women are kind of expected to do makeup, hair and a cute outfit every day (some even call that ‘basic hygeine’). what are men expected to do?


Read “The Beauty Myth” by Noemi Wolfe and “the Second Sex” by Bolivar. Women had to market themselves to secure husbands otherwise they couldn’t live. Hyper femininity, which includes: doing hair and make up, shaving, waxing, being nice and pleasant, putting yourself last, staying ultra thin and having hyper body awareness, plastic surgery and general servitude are ways to mark yourself as apart of this second class. Femininity is a preformance.

Hunger is a form of torture and for women the pressure to stay thin is internalized. The world HATEs fat women. Hunger keeps your brain hazy and foggy. Hunger keeps you stupid. It keeps you in control. Hunger and eating disorders are so common in girls and women.

TLDR: hyper femininity is the symptom of the pressure women are under to secure access to food and shelter via men.