Guy won’t stop trying to follow me online


A guy I befriend around five years ago won’t stop trying to connect with me on social media. I’ve got his number, Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok blocked. I don’t even know how he found my TikTok it was on private and wasn’t obviously my account ie name and pfp.

I thought I’d finally blocked him on everything but now he’s trying to connect on LinkedIn. It just feels creepy at this point, we have no connections so he’s had to search for me. I didn’t accept his request last month so he has requested again this week and keeps looking at my account. I’m even kind of worried he’ll see this as god knows what else he’s found me on or what info he has about me.

We aren’t friends and we haven’t been friends since he sexually harassed me four years ago, I cut off contact because he kept escalating the harassment to the point I was scared he’d assault. I wish he would just take the hint, he’s blocked on everything isn’t that sign enough I don’t want to have any contact with him.