Apple Private Relay and a couple questions about VPNs.


To expand on the title:

I just discovered Apple’s Private Relay for Safari, something that essentially makes my browsing activity anonymous to all parties except moi. I just have a couple questions that I can’t seem to get answers to when searching around.

It’s essentially a VPN sans a lot of basic features, no? That honestly doesn’t bother me, and I like Safari, but is there anything I’m missing about this feature? I like the idea of VPNs and browsing anonymously (who doesn’t), but am I better off looking at other options? I like the simplicity, and the fact it’s Apple’s first-party “VPN”.

Also, it seems I can’t use ad-blockers while Private Relay is on. Is it possible to do that with VPNs?

I haven’t seen any in-depth discussion about Private Relay, and was hoping to get some opinions on it.

Categorized as Apple