Discussion: The friction between using an iPhone and Windows Computer


I have an iPhone. I also have a Windows PC at home and use a Windows PC at work. I use the Windows PC at work because I must, and I use the Windows PC at home because it’s a requirement for my online Business Administration Degree. Additionally, I’ve always liked Windows because it’s what I’m used to.

Most of my personal life is on my iPhone. The native calendar, reminder, and notes app all seamlessly connect to help me manage my life and be productive. I have notes integrated with the reminders app and reminders set out way into the future. This runs my life.

I’m really loving using Windows more and more every day. Whether it’s for school, work, or for personal use. The programs I’ve used are so feature rich. They’re a pleasure to use and find out all the possible capabilities that can help me be productive. Lately, I’ve been learning more and more about Excel and OneNote. It’s honestly been fun and I’m enjoying myself quite a bit.

This leads me to a point of friction. I love using Windows App’s on my PC, but my whole life is wrapped up on an iPhone which I also enjoy. The webpages for iPhone apps are quite garbage (looking at you Apple Notes). I’m considering making the switch from Apple to Windows and migrating all my notes and reminders to Windows apps.

My question is this: Is it worth it? For those with an iPhone and Windows PC, which apps do you use to manage your personal life? Are you frustrated with the limitations? More generally, what is your workflow?

Categorized as Apple