How did you regain the sexuality in your relationship?


You start doing more/better foreplay. Take piv (penis in vagina) off the table and only explore each others bodies. You spark up the romance, the quality time together. If he can’t finish after you, he has hands and a mouth. If he’s too tired/lazy there are toys and you make things intimate by kiss and caressing you while you climax. Start having deep conversations again and being being considerate to each other. And so many more things as well. Just quit settling for shitty sex and communicate honestly with your partner. If he loves you he cares about your enjoyment as well, and it’s better long term if both partners are sexually satisfied rather than just one. It’s good for your relationship to advocate for your wants and desires too. If they legitimately cannot or won’t do it for some reason, that’s okay for them to do. And then you can decide if that’s a deal breaker or not. But they can’t be mad at you for not wanting unsatisfying and potentially painful sex.