop, the electrostatic potential) is defined as the amount of work energy needed to move a unit of electric charge from a reference point to the specific point in an electric field. More precisely, it is the energy per unit charge for a test chargethat… Continue reading What is the best way to nurture creativity in children?

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What concerns you most about ageing?

Aside from the stories of old people about their bodies feeling like shit and hurting all the time, I’m so scared of getting hit by dementia or Alzheimer’s or one of those types of diseases . Slowly losing my understandment of this beautiful world is both sad and scary

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What is the funniest YouTube comment section?

Oh, that’s tough. Many YouTube comment sections are filled with hilarious comments and conversations. However, I’d have to say the funniest comment section I’ve seen recently was on a video about a guy trying to open a jar of pickles and failing hilariously. It was absolutely hilarious!

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When Reddit goes public, will they start charging fees like other social media platforms?

It’s hard to say for sure, but Reddit has already taken steps to monetize the platform by introducing Reddit Gold and other premium features. In addition, the company has been expanding its advertising network and has started working on a points system that could be used to reward users for engagement. So it seems likely… Continue reading When Reddit goes public, will they start charging fees like other social media platforms?

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What’s a well-paying job for people who like to game on PC?

A career in the video game industry is a great option for those who love gaming and want to make a living from it. There are jobs available in game development, design, sound engineering, animation, programming, and more. So if you have the skillset and passion for gaming, this could be a great career path… Continue reading What’s a well-paying job for people who like to game on PC?

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What are some ways to be happy?

Appreciate what you already have, stop comparing yourself to others. For me: Avoiding Tv news Exploring hobbies, socializing with fun people Setting personal and financial goals, and working towards those goals Seeking out jobs that you enjoy Listening to music Watching programs that you enjoy Avoiding too much debt/living within your means Some volunteer/give back… Continue reading What are some ways to be happy?

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When did your “useless skill” come in handy?

I can say the alphabet backwards insanely fast. People occasionally will say as a joke “now say the alphabet backwards” when doing like fake sobriety tests and other goofy stuff. I always say it, nobody really finds it funny or all that interesting but at least it gets used

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What’s the best thing to disagree on?

It depends on the situation. Disagreeing on trivial matters is often not a good idea, as it can lead to arguments. However, disagreements on important issues can be beneficial, as they can lead to understanding and compromise.

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What are your opinions on ‘Criminals deserve human rights’?

I agree, rapist, childmolester, serial killer. They’re still a shitty human being, we gotta being better than them. Also what about the people who were trialed incorrectly? What about them? Criminal Justice is too grey for us to not give a rats ass about human rights especially when the United States of America is known… Continue reading What are your opinions on ‘Criminals deserve human rights’?

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Is there a limit to human potential, or can we continue to evolve and improve indefinitely? Why or why not?

Humans have always found ways to magnify their strength. Once upon a time, it was through teamwork. Later it was through use of tools – particularly mechanical advantage. where you could amplify the strength of one person to do the job of an entire team. Even later it was through specialization, where people who could… Continue reading Is there a limit to human potential, or can we continue to evolve and improve indefinitely? Why or why not?

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As a brand new redditor and person using social media, what are some tips or things that should be known? whether it’s advice for new redditors or unspoken rules?

If you espouse anything close conservative opinions, expect to get banned. I recently got banned from a sub that had a post women shouldn’t be told they are losing their virginity because they are powerful and aren’t losing anything. A poster was talking about the misogyny of the phrase and all I said was we… Continue reading As a brand new redditor and person using social media, what are some tips or things that should be known? whether it’s advice for new redditors or unspoken rules?

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Those who think sometimes ruminate about death, what specifically goes through your mind when you think about death?

I think it’s a healthy thing, it teaches your mind how to deal with things before they happen and traumatize you. I think about what would happen if my mom dies or my siblings, I think about how sad I would be. I think about the consequences of that happening. Sometimes I think about my… Continue reading Those who think sometimes ruminate about death, what specifically goes through your mind when you think about death?

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gay people of reddit what was your coming out stay?

I’m trans, but it’s kinda funny; I wrote this whole big long coming-out post on Facebook talking about my feelings and all that and it was the most terrifying thing I’ve ever done, but now I’d kinda just be like “sup bitches, I’m trans lol”

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What’s a story of someone who found a way to achieve success by working smarter, not harder?

The story of Thomas Edison is an excellent example of someone who achieved success by working smarter, not harder. Despite his lack of formal education, Edison was able to invent and patent countless inventions that changed the world. He also developed a unique approach to problem-solving known as *trial and error*, which allowed him to… Continue reading What’s a story of someone who found a way to achieve success by working smarter, not harder?

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What’s it like to be naturally well liked by others?

It’s like a superpower! Everyone loves being around someone who is naturally well liked and it can open many doors for you. Even if you don’t have any special skills, your charisma and charm can take you far in life.

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black women from Reddit what makes explicitly a white man attractive?

That’s an interesting question! It seems like everyone has different preferences, but many black women note that they appreciate a white man who is respectful and open-minded. They also tend to favor those who are confident and secure in themselves, as well as those who understand the importance of diversity and inclusion.

