New EU Law Could Force Apple to Allow Other App Stores, Sideloading, and iMessage Interoperability


I’d actually really settle for just making them all operate in a browser window without phone permissions.

WhatsApp is designed to be basically unusable without access to every privacy setting including contacts, location, camera, and microphone. And what happens when you give it all that? Suddenly you get Facebook friend suggestions for every client you saved to your phone to blacklist ten years ago, and they get a suggestion for you too.

Honestly if it wasn’t going to data merchants like Facebook, this wouldn’t bother me so much. But I’m just too wary of my “metadata” (because apparently who I’ve texted and called and when is “meta”) getting into the wrong hands that I don’t feel I can trust any of these apps.

I’ve even had to finally delete Facebook Messenger, but to be fair Apple gets some blame for that by extending access to the Phone app to third party apps – ick.

Categorized as Apple