New iPhone browsers on the way without WebKit; Apple prepping Safari for competition.


I’ve got to agree, at least at this point in time, looking ahead:

Apple seems to clearly make it more convoluted and a nuisance to find Web Solutions then make even more use of Apple devices ATST as it does do a great job of ensuring a secure, quality-control process and integration hardware-OS-applications.

Web/Cloud is going to become a more useful solution moving forwards and if the outcome means side-loading allows more choice for users to access more easily such services outside of the App Store and all the nuisance factors that seems to create or else web-browsers that work better with such web services/cloud services ie leading to the same outcome, then overall it’s a positive even if some negatives arise eg malware exposure.

Edit: Citing/Reference:

However, the growing antitrust pressure facing Apple includes claims that the WebKit requirement is anticompetitive. For example, the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) found that:

Apple bans alternatives to its own browser engine on its mobile devices; a restriction that is unique to Apple. The CMA is concerned this severely limits the potential for rival browsers to differentiate themselves from Safari (for example, on features such as speed and functionality) and limits Apple’s incentives to invest in its browser engine.

This restriction also seriously inhibits the capability of web apps – apps that run on a browser rather than having to be individually downloaded – depriving consumers and businesses of the full benefits of this innovative technology.

Categorized as Apple