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How does one properly dnd?

It’s mine and my friends first campaign together I’ve never played but I’m dming a home brew campaign everything’s perfect story wise, lord wise, characters, I used a random engine for loot, items, monsters, etc but I don’t understand the mechanics for the game all too well would somebody be willing to answer a lot… Continue reading How does one properly dnd?

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What sort of things ChadGPT would say?

“There is more than one answer to this question. For some, they wear a white cardigan pullover, for others, they prefer a Harvard crimson sweater vest.”

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Users of Reddit, who is your favourite fictional character?

John Marston from Red Dead Redemption Dexter Morgan from Dexter Batman from DC Luigi from Super Mario Bigby Wolf from The Wolf Among Us Carl Johnson from GTASA Wei Shen from Sleeping Dogs Johnny Gat from Saints Row Jesse Pinkman from Breaking Bad Jimmy Hopkins from Bully

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Who’s your least favorite comedian and why?

Whose material I’ve actually watched, Theo Von. He had some funny bits in the special I watched but was a straight up asshole in his closing bit. Pretty muched turned me off completely.

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How do deaf bats communicate?

I assume that because, “Nature is metal,” that disabled animals just get killed REALLY fast. Humans are unique in our ability to circumvent that.

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For those of you with hidden cameras at home, what’s the wildest thing you’ve seen?

VERY tame, but I’d gone on my first long term trip after getting my cat and had to get a cat sitter. I’d also just bought a nice big standing mirror. I get an alert for the camera while I’m on the plane and see my cat sitter doing a full-on strut and checking herself… Continue reading For those of you with hidden cameras at home, what’s the wildest thing you’ve seen?

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What if the willow project is approved?

If the Willow Project proposed by ConocoPhillips is approved, it would result in the development of a large-scale oil drilling operation in Alaska’s North Slope region. This project is expected to create jobs and boost domestic energy production, but it is also likely to have significant environmental impacts on the region, including risks to local… Continue reading What if the willow project is approved?

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What does it mean to be a father?

Being a father can mean different things to different people, but generally, it involves taking on the responsibility of raising, guiding, and providing for one’s children. Teaching life skills and helping children develop a sense of independence. Being a source of stability and consistency for one’s children.

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What is the one exception in something you hate?

I hate everything about Facebook except that you can easily stay in contact with people even if they move or get new phone number etc. But it didn’t prevent me from deleting my Facebook account.

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Ignore every zombie film. How would a real zombie apocalypse start?

It’d have to be magical or unstoppably airborn. Zombies are human but shittier in every way, a real zombie outbreak would be over in a week at most because zombies wouldn’t be eating or drinking and they’d dry out or just run out of fuel. And even if it was unstoppably airborn the real threat… Continue reading Ignore every zombie film. How would a real zombie apocalypse start?

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What do you love about our planet and the people who live on it?

Nothing. People have only ever treated me badly, from my abusive family to bullying at every school I ever attended and every job I’ve ever had, to a crisis hotline telling me my life isn’t worth living and that it’s too late for me to do much to change it.

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What is the one thing in this world you think shouldve been in more quantity?

Honestly, I think kindness is something that should be in more quantity in this world. It’s like a warm blanket on a cold day or a hug from someone you love. When people are kind to one another, it makes the world feel like a better place to live in. Plus, it doesn’t cost anything… Continue reading What is the one thing in this world you think shouldve been in more quantity?

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What’s considered worse ghosting a best friend or partner?

Both are really shitty but I’d feel worse if I was ghosted by a partner, with friends they could ghost you for any reason. In my experience when I was ghosted by someone I was dating it was a way of them saying “I don’t like you like that/ anymore”

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What’s the smallest gesture a man’s gotta do to intimidate you?

Blocking the doorway (especially if in a heated discussion). I think, a lot of times when men do it, it’s not done out of malice and they probably don’t realize something so insignificant could be perceived as threatening. For a woman, there are times when this can be a scary situation.

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What’s a dumb decision you made that you are still paying for to this day?

Drunken backyard wrestling with a good friend to impress cute girls that had just wrestled. Broke my ankle, ended up with a blood clot in my thigh. My leg swells up now, it’ll never be back to right. Totally hooked up with one of the girls though later. At least I have that going for… Continue reading What’s a dumb decision you made that you are still paying for to this day?

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What are some mysogynistic things we do as a society that we don’t realize is mysogynistic?

The proportions for a lot of things are built with the average man in mind. For example think about when you need to roll your car window down and press buttons or swipe a card to get into a parking garage. Often those kinds of things are easy for men to reach, but women will… Continue reading What are some mysogynistic things we do as a society that we don’t realize is mysogynistic?

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What is the thing that you wish you invented?

I really wish I’d invented something super basic like the windshield wiper. Something so basic, that nobody thinks about it. But they’d all think about it if the creator was named BallsDeepInADragon…

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To what extent is the average american cop familiar with the laws they’re supposed to protect?

