Is there a way for us to help the non-violent incels?


I get disturbed when I read incel content, but when I read some of the non violent, more on the likes of sad-cringe incel posts I get really sad. A lot of them just want human touch, something physical to hold and lean on to. They are stuck in this terrible mindset that they need to escape from.

I feel like they need help and I am wondering is there a resource online? A non-misogynistic way for incels to break inceldom and learn how to work on themselves and their mental health? I’m not just saying this for young men, but for young women as well. The world will be a lot easier for women if they are less incels around. That’s just the reality of things, to make the world a better place we can’t just turn the other cheek. It feels very sad to think about so I would love for there to be a resource for incels to reach out to when they finally get the call for help.