Wife and I are looking for a new place to call home, currently in ND which sucks, trying to find someplace more safe.


As a cis woman, I don’t feel any more or less safe in any city regardless of what types of things I carry on my person. I do take a hunting knife on hiking trails (just in case) and have a pen knife on my key ring that I’ve fortunately never needed. Most weapons and whatnot are only going to come in handy in very specific situations, so knowing some self defense is really the way to go. Thinking of like, “what would I do if someone attacked me from behind,” because carrying pepper spray won’t do you much good if someone runs up on you and you drop your keys or something, ya know?

The best precaution you can take is to be aware of your surroundings. Check bars, restaurants, etc. out before you go to them, see what the vibe is like, read reviews (and write them for others who are doing the same). Stay on your guard when you’re out and about, be aware of who is around or whether you are alone. Most larger metro areas will be LGBTQ+ friendly or have neighborhoods that are (for the most part). That said, there are definitely going to be places that are more friendly than others.

I think since you are mtf, you may want to pose this question to others who are, as well. My experience is painted by my lifetime of experience being only female, and trans women are more likely to experience violence than cis women. I would never even consider hiring a security team as a regular ass person, but surely something must have made you think that might be worth doing and for that I’m sorry.

The west coast is probably friendlier than the east and the north is definitely friendlier than the south, other than that my straight cis white ass can’t offer much advice.