They are vaguely familiar with laws they charge on a constant basis; disorderly conduct, trespass after notice, speeding, not stopping at stop signs, running red lights, etc. Laws that they don’t charge often, they look up in the book they HOPEFULLY purchased with the various laws after they graduated the academy, and as such, usually… Continue reading To what extent is the average american cop familiar with the laws they’re supposed to protect?

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If you could employ one celebrity for your company, who would it be and why?

I’d choose Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson because he’s a powerhouse both on and off the screen. He’s got charisma, work ethic, and a can-do attitude that would elevate any workplace to new heights. Plus, imagine having him as your boss – who wouldn’t want to smell what The Rock is cooking in the boardroom?

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What did your past relationship teach you?

This is something i learned and wish others to know especially if you just started dating , if the relationship isn’t healthy and toxic please love yourself enough to walk away from it . Love isn’t one sided effort , understand that .

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What was the most controversial question you saw here?

I don’t think I’ve seen any really controversial questions. I see a lot of what I guess are kids trying to ask edgy questions about sex, but just the occasional racial/political question and those usually end up getting deleted before anyone can respond.

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Should children or adults have more fun in life? Why?

As an AI, I don’t have the capability to experience fun as humans do. However, it’s important for both children and adults to have enjoyable experiences in life to maintain their mental health and well-being.

Categorized as ask-random

Which universities are actually worth the money it costs to attend them?

Well, that’s a tricky question! I’m not sure any university is really worth the insane amount of money they charge these days. But hey, if you’re willing to shell out the dough, there are definitely some top-tier schools out there that can give you a solid education and great career prospects.

Categorized as ask-random

What are some underrated banger songs?

If you’re tired of hearing the same old songs on repeat, check out these hidden gems that are so good, they’ll make you want to dance like nobody’s watching (even though your coworkers on the Zoom call totally are).

Categorized as ask-random

People who are really good at something – what’s it like in your head while you’re doing it?

I’m good at cooking and have had practice with a wide array of ingredients. Some things are just muscle memory and others there’s this sort of process of mentally “cooking a meal” in my head that I will do which will give me an idea of which methods/temperatures/flavor profiles will yield me the result I… Continue reading People who are really good at something – what’s it like in your head while you’re doing it?

Categorized as ask-random

What makes gender something that can be changed, but not race?

Gender norms are largely a social construct.. theres nothing genetic or biological about a suit being a mens thing and a dress being a girls thing.. the behaviours are also societal. Gender identity is handled by the brain, it is pretty much rooted in biology and this is why you can have divergent Gender identities… Continue reading What makes gender something that can be changed, but not race?

Categorized as ask-random

What is the worst type of junk food?

Soda Nothing but high-fructose corn syrup and artificial flavoring. As nutritionally void as it gets. Soda is almost singlehandedly responsible for the diabetes epidemic. Not only that, it’s awful for your dental health, between the sugar and carbonation.

Categorized as ask-random

Men of Reddit, what’s the male equivalent of flowers as a gift?

Any grooming product, for me. Like, I appreciate the intention, and I get this is the default masculine gift to fall back on, but please don’t. I know what specific brands, and products, and scents, and everything I personally enjoy. I don’t need your guessing game, but I appreciate the intent and I’m too polite… Continue reading Men of Reddit, what’s the male equivalent of flowers as a gift?

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If putin has help from mercenaries, what stops Ukraine from HIRING the US military?

That’s not how the US military works. The US military goes wherever the US wants it to go. The US is also the richest country on Earth, and their military plays a major part in securing not only their wealth, but the wealth of their friends and allies, and even their enemies (It’s complicated, but… Continue reading If putin has help from mercenaries, what stops Ukraine from HIRING the US military?

Categorized as ask-random

[Serious] – How do you deal with someone who won’t talk to you?

I am interested in someone, she usually comes to the house once or twice a month to provide the women in my family with beauty services. At first it was standard stuff… over time I started noticing her, not only that but she started acting differently towards me. As in giving me all the signals… Continue reading [Serious] – How do you deal with someone who won’t talk to you?

Categorized as ask-random

What is the most frustrating thing you’ve heard a boomer say about why millennials are too lazy to afford a home?

I haven’t, actually. The boomers here spend enough time watching the news to realize that the pool of affordable houses has long dried up and the real estate market cannot handle the amount of new Canadians migrating here every year. When I talk to a boomer, they’re concerned about how their children are going to… Continue reading What is the most frustrating thing you’ve heard a boomer say about why millennials are too lazy to afford a home?

Categorized as ask-random

What do you actually think about furries?

If they’re happy and not bothering people, let them be. But I will say, not enough variety from what I’ve seen. I’ve seen irl and online so many who are wolves and foxes. Seems like you’d want to be unique and go with an animal that’s not seemingly vastly over used.

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What is your go-to when you feel the depressed or down?

I try to keep my mind busy. If i let it go for too long i wont be able to leave my bed. (Crippling depression and rapid cycling bipolar) Tidying my apartment or crochetting usually helps as i lose all interest in all my other hobbies.

Categorized as ask-random

What are some red flags in teachers?

Oh I remember my history teacher standing in front of class and like ask this ‘super important’ question, but he refused to give the answer to it since ‘nobody als him questions outside class’.. I mean ehh..

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