I want to make a piece of media where men are the heavily sexualized gender. But im not sure how to make it as humiliating for men as mass-media sexualization usually is for women?


I sexualize men in my art anyway, because i think they’re hot & ive gone with this “reverse objectification” mindset for awhile. The issue is that there aren’t oppressive systems built on & benefiting from objectifying men, so men are not bothered (*or more accurately, threatened) when they are being blatantly sexualized.

But i want to make that emotional effect the point of the piece i make. I want to convey what true equality is like, if we’re going to continue being ok with the objectification/dehumanization of highly idealized women.

Any thoughts or anything you notice? Most men are more disturbed by being involved in “feminine aesthetics/behaviors”, but i do not find that sexually appealing, personally. So it wouldn’t work for what I’m trying to achieve. Maybe getting male characters to do weird, awkward, fetish-y stuff would do it? (example for women: in anime where the male protag ‘accidentally’ falls into a girl’s chest/butt. also in anime where women seem unaware of parts of their body rubbing up on other people. really humiliating/uncomfortable shit like that.)

edit: *added a correction