Why are women always wrong?


I was scrolling Instagram and came across two reels.

In the first one there was a clip of a woman who nearly escaped a guy following her around and was able to shut the door a split second before he reached near her. A bunch of women commented how this was the reason they’re always cautious around men and stuff and all the comments were “NOT ALL MEN” and how women are “generalising all men because of one man and that’s the same as saying all Muslims are terrorists”.

The second one was a woman who was working out in her apartment gym and a guy was standing outside looking at her so she thought he’d come to work out and let him in. He then tried to assault her and she fought him off. And ALL the comments were “ WHY DID SHE LET HIM IN?”, “ you’re responsible for your safety”, “why would you let a man come inside a closed space at night?”

How are women wrong in both cases!? IT INFURIATES ME! Why can’t people for once not victim shame? Why is it that both scenarios are about the woman and not the guy assaulting them!? People comment stuff like this so they obviously believe it somewhere inside. And then they say women have it easy.