Can’t deal with the pressure to look good


Want to glow up and change my appearance. Never paid much attention to it before. Now that I do I’m realising just how much I really have to get done and its so offputting.

I have horrible amounts of body hair everywhere. On my face, legs, arms, back, butt, stomach, everywhere. My eyebrows look like shit and I’m tired of needing to thread them. I don’t remove my mustache, or chin hair, or on the cheeks. I epilate my arms and usually don’t do my legs because its cold here so I never really wear anything that reveals my body hair. The rest of my body I’ve never put to a razor. But I should, apparently, because the kind of clothes I want to wear would show all the body hair which would be ugly. Getting rid of body hair is such a tiresome process I hate it so much.

Next is clothes. I only wear jeans and sweats and have worn them for all my life. I want to wear like dresses and cute tops and cardigans I see other women wearing but everything looks ugly on me. My boobs are disproportionately large. I enjoy working out and am not fat anywhere else but my breasts completely ruin the look of my body. Also I’m rectangular and have no waist or butt. I feel so self conscious about my body. I get by in life by hiding myself when I’m outside. Also I depend on my family for money and my parents are controlling and don’t let me wear what I want. I would love to experiment w stuff but idk. I also have an nmom who get jealous of me when i look good and idk it makes me want to dig a hole in the ground and disappear in it forever.

My face is not pretty either. I have no friends bc no one wants to be friends with an ugly person and I also hate taking pictures. I never go out when I get invited to go to places with people because i look bad and out of place. I don’t really go out unless I have to.

I feel really un-womanly ig. And idk how to change