As a woman I’m getting tired of female characters not engaging in romantic relationship just to be called strong and independent


I know many people will not agree with me but there’s nothing wrong with a female protagonist having a boyfriend or admiring a guy. It’s not problematic and just because they’re strong doesn’t mean they have to close their door to someone entering their lives. The “I don’t need a man” is pure bs. Girls loving guys is not problematic the same way guys loving girls is not problematic also. Ofc they shouldn’t depend on the guy all the time, what I’m saying is that you can be strong while having a man on your side whom you love and can share your adventures with.

I also hate how people hate it when a girl likes a guy but not when they like a girl. If ever the female character will be involve in romantic relationship they want the partner to be a girl instead of a guy. Because they think liking a guy is pathetic and annoying.