I’m tired of being made a victim–creepy delivery guy encounter.


Nothing happened. By all accounts, it’s very tame. But when I answered the door, there was just a guy by himself. I looked for a store tag on his shirt while talking to him, and by talking, I mean asking where the dryer is and looking around while he just stares at me for far too long.

Immediately, I get a bit afraid. Is this just some random guy pretending? I live alone; he could just push his way in and do anything. Is he planning something? These few seconds of nervous, awkward silence–is this my chance to be closing the door and get him out before he can do something?

Then he finally speaks, I finally see a small Lowe’s tag on his hat, and he goes down my apartment stairs to get my dryer and installs it with another guy, they leave.

I just moved into my first apartment alone, and it’s really hitting me how dangerous it is to let men into your home alone.

Nothing happened, but how can I protect myself when I have to let repair/maintenance men into my home?