Man moving closer to me on the train


no, for example i was at tim’s (for those who are canadian) and i order smth and was waiting. this man kept looking at me and i noticed he was looking, and i have the worst anxiety so i starred at the slushy machine then the wall so i unintentionally looked at him, and so, my god he stretches his arm towards me and almost touched me so right before he acts, this girl starts talking to me and engaging convo and asked if i went to the school next to it. so the man quickly walks out the tims and stays in his car? mf he waits. as we were talking i just… couldnt keep my eyes on that car. i grabbed my shit and walked out. luckily he drove off and looked at me i kept my business to muself and kept walking. men are scary, not all but some to make you feel not safe ofc. be careful