I know you should always talk about kids early into the relationship, but it feels like women are often forced to make decisions about this at a young age or early in a relationship .


I’m always told that we need to know whether or not we will have children in the future, and we’re expected to have that decision made early-on in relationships. I was even asked about if I wanted kids when I was a teenager! How am I supposed to know that??? It’s such a huge life altering, risk taking, and body changing decision for women, but it’s literally just a decision for (cis) men. They only benefit from this.

It’s fucked up that we have to know if we want kids or not so early. If we say that we’re unsure, we’re “leading the man on” and if we change our minds later we’re suddenly an asshole and it’s grounds for divorce or a breakup. The things I see and hear make me feel like we’re just viewed as incubators.

Why do we force women to make these huge decisions so early in their lives. It’s like they have to have a concrete decision to be date-able by men.