UN rights experts condemn US expulsion of Haitian migrants and refugees 

A group of UN human rights experts have condemned the United States of America’s recent and ongoing systematic mass deportation of Haitian migrants and refugees, declaring them a violation of international law.  According to their analysis, US policies have also deterred Haitians from pursuing protection including asylum claims and forced them to return to other… Continue reading UN rights experts condemn US expulsion of Haitian migrants and refugees 

Conditions worsen for stranded migrants along Belarus-EU border 

At least eight people have died along the border between Belarus and the European Union, where multiple groups of asylum-seekers, refugees and migrants have been stranded for weeks in increasingly dire conditions.  The UN Refugee Agency, UNHCR, appealed for urgent action on Friday, to save lives and prevent further suffering at the border with Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland. The latest casualty was reported within the past few days.  UNHCR warned that… Continue reading Conditions worsen for stranded migrants along Belarus-EU border 

Libyan Government plan needed to end ‘dire situation’ of asylum seekers, refugees 

The Libyan government must immediately address the dire situation of asylum-seekers and refugees, in a humane manner, consistent with international human rights law, the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) said on Friday.  According to UNHCR, authorities carried out raids and arbitrary arrests this month which targeted areas largely populated by refugees and asylum-seekers.  This resulted in several deaths, thousands detained, and many homeless and destitute. … Continue reading Libyan Government plan needed to end ‘dire situation’ of asylum seekers, refugees 

Humanitarian assistance stepped up on Yemen’s west coast, amid clashes

Humanitarian assistance has been ramped up on Yemen’s west coast where ongoing violence has increased the needs of communities displaced by years of conflict, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) said on Wednesday. The response has primarily been focused on the two governorates of Ta’iz and Hudaydah, where active frontlines continue to cause instability and force families… Continue reading Humanitarian assistance stepped up on Yemen’s west coast, amid clashes

Afghanistan: Reuniting families on the run should be priority, urges UNHCR

Spokesperson Shabia Mantoo said Afghan refugees have been approaching UNHCR offices, desperately concerned about the safety and welfare of their loved ones left behind, or living in neighbouring countries.  “While recent political developments in Afghanistan have not led to large-scale cross-border displacement, many among pre-existing Afghan refugee and asylum seeker populations remain separated from their… Continue reading Afghanistan: Reuniting families on the run should be priority, urges UNHCR

Alert over spike in security operations against Libya migrants  

In an alert on Tuesday, the UN human rights office (OHCHR) said that vulnerable people on the move in the north African nation experience “a myriad daily violations and abuses at the hands of both State and non-state actors.”  These include expulsions of individuals to countries in sub-Saharan Africa without due process, in violation of the principle of… Continue reading Alert over spike in security operations against Libya migrants  

UNHCR recommends the end of refugee status for Ivorians by June

Following an in-depth analysis of the situation in Côte d’Ivoire, the UN refugee agency, UNHCR, recommended on Thursday that countries hosting Ivorians end their refugee status, and help them to voluntarily repatriate, obtain permanent residency or began the naturalization process to remain. “In light of the fundamental and durable changes in Côte d’Ivoire, I am… Continue reading UNHCR recommends the end of refugee status for Ivorians by June

UN rights chief calls for investigation into ‘heartbreaking’ killing of veteran Rohingya activist

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on Friday called for a prompt, thorough, and effective investigation into the killing of a veteran Rohingya activist at a refugee camp in Bangladesh.  Mohib Ullah, chair of the Arakan Rohingya Society for Peace and Human Rights (ARSPH), was shot dead on Wednesday by unknown assailants in the Kutupalong refugee camp in… Continue reading UN rights chief calls for investigation into ‘heartbreaking’ killing of veteran Rohingya activist

