My fiancé (to be husband) believes saving up for financial independence which I don’t


You should seriously have a conversation about this. Marriage is a financial commitment and you should at least be on the same page about financial goals. Some spouses have purely separate finances. Some have shared and separated finances. Others have fully joined finances.

Which is best depends on your goals but, and I say this with compassion, you need SOME sense of financial goals or plans. Spending on what you like without any plans or goals for the future is pretty disquieting. Obviously, there is a middle ground to be found such as a commitment to save for your future selves and have a budgeted amount for monthly whatever you want spending. He certainly sounds like he needs to live a bit in the moment and can learn that from you

I think he is being very pretentious telling you what to read and is doing a terrible job telling you he is concerned about a financial future with you. I would instead suggest you two separately write a list of financial and life goals that you want and when you want to achieve them. Also include what conditions you would like your present life to contain (travel, shopping, hobbies, etc). Then compare the lists and compromise about how to meet those goals.