Men say not all men but then act like this


For context, I started kickboxing a few months ago and my trainer is really really nice. He’s much older and is very good at what he does. Very respectful and has a very nice wife who also equally into fitness. So when I was showing one of my closest guy friends some of my trainers videos of kicks and punches and what not to show just how cool he is, he instantly commented that “he’s a very lucky guy, so many fit girls in sexy gym attire all the time. He must be having a blast and he gets to hit on all of them” also insinuating that he must be watching all the girls in various positions (kickboxing can make you feel very vulnerable as some exercises are “revealing” like intensive stretching and all. I instantly got offended and scolded him that he’s a very respectful dude and he has even kicked out some rowdy/creepy guys out because he didn’t like how they gawked at the girls to make a more comfortable environment for women. What I dont understand is guys are the first ones to say not all men but then in the same breath say that any nice or regular MUST be taking advantage of women whenever he can and that they know what a men think. Like what the hell? Why cant men choose a narrative? It’s either not all men or EVERY man will be creepy if he gets the chance. It’s so fucking frustrating.