How to handle restrictions I have as a woman


I am in my mid twenties and I live in a very conservative family. I developed a taste for my own company instead of tagging along with people I don’t like. So I go to movies, historical monuments, book stores and cafes alone. Usually I have a blast but my family seems to hate it.

I try to avoid talking about it with them. But in general I am close to them and tend to over share. I by mistake told them where I had gone a couple of days in a very new city (It was safe, close to sunset and a couple of friends knew where exactly I was).

I am now bombarded with having wrong priorities, how I keep my adventures above my safety, that I will have to get married soon. I am made to feel guilty and compared with an aunt with similar interests who unfortunately had a sad life.

I feel so betrayed that my own parents are doing this to me. To be concerned is something that I totally understand but I feel like I am being cornered. It’s no use communicating with them too. I am the woman with too much to say and too many opinions. That I always have something to defend myself even when I am in the wrong.

I want to ignore everything but I have newly gained independence having shifted to a new city and I am scared that I might be careless. I am from India and in places where men are quite entitled. I don’t want to get myself stuck in scary places later on and having to hear told you so.

But I know the person that I am. I want to explore and meet people, fall in love and just enjoy what life has to give me. So how do I make sure I protect myself and take care of myself?

I know there is threat everywhere anyway as a woman but how do we make life better for ourselves?