Saw my ex & his new girl

Discussion/Vent(?) post

To preface, my ex and I have been broken up for a while, can be in the same place, and amicably speak with each other.

Additional context: Sometimes in the Latino community, they whiter you are the more “top tier” you are. Or if you’re dating a white person it’s like you have the most prized and sought after item.

Last night there was a kickback at a mutual friend’s and after a while, a girl who I have never met before, asked my friend where ex, J, was at. They pointed her to where ever he last wandered to and proceeded on with our conversation. It was later brought up that the girl was the new girlfriend.

My poc ladies may (or may not) find it easier to relate, as well as non-poc ladies who may have felt this way in reverse. I got a slight twinge of insecurity when I realized he had gotten with a white woman. Sociologically speaking, I’m surprised with myself as I’m not one to ever feel that way when it’s another woman of color. Anyways, it sort of lit a fire under my ass in terms of “fixing myself”. I know I’m not the only poc that has felt this way when an ex dates a white person. (There’s many articles/studies over this topic or something similar) Has anyone else had a similar experience? If so, how did you react or “come to terms” with yourself.