Comprehensive support needed for Haitians facing expulsion in Americas

Vulnerable Haitian men, women and children on the move in the Americas, should not be expelled from countries where they have found shelter, UN agencies said in a protection appeal on Thursday. In a joint appeal by UN migration agency IOM, the refugee agency UNHCR, Children’s Fund UNICEF, and human rights office OHCHR, they highlighted that many… Continue reading Comprehensive support needed for Haitians facing expulsion in Americas

COVID-19: Students face $17 trillion loss in lifetime earnings

The projection is among the findings of The State of the Global Education Crisis: A Path to Recovery, published by the World Bank, the UN Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (UNESCO) and the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF).  $17 trillion. That’s how much this generation of students risks losing in lifetime earnings due to COVID-19 school… Continue reading COVID-19: Students face $17 trillion loss in lifetime earnings

DreamWorks Trolls join UN campaign for healthier eating, sustainable living 

The colourful characters from  DreamWorks Animation’s Trolls movie franchise are encouraging their fans to become food heroes through eating healthier, and reducing food waste.  As part of the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables, the bright-eyed bushy-haired children’s favourites have joined the United Nations, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the UN Foundation, in a global digital campaign that mobilizes action for a healthy diet and sustainable living, and adds these actions… Continue reading DreamWorks Trolls join UN campaign for healthier eating, sustainable living 

193 countries adopt first-ever global agreement on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

All the Member states of the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) adopted on Thursday a historic agreement that defines the common values and principles needed to ensure the healthy development of AI. Artificial intelligence is present in everyday life, from booking flights and applying for loans to steering driverless cars. It is also… Continue reading 193 countries adopt first-ever global agreement on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

Are you sure you want to share that? Sorting online fact from fiction

Since the creation of the World Wide Web, we have had access to more information than ever before. However, we are also bombarded with dangerous disinformation. The UN’s Verified campaign has launched an online course to help us decide which is which, and protect vulnerable people from potential harm. It has become increasingly apparent that,… Continue reading Are you sure you want to share that? Sorting online fact from fiction

Don’t be afraid to be the change, fearless youngsters tell activists summit

In her address to the summit, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, commended young activists everywhere for “challenging discrimination, injustice and inequalities… pushing the world forward”. But their campaigning work often came at a cost, Ms. Bachelet cautioned, noting how in many countries, young people “face attacks, intimidation and harassment”. Young activists often… Continue reading Don’t be afraid to be the change, fearless youngsters tell activists summit

UN backs plans to ensure regular, healthy school meals for every child in need by 2030

Following pandemic-driven school closures, five UN agencies threw their strong support behind an international coalition to improve the nutrition, health and education of school-age children around the world. In a joint declaration on Tuesday, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the World… Continue reading UN backs plans to ensure regular, healthy school meals for every child in need by 2030

‘We cannot lose hope’, UN chief tells media seminar on peace in the Middle East

Sensitizing public opinion to the question of Palestine, and promoting a peaceful settlement to the decades-long conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, are among the goals of the 2021 UN International Media Seminar on Peace in the Middle East, which began on Tuesday.  The two-day event is taking place online and brings together journalists, media experts, think tanks, diplomats and academics from across… Continue reading ‘We cannot lose hope’, UN chief tells media seminar on peace in the Middle East

Feature: Woman mentor empowers girls to reach for the stars in space careers

Now, an astronaut coach and the founding director of the Netherlands-based Inner Space Training, the world’s first and only space training to mentally prepare commercial astronauts for flight, Ms. Howard is empowering girls to reach for the stars in the international space industry and pursue careers in the still male-dominated field.  A mentor with the… Continue reading Feature: Woman mentor empowers girls to reach for the stars in space careers

New UNESCO education report calls for ‘new social contract’ 

Imagining a new future for education by 2050, the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is asking three questions: What should be continued? What should be abandoned? And what needs to be creatively invented afresh?   In its new global report published on Thursday, entitled Reimagining our futures together: A new social contract for education, the agency is proposing answers to these three essential… Continue reading New UNESCO education report calls for ‘new social contract’ 

