If you’re a terminal user and find moving things around painful, there’s an app for that – Clipboard!


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When I started out making Clipboard, I did so because I found it was painful to do certain things in the terminal like copying a file when I didn’t know where I wanted to put it. Or maybe it was too slow to type out some long path and hope you got it right in a copy command. Or, maybe I needed to copy a file from the terminal and paste it in a browser. Either way, I was stuck in a pickle and found myself wasting time and effort.

Clipboard changes all of this. I designed it to have a user experience light years ahead of pbcopy and pbpaste so that any user could get started right away. Additionally, you can actually copy real, honest-to-goodness files now instead of just text! Best of all, the Clipboard app is free and open-source.

I hope you all find Clipboard useful 🙂

Categorized as Apple