going on a date for the first time ever. looking for advice.


i have a date in two days and i felt fine until my insecurities start to hit me all of a sudden out of no where.

for some context i have never ever been on a date before because i grew up UGLY. i was the short fat sister and friend and i was invisible majority of my life.

i lost weight and started working out on myself and i thought i was doing well till now. i guess because it’s my first date ever there are somethings that never really crossed my mind till now.

because i grew up fat and lost weight i have no idea what i look like genuinely sometimes i take selfies and i have to check with my friends/siblings to make sure “hey is that me? can you recognize me?” and the answer is always yes but i still feel like IRL me does not look like picture me.

like what if i showed up and this person was like “wtf you look different from your pictures” or “wow you are ugly” or something omg