Millions missing out on remote learning during emergencies: UNICEF

At least 200 million boys and girls, live in 31 countries which do not have the resources to deal with remote learning during any future emergency school closures, the UN Children’s Fund, UNICEF, said in a study released on Thursday.  More than half, or 102 million, are students in 14 countries which either fully or partially closed their classrooms for at least… Continue reading Millions missing out on remote learning during emergencies: UNICEF

Latin America and Caribbean sees COVID-19 progress, but must remain vigilant

More than half the population of Latin America and the Caribbean has not been vaccinated against COVID-19, a senior official with the regional arm of UN health agency WHO said on Wednesday.  Dr. Jarbas Barbosa, Assistant Director at the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), was speaking during the agency’s regular media briefing on the pandemic.  Thanks in… Continue reading Latin America and Caribbean sees COVID-19 progress, but must remain vigilant

UN Chief: ‘We need to make lying wrong again’, curb hate speech 

The UN Secretary-General warned on Tuesday that “hatred takes root in the soil of ignorance” of historical facts, science, and the human qualities which “bind all people together.”  Antonio Guterres was speaking at the Global Education Ministers Conference on addressing hate speech through education. Remembering the horrors of the Second World War and the genocides in Rwanda, Bosnia and Cambodia, he argued that “denial of historical or scientific facts… Continue reading UN Chief: ‘We need to make lying wrong again’, curb hate speech 

UN condemns ‘despicable’ suicide attack at mosque in southern Afghanistan

The attack marked the second consecutive week that a Shia mosque in the country has been targeted, following a blast last Friday in the northeastern city of Kunduz, which left more than 100 worshippers dead.  I condemn in the strongest terms the despicable attack on the Imam Baragah mosque in Kandahar City, Afghanistan. The perpetrators… Continue reading UN condemns ‘despicable’ suicide attack at mosque in southern Afghanistan

Nobel laureate Dmitry Muratov won’t keep ‘a single cent’ of his prize money 

The pair received the award for their efforts to defend freedom of expression in their respective countries, and the Nobel committee called them “representatives of all journalists who stand up for this ideal”.  Mr. Muratov is the co-founder and editor of Novaya Gazeta, which has stood up for press freedom and freedom of speech in Russia for decades. Six journalists who… Continue reading Nobel laureate Dmitry Muratov won’t keep ‘a single cent’ of his prize money 

Mali maestro’s message of peace to Sahel region’s youngsters drawn to extremism

An ambitious project to raise awareness about rising insecurity and mass displacement in the Sahel has resulted in an original musical score from Mali songwriter Vieux Farka Touré.  In partnership with the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) Mr. Toure’s A Song For The Sahel, highlights the crisis in many countries of the… Continue reading Mali maestro’s message of peace to Sahel region’s youngsters drawn to extremism

‘It will help me to achieve my dream’: Helping Iraqi girls stay in school

When COVID-19 closed schools in Basra, southern Iraq, the academic prospects for many schoolgirls were put at risk. On International Day of The Girl Child, we look at a UN program which is helping girls in the region to keep learning. When COVID-19 closed schools in Basra, southern Iraq, the academic prospects for many schoolgirls were… Continue reading ‘It will help me to achieve my dream’: Helping Iraqi girls stay in school

Landmark report highlights untapped potential of Africa’s film industry

Africa’s film and audiovisual industries could create over 20 million jobs and contribute $20 billion to the continent’s combined Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the UN cultural agency, UNESCO, said on Tuesday in a new report highlighting this untapped potential.  The African Film Industry: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities for Growth is the first-ever mapping of the sector, which currently employs some… Continue reading Landmark report highlights untapped potential of Africa’s film industry

UN-backed initiative reached 4.6 million children in ‘crisis within a crisis’

