For the love of god Apple, block developers from charging to get access to new design features (F.E. – dynamic island)


It’s bullshit that I need to “unlock” the new functionality of my phone behind yet another shitty paywall in the modern hellscape of upcharges and IAPs. I get it – devs need to make money on their app, but allowing a developer to profit off new design language changes such as the dynamic island sets a dangerous prescedant for years to come. It discourages me from upgrading significantly every-time Carrot suggests premium and they block both watch complications and dynamic island behind their paywall.

Not saying anyone should be forced to include these things, but if they do it shouldn’t be something they capitalize on.

Do I have a choice in this matter? I sure do, but what stops every developer from doing the same thing? Should the notch design features also be paywalled and we just get a boxy looking app every time? Should we have to pay for back buttons in the app? It’s a slippery slope.

Categorized as Apple