The value of self worth


The number one lesson I have learned in this life is how important self worth is. Especially as a woman, where we are so judged by our looks, treated badly under the patriarchy/misogyny yet invalidated in our struggles; knowing my value & acting accordingly has saved my life so many times. If I didn’t know my worth, love myself & move like it, I wouldn’t enjoy the quality of life that I do. I am not rich, privileged (besides being white), or have it easy. But I can still confidently say I’m grateful for my life, bc I move like I love myself. I uphold my boundaries & I know that my time & energy is valuable. I’m not afraid to let go of relationships when ppl don’t treat me right & it has always served me. I have a wonderful community of friends that enrich my life bc I recognize my own value & what I bring to the table. Being a woman is hard, but life is good when you love yourself.

Edit : I want to add that I haven’t always loved myself or known my value, but experience has taught me & changed my life. I was once a doormat & didn’t stand up for myself. I was abused, taken for granted & deeply depressed. But learning this lesson has changed everything. I can only see myself going up from here 🙂