In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic devastated education systems throughout the world, making the year even more difficult for youngsters already embroiled in emergencies and protracted crises, according to a new UN-backed report launched on Tuesday, coinciding with World Teachers Day. UN-supported Education Cannot Wait (ECW) – the first global fund dedicated to education in emergencies… Continue reading UN-backed initiative reached 4.6 million children in ‘crisis within a crisis’

Teachers are driving force behind ‘global education recovery’ from COVID-19

For the education system to recover from the COVID pandemic, it requires more investment in the well-being, training, professional development and working conditions of the world’s 71 million educators, UN agencies chiefs said on Monday, just ahead of World Teachers’ Day.   “Today we celebrate the exceptional dedication and courage of all teachers, their capacity… Continue reading Teachers are driving force behind ‘global education recovery’ from COVID-19

‘We are one’: musical performance ‘King Clavé’ reveals that we are ‘interconnected’   

Based on the core belief that “humanity is deeply interconnected” and “we are one”, the new performance piece, “King Clavé” is adding some musical inspiration to this year’s 20th anniversary of the historic Durban Declaration and Programme of Action (DDPA) against racism around the globe.   “Rhythm is at the center of humanity. One who knows rhythm knows the world”, said American percussionist Mickey Hart, best known as one of the… Continue reading ‘We are one’: musical performance ‘King Clavé’ reveals that we are ‘interconnected’   

John Lennon, stamps inspiring message of peace, on UN’s big week

This year’s International Day of Peace has been marked by the release of new stamps featuring music icon and peace campaigner, John Lennon, by the UN Postal Administration (UNPA), as the UN General Assembly High Level Week gets underway. It’s a reminder that as K-pop sensation BTS take UNGA76 by storm with their message of hope and youthful idealism… Continue reading John Lennon, stamps inspiring message of peace, on UN’s big week

UNESCO hails return of looted ancient Gilgamesh tablet to Iraq

The Gilgamesh Dream Tablet – one of the oldest surviving literary works in history – is to be returned to Iraq by the United States later this week, the UN agency for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO), said on Monday. Made of clay and priceless, the Gilgamesh Tablet features inscriptions in Sumerian, a civilisation of ancient Mesopotamia.… Continue reading UNESCO hails return of looted ancient Gilgamesh tablet to Iraq

UNGA76: Giant eco-friendly artwork set to inspire world leaders

A new 11,000 square metre ‘ephemeral fresco’ created by Swiss artist Saype, has set the stage at UN Headquarters in New York, to welcome world leaders for the General Assembly High Level Week. It shows two children building the world of the future using origami, highlighting the participation of young people.  “World in Progress II is perfectly suited… Continue reading UNGA76: Giant eco-friendly artwork set to inspire world leaders

UNICEF stresses Afghan girls must not be excluded from school

The UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) on Friday welcomed the news that secondary schools are due to reopen in Afghanistan on Saturday, after months of closure due to COVID-19, but stressed that girls must not be kept from the classroom. “We are deeply worried”, UNICEF chief Henrietta Fore said in a statement, “that many girls may… Continue reading UNICEF stresses Afghan girls must not be excluded from school

77 million children have spent 18 months out of class: #ReopenSchools, urges UNICEF 

The UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) says the world is facing an education crisis due to the COVID pandemic, that has left nearly 77 million children shut out of the classroom for the past 18 months.   This Thursday, the UN agency is closing down its social media channels for the next 18 hours to send one message to the world: #ReopenSchools for in-person learning as… Continue reading 77 million children have spent 18 months out of class: #ReopenSchools, urges UNICEF 

Protecting education, means ‘we protect the future’: UN chief 

“Schools must be places of learning, safety and peace”, he said, lauding education as not only providing knowledge and skills but also transforming lives and driving development for people, communities and for societies.  Nevertheless, he added, “year after year, this fundamental right comes under attack”.  Stretching the imagination  The top UN official encouraged the participants to imagine being a child in a classroom eager to learn, or a teacher… Continue reading Protecting education, means ‘we protect the future’: UN chief 

