Is ‘mansplaining’ enough of a reason to end a relationship?


I’ve been with this guy for about a month and a half and he has, multiple times, tried to explain to me how periods work. I recently switched from the pill to the IUD and my body is still adjusting. Last month my period lasted 3 weeks but was very light and spotty, today I said I don’t know what’s going to happen this month, hopefully it will be more normal. I then got to listen to him tell me how my body is just not used to the IUD and the adjusting period takes time… I know!! I’ve had my period for 17 years!! He also said maybe it’s because of the moon (which I totally believe it could be, the moon phase definitely impacts my cycle) but apparently there’s been eclipses happening every night and women don’t get their periods during eclipses… When I said that’s not how it works he told me “babe, I’m native, I know the stars”… what does that even mean??? And he’s not actually native, he’s like one eighth native and just found out about it a few years ago. This isn’t even the first time (in only 6 weeks) he’s tried to explain periods to me.