High school dropouts of Reddit, what’s life like now?

My life is quite challenging. I left school before graduating due to personal reasons, ranging from family issues, financial struggles, or and I felt like I didn’t fit in at school. Regardless, I now face the consequences of not having a high school diploma.

Finding stable employment is difficult, as many jobs require at least a high school diploma or GED. I’ve been working low-wage, manual labor jobs like fast food, retail, or janitorial work. These jobs often come with little to no benefits and long hours, making it difficult to make ends meet. I’d like to find a better job, but my lack of education limits my options.

My social circle has also changed since I left school. I’ve lost touch with many of my friends who went on to graduate and attend college or find better jobs. The people I spend time with now are mostly in the same boat as me, and we often talk about our struggles and dreams for a better life.

I live in a low-income neighborhood, where crime and drug use are more prevalent than in more affluent areas. This environment can be stressful and dangerous at times, but it’s what I can afford given my current situation.

I’ve considered going back to school to get my GED, but it’s challenging to find the time and resources to do so. I have to work long hours just to pay my bills, and after a long day at work, it’s hard to find the motivation to study. I also worry about being able to afford the cost of classes or test fees.

My life isn’t all bad, though. I still have some friends and family who support me and care about me. I try to remain optimistic and hold on to the hope that I can turn things around in the future. I sometimes think about pursuing vocational training or finding a job with opportunities for advancement, but it’s tough to get started when I’m just trying to make ends meet.