Apple is low key getting gaming partners with Kiraverse. Will this be their VR headset’s killer app?


Fortnite + VR + Renting/selling in game NFTs = Killer money making app?

Seems like a nice blueprint of what to expect in the future.

I for one am excited for a”Ready Player One” type gaming experience. Seems like a big deal for Kiraverse to announce Apple as a partner. Apple is getting ready to launch their VR headset soon and will need exciting experiences to get gamers hooked but, more importantly, get developers hooked by convincing them their is money to be made.

All those useless NFTs will be able to be rented out and used in Kiraverse. It seems like a nice opportunity for game developers to jump on board and create a gamer focused metaverse instead of that soulless project Zuckerberg has been working on.

Hopefully we see bigger gaming companies on board. It would be a kick ass future we have upon us, if so.

Any thoughts or any other gaming rumors you guys have found in regards to Apple’s VR headset? Genuinely intrigued/excited af.

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