I hate men


I’m a large girl, always have been. I’m still only a teenager but I’ve had my fair share of mockings and jokes from men (boys, really). In secondary school they used to ask me out a lot as a joke. They’d say stuff to me like “hi sweetheart” or “y’alright darling” and I hate it.

For example, the other day I went out on my break during college to get something for my mum. There were these group of boys outside a shop I passed and one of them shouted at me saying the usual stuff. Usually I’d just ignore them but I’ve been dealing with this for years. I said back to him ‘go fuck yourself’.

I know these guys only want a reaction out of you, but if you ignore them they won’t go away. I don’t know why they do it and I’m sick and tired of it. Is there anyway to get them to stop?