COVID jabs needed for educators and kids to keep schools open: WHO, UNICEF

As the school year begins for millions of children in Europe and Central Asia, UN health and child experts on Monday issued a series of COVID-19 risk reduction measures to ensure that in-person lessons can go ahead, despite rising infection rates. In addition to calling for all school staff to be included in nationwide coronavirus vaccination plans,… Continue reading COVID jabs needed for educators and kids to keep schools open: WHO, UNICEF

Protect human rights defenders in Afghanistan, says UN rights expert

Afghanistan faces a “cultural disaster”, following the fall of Kabul to Taliban forces, a UN Special Rapporteur said on Tuesday, in a statement urging countries to provide urgent assistance to human rights defenders, including those working on women’s and cultural rights, as well as artists, trying to flee the country.  “It is deplorable that the… Continue reading Protect human rights defenders in Afghanistan, says UN rights expert

Youth need ‘seat at the table’ to lead struggle for better future: Guterres

Young people are on the “frontlines of the struggle to build a better future”, the UN chief said on Thursday, International Youth Day. “They are tackling inequities in food security, biodiversity loss, threats to our environment and much more”, Secretary-General António Guterres spelled out in his message for the day. And noting that COVID-19 pandemic… Continue reading Youth need ‘seat at the table’ to lead struggle for better future: Guterres

Beirut’s youth rebuild the Lebanese capital, brick by brick

Young people in Beirut, which was devastated by an explosion in a warehouse at the city’s port on 4 August 2020, have been pitching in to get the Lebanese capital back on its feet, with support from the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF). With no employment prospects in sight, Rafah found it hard to stay positive,… Continue reading Beirut’s youth rebuild the Lebanese capital, brick by brick

South Sudan: ‘Headwinds’ warning from UN mission chief over peace accord 

“I call on the parties to muster a renewed sense of political will and build trust, to avoid a state of paralysis, and, in a worst-case scenario, a collapse of the peace agreement”, Mr. Haysom said.   The world’s youngest nation has been mired in instability and conflict since gaining independence from Sudan 10 years ago.  In 2018, President… Continue reading South Sudan: ‘Headwinds’ warning from UN mission chief over peace accord 

‘Additional effort and patience’ needed to revive Iran nuclear deal

Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo briefed ambassadors on developments surrounding the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), which sets out rules for international monitoring of the country’s nuclear programme. Iran signed the JCPOA in 2015 alongside China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States, together with Germany and the European Union.  Expedite pledges Negotiations are… Continue reading ‘Additional effort and patience’ needed to revive Iran nuclear deal

‘Restraint, de-escalation and dialogue’ needed to stem war in Yemen

“Even as the conflict parties all profess to me their desire for peace, their focus remains on military options…[which] will not result in sustainable solutions”, he said. Grundberg to #UNSC:”The process should be designed to allow for parallel progress on different agenda items of importance to Yemenis. It’ll address the parties’ priorities in the context… Continue reading ‘Restraint, de-escalation and dialogue’ needed to stem war in Yemen

Afghanistan: Humanitarian crisis threatens basic human rights

Briefing the UN Human Rights Council, Nada Al-Nashif detailed how the profound humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan is threatening basic rights, with women, girls, and civil society among those most affected.  Dignity or deprivation  “How the de facto authorities – indeed, and the international community – address the drastic economic and humanitarian crises in the country will determine Afghans’ enjoyment of human rights, now and into the… Continue reading Afghanistan: Humanitarian crisis threatens basic human rights

Sudan: Mistrust deepens following military takeover

In the wake of the 25 October military takeover in Sudan, discussions on the way forward are underway but restoring trust will be a challenge, the top UN official in the country, Volker Perthes, told the Security Council on Friday.  The UN Special Representative briefed ambassadors on a deal last month under which civilian Prime… Continue reading Sudan: Mistrust deepens following military takeover

