Does anyone else wish Apple would include an option to block TEXTS but not CALLS (or vice versa)?


My father essentially has gotten sucked into a cult and spends all day sending me insane articles totally disconnected from reality. It’s extremely depressing.

That said, we can have mostly totally normal conversations on the phone and remain close. If he veers into his conspiracy cult stuff I just tell him I have to go and hang up the phone. But he churns out those articles to me like clockwork, to the point where I’ve had to block his number and just make sure to call him once every couple of days.

“Just talk to your dad” I have asked him countless times to stop, in any way you can imagine. I’ve sat him down and explained to him that we’ll reach a point where he’s cutting me out of his life by sending me these and it’s always met with “I don’t do that” “YOU’RE the one who’s disconnected from reality” “The only articles I send you are unbiased facts, but you’re brainwashed by CNN” (I have never once in my life watched a millisecond of CNN and don’t have cable TV)

I feel like it should be a relatively easy thing to implement: blocking only CALLS or blocking only TEXTS. It’d sure go a long way to put a bandaid on my current situation.

Categorized as Apple