I’m loosing hope in dating, need advice


In the last year or two I’ve dated three different men. All seriously and all with the hopes of a long term relationship. And it’s been so hard to receive proportionate energy, time, empathy and honesty to the table. I appreciate dates and outings so much, little gifts and just getting to see my partner (all being very rational/normal things), all of which i had communicated to these men.

And it still feels like they don’t want to understand it. They don’t want to listen unless I’m willing to stay over at their place, or I’m the one that plans our dates and I am so tired. I have dated up and down and I feel like I have to teach basic emotional maturity to every single man I date.

This all came out after I found out my current partner spent almost the entirety of the remainder of his paycheck on CSGO, and when I expressed I wanted to go out, he asked me to just come over instead. I am so sad and disappointed. Any wiser women have any advice for me?