How to go to the Gynecologist with Vaginismus?


Will be reposting on other subreddits but wanted to hear from women firsthand

I have been diagnosed with Vaginismus a few months back, when I told my GP I can’t put in a tampon (I never have been, albeit I’m young). When I try I start to reflexively start hyperventilating and breaking down, at one point passing out and causing some damage to my bathroom 😅

Even the day I went to the gynecologist was torture. She was saying how she didn’t insert but I was in screaming pain, and after was having intense burning when I pee

I also honestly don’t mind I can’t have sex. It makes it hard to explain to others I’m interested in, as well as relate to a lot of girls in my peer group, but the intense pain and anxiety made it never feel worth it.

Anyways, I’m making this post to ask: how do women who can’t deal with ANY Sort of insertion at all even go to a gynecologist, much less a Pap smear. I’m pretty scarred from My one experience but know I’ll be due for a Pap smear in a few years and wanted to see if there were alternatives, as I was recommended a dilator previously which sounds incredible painful if I’m a shut box.