I hate being told that, as a woman, I have it “easier” in the dating scene.


This is something that I’ve been told multiple times, and also something I see discussed often on social media: women have more choice than men, because there are more men after women than the other way around, and even “ugly” women have at least one friend willing to be/sleep with them; therefore women are not allowed to feel lonely or complain about being single.

Have you considered that maybe I don’t want to be with any of those men? That being attracted to me doesn’t entitle you to my affection? Maybe I have a difficult time bonding with people and I can’t simply pick a random dude from a crowd to be with?

Just because you have a lot of choice, doesn’t mean it’s all good choice. It’s like telling a homeless man that they can’t be hungry when there’s so much leftover food in garbage cans. I want to choose willingly, not out of desperation.