Afghanistan: Political affairs chief has ‘frank and useful exchanges’ with the Taliban  

The UN’s Political and Peacebuilding Affairs chief, Rosemary DiCarlo, concluded a three-day visit to Afghanistan on Thursday in which she met with senior Taliban representatives, urging them not to “erase” gains made by women and girls across the country in recent years.   “I had frank and useful exchanges about what needed to be done to bring about an Afghanistan that is inclusive,… Continue reading Afghanistan: Political affairs chief has ‘frank and useful exchanges’ with the Taliban  

Climate change ‘aggravating factor for terrorism’: UN chief

In Iraq and Syria, terrorist group Daesh, also known as ISIL, has exploited water shortages and taken control of water infrastructure to impose its will on communities, while in Somalia charcoal production provides a source of income for Al-Shaabab, UN Secretary-General António Guterres explained during a debate on Security, in the Context of Terrorism and… Continue reading Climate change ‘aggravating factor for terrorism’: UN chief

UNHCR staff members wounded in DR Congo, UN chief calls for full investigation

The UN refugee agency (UNHCR) on Wednesday expressed outrage over an attack on a convoy in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in which one of its vehicles was hit, wounding three staff members Unidentified attackers opened fire on the convoy which was being escorted by ‘blue helmets’ from the UN Stabilization Mission in the DRC… Continue reading UNHCR staff members wounded in DR Congo, UN chief calls for full investigation

UN hails ‘strong political support’ to boost peacekeepers in the field

They include measures to improve technology and provide extra medical capacity in the field – the cross-cutting themes of the 2021 Seoul UN Peacekeeping Ministerial, held virtually from the Republic of Korea.  Enhancing performance & safety of personnel are critical for our missions to protect civilians & pursue lasting peace. We continue to improve through… Continue reading UN hails ‘strong political support’ to boost peacekeepers in the field

At Seoul meeting, Guterres urges greater support for peacekeeping amid mounting threats

With the world now facing the highest number of violent conflicts since 1945, Secretary-General António Guterres on Tuesday urged countries to step up support for UN peacekeeping operations across the globe, and the thousands who serve within them.  Mr. Guterres made the appeal in remarks to the opening ceremony of the 2021 Seoul UN Peacekeeping… Continue reading At Seoul meeting, Guterres urges greater support for peacekeeping amid mounting threats

DR Congo: Limitations to ‘strictly military approach’ to stem violence, mission chief warns 

Bintou Keita argued that, for stability to return to eastern Congo, “the State must succeed in restoring and maintaining the confidence of the people in their ability to protect, administer, deliver justice and meet their basic needs.”  Ms. Keita, who also acts as the head of the UN Stabilization Mission in the country (MONUSCO), said that she has stressed this regularly in her exchanges with the Head… Continue reading DR Congo: Limitations to ‘strictly military approach’ to stem violence, mission chief warns 

Severe cash crunch threatens WFP operations in Ethiopia

Millions of people in Ethiopia could be pushed deeper into hunger as the World Food Programme (WFP) faces a major funding shortfall that threatens its operations there over the coming six months, the UN agency warned on Monday.  WFP urgently needs $579 million to deliver food aid and livelihood support to some 12 million Ethiopians… Continue reading Severe cash crunch threatens WFP operations in Ethiopia

Somalia: Security Council adopts resolution to keep pirates at bay

The Secretary-General’s latest report on the situation in the country illustrates that joint counter-piracy efforts have resulted in a steady decline in attacks and hijackings since 2011. However, although piracy off the coast of Somalia has been “repressed”, the ongoing threat of resurgence remains. As such – under Chapter VII of the Charter, which provides… Continue reading Somalia: Security Council adopts resolution to keep pirates at bay

‘Turning point’ reached for survivors of ISIL crimes in Iraq, Security Council hears

