How do you guys feel about your man following instagram models and porn stars?


Ended things with this guy for multiple reasons but the last straw was him following so many instagram models who are practically naked and a lot of pornstars + and him having an onlyfans where he subscribes to a lot of these females. Makes me feel like shit about my body and overall myself, like I’m not good enough. It’s so hypocritical when I told him I was buying a dildo, he got pissed at me and kept asking if he wasn’t enough. But I’m stupid for feeling the same way? Not to mention, he said he was always going to have eyes for other females so even if he did unfollow them, I know he’d always stare and look at other females out in public anyways.

The reason I’m asking is because these two girls who work with him (my ex coworkers too 🙄) told him that it’s just social media and it’s not a big deal, that it’s weird that I would break things off with him right before valentine’s day like ?