PMS severe fatigue – help?


So, I’ve been having severe fatigue on the week between ovulation and menstruation for YEARS now. Since the middle of my teenage years.

For context, I have had hormonal problems in the beginning of my teens and had to go to surgery to remove dangerous cysts from my ovaries, which led to a little bit of harm, but still preserved them.

I have had suspicions of endometriosis for a long time now, especially because most women in my family have had it and I have the majority of symptoms.

I’m also frequently having blood examinations done to check both hormones, vitamins and all the important health stuff. And it ALWAYS comes out healthy.

I mean, it is good that I’m healthy, but it is starting to get frustrating. The fatigue I experience is very debilitating at times. What made me write this post in the first place is that I’m having such a hard time working because of this fatigue, even though I work with something I love and is easy on me, I can barely do anything for the whole week before my period. It is messing with my self esteem a lot.

I’ve also been ruling out other things – I have depression, anxiety, ocd and am autistc, but all of that is being medicated and mostly in control. I know these conditions can often manifest in physical symptoms, but I don’t think that’s it, especially since I have treatment and the fatigue always happens before my period.

I’ve also ruled out hypothyroidism, heart problems, and as I mentioned, medical evaluations always come back as healthy.

I’ve tried taking hormones many times before, but it never solves the issue, in fact, it frequently worsens my mental health, gives me frequent migraines and more menstrual cramps.

This fatigue is not a “normal” tiredness feeling, like, i can feel it in my arms and legs, almost if i was dizzy but in my body instead of head ( if it makes sense? Just want to point out it is a very physical sensation i feel ).

My psychiatrist considered CFS, but I don’t know how that could relate to my periods exactly. I’m really tired of feeling this every month and not being able to treat it. I have an average healthy lifestyle, I exercise as often as i can and eat as well as I can.

This premenstrual fatigue is very very intense and debilitating.

I’m posting this here because I’m kind of desperate. I want to know if other people go through this too. Especially if someone has gone through this and found a solution. Or have any ideas on something I can investigate to try and find the root of the problem.

Thank you for everyone who read this 😓