Delivering his first briefing to ambassadors, Special Adviser Christian Ritscher said evidence collected so far is capable of supporting trials.  SA Christian Ritscher during his first brief to the #UNSC: I believe we now stand at a turning point, a moment of unexpected hope. We can now envision a new landscape in which those who… Continue reading ‘Turning point’ reached for survivors of ISIL crimes in Iraq, Security Council hears

Emergency aid needs set to rise by 17% to assist 274 million, UN humanitarians warn 

A total of 274 million people worldwide will need emergency aid and protection in 2022, a 17 per cent increase compared with this year, UN humanitarians said on Thursday.  The amount is equivalent to “the world’s fourth most populous country”, Martin Griffiths, UN Humanitarian Affairs chief said at the launch of the 2022 Global Humanitarian Overview (GHO) in Geneva.  The document, published annually by… Continue reading Emergency aid needs set to rise by 17% to assist 274 million, UN humanitarians warn 

WFP appeals for greater support for Afghanistan as hunger increases

Humanitarian needs in the country have increased, the UN agency said, with all 34 provinces facing crisis or emergency levels of food insecurity.  ⏯️On the ground in #Afghanistan, working tirelessly to meet the most pressing needs of the Afghan people. WFP needs US$ 2.6 billion to ramp up our life-saving support to reach 24 million people in 2022.… Continue reading WFP appeals for greater support for Afghanistan as hunger increases

Burkina Faso facing ‘multitude of challenges’ – human rights chief Bachelet

She noted the landlocked West African nation faced the on-going threat of violent extremism, climate change and humanitarian crises, but Michelle Bachelet also stressed that her fact-finding mission was “a testament” to the State’s openness the promotion and protection of human rights, in collaboration with the UN. Armed Islamist groups have killed hundreds of civilians… Continue reading Burkina Faso facing ‘multitude of challenges’ – human rights chief Bachelet

‘Unity’ of purpose and action needed: Guterres tells AU-UN Conference

He highlighted the wide range of progress made through collaboration, from frameworks around peace, security and sustainable development, to joint missions and programmes for humanitarian operations, elections and peaceful transfers of power. Mr. Guterres also focussed on areas critical for an inclusive, resilient and sustainable recovery on the continent, that are grounded in the 2030… Continue reading ‘Unity’ of purpose and action needed: Guterres tells AU-UN Conference

Israel-Palestine: Risk of ‘deadly escalation’ in violence, without decisive action

Tor Wennesland told Council Members that “recent developments on the ground are worrying”, pointing out the situation in the West Bank and Gaza and the challenges faced by the Palestinian Authority.   “I therefore emphasize again the importance of concerted efforts by the parties to calm things on the ground. I am concerned that if we do not act quickly and… Continue reading Israel-Palestine: Risk of ‘deadly escalation’ in violence, without decisive action

Series of appalling deadly attacks on displaced people in DR Congo

The UN refugee Agency, UNHCR, is “appalled by a series of deadly attacks” on displaced people in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), the agency’s spokesperson told journalists on Tuesday in Geneva. In the latest incident carried out by armed groups, UNHCR spokesperson Boris Cheshirkov cited local authorities in saying that 26 people were… Continue reading Series of appalling deadly attacks on displaced people in DR Congo

UN chief calls for nuclear weapons-free Middle East  

The UN Secretary-General on Monday called on all Middle East States to transform the vision of a region with no nuclear weapons, or other weapons of mass destruction, into a working reality.    Antonio Guterres was speaking in New York at the second session of the Conference on the Establishment of a Middle East Zone Free of Nuclear Weapons and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction.   Since 1967,… Continue reading UN chief calls for nuclear weapons-free Middle East  

Violations of Palestinian rights puts two-State solution at risk UN chief warns 

The situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, continues to pose a significant challenge to international peace and security, United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, said on Monday.  In a message to mark International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. The UN chief warned that persistent violations of the rights of Palestinians, along with the expansion of Israeli settlements, risk eroding the… Continue reading Violations of Palestinian rights puts two-State solution at risk UN chief warns 

Colombia’s peace process is taking ‘deep roots’, but all sides must work together to overcome lingering challenges

“As we take stock today, we can confidently affirm that the implementation of the peace process is taking deep roots,” Mr. Guterres said in Bogotá during an event commemorating the 2016 peace deal between the Colombian Government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC-EP, that ended the Western hemisphere’s longest-running war. Speaking from… Continue reading Colombia’s peace process is taking ‘deep roots’, but all sides must work together to overcome lingering challenges

Libya at ‘delicate and critical juncture’ ahead of landmark elections: UN envoy

He reported that the political climate remains “heavily polarized” ahead of the presidential and parliamentary polls, which are being held in line with a roadmap adopted last year following a historic ceasefire and the establishment of an interim government.  Even though Libyans are eager to cast their votes, “vocal opposition” persists surrounding the legal framework… Continue reading Libya at ‘delicate and critical juncture’ ahead of landmark elections: UN envoy

UN chief sees firsthand the progress and challenges five years after Colombia’s historic peace deal

Peace and ‘family ties’ The Secretary-General visited the northern town of Llano Grande, in the Department of Antioquia, along with Colombia’s President, Ivan Duque, as well as the former FARC-EP commander, Rodrigo Londoño. The town is one of several areas in the country where the former guerillas are being reincorporated into civilian life. Colombia has… Continue reading UN chief sees firsthand the progress and challenges five years after Colombia’s historic peace deal

Importance of sound, inclusive elections in Iraq ‘cannot be overstated’

Following “hard-earned” parliamentary elections on 10 October, Iraqis of all political stripes must exercise restraint, eschew violence and await the outcome’s final certification by the Federal Supreme Court, the senior UN official in the country told the Security Council on Tuesday. Jeanine Plasschaert, Special Representative and Head of the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) said clashes… Continue reading Importance of sound, inclusive elections in Iraq ‘cannot be overstated’

Yemen recovery possible if war stops now: UNDP report

Yemen has been mired in seven years of fighting between a pro-Government Saudi-led coalition and Houthi rebels, generating the world’s worst humanitarian and development crisis and leaving the country teetering on the brink of famine.  The report sends a hopeful message that all is not lost, arguing that its extreme poverty could be eradicated within a generation, or by 2047, if the fighting ceases.    A brighter future  “The study… Continue reading Yemen recovery possible if war stops now: UNDP report

UN will use technology and medical capacity to improve peacekeeping  

Beginning on 7 December, ministers from around the world will meet in Seoul, Republic of Korea, to close UN Peacekeeping capability gaps through concrete pledges with a focus on technology, medical capacity building, reducing the UN’s environmental footprint and increasing the number and role of women peacekeepers, UN officials said at a press conference on… Continue reading UN will use technology and medical capacity to improve peacekeeping  

Arms trafficking, a ‘defining factor’ in undermining peace 

Small arms trafficking is a “defining factor in undermining peace and security”, the Director of the UN Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) told the Security Council on Monday during a ministerial debate.  Robin Geiss said that that diversion and trafficking of arms “destabilizes communities and exacerbates situations of insecurity, including by committing serious violations of international humanitarian law and human rights law, as well as… Continue reading Arms trafficking, a ‘defining factor’ in undermining peace 

Feature: Five years after peace deal, Colombian town of Llano Grande is forging a ‘family’ out of disparate parts

This small village is an example of how, through peace and reconciliation – and determination – a new ‘family’ can be forged from among old enemies. UN News traveled to the region ahead of the Secretary General, who’s two-day visit will begin Tuesday 23 November. Familia Llano Grande reads a mural at the entrance of… Continue reading Feature: Five years after peace deal, Colombian town of Llano Grande is forging a ‘family’ out of disparate parts