Women, what do you prefer, hot/beautiful/sexy men or mentally attractive?


I would like to increase my chances toward women. And I can take steroids and other stuff that will make me much more muscular and physically attractive. I have taken some drugs previously that really impacted my body, like cyproheptadine(which made me gain tons of weight) and anabolic steroids, which made me gain much more muscle than I used to have. However, unfortunately, taking those drugs made me have some bad side effects. Crypoheptadine made me super sleepy, and anabolic steroids somewhat made me very angry at people. I’ve now stopped those medications and lost tons of weight; I’m not nearly as muscular as I used to be, my body is much worse, and people think I’m depressed, but all of those are side effects from those drugs. Mentally I feel better because I’m not angry anymore or I feel sleepy, and I’m much more outgoing, but somewhat I also feel a little bit sad about losing those muscles because once you gain a wonderful body, it becomes very hard not to keep it.

Nevertheless, dear women of Reedit, forget the pity and potty and be honest with me; what attracts you most? A very sexy/beautiful/ hot man but not as social/cool/funny or a retarded guy with a top-tier body? I know it will look better saying you care more about men’s minds, but honestly, I really want to know your opinions!