Entitled Women


When I used to hang around dating subs/debate subs I would see a lot about how women are super entitled nowadays. I never knew what they meant by this bc no one would expand. I just saw the post where OP unmatched bc the dude asked her on a coffee date and the comments are insane

One person went in depth about how women are entitled nowadays bc they can just end things with a guy if he does something he doesn’t like. Or that women won’t give second chances and that it’s not fair we have so many choices bc we don’t have to accept little things that bother us.

Like that’s what they meant??? Isn’t it more entitled to think you’re obligated to someone’s time? It’s absolutely terrifying that they’d rather women date people they’re not entirely attracted to bc otherwise it’s rude. Apparently unmatching a literal stranger without explaining why beforehand is rude. Apparently it’s rude to not “give him a chance”

I honestly don’t understand, how can they see any of that as entitled? You can’t force someone to date someone they don’t want to. I’m so tired, I’m constantly told that my concerns for the entitlement of our bodies isn’t actually that prevalent and it’s all in my head but I feel like objectively it’s not?