I had my appointment today


I made a post maybe a month ago complaining about the symptoms I experience during ovulation (now deleted). I also had what I assumed to be a cyst on my ovary and thought I would bring it up during my next visit.

I went to a new doctor in the same office as my old one. I had a pretty negative experience. I told her about my “lump” and she didn’t seem concerned, just told me she felt lymph nodes in that location. She seemed really aggravated with me from the start and it grew as I was trying to explain that it went away but it isn’t the first time it appeared. I was just trying to get another opinion after the first doctor seemed confident it was a hernia. They had very conflicting ideas of what a hernia was. Maybe I shouldn’t have wasted my time and instead I should have went straight to a gynecologist.

Next we talked about my mental health stuff. My partner has gotten frustrated with me having breakdowns and anxiety and stuff while I’m pmsing and doing nothing about it, so I thought I’d bring it up to my doctor this time. I always get really nervous when outside of my house or apartment anyway, but I was really worked up about this appointment since I grew up lying to my doctors and parents about most things. I wanted to be honest and it was really difficult for me. I think her being aggravated made me feel like none of anything else I wanted to talk about was worth mentioning but I tried. I ended up crying and shaking in the middle of the appointment. I’ve never cried outside of my home. She started being nicer after that but it felt weird blowing up like that. She prescribed me Lexapro and something to help me sleep when I struggle with anxiety.

She also gave me an EKG and wants to do blood work to check my thyroid as well as other things (I assume vitamins and everything). I’m glad I got something for anxiety but I still felt dismissed overall. I’m honestly losing my trust in doctors.