The amount of people who support Andrew Tate is scary


I’ve heard this guy say some truly horrible stuff about women, then try to pass it off as a joke, “facts don’t care about feelings”, or “if you don’t like it its because it’s true”. Like maybe I don’t like it because the shit he says is stereotyping and just blatantly misogynistic? Was watching a YouTube recently who explained how he got so popular pretty well that I agree with, basically:

  • people hear about him because he says something outlandish and they want to see what it’s about

  • on further inspection people find that some of what he says is true (I’m referring to stuff like “men feel invisible these days”, he has some truth)

  • After hearing him say some truths, they start to believe everything he says including the misogynistic, sexist, and just demeaning stuff and don’t seem to understand that he can be right about some topics and terribly wrong about others.

I admit that Andrew Tate has helped some men, and I’m happy some good has come of it, but a lot of bad has too, and I just can’t believe people are still supporting him despite of him being investigated for sex trafficking. I’m just so sick of this bullshit, and having people shove his videos down my throat then act shocked and righteous when I point out his bullshit. I see supporting this guy as a red flag (Assuming you know all about the allegations and things he’s sad). So thankyou Andrew Tate supporters for being so forthright about it, it makes